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:c) Friends of Patti (c:

:C) Friend's of Patti (C: Hello everyone! It's that week of the holiday you either love or hate and it just happens to coincider with National Condom and Safety Week, go figure. Reguardless, Happy Valentines Day all. You've stumbled upon my personal spaz site/ homepage. What follows in a bunch of rantiing and raving, some info on me, and the mighty minions I call my friends. Other than that, i go by the title Buddhajunior for a number of reasons that most people allready know. So continue on, it's a safe, fun little site. There's even a chance for you to leave your mark because I now have a nifty little guestbook. So go nothing friends.

Born--July 4th, 1978
Height--5'6''(and fiesty)
Location--the wonderful and scenic state of Vermont
Hobbies--painting, lacrosse, climbing around the recesses of people's heads, being evil
Music--it's all good, 'cept for the Beatles...they're overrated, undertalented, and insignificant.
Books--yup, I can read them...
Movies--uhhhh, I really can't talk about the one's I watch, especially in front of immature audiences, oh wait, that includes me, nevermind!
Achievements--hey I'm 19, ain't that enough? Ok then, how about all of high school on honar roll, all 3 semesters at college on the Deans List, I;m a member of the National Honor Society and Phi Eta Sigma (Freshman Natl. Honor Society), and 2 years in a row for Who'se Who Amoung American Students or what ever the books called. Then there's sports and extra curricular activities.Blah, blah, blah. What?!?! I had to prove I had some brains! Pet Peeve--people who don't use answering machienes, slow drivers.

Things I Hate:

1.)The Gap


3.)The Beatles

What?!!?!! Not enough info?! Well, here's some more---> MOVIE:Austin Powers, Man of Mystery. AUTHOR:Stephan King, Clive Barker, E.A. Poe. BOOK:The Sword of Shannara. COLOR:Blue. ARTIST:S. Dali. NUMBER:3. STATE:vt., Me. ANIMAL:Panda & Ladybug. DRINK:Clearly Canadian. FOOD:Green Ice Cream. DAY OF THE WEEK:Friday. Music:Rage Against the Machiene, White Zombie, Metallica, Mighty Mighty Bostones. SEASON:Fall. CAR:Camero, Eclipse, 1998 VW Beetle. TV SHOW: Drew Carey & Pop Up Video. ACTOR/ACTRESS:Gary Oleman/ Angella Joille & Shannon Tweed. SPEAKER:Henry Rollins. COMEDIAN:Dennis Miller. TEAMS:Colorado Avalanche/"Habs"/Green Bay. PLACE:Overlook Park. SIGN:Cancer. FLOWER:Lilac. PERFUME:Freesia. FABRIC:Corduroy & Silk(tie). Superhero:Wonderwoman. HOLIDAY:Halloween. MAJOR:Studio Art, MINOR:CDAE & Advertising. SPORTS:Field Hockey, Lacrosse. STORE:Victoria's Secret. CHARACTER:Eeyore. DOG:Al (but I love Chester too!!). HERITAGE:German & English.

Quote:"it's all fun and games 'till someone loses an eye....then it's fun n' games you can't see."--James Heitfield "I'm a truth addict, oh sh*t, I got a head rush." Your friendship is a fog that dissapears when the wind redirects>"**** --Rage against the Machiene. "Fallin' down, I am a psychohollic."--White Zombie. "Everyone I know, goes away, in the end"--NIN. "Where Did You Go?"--Mighty Mighty Bostones. "I get knocked down, but I get up again, ain't never gonna keep me down"--Chumbawumba. "Life is Short but sweet for certain"--Dave Mathews Band. "You know I'm a radical"--Rancid. "Got to try for my baby,now, got to try just a little bit harder."--Janis Joplin "Don't break the mold kid, just east around it"--311 "It's sumptin' like a phenonmenon,"--LL Cool J. "Beefcake, BEEFCake"--South Park. "And when the mood is right, you'll get it everynight>"--Sugar Ray "The question is an lesson learned in time....I hope you had the time of your life."--Greenday. "Let's get small."--Steve martin "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way."--Jessica Rabbit

Inspirational figure--Artie,he is the man, he lives the life--he is the clown from Spawn.

Brad--he's a world class smartass,my little brother, and a distinguished hugger!

I hope everyones year started off well. Im going to leave the x-mas lights on here because theyre nice and colorful.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And one more thing, for the lovely bi-state couple, Brad "I didn't know angels flew so low" Galvin and Chrissy "love him to bits" Matchke, I hope you guys have a great Valentine's Day. Brad + Chrissy. And one more thing, here's a line from Lover Lay Down that I thought was appropriate,"Don't be us too shy Knowing it's no big surprise That I will wait for you I will wait for no one but you." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Inner Circle (and relevant info) My Brothers:

Brad Galvin--little brother. Art Monagan--brother in crime, he's pretty badass. Tyler T--long lost brother. Fred--biological brother.

My Partners in crime:

Jyoti Yoder--she is Yoda, or as of her 21st, yuking, and she'll change your gender if you piss her off. The force is always with her, granted, it comes in the form of vodka, but it's the force nonetheless. Sentence~4years

Rene Lussier--a munchkin, lovable and talented, friend to all, loves Pooh-Bear. The veritable fayrie, almost always laughing and eager to please. Nothing is funnier than when she gets her hands on some french vanilla coffee, can we say "Hyper?!!" Sentence~since 3rd grade.

Melissa Mansfield--all heart, but not always on the same page, field hockey teammate. A little too forgiving, but you cant hold that against someone 'cause it's an attribute. She is 80's girl, but dammnit, no one liked the 80's!! Sentence~since 6th grade.

Will Sheffer--comerade, "bow down", known me forever and has lived through it, punch buddy. Gonna be 20 come December 27th, can't wait for the blow out. He gots skills, problem is, he aint gots motivation. We'd call him Bond, but Bond was a little more on the ball around the hygeine. Reguardless, martini, shaken, not stirred. "Oh no, he's got that 'I'm gonna beat the fat little man' look."--Spawn Sentence~life.

Crystal Hunt--"mah babay cow,". Haven't seen her in a while, but the smile still shines bright in my memories. A real gem an perkier than hell! owns vietnamese pot-bellied pig, 'nuff said. Sentence~6years.

Brad Galvin-- Hmnn....i don't know why this particular profile hasn't been showing up, but it needs to. This guy is my little brother, he is the friend and family everyone needs. I love him with all of my heart and the 3 years i've known him have been my happiest so far. He's the one i turn to when somethings wrong, and more often than not, hes there. Things just wouldn't be as much fun without him. Only one word of warning: don't let him near your magic 8ball or bananas when he has duck tape. :c) Sentence 3years "Please don't forget how to laugh out loud..and be proud of yourself..i know you'll do what's right for you."--MXPX

"You're a tenatious little monkey."--Cosmo Kramer.

Artie--big boy,the Mack Daddy. This guy is awsome, he can always make me laugh, and always does. If i didnt have bladder of steel, i would need a caloustomny bag just to hang aroung him. He's a true sweetheart and theres a lot more to him than a good time, but he's not a machiene. a real whippersnapper, but don't let it confuse you--he's layzier than dirt. I love this man, I have to, one day he's gonna move to Mexico and open up his own McDonalads and he's going to put his cousin Scotty on the door because it going to be an upscale place so people dont be bringin der bidnis were it aint wanted. He's an orriginal. Sentence~5+years

Tyler--This guy is my long lost brother, separated at birth. I always knew the rents weren't blood, apparently, my mom lives in Colchester, who woulda known. This guy may have been where every guys been before, but he's still one one the greatest huggers and a snappy dresser (no fool, i mean clothes!).

Mr. Comolli--The big guy complained about not being mentioned, so here ya go. This is the coolest teacher I ever had in high school, he was funnier than most anyone else I know. And lord help you if you ever found his cookie stash!!

Kate Winterbottom--From the girl who gave us:"Lemme tell you something....ooh, blow me anotherone hot lips," you have to love that Milton humor, no really, she's one of the best people to come outta there and she even had the good sense to play field hockey. Dancin' machiene. .

My Sisters:

the Groovy U-V lady laxers, my teammates.

High school lax & field hockey team

And my coaches, Sara and Kissy, theyre awsome!


Gripe:concussions, they really, really suck. Movie:Spiceworld, because i'm taking the big kid to see it.. Show:The Naked Truth, last night was a funny one! Country--Japan, hey, it is the Olympics. Funny Story:Art trying to snowboard! Statistic: In the US, 14% of the people account for 54% of the sex. Expression/theory on life: It takes a big man to cry, and an ever bigger man to laugh at that man.(Jack Handy)

Superilatives just for Brad= Biggest Smartarse. Most humorous. Most considerate. Best Listener. Most Altruistic. Most lovable. Best little Brother. Biggest Sweetie. Most Influential. Most Fun Hyper. Best Voice. Most Orriginal. Most Talented. Most Surprising. Nicest Smile ('cause it's always there). My Favorite Human Being.



GReeDy:Chad. SloTh: Art. EnvY: Steve. LUst: Tyler. GluTToNy: Will. WrAth:Patti. PrIDe:Art.


HaPpY:Art. DOpey:Chad. GruMPy:Jyoti. SlEEpy:Will. BaShFuL:Renee. SneZZy:Frank. DoC:Patti.



Homer's Brother:Will.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Marge:Rene.


Otto:Will.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GroundsKeeper Willy:Scotty.

Principal Skinner:Dave.~~~~~~~~~~~~Patti & Selma:Sara(yup, both).

Jub Jub:Wills Cat.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Monty Burns:Tyler.

Barney:Will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mr. Smithers:Steve.

Sideshow Bob:Michelle.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Krusty:Christy.

Millhouse:Jason LaBlanc.~~~~~~~~~~~Martin:Steve.

Nelson:Scott.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cheif Wiggam:Will.

Ralf:Caralynn.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Apu:none is worthy.

Flanders:Steve Kopec & Matt Ross.~~Kent Brockham:Dave.



Elaine:Patti & Chad~~~~~~George:Art

Newman:Matt Ross~~~~~~~~~Soup Nazi:Mr. Sheffer




Daisy:Patti.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Boss Hog:Mr. Sheffer

Cletus:Frank.~~~~~~~~~~~~Crazy Cooter:Will

Jessie:Mr. Monaghan.~~~~~Rosco:Steve

Flash:Buster(Tyler's dog)





IF THEY WERE PRO-WRESTLERS:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Their Move~~~

Super Heavy Weight: Art "the ripper" Moneghan~~~Excreting noxious fumes.

Heavyweight: Will" Mr. Stubborn" Sheffer~~~~~~~~Drop the Hammer.

Middleweight: Tyler" the chick-magnet" Thibault~The Strip.

Lightweight: Kate" Frosty Chill" Winterbottom~~Quick Retort.

Flyweight: Renee" The Finger" Lussier.~~~~~~~~~A hard stare.

Super Lightweight/Bantam weight:Jyoti"Stalker" Yoder~Hitting below the belt.

Contender: Chad "the Hustler" Merchant~~~~~~~~The Bait n' Swith alter-egos.


Aquaman:Chad.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash Gorden: Tyler.

Superwoman:Renee's mom.~~~~~~~~~~~Wolverine:Will.


Invisible Woman:Melissa.~~~~~~~~~~Catwoman:Jyoti.


The Juggernaught:Art.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Professor X:Will's Dad.

SpiderMan:Brad(hey, it's as close to a monkey as I can get)~Mr. Kool Aid:Mr. Comolli.


Top Films-->

Austin Powers.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Honerable Mention.

Animal House.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Graveyard Man.

PCU.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ace Ventura .

Porky's.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Blues Brothers.


The Ususual Suspects.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Barb Wire.

Resivoir Dogs.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Predator.

From Dusk 'til Dawn.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Natural Born killers.

Rocky Horror Picture Show.~~~~~~~~~~~~Friday.

Wierd Science.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Skin Deep.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Total Recall.

Must See Series-->

Any Bond flick



Monty Python

Classic Tv Shows-->

Kids in the Hall. A-Team. Due South. The Wonder Years. Liquid Television.

Worth Watching-->

South Park. Tiny Toons. Drew Carey. Steinfeld. Ren & Stimpy. *Note. Bevis and Butt-Head go without mention, it's assumed they should be watched.


Tommy Lee Jones nat. born killers. Gary Oleman dracula. Sean Connery the hunt for red october. Nick Cage raising arizona. Vig Rhames Pulp Fiction.


Eeeyore. Tiggrr. Bluto. Gutter. Apu. Elvira. Nelson. Kenny. Dr. Evil.

Suds McKenzie.

And you know, Will, Artie, no, your pages will never be better than mine if you never check them!!Heh!!

Some Wise Words From Some Wise Men:

"So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are....

Trust I seek and I find in you

Everyday for us is something new

Open mind for a different view

..And nothing else matters."

"I recognize terror as the finest emotion and so I will try to terrorize the reader. But if i find I cannot terrify, I will try to horrify, and if I find I cannot horrify, I'll go for the gross-out."--Stephan King

"The world's not so bad as long as you can get out in it."--Calvin

"I'm not crazy, just my own brand of sane."--Anon.

"From childhoods hour I have not been

As others were--I have not seen

As others saw--I could not bring

My passions from a common spring."--E.A. Poe

"Before you say the grass is greener on the other side, check the lawn, they might have a dog."--Unknown

"Plant a tree, if not for you then for your dog."--Andy Julow

"When all else fails, immortality may still be achieved through spectacular error."--Uk

"They think they can beat me high, I like that."--Patrick Roy

"I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope that's not a train comming through."--Uk

"You gonna eat that?"--Will

"Don't make me count to 3, I never get to 3>"--Tyler & Art

"Er, um, Butt-Head, I'm thinking about it, but nothing's happening."--Bevis

"A man who catches fly with chop sticks can acomplish anything."--Mr. Miyagi

"2 raods diverged on a Yellow road and I--I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference."--Frost

"Lemme show ya sumptin'."--Firemarshall Bill

My powers are beyond your comprehension."--Skeletor

"You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time."--Bob Marley

"True love is like ghosts--which everybody talks about, and few have seen."--LaRochefoucauld

"Pogue Mahone."--Effel

"Because it's me."--Brad

"It isn't true that nice guys finnish last. Nice guys are winners before the game even starts."--Addison Walker


My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
NY Skaband (pack of wild monkies)
Will's Idea of Fun--You can smell it!
Artie Goes Nothing
A game that's more fun than any human can safely handle!
Fianally!!! The Enlightened One has a place for you monkies to leave your mark--please sign my guestbook.
Now look at the silly thing!
