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Title: An Ode To Maybe

Author: Carla (moviebuff001)

Rating: Pg-13-Language, sexual content, violence

Category: The X-Files

Archiving: Sure, just tell me

Feedback: Please!

Spoilers: Most Alex Krycek episodes and some of the mythology.

Summary: Alex Krycek is hired to kill someone, but he has a little trouble completing the job…

Time line: Season 7 after S.R. 819 but before Two Fathers.

Disclaimer: If I did own Alex Krycek, he’d still be alive. So, alas he belongs to Chris Carter and 1013. All quotes are from the Matthew Good Band.

Notes: Three things: 1) No matter how many times I watch the episodes, I don’t think I will ever fully understand the X-Files mythology, so you’ll have to use your “suspension of belief” and just go with the flow. 2) I once read this really good fanfic called “Crawling between Earth and Sky” and it’s stuck in my head. So, some of the things in the story are kind of drawn from the story, I wasn’t trying to copy or anything 3) I know Nick Lea is around the age of 40 but I made him a bit younger in this story for time lining.


Think fast and kill what you cannot change

Chapter 6

James Haden had been expecting confirmation yesterday, at the latest this morning, it was now five in the afternoon and he hadn’t heard anything at all.

Usually he knew things before leaders of top intelligence agencies knew, yet he had no information of a death that was supposed to happen almost a day ago, thus sparking his concern.

He’d already made the arrangements to go to New York City, where he knew Sandra Ames was living. He intended on making a visit to her apartment, her work and anywhere she regularly went to, though he doubted she’d be at any of those places. If Haden was right, Krycek had either sold her to the Consortium or someone else was helping her.

He would complete the job and then he’d take care of Alex Krycek.


I feel like we’re drinking and driving

Chapter 7

Philipsburg, Pennsylvania

They had sold Sandra’s SUV for a much older, beat up version, only to switch cars twice more after that. Alex had rented two rooms under the aliases Mathew Porter and Elizabeth Marks.

Alex wouldn’t tell her where they were going or what they were going to do when they go there. Things like that caused her brain to distrust him even more but for reasons she couldn’t understand she still found an irrational way to trust him.

She’d already dismissed the immediate healing of his cut, attributing it to lack of sleep or the drugs that had been put into her. Although, that didn’t account for the still missing cut gone from Alex’s forehead.

They may have had separate rooms, but Alex had given specific instructions to leave the adjourning door open.

Alex was, to the untrained eye, asleep, though he was far from it. He’d managed to keep his mind busy until then, with the strange familiarity of running and hiding gave him. Alex had been running for most of his life, ever since he had lost his parents he’d made running a career.

He heard the shower go on in the adjacent room, concentrating hard not to allow his mind to wander in that direction. Instead, he fixed his concentration on surveying the room. He only briefly noticed when the shower turned off and Sandra walked into his room.

“If you don’t feel like telling me what is going on, I’m going to sleep,” she told him, her head held high.

He stared her for a long moment but although he was trying to intimidate her, she kept her eyes locked on his. Her eyes slowly drifted to his hand, though. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt but his left hand was not covered by its usual leather glove. And instead of human skin and muscle, there was a prosthetic made of plastic.

Alex saw the direction of her eyes and quickly moved the non-existent hand out of view.

Sandra’s curiosity was piqued, unconsciously she moved towards him, her hand touching his left bicep. She felt the muscles tense as her hand slid down his arm until halfway between his shoulder and elbow. There, she could feel the prosthetic but she wasn’t disgusted, strangely, it intrigued her.

Alex knew his arm was one of his weaknesses and usually he tried to hide it. He was ashamed of it, it disturbed him. It frightened him how much he didn’t want her to see it, he didn’t want her to look away in repulsion, the way everyone else did. Yet, as far as he could see, she never looked at him the same way everyone else did. He couldn’t think of an explanation, maybe she had ulterior motives or was being used as a tool for someone else’s motivation...

“How did it happen?” Her voice was soft, kind yet not a hint of pity.

When he met her eyes all doubts he had of her vanished, he wanted desperately to tell her everything. “Let’s just say I wouldn’t suggest walking alone in any Russian woods in the middle of the night.” His generalized comment received a strange glance from Sandra but she didn’t push further.

Sandra moved her other hand up his good arm, feeling the large muscles that compensated for the other arm. Without thought, her hands slid across and down his chest, until she hit the bottom of his shirt.

His better judgement told him not to, but when her hands slipped under his shirt, judgement and thought went right out the window. His own hand slowly came up her arm, cupping behind her neck.

It was as if she had no control over her own body, all she could think of was him. She stepped closer to him, but it didn’t seem to satisfy her so she pulled off his shirt and stood so close she could feel his breath heavy in her ear.

He tilted her head up to his and within seconds, his lips came crashing down hungrily on hers, kneading open her lips with his tongue. All consequences, guilt, doubt and thought vanished the second their lips connected. They collided with an animalistic passion, with neither conscious of anything but their own desire and need. They touched and felt with a clearness of muddy water, leaving their bodies to make decisions.


It’s hard to get up and live it down


Chapter 8


            Content: to the full extent of one’s desire.


            That was what Alex felt. It was the first thought to hit his sleep indolent brain. Sadly, he couldn’t even remember the last time he felt like this. Although his memory was lacking in the short-term, he believed it only to be a dream.


            Only when he felt something move on him did his memory come flooding back to whom that something was.


            Sandra was quietly asleep on his chest, her arm resting on his shoulder. His own arm was laid across her naked back. He ran his hand softly through her hair, allowing himself that one indulgence. As his eyes wondered to the left, he saw his prosthetic lying at the foot of the bed, remembering it had fallen off.


He felt her move, but the movement was in a part of his body that didn’t exist anymore. Following the direction of her other hand, he screamed.


Sandra bolted awake, her eyes full of fear, a thousand scenarios running through her mind. Her eyes finally locked on Alex, she’d never seen such fear before.


Alex was lost, he stared intently at something that wasn’t supposed to be there. Thinking that if he concentrated hard enough, he would see it disappear again.


Sandra followed his stare, her eyes coming upon his arm. At first it didn’t register, why would he be staring at his hand, then she remembered. Surprise won the war of her emotions.


Their eyes locked for several minutes, each looking for the confidence to speak. Sandra reached up to touch his arm. She felt skin, she felt muscles, she felt...him.


“What the hell is going on?” He was so incredibly scared, he didn’t like not being in control, not knowing something.


She was about to shake her head when she remembered what happened yesterday.


Alex saw the second she made the connection. She seemed suddenly uncomfortable as she pulled up a sheet to cover her bare chest. It was only then did he remember they were both naked, but it only fazed him for a second. The anger then set in.


“What do you know?”


She took a deep breath, not knowing how to explain. “Yesterday…you had a cut,” she touched his forehead, “right here. When I touched it…” she paused for a long time, “…this sounds crazy but when I touched your cut, it disappeared.”


Alex quietly contemplated the information she had given him, trying on his own to come to a conclusion, trying to make sense. He sat back, the sheet still covering him below the waist. The last two days were taking a toll on his usually calm existence. There was too much new information, too many different emotions. He tried to grasp things he knew for sure. 


“There are…people, who can heal people with their touch. I’m not sure whether they’re alien or not but I wouldn’t think it would be too big of a stretch to say what…you have, would be an alien characteristic.


She tried not to shudder, “So you believe I’m this Alien-Human Hybrid thing?”


He wanted to touch her, wanted to protect her. She seemed so innocent in this convoluted world and he wanted so badly to take her away from it.


“I’m not sure about anything right now but let’s just say that for arguments sake that, that’s the source of all this.”


“But I haven’t been able to magically heal people, if I had, my life would be a lot better right now.” Sandra tried to hide her tears as she thought of what might have been…


Despite the hurt look in her eyes, the gears in his brain were once again turning rapidly. “Something at the Consortium must have been a catalyst,” he paused while he pulled on his boxers and jeans. “These alien characteristics were dormant until whatever it was, was injected into you.”


“Alien characteristic,” she reminded him, pulling on her jeans and t-shirt. She snuck a sideways glance at Alex, he looked better than he looked the night before. “How do we get rid of it,” she asked, changing her thought process.


Alex froze in his spot, then after a moment of staring at her, he pulled out his switch blade knife. He made a thin slice across his arm. Sandra instinctively covered the wound with her hands.


“You can save people.”


She pulled back her hands, where blood once was, there was perfect, unbroken skin.


“I’m not naïve, I won’t be helping anybody if someone finds out about this. I don’t know why I was made but I will not be used as a government’s tool.” She shoved him out of the way to walk back to her room.



Chapter 9


            He lightly fingered the doorway, there had been no forced entry but he hadn’t expected there to be. Although Haden wasn’t a fan in any way of Alex Krycek, he could admit he did have a flare for his job.


            Haden walked around the apartment, it was small, with a kitchen, living room and a bedroom. It was cheaply furnished, with the exception of the king sized four poster bed.


            Looking through the mail, Haden only found bills and junk mail. No personal mail or postcards but Haden had already suspected that Sandra Ames didn’t have anybody to give her any. The few pictures she had were all two years or older. The only message on her answering machine was from her boss at the bank, where she worked as a cashier, wondering where she was.


            She was a loner, but so was Alex Krycek. But as Alex was, Haden was starting to think that Sandra might be of some use too, alive, rather than dead.



Chapter 10


            “Time to go.”


            Sandra stared at Alex in disbelief, “How long are we going to keep running?”


            “Until I say stop.”


            “When was the last time you said that?”


            Alex paused for a second, then shook his head in frustration. He grabbed his coat and keys and he motioned for her to follow him out.


            After an hour of driving the off roads of Illinois in silence, Alex finally spoke, “I’m going to find a place to put you in until I can get you to Canada.”


            “Why does it always seem that the only people that move to Canada are fugitives of something? It’s a beautiful country, they have gun laws, less pollution, less crime…probably less kidnapping,” she shot him a smirk. “I don’t see why anybody would not want to move there.” She saw Alex suppressing a grin at her rambling.


            Since silence was causing her to think, she asked, “If we are going to Canada, would it not have been easier to go north from New York, instead of going all this way west?”


            He looked at her for a second before turning his eyes back to the road, “If we had gone north we would end up in the Toronto or Montreal regions, which happen to be some of Canada’s most major cities. Do you think that the Consortium and the Resistance wouldn’t have ties up there?”


            “What’s the Resistance?”


            Shit, he’d slipped up. He never slipped up, what was going on with him?


            “They’re just part of the Consortium,” he tried to sound nonchalant.


            “No their not, you’re lying,” Sandra had no idea why she thought that but she was sure that he was lying.


            Alex tried to keep the anger out of his voice, “How the hell would you know who or who isn’t part of the consortium?”


            “I don’t,” she took a deep breath, “I just know you’re lying.”


            He shot her a look of disbelief, “How do you know if I’m lying? You’ve known me three days. How do you not know that I haven’t been lying this whole time and only now I’m telling the truth?” He was yelling now.


            “I don’t know how I know, I just do. I can’t explain, I just know.” She was yelling too and tears of frustration and confusion were threatening to burst out. She took another deep breath and tried again, “What is the Resistance?” She lightly placed her hand on his arm.


            Bad idea.


            Alex slammed on the brakes and pulled over to the side of the deserted road. He got out, slamming the door behind him as he charged to her side of the car. A glint of light shot off the piece of metal in his hand. He yanked open her door and hauled her from the car.


            Dragging her into a field, he threw her down, cocking the gun as he pointed it at her head.


            Before any thought passed through her head, her foot was in the air, kicking the gun from his hand. Her other foot managed to kick him straight in the throat before he was able to grab a hold of it. He pulled on her leg, causing her head to smack the ground, leaving her vision blurry.


            She shoved her body forward with her arms, causing her knee to catch him in the chin. She jumped to her feet and started running as fast as she could, forcing herself not to look back.


            Alex charged at her madly, knocking her to the ground. They rolled once and separated. Alex grabbed Sandra’s hand before she could move again.


            His body pinned her to the ground, his hands pinning her arms above her head. Neither moved. Sandra could see his eyes boring into her, they were ruthless, there was no humanity in them. The tears that had been held up in her eyes started to fall, though she wasn’t sure if they were for her or him.


            His hands were shaking, hell so was his whole body. Everything was more intense then anything he’d ever felt before. Fear was about to snap him like a twig, but what the fear was from, he wasn’t sure. He was drowning, desperately clawing at his sanity.


            He couldn’t even see Sandra, couldn’t see anything. His vision had become blurry…no his vision had become blurry many years before but maybe it was only now that he saw it.


            He didn’t feel his entire body collapse on Sandra, nor did he feel the rain that was suddenly pouring down on them. He didn’t hear his own racked sobs and desperate breathing. He only felt arms wrap around his body and he only heard Sandra’s voice, softly saying his name.



A/N: Thanks for reading, please review! I should be finishing the next section soon!