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My name is Ray and I'm a 21 yearold Volunteer Firefighter and hope to someday also be a police officer. If you'd like to know what i look like feel free to check out my pic pages.

Before I get into giving some information about me I want to write a little about my close friends because without these people I don't know where I'd be today. First off is my fiance Alanna who came along when I was down and helped me pick myself back up. She's a wonderful girl and no one including myself can figure out how she tolerates me. Next is a group of guys that all used to hang out together, this was defanatly a strange mix of guys but some how we were all friends and they are the best friends a person could ask for. First is Mike this guy and I grew up together and have been friends and enemies many times but through it all he has always been there when I needed him. He's also responcible for me meeting the other guys. Tim is the most clean cut of the group but he can also be one of the wildest, all he needs is some caffein. Steve who is the craziest of the group and probably the smartest too, get him and Tim together and they both get wild. Another Mike, who I spend a lot of time with due to being on the same fire department and security company, he's a good guy even though he'll be late for his own funeral. Another Tim who can be wild when he chooses, he's also a great guy even if he did join the Marine Corps *L*, no one ever said he was bright. Last is another friend of mine named Steve he's probably more crazy then the other Steve, but whether he likes to admit it or not he's a great guy.

And now onto boring old me:

I don?t really have much to say seeing how I live in a fairly small Vermont town so life hasn?t been too exciting and I'm the more reserved member of the group. Even though there isn?t much to do I?ve grown to enjoy the life here and don?t think I could ever live in a city, I just enjoy nature to much and air that isn?t brown. My favorite things to do are considered fairly unusual by most people but oh well. I enjoy going out shooting, my personal preferences being a Smith and Wesson .357 magnum or a Glock (I've used the Glock 17 9mm), I enjoy paintball when I can play, sparing with friends and most recently sparing with kendo sticks against some friends. More normal stuff is: I enjoy canoeing when I can, hiking, just taking walks, when I get the time and money I enjoy taking trips (I'm planing one to Howes Caverns in New York), going to concerts, basically your normal stuff.

My music interests very greatly, I've been to three operas and enjoyed them and I like a little of everything all the way up through Metal. My favorite group is Aerosmith and I have gotten to see them two times in concert both times they had Fuel opening for them. My newest thing locally I enjoy is going to a bar and listening to a live band called Hipology play a combination of jazz, funk, rock and blues. They're really good and me and friends enjoy going to the bar to just relax and enjoy the music.

I want to and am training to be come a Police Officer which I've wanted to do for a long time. I was a member for four years the Brattleboro Police Explorers Post 400. There's a picture of the post in Washington D.C. during Law Enforcement week on my pic page. The post has been a great help to me, by giving me a lot of constructive things to do with my free time and training me to be a Police Officer. Unfortunately nearing the end of my term I did become dis-satisfied with some of the things going on inside the post and inside the explorer organization itself.

I am a member of Vernon Volunteer Fire Department, who will be celebrating it's 50th anniversary on June 30th, 2001. I have really enjoyed being a member of the Fire Department because the guys are all real nice and it gives me another way to use my free time in a good way. Also I love helping people so on top of wanting to be a Police Officer and being a Fire Fighter, I plan to join the First Reponder team (responds to medical emergencies) in Vernon.

Well I guess thats all for now......feel free to check out my friends pages and my other pages and pics............

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