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1052 - Pisa takes Sardinia from the Arabs. Westminster Abbey construction.

Above: An unfavorable depiction of the Pope crowning an Emperor (Medieval origin).

1053 - Henry IV elected and crowned Holy Roman Emperor. Norman empire founded in S.Italy.

1054 - Seperation between Roman and Eastern Christian Churches becomes permanent (the "Great Schism").  Expansion of commercial relations between Italy and Egypt. Poland recaptures Silesia from Bohemia. Decline of Kiev Empire after the death of Jaroslav.

1055 - Siward of Northumbria dead, succeeded by Tostig. Spitigniev II of Bohemia.

1056 - Henry III dead; succeeded by Henry IV. Michael VI, Eastern Emperor. Beginning of the Democratic Pataria movement in Milan.

1057 - Macbeth murdered by Malcolm, succeeded by Lulach. Leofric of Mercia dead; succeeded by Alfgar. Isaac Comnenus, Eastern Emperor.

1058 - Malcolm slays Lulach, becomes king of Scotland.

1059 - Constantine X, Eastern Emperor. Papals elected by cardinals only.

1060 - Henry I of France dead; succeeded by Philip I. Bela I, King of Hungary.

1061 - Malcolm of Scotland invades Northumbria. Normans conquer Messina.

1062 - Marrakesh founded. Henry IV seized by Archbishop II of Cologne.

1063 - Victorious German campaign against Hungary. Harold and Tostig subdue Wales. Alp Arsian, ruler of the Seliuks

1064 - Seliuks conquer Armenia. Hungarians seize Belgrade from Byzantium.

1065 - Henry IV comes of age. Sanch II, King of Castile. Consecration of Westminster Abbey.

1066 - Norman conquest of Britain; William "the Conqueror" establishes Norman culture. Norman invasion leads to loss of prestige for English language. Beginning of Norman (Romanesque) architecture. Edward the Confessor dead; succeeded by Harold II. Harold II killed in Battle of Hastings. Succeeded by William I, the Conqueror.  First record of comet, later called Halley's Comet.

1067 - Boleslav II of Poland takes Kiev. Romanus IV, Eastern Emperor

1068 - She-tsung becomes Emperor of China. Nationalist risings in England are crushed by William I.

1071 - Constantine the African brings Greek medicine to Western world. Normans conquer Palermo under Robert Guiscard.

1073 - Reorganization of the English Church.

1074 - Excommunication of all married priests. Geza I, King of Hungary

1075 - Syria and Palestine subdued by Seljuk leader: Malik Shah.

1076 - Gregory VII dethrones and excommunicates Henry IV.

1078 - Nicephorus III becomes Eastern Emperor. Building of Tower of London.

1079 - Celibacy of the priesthood/craft declared (married priests ordered to cast off wives) by the Roman Catholics. Founding of Newcastle.

1080 - Canute IV, King of Denmark. Armenian state established in Cilicia.

1081 - Treaty between Venice and Byzantium. Henry IV invades Italy. Alexius I Comnenus, Eastern Emperor. Robert Guiscard invades the Balkans.

1083 - Henry IV storms Rome.

1085 - Toledo taken from the Arabs by Alfonso VI. Henry IV extends the "Peace of God" over his entire empire. Vratislav, Duke of Bohemia, crowned king. Robert Guiscard dead.

1086 - Mohammedan rule in Spain revived by the Almoravid dynasty.

1087 - William the Conquerer dead, succeeded by William II in England, and Robert in Normandy. Conrad crowned King of Germany.

1088 - Patzinak Turks settle between the Danube and the Balkans.

1090 - Rosary Prayer Beads adopted into the Roman Catholic Church from the Islams. Ingo I becomes King of Sweden.

1091 - Eclipse of the moon noted in Italy. Treaty between Caen and Normandy.

1092 - William II conquers Cumberland. Seljuk capital moved from le-anium to Smyrna. Vratialav II of Bohemia dead.

1093 - Malcolm of Scotland killed in invasion of England, succeeded by Donald Bane.

1094 - "The Cid" takes Valencia from the Moors. Pope Urban II proclaims and Western European Christians set off on the first Crusades to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims.

1095 - Eric I, King of Denmark. Hungarians conquer Croatia and Dalmatia.

1096 - Start of the First "Crusade".

1097 - Edgar becomes King of Scotland. The Crusaders defeat the Turks, conquer Nicaea.

1098 - Crusaders defeat Turks at Antioch. Norway seizes Orkneys, Hebrides, and the Isle of Man.

1099 - Crusaders take Jerusalem. Knights Templar come into power. Godfrey, Defender of the Holy Sepulcher, defeats Egyptians at Ascalon. The Cid dead.

1100 - Middle English supersedes the Old English dialect.  Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem. William Rufus dead, succeeded by Henry I. Decline of Islamic science. Sinchl Roca civilization in Peru. Colonization of Polynesia from S.America. Third Pueblo period in S.Western N.America.

1101 - England buys treaty with Robert of Normandy after he invades. King Conrad dead. Accession of Emperor Hai-tsung.

1103 - Magnus III of Norway killed invading Ireland.

1104 - Acre taken by Crusaders.

1105 - Henry IV captured. Colonization of eastern Germany begins.

1106 - Henry IV dead; succeeded by Henry V, the last Salic Emperor.

1107 - Edgar of Scotland dead; succeeded by Alexander.

1108 - Philip I of France dead; succeeded by Louis VI.

1109 - Anglo-French War.

1111 - Henry V crowned Emperor in Rome.

1113 - Balearic Islands conquered by Pisa.

1115 - Stephen II, King of Hungary.  State of Chin est. in northern China. Florence becomes a free republic.

1116 - Aztecs leave (mythical) Aztlan.

1118 - John II Comnenus becomes Byzantine Emperor.

1119 - Bologna University founded.

1120 - The Chinese invent playing cards. Peace between England and France. Full development of Scholastic philosophy.

1121 - Compromise between the Pope and Emperor Henry V in Germany.

1122 - The Byzantines exterminate the Patzinak Turks.

1123 - The Byzantine Emperor John II defeats Serbs. First Lateran Council suppresses simony and marriage of priests.

1124 - First Scottish coinage struck. Alexander I of Scotland dead; succeeded by David I. Emperor John II defeats Hungarians.

1125 - Almohades conquer Morocco. Henry IV dead; succeeded by Lothar of Saxony as King.

1126 - The English barons accept Matilda, widow of Emperor Henry V and daughter of Henry I of England, as successor to Henry I. Venetian commercial privileges in Byzantine Empire renewed.

1128 - Alfonso I, King of Portugal

1130 - Roger II crowned King of Sicily at Palermo.

1132 - Henry I of France grants charters of corporate towns, protecting commerce and industry.

1133 - Lothar III crowned emperor by Pope Innocent II.

1135 - King Henry dead, succeeded by his nephew, Stephen of Boulogne.  King Conrad, Frederick of Swabia, the King of Denmark, and the Duke of Poland submit to Lothar III.

1136 - Matilda asserts her right to the English throne. Lothar invades southern Italy, conquers Apulia.

1137 - Emperor Lothar III dead. Antioch becomes a vassal to Byzantium. Louis VI of France dead; succeeded by Louis VII.

1138 - Pretended Messiah appears in France and Persia. Conrad III elected king. Boleslav III of Poland, dead.

1139 - Austria defeats Bavaria. Matilda lands at Arundel, followed by civil war in England.

1140 - Viadislav II of Bohemia.

1141 - Matilda proclaimed Queen at Winchester. Geza II, King of Hungary.

1143 - Manuel I, Byzantine Emperor

1144 - Republican regime established in Rome. The Seliuks take Edessa.

1145 - Pope Eugene III proclaims the Second Crusade.

1146 - Nureddin, Sultan of Syria.

1147 - Moscow mentioned for the first time. Matilda leaves England. The Crusaders perish in Asia Minor: failure of the Second Crusade.

1150 - Eric the Saint becomes King of Sweden. Arabs in Spain manufacture paper. Empire of Ghazni destroyed by Alauddin Husain, Sultan of Ghor.

1151 - Chess arrives in England. New dance forms develop in Europe.  China uses explosives in warfare. First "fire and plague insurance" (in Iceland).  End of Toltec Empire in Mexico. Geoffrey Plantagenet succeeded by Henry.

1152 - Conrad III dead; succeeded by Frederick I of Barbarossa. Louis VII divorces his Queen, Eleanor.

1153 - David I of Scotland dead, succeeded by Malcolm IV.

1154 - Stephen dead, succeeded by Henry II, King of England.

1155 - Temujen (later Genghis Khan), founder of Mongol empire, born. By his teens, his daring raids against neighboring tribes have already impressed the Mongols. Pope Hadrian IV bestows Ireland on Henry II.

1156 - War of the Jap. clans Taira and Minamoto. Austria made a duchy.

1157 - Eric of Sweden conquers Finland.

1158 - Munich becomes center of salt trade.

1160 - Normans expelled from North Africa.

1162 - Frederick Barbarossa destroys Milan.

1163 - Quarrel starts between Henry II and Thomas a Becket. Notre Dame, Paris, built.

1164 - Becket flees to France.

1165 - Byzantium allies with Venice against Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa.

1166 - Assize of Clarendon orders erections of jails in all English countries and boroughs.

1167 - Frederick Barbarossa crowned Emperor. Oxford University founded.

1168 - Milan rebuilt. Bogolubsky sacks Kiev and becomes Grand Prince.

1170 - Saladin of Damascus subdues Egypt. Becket murdered by four Norman knights in Canterbury. Albert the Bear dead.

1172 - Queen Eleanor raises Aquitaine against Henry II.

1173 - Queen Eleanor imprisoned until 1185.  Beta III, King of Hungary. First authenticated influenza epidemics.

1174 - Campanile of Pisa "The Leaning Tower" built. First horse races in England. Henry II does penance at Canterbury for murder of Becket.   Emperor Frederick I buys Tuscany, Spoleto, Sardinia, and Corsica from Welf VI.

1176 - Emperor Frederick I defeated by the Lombards at Legnano.  Saladin conquers Syria. Assize of Northampton extends use of Grand Jury.

1177 - "Peace of Venice" between Emperor Frederick I and Pope Alexander III. Treaty of Ivry between Henry II and Louis VII. Belfast founded.

1178 - Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa crowned King of Burgundy.  Famous Avignon bridge built.

1180 - Glass windows first appear in Eng. private houses. First windmills with vertical sails in Europe. Judicial system reformed in England. Louis VII of France dead, succeeded by Philip II Augustus. Alexius II Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor.

1182 - Jews banished from France. Canute VI, King of Denmark.

1183 - Emperor Alextus II murdered; succeeded by Andronicus I. Saladln takes Aleppo.

1184 - Cyprus frees itself from Byzantium. Tamara, Queen of Georgia.

1185 - Second Bulgarian Empire founded. Isaac II Angelus, Byzantine Emperor.

1186 - Henry VI marries Constance, and assumes title of Caesar. Beginning of Kamakura era in Japan.

1187 - Saladin defeats Christians at Hittin and takes Jerusalem.  Punjab conquered by Mohammed of Ghor.

1189 - Third Crusade. King Henry II of England dead; succeeded by Richard I. Massacre of the Jews at the coronation of Richard I. Henry Fitzallwin, first Mayor of London. Commercial treaty between Novgorod and Ger. merchants.

1190 - Sale of Indulgences by the Roman Catholic Church begins. People payed the clergy money to have punishment time taken off from burning in "Purgatory" after their death. Frederick I Barbarossa drowned in Cilicia; succeeded by Henry VI.

1191 - Tea arrives in Japan from China. Second era of Maya civilization in Central America. Richard I conquers Cyprus, sells it to the Templars.

1192 - Richard I returns from the Crusade, and is captured. Styria becomes part of the Babenberg realm of Austria.

1193 - Richard is handed over to Henry VI and imprisoned. Saladin dead. Indigo and brazilwood imported from India to Britain.

1194 - Richard I is released and crowned for the second time.  Henry VI conquers Sicily and crowned King of Sicily.

1195 - Alexius III becomes Byzantine Emperor.

1196 - Peter II, King of Aragon. Erneric I, King of Hungary.

1197 - Ottokar I, King of Bohemia. Emperor Henry VI dead; succeeded by Otto IV.

1199 - Liverpool founded. King Richard I killed in France; succeeded by King John. German Princes confirm the right to elect a King (Dec. of Speyer).