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Happy holidays everyone!

Picture courtesy of Small Pixie!

After searching around the web for Cybersix pages, I found very little information, or at least very few pages in English. So this is my page on Cybersix. I haven't seen a lot of episodes because it's on Teletoon and I don't get that channel, but if you do have it, watch it- it kicks ass.

What is Cybersix? Characters Gallery
Downloads & Stuff Cool Links Cyber 338
Updates Fan stuff (Now open)

Picture courtesy of Small Pixie!Email Me
Feedback is appreciated as long as it's not FLAMES! (Please, I've got a fragile spirit!)
Email me if you want to use fan art. I know how hard Cybersix pictures are to come by, so they are free to be used.

My old guestbook was deleted. SIGN MY GUESTBOOK PLEASE!!

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This The Cybersix Webring site owned by Nightflower.
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This website was established January, 2000.

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Cybersix and images are Copyright © Carlos Trillo, Carlos Meglia, TMS, and NOA. No infringement intended.