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3,000 B.C. - Egyptian rulers predominant. Great Wall of Uruk, with 900 towers, is built. The Bronze Age begins in Crete.

2,900 B.C. - Sumerian inter-city warfare, Egyptians use shields and copper-headed spears, import gold from Africa.

2,800 B.C. - Egyptian calendar; regulated by the sun and moon, 360 days, 12 months of 30 days each.

2,772 B.C. - Egyptians change to calendar of 365 days.

2,700 B.C. - The Great Sphinx built (date is controversial, may have been erected much earlier).

2,613 B.C. - 4th Egyptian Dynasty begins. The Great Pyramids built.

2,550 B.C. - First Egyptian Dynasty of Ur. Construction of the Pyramids of Giza (-2470).

2,501 B.C. - First Egyptian mummies. Isis and Osiris cult in Egypt (resurrection from death). Wrestling becomes the first highly developed sport. Mis-anni-padda, King of Ur; first recorded ruler of Mesopotamia.

2,500 B.C. - First Libraries in Egypt, first use of Papyrus (Paper). First domesticated dogs in Egypt. Glass is made from hot sand. Metal mirrors. Sumerians make beer. Bow and arrow used in warfare. Rise of Indus civilization in Pakistan.

2,350 B.C. - Early dynastic period of Mesopotamia.

2,060 B.C. - Great ziggurat (temple) built in city of Ur, Mesopotamia (Iraq).

2,000 B.C. - Arayans invade Indus Valley. Druid Celts begin to populate Britain. First trumpets played in Denmark.

1,970 B.C. - End of third Egyptian Dynasty of Ur.

1,628 B.C. - Legendary Island of Thera, city of Atlantis, is destroyed by a large volcanic eruption, with tidal waves, destroying the Minoan civilization.

1,595 B.C. - Hittites from Turkey invade Babylon.

1,500 B.C. - Mayan Sun Pyramid of Mexico in Teotihuacan built. Regulations on sale of beer in Egypt. Widespread robbery of Royal tombs in Egypt. Phoenicians widely trade by boat in the E.Mediterranean. Hittites use iron. The Hittites innovative use of iron was kept secret for centuries from the rest of the world.

1,490 B.C. - Birth of Thutmose the III: builds Egyptian empire.

1,400 B.C. - The Great Sphinx unburied by Pharaoh Thutmose IV. Hebrew nomadic farmers settle in Canaan.

1,350 B.C. - 19th Dynasty: Seti I, Ramses II & III (-1200) Moves seat of government from Thebes to Memphis.

1,333 B.C. - Tutankhamen, son of Akhenaton, ruler of Egypt (-1324).

1,300 B.C. - Approximate date Moses receives The 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai, upon leading the Israelites out of slavery from Egypt into Canaan.


1,291 B.C. - Mirrors become popular.

1,285 B.C. - Ramesses II of Egypt invades the Hittites of Syria, ending in stalemate.

1,275 B.C. - Battle of Kadesh in Egypt led by Pharaoh Ramses II.

1,263 B.C. - Probable date of the story of Exodus.

1,259 B.C. - First recorded Peace Treaty in history, between Ramses II and the Hittites.

1,200 B.C. - Last of Indus Valley culture vanishes. 20th Dynasty in Egypt (-1090); decline of power begins.

1,190 B.C. - Probable date of the Legendary destruction of the city of Troy. Fall of Achilles. The "Trojan horse" technique invented by the Greeks.

1,180 B.C. - Magnetic compass invented.

1,176 B.C. - Invasions of the Navy of the "Sea Peoples". Ramses III defeats Sea Peoples.

1,120 B.C. - City of Mycenae destroyed. Mycenaean civilization ends.

1,100 B.C. - Chow Dynasty flourishes.

1,090 B.C. - 21st Dynasty in Egypt (-945). Civil War under Ramses XI.

1,000 B.C. - Accession of David as King of United Kingdom of Judah and Israel, with Jerusalem as capital.

960 B.C. - King David is succeeded by his son, Solomon; goes on to build Yahweh Temple in Jerusalem. Country reaches height of it's civilization under his rule.

950 B.C. - Poppies grown in Egypt.

933 B.C. - King Solomon dies, succeeded by his son Rehoboam I. Division of Hebrew kingdom into Israel and Judah. Sheshonk I of Egypt conquers and pillages Jerusalem.

900 B.C. - The Earliest Jewish Prophets, Samaria becomes religious center of Israel. Phoenicians settle in Cyprus. Hunting from chariots by Royalty in Kalach.

883 B.C. - Assurnasirpal II, King of Assyria (-859).

879 B.C. - Samaria (formerly Sichem) rebuilt as capital of Israel.

859 B.C. - Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria (-824).

811 B.C. - Queen Samuramat of Assyria (-807).

801 B.C. - King Joas of Israel.

800 B.C. - The building of Carthage, Greeks settle on coast of Spain. Romulus, first King of Rome, divides the year into 10 months.

790 B.C. - The Ethiopian conquest of Egypt (founding the XXVth Dynasty).

784 B.C. - Jeroboam II, last noteable ruler of Israel (-744).

776 B.C. - First Olympics held in Greece (date is controversial, may have been much earlier).

775 B.C. - Solar eclipse (Sept. 6)

753 B.C. - Foundation of the city of Rome.

745 B.C. - Tigiath Pileser III conquered Babylonia and founded the New Assyrian Empire.

738 B.C. - Menahem, King of Israel, bought off Tiqlath Pileser III.

735 B.C. - Greeks begin to settle in S.Italy, found Messina and Syracuse in Sicily.

722 B.C. - Sargon II armed the Assyrians with iron weapons. Destroys Israel.

721 B.C. - The Israelites are deported.

705 B.C. - King Sennacherib of Assyria defeats Egypt and Judah.

701 B.C. - His army destroyed by a pestilence on its way to Egypt.

700 B.C. - Annual "election of Areopagites" (members of judicial court) in Athens.

690 B.C. - Manesseh, King of Judah (-638).

680 B.C. - Esarhaddon took Thebes in Egypt (overthrowing the Ethiopian XXVth Dynasty).

667 B.C. - Sardanapalus

664 B.C. - Psammetichus I restored the freedom of Egypt and founded the XXXVIth Dynasty (to 610). He was assisted against Assyria by Lydian troops sent by Gyges.

640 B.C. - Solon, Athenian lawgiver and statesman, founder of the Spartan Constitution, is born (-560).

638 B.C. - Josiah, King of Judah.

608 B.C. - Necho of Egypt defeats Josiah, king of Judea, at the Battle of Megiddo.

606 B.C. - Capture of Nineveh by the Chaldeans and Medes. Foundation of the Chaldean Empire.

604 B.C. - Necho pushed to the Euphrates and overthrown by Nebuchadnezzar II.

601 B.C. - Water clocks in Assyria. Electrum (gold-silver alloy) coins in Lydia, W.Turkey.

586 B.C. - Nebuchadnezzar carried off the Jews to Babylon. Many fled to Egypt and settled there.

578 B.C. - Servius Tullius constructs a wall around Rome.

550 B.C. - Egyptian Empire ends. Cyrus the Persian succeeded Cyaxares the Mede.

539 B.C. - Cyrus took Babylon and founded the Persian Empire.

527 B.C. - Peisistratus dead.

525 B.C. - Cambyses conquered Egypt. Aeschylus born.

521 B.C. - Darius I, the son of Hystaspes, ruled from the Hellespont to the Indus. His expedition to Scythia.

520 B.C. - Pythagoras suggests the Earth is not flat, despite popular opinion. "Irrational numbers" defined.

500 B.C. - Parthenon is built in Athens. First coins used as legal tender. Ball games in Greece. Aramaic language begins to replace Old Hebrew. Greek Trireme ships predominant.

495 B.C. - Sophocles born.

490 B.C. - Battle of Marathon.

484 B.C. - Herodotus born. Aeschylus won his first prize for tragedy.

480 B.C. - Battles of Thermopylae and Salamis. Euripides born.

479 B.C. - The Battles of Plataea and Mycale completed the repsule of Persia.

474 B.C. - Etruscan fleet destroyed by the Sicilian Greeks.

470 B.C. - Voyage of Hanno. Socrates born.

466 B.C. - Pericles.

465 B.C. - Xerxes murdered.

438 B.C. - Herodotus recited his History in Athens.

431 B.C. - Peloponnesian War began (to 404).

429 B.C. - Pericles died. Herodotus died.

427 B.C. - Plato born. He lived to 347 B.C.. Aristophanes began his career.

401 B.C. - Retreat of the Ten-Thousand.

400 B.C. - Chariots in Britain.

390 B.C. - Brennus sacked Rome.

384 B.C. - Aristotle born.

366 B.C. - Temple of Concordia built in Rome.

360 B.C. - Plato completes his Symposium.

359 B.C. - Philip became king of Macedonia.

356 B.C. - Alexander "the Great" born. Macedonian troops crossed into Asia. Philip murdered.

351 B.C. - Tomb of Mausclus completed (first mausoleum).

338 B.C. - Battle of Chaeronia.

334 B.C - Battle of the Granicus.

333 B.C. - Battle of Issus.

332 B.C. - Alexander in Egypt.

331 B.C. - Battle of Arbela.

330 B.C. - Greek explorer Pytheas of Massilia, reaches Britain. Darius III killed.

323 B.C.- Death of Alexander the Great in Babylon.

320 B.C. - Ptolemy Soter of Egypt invades Syria.

321 B.C. - Wars among Alexander's successors.

319 B.C.- Polysperchon, Antipater's successor, restores liberty to Grecian cities.

316 B.C. - Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great, put to death by Cassander, son of Antipater.

314 B.C. - Seleucids of Syria rule Palestine.

312 B.C. - Paved roads built. Judea ruled by Antigonus I.

311 B.C. - End of civil wars in Alexander's empire.

307 B.C. - Demetrius Poliorcetes, king of Macedon, seizes Athens from Cassander.

301 B.C. - Palestine reverts to Egyptian rule.

287 B.C. - Full equality between patricians and plebeians in Rome.

282 B.C - War between Tarentum and Rome (-272).

276 B.C. - Eratosthenes suggests that the earth moves around the sun and maps out the course of the Nile, he also makes close estimates of the earth's circumference.

275 B.C. - End of history of Babylon; Babylonians move to new city of Seleucia.

272 B.C. - After the defeat of Tarentum, Rome conquers central and S.Italy.

264 B.C. - First Punic War.

250 B.C. - First Roman prison built.

241 B.C. - End of first Punic War.

239 B.C. - Introduction of the leap year.

230 B.C. - Egyptian temple of Sun God Horus at Edfu.

222 B.C. - Mithraism becomes the official religion of the Roman Empire. Rome conquers northern Italy.

215 B.C. - Great Wall of China built to keep out invaders (1,400 miles long).

200 B.C. - Second Macedonian War (-197).

192 B.C. - War between Sparta and Rome.

179 B.C. - First stone bridge constructed in Rome.

172 B.C. - War between Rome and Macedon (-168).

170 B.C. - First known paved streets in Rome.

168 B.C. - Antiochus, the Greek King of Syria, seizes control of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, dedicates it to the worship of Zeus. Macedonians sold as slaves in Rome.

165 B.C. - Jews in Jerusalem defeat the Hellenist Syrians, lead by Judah Maccabee; re-dedicate the Jewish temple, for which the celebration of Hanukkah is born.

150 B.C. - Distance of Moon is calculated.

149 B.C. - Third Punic War begins (-146).

147 B.C. - War between Sparta and Archaea, Romans destroy Corinth and Carthage: 450,000 perish. 50,000 sold into slavery. Greece comes under Roman control.

135 B.C. - Simon Maccabaeus expels the Syrians from Jerusalem.

123 B.C. - Carthage rebuilt.

112 B.C. - War in Africa between Rome and Jugurtha.

100 B.C. - Julius Caesar, future Roman general and statesman; dictator (49-44 B.C.) is born. First Chinese ships reach India.

90 B.C. - Civil war in Rome: Marius driven out by Sulia.

89 B.C. - Roman army, led by Sulia, regains control of Italy.

88 B.C. - Risings against Roman rule at Athens.

86 B.C. - Marius dead.

82 B.C. - Sulla defeats the younger Marius and is made dictator for life.

80 B.C. - Julius Caesar wins civic crown for bravery on his first military expedition into Turkey.

79 B.C. - Sulla voluntarily resigns his dictatorship.

78 B.C. - Sulla dead.

71 B.C. - Revolt of slaves and gladiators under Spartacus.

68 B.C. - Crete captured by the Romans.

63 B.C. - Pompey captures Jerusalem. Octavian (Augustus Caesar), grand-nephew of Julius Caesar, is born.

60 B.C. - Caesar returns to Rome, elected consul.

55 B.C. - Caesar invades Britain.

54 B.C. - Britain agrees to pay tribute to Rome.

52 B.C. - Pompey becomes consul in Rome.

51 B.C. - Cleopatra VII, last queen of Egypt, is born. (Queen of the Nile)

50 B.C. - Rivalry between Caesar and Pompey for control of Rome.

49 B.C.- Julius Caesar becomes dictator of the Roman Empire. Caesar invades Italy and precipitates civil war.

48 B.C. - Pompey defeated by Caesar at Pharsalia.

46 B.C. - Longest year in history - 455 days long, when Julius Caesar changes Europe to the Julian Calendar. By order of Caesar, an Alexandrian astrologer named Sosiegenes adds January and February to the 10-month year, and the cycle of the Leap year. Africa is made Roman province.

45 B.C. - Caesar appointed "Dictator for Life".

44 B.C. - Julius Caesar, Pontifex Maximus, dictator of Rome, murdered by conspirators led by Brutus and Cassius Longinus (March 15).

42 B.C. - Brutus and Cassius commit suicide.

40 B.C. - Herod becomes king of Judaea.

31 B.C. - Mark Antony defeated by Octavian (Augustus Caesar), at the Battle of Actium.

30 B.C. - Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic dynasty, commits suicide, suppossedly with a poison snake bite, after Mark Antony's defeat at Actium.

She was famed for her beautiful voice, the ability to speak several tongues fluently, and her intelligence. Both Julius Caesar and Mark Antony courted her. She bore Caesar a son: Caesarean.

27 B.C. - Augustus Caesar (Octavian), becomes first Roman Emperor.

6 B.C. - Judaea annexed by Rome.

4 B.C. - Probable date of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Con†inue †o Anno Domini....