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AGaB Lives

Hey there! Welcome to our page. I am the Bistress of AGaB... The main holder of this page. To help me I have recruited a few others. The main helper of this is Bistress Heather. Please feel free to explore and learn more about us... We are AGaB!
~Luv Bistress Jill

Now, you may be asking yourself "What the hell is AGaB?". Well in order to answer your question thoroughly and completely, a long response and perhaps apprenticeship may be in call. However, I don't think either of us is willing to sit through that. So in short, AGaB stands for All Guys Are Bastards. It is based on the singular truth, that in fact, all guys are bastards. You may be doubtful of course, as we all have been in the past. This is why we have also included in this wonderful webpage the "Non-Bastard List". Appropriately on the converse, there is also our "Top 10 Bastards List". These are both subject to editting and correcting from time to time, but the ones posted are current as of 7/12/02.
~Luv, Bistress Heather

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