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Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a boy who was named .
Now this boy was orphaned and raised by his caring relatives in a normal

in a normal .

This boy went to a normal school with his normal .
All of the normal people in the little orphan boy's world thought this was a perfect
arrangement.  Except the little orphan boy, he thought it was horrendous but, he could do

nothing about it.  Until one day he received very important 

Now this greatly disturbed his , but,
there was nothing they could do about it.  For it seemed that the little orphan boy had a
secret that he knew nothing about.  It wasn't a tiny secret, or even a medium secret,  it was a

very large secret and it took a very large person to tell, about it.

That person was  who took the little orphan boy shopping and

bought him an . because this little orphan boy was going to a very special school in a very special world that he had known nothing about.

That school was school of witchcraft & wizardry run by

, who was a very wise wizard.

Well, it seems that the little orphan boy now has a different definition of 'normal'.
To see Harry's further adventures in his new world left mouse click on Next >>>

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 Applet Index
featuring the art of Thomas Kincaid

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