About All Seven Regenerations: Sylvester McCoy
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About All Seven Regenerations: Sylvester McCoy

Born 20 August 1943.

Sylvester McCoy played the Doctor from Time And The Rani (his first story) in September 1987, to Survival in December 1989 and resumed his role (albeit briefly) in Enemy Within, his last film in May 1996.

The seventh Doctor began without his memory, thanks to a plot by the Rani, in the season twenty-four story Time and the Rani, starting his new regeneration as a spoon-playing, malapropism-spouting clown. It was not until season twenty-five that McCoy began to get a handle on the new Doctor's character, casting him as a darker and more manipulative Timelord than his predecessors generally were.

McCoy and the BBC felt that a lot of the mystery which surrounded the Doctor in the beginning of the series had gradually been lost, as the audience learned more about the Timelords and Gallifrey. With this in mind, the later stories began to reintroduce a touch of mystery into the Doctor's character, hinting that he may have been around aeons ago, during the times of Rassilon and Omega, the founders of Timelord society. This theme probably would have become more prominent after season twenty-six, if the series had continued. Here is a clip from an untransmitted segment of Remembrance of the Daleks, where the Doctor reveals to Davros that he is not what he seems. . .

The seventh Doctor encountered several old enemies including the Cybermen in Silver Nemesis, the Daleks in Remembrance of the Daleks, the Rani in Time and the Rani, and the Master in Survival. In Battlefied, he met his old friend the Brigadeer, who has known the Doctor since his second regeneration. Nicholas Courtney, who plays Brigadeer Lethbridge-Stewart, has appeared with all of the Doctors, except the sixth.

Sylvester McCoy was in twelve stories, beginning with Time and the Rani, broadcast in 1987, and ending with Survival, which was broadcast in 1989. He was also in the first few minutes of the Fox Doctor Who TV movie, The Enemy Within before regenerating into the Eighth Doctor.

Audio theme for the seventh Doctor (size: 547 KB. run time: 50.84 seconds).

Sylvester McCoy (Seventh Doctor) starred in the following episodes:

1• Time and the Rani
2• Paradise Towers
3• Delta and the Bannermen
4• Dragonfire
5• Remembrance of the Daleks
6• The Happiness Patrol
7• Silver Nemesis - 25th Anniversary special
8• The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
9• Battlefield
10• Ghost Light
11• The Curse of Fenric
12• Survival
13• Enemy Within (The FOX Doctor Who Telefilm).

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