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Links Page
Links Page
The function of this particular links page is to help carry fans find other sites that may be of interest. I am going to try my best to keep only relevant sites (to the carry) posted here. If a site linked here is not specifically geared towards the carry it is because that site either deals with the carry on a less then sporadic basis and/or because it is a quality site which I feel is worth recognizing. If any of the links are broken or leads to a site that has closed shop let me know!

Carry Sites

Carrying Unconsious Women - A Yahoo Club offering weekly chats where you get to meet other carry fanatics like yourelf. And you thought you were the only one who enjoyed a nice carry here and there?

Colranger's Over The Shoulder Club - A Yahoo Club devoted solely to the ots carry. A photo album getting fuller by the day. Warning: Any mention of an arm carry at this club is subject to corporal punishment.

OTS2 Club, OTS3 Club, and OTS4 Club - All these clubs are run by Blue Grizzlee and offers the best, as well as largest, selection of OTS Pics on the 'Net.

Lift and Carry Enthusiasts - A Yahoo Club dedicated all different style lift and carries.

MarkTapes OTS Page - OTS Database, Pictures, new links and more. Another OTS site worth bookmarking.

OTS Movies and TV Scenes - Wayne's OTS Sites with pictures and text on OTSC's from television, film, and animated sources. There are actually five sites now because you can never have enough of a good thing.

Sleeping Beauties - Allan has put together a very nice site offering pictures, videos, and the arm carry list from tv and film. Giving us all the more reason to quit are jobs and stay at home in front of our computers.

Women lifting women in cradle style (in arms) - Pictures, a message board, and a Yahoo Club all devoted to the f/f in the arm carry. Nice pictures but if you ever meet the girls on the street I would advise you don't pick a fight with any of them.

Sleepy Sites

Sailor Nappers Realm - animations often depicting the DID being carried over the shoulder.

Sleep Demon's Page - Pics and MPEGS's of chloroformed ladies with absolutely NO carries at all...but a nice site nonetheless.

Bondage Sounds - A great site made even better with the addition of The Chloroforum to it. Check it out to see all that it offers.

Video Producers

Anton Video -

Dark Fantasies

Ladies in Jeopardy

Paragon Video

Sleeping Beauties

Thursday Night Video

Wave Videos

Informational Sites

Internet Movie Data Base - A great resource for finding all types of information in movies or television shows.

Reel Video - For when your local video stores don't have that carry scene.

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