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1701 - "Captain" William Kidd hanged for piracy. Charles XII of Sweden invades Poland and Courland. Asante state is unified under Osei Tutu. Detroit, MI. founded by Antoine de Cadillac.

1702 - "Asîento Guinea Company" founded for slave trade between Africa and America. Queen Anne of England grants Royal approval of horse racing, originates sweepstakes idea (racing for cash awards).

1703 - Delaware seperates from Pennsylvania as a colony. Peter "the Great" founds St.Petersburg. 47 Ronin (Samurai without a master) commit suicide in Japan, following the death of their Lord, Asano Naganori.

1707 - Union between England and Scotland under name of "Great Britain".

1709 - First Copyright Laws in Britain. Death of Shogun Tsunayoshi of Japan.

1710 - Umbrellas become popular in England. Meissen porcelain factory opens in Dresden, Saxony.

1711 - War between Russia and Turkey.

1712 - Newcomen develops the first practical steam engine. Religious warfare in Switzerland.

1713 - Spain agrees to cede Gibraltar and Minorca to Great Britain.

1714 - D.G. Fahrenheit invents the mercury thermometer with temperature scale.

1715 - Vaudevilles, popular musical comedies, appear in Paris.

1716 - Christianity prohibited in China. French build a large fortress in Louisbourg, Canada.

1717 - Freemasons founded in London.

1718 - Stellar motion determined. England declares War on Spain. The Alamo established as a Spanish church. New Orleans is founded on the Mississippi River.

1720 - Wallpaper becomes fashionable in England.

1721 - Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach completes the Brandenburg Concertos. Robert Walpole becomes the first British Prime Minister.

1722 - The Quakers demand abolition of slavery.

1724 - Gin becomes popular in England.

1726 - Cardinal Fleury governs France (-1743) at the age of 73.

1727 - Spanish siege of Gibraltar; War between England and Spain escalates. Diamonds found in Brazil.

1728 - Spanish give up Gibraltar after 14 months of siege.

1731 - "Treaty of Vienna" between England, Holland, Spain and the Holy Roman Emperor.

1733 - France and Austria go to War over Polish succession (-1735).

1735 - Libel trial of John Peter Zeuger in New York helps establish "freedom of the press" in America.

1736 - King James "Witchcraft Act" is repealed. Nadir Shah rules Persia. Emperor Qianlong reigns in Manchu China (-1796).

1738 - Kinetic theory of gases.

1739 - Mass slave revolts in S.Carolina.

1741 - George Frederic Handel composes "Messiah".

1742 - Edmund Hoyle popularizes card game now known as "Bridge". Celcius scale devised. Peru natives revolt against Spanish occupation, lead by Juan Santos.

1743 - First known elevator installed at Versailles for Louis XV to see his mistress.

1744 - Eruption of Mt.Cotopaxi, S.America.

1745 - British army captures French fortress of Louisbourg, Canada.

1751 - Parliament changes New Year's Day to Jan.1 in Great Britain.

1752 - Benjamin Franklin invents the lightning conductor. Great Britain adopts the Gregorian Calendar on Sept.2 (Sept.3-13th omitted). Belgian invents Roller Skates by replacing blades of ice skates with wheels.

1754 - Anglo-French War in N.America; discussion on boundaries.

1755 - Beginning of the Seven Years War between England and France, which in the British colonies of North America is known as the French and Indian War. Concept of galaxies proposed. Lisbon, Portugal earthquake kills 30,000 people.

1756 - First chocolate factory opens in Germany.

1757 - Total population of the American colonies is 1.5 million.

1759 - The battle for Quebec.

1760 - Beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England (-1840); breakthroughs in manufacture of textiles, iron metallurgy. Canada becomes property of the British.

1762 - Benjamin Franklin improves the harmonica, turns it into a practical musical instrument.

1763 - The Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian War. France cedes all its Canadian territories in America to England. Native Americans revolt against the British.

1764 - Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (at age eight) writes his first symphony. James Watt improves the steam engine. Auguste Chouteau, from New Orleans, begins clearing the future site for St. Louis at age 14; a new trading post on the Mississippi River near the mouth of the Missouri.

1765 - James Watt improves the steam engine at the Univ. of Glasgow. Stamp Act imposed on British colonies in America.

1766 - Mason-Dixon line is drawn by two English surveyors as a boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland. Later, it separates free and slave regions.

1767 - The Jesuit missionaries burned from their villages in S.America.

1768 - Captain James Cook's first voyage to explore the Pacific.

1769 - Catherine II of Russia orders further exploration of Alaska, brings Russian settlements to North America. Junipero Serra establishes Mission San Diego de Alcala (near present-day San Diego).

1770 - Textile machines and steam power lead England in its industrial revolution. Spanish sailors reach Easter Island.

1771 - Junipero Serra founds the Mission of San Carlos at Carmel, San Gabriel (near present-day Los Angeles).

1773 - "Boston Tea Party" is held to protest tea duty (tax). Patriots dump tea from British ships into Boston Harbor.

1775 - American Revolution (til 1783): Paul Revere's ride from Charleston to Lexington; defeat of British at Lexington; Americans conquer Fort Ticonderoga, N.Y. and Crown Point; Patrick Henry's "Give me Liberty or give me Death!" speech delivered in Richmond, Va. (March 23). Second Continental Congress assembles in Philadelphia; George Washington made commander-in-chief of American forces; British victory at Bunker Hill aka Breed's Hill (June 17). England hires 29,000 German mercenaries for War in N.America. Benedict Arnold's attack on Quebec fails. Spanish explorer Juan Manuel Ayala discovers "Pelican Island" (later renamed Alcatraz).

1776 - The U.S. Declaration of Independence is signed and approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, declaring the seperation of the 13 colonies from Great Britain. New York tavern keeper mixes rum and fruit juice "cocktail," a name derived from rooster feathers used to adorn the glasses. Junipero Serra founds San Francisco.

1777 - "Stars and Stripes" becomes America's official flag.

1778 - Captain James Cook discovers Hawaii, which he names the "Sandwich Islands" after the Earl of Sandwich.

1779 - First iron bridge built by Abraham Darby at IronBridge, England. Captain Cook is killed by Hawaiian natives on his way through the Pacific.

1780 - Tupac Amaru leads revolt against colonial rulers in Peru.

1781 - Ratification of The Articles of Confederation (March 1), a document proposed on June 11, 1776, before the Declaration of Independence, but not agreed upon by Congress until November 15, 1777. British soldiers surrender in Yorktown. Revolutionary War ends. John Hanson elected first President of America under the Articles of Confederation (Nov.3).

1782 - President Hanson establishes the Great Seal of the United States (Sept.16). President Hanson also established the first U.S. Treasury Department, the first Secretary of War and the first Foreign Affairs Department. President Hanson also declared the fourth Thursday of every November as Thanksgiving Day. Spanish recapture Minorca from the British. Spain completes conquest of Florida. Thomas Jefferson develops first American currency, based upon the Spanish Dollar. Rama I becomes King of Thailand.

1783 - American Revolution ends. The Maryland Gazette eulogizes President Hanson's death (November 21). Famine in Japan.

1784 - Treaty between America and England ends British sovereignty in the United States. Russia establishes it's first American colony on Kodiak Island.

1787 - The U.S. Constitution is signed.

1789 - General George Washington elected first President of the United States of America under the articles of the U.S. Constitution. Parisians storm the Bastille, the great state prison of France, beginning the French Revolution.

1790 - Philadelphia, PA. becomes U.S. capital. Metric system devised.

1791 - "The waltz" becomes fashionable in England.

1792 - The New York Stock Exchange forms when brokers and merchants gather on Wall Street and agree to trade securities on a common commission basis.

1795 - Slavery abolished in Haiti.

1796 - Smallpox vaccination founds immunology. John Adams defeats Thomas Jefferson in U.S. Presidential election, becomes 2nd President of the U.S.A.; Jefferson elected "Vice-President".

1799 - The "Rosetta Stone" is found near Egypt, making the decypering of heiroglyphics possible.

1800 - U.S. capital moved to Washington, D.C. population: free citizens: 2,464 slaves: 623 Thomas Jefferson elected 3rd President of U.S.A.. First electric battery, made of zinc and copper plates, invented by Alessandro Volta.

1801 - Former Haitian slave, naming himself Toussaint L'Ouverture, declares Haiti independent.

1803 - By order of Napoleon, Toussaint is captured and brought to his death in France.

1804 - World population reaches 1 billion. Napoleon Bonepart crowned Emperor of France in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris (-1815). Composer: Beethoven composes his Third Symphony, "Eroica", a landmark in his development.

1805 - Thomas Jefferson begins his second term as President of the U.S. Napoleon crowned King of Italy.

1806 - Official end of the "Holy Roman Empire".

1809 - James Madison becomes 4th President of U.S.A. French armies defeat Austria. Napoleon divorces Josephine.

1810 - Year of Napoleon's zenith.

1811 - Napoleon annexes Oldenburg. Austria declares bankruptcy.

1812 - War of 1812: British invaders set fire to the White House and other capital buildings in Washington, D.C. D.C. is struck by a hurricane and tornado, driving out the British army (Aug.24). Louisiana becomes a State of the U.S.

1813 - Prussia declares War on France.

1815 - "Battle of Waterloo"; Duke of Wellington crushes Napoleon's armies. British Income Tax ended (resumed 1842).

1816 - Indiana becomes a state of the U.S.

1817 - James Monroe inaugerated 5th President of U.S.A.. Mississippi becomes a state of the U.S.

1818 - Border between U.S.A. and Canada agreed upon. Illinois becomes a state of the U.S.

1819 - Alabama becomes a State of the U.S.

1820 - Revolution in Spain; King Ferdinand VII forced to restore Constitution of 1812. U.S. Land Law fixes land price at a minimum of $1.25 per acre.

1821 - Peru becomes independent from Spain, followed by Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Santo Domingo.

1822 - Bottle riots in Dublin, Ireland, viceroy attacked by Orangemen.

1823 - Rugby Football originates at Rugby School, England.

1824 - Egyptians capture Crete. Turks seize Greek island of Ipsara, but are defeated at Mitylene.

1825 - John Quincy Adams elected 6th President of U.S.A.

1826 - Joseph Niepce takes the first photograph.

1827 - Count Kapodistrias elected President of Greece. Turks invade Athens.

1828 - Andrew Jackson elected 7th President of U.S.A.

1829 - The "Typographer" is patented in the U.S. (later typewriter).

1830 - Clipper ships built for greater speed.

1831 - Electric motor/generator invented.

1832 - Andrew Jackson, nominated by the newly styled "Democratic Party", reelected President of the U.S., defeating Henry Clay. Skull and Bones society founded at Yale University.

1833 - Charles Babbage designs an analytical engine, the forerunner of the modern digital computer.

1834 - Abraham Lincoln enters politics as an assemblyman in the Illinois Legislature.

1835 - Texas declares its right to secede from Mexico.

1836 - Davy Crockett, American frontiersman and politician, killed at the Alamo. Texas wins independence from Mexico and becomes a republic with General Sam Houston as first president. Arkansas admitted into the Union.

1837 - Martin Van Buren inaugerated 8th President of U.S.A.. "Ice age" postulated by scientists. Michigan becomes a state of the U.S.

1838 - Theory of cells proposed.

1840 - Exile of criminals from England to Australia ends.

1841 - William Harrison, 9th President of U.S.A., dies one month after his inaugeration. John Tyler becomes 10th President of U.S.A..

1843 - Slave population of Cuba estimated at 436,000.

1844 - James Polk elected 11th President of U.S.A..

1845 - Texas becomes a state of the U.S. New Spanish Constitution.

1846 - Negotiatons between U.S. and Mexico for purchase of New Mexico fails in April; American troops move into disputed area, defeat Mexicans at Palo Alto; formal declaration of War by U.S. follows; U.S. forces move into Santa Fe and U.S. annexes New Mexico in Aug. A fungus destroys potato crops in Ireland, causing widespread famine. Large numbers of Irish peoples begin to emigrate to the U.S., bringing Catholicism to America.

1847 - U.S. forces capture Mexico City.

1848 - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels write The Communist Manifesto. Absolute temperature scale proposed. Gold discovered near Fort Sutter, California (Jan.28)

1849 - Edgar Allen Poe, American Critic and infamous Writer of short stories, dead. Zachary Taylor elected 12th President of U.S.A.. California Gold Rush! - estimated 90,000 people emigrate to Cali.

1850 - U.S. President Zachary Taylor dead; Millard Fillmore becomes 13th President. California becomes a State of the U.S. British dominate all of India.

1851 - Gorrie receives the first U.S. patent for mechanical refrigeration.

1852 - American civil engineer, E.G. Otis, installs the first safety elevator with a safety brake. Franklin Pierce elected 14th President of U.S. America imports Sparrows from Germany in defense against caterpillars.

1853 - Smallpox vaccinations in Britain.

1854 - Commodore M.C. Perry negotiates first American-Japanese treaty.

1855 - Florence Nightingale introduces hygienic standards to military hospitals during Crimean War. Outbreak of Cholera in London. Isaac Singer improves the sewing machine.

1856 - James Buchanan elected 15th President of U.S.A..

1857 - Trans-atlantic cable laid (until 1866).

1858 - Minnessota becomes a State of the U.S.

1859 - Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection.

1860 - Abraham Lincoln elected 16th President of U.S.A.; Carolina secedes from the Union in protest. Etienne Lenoir builds the first practical internal-combustion engine. Scientist: Avogradro's hypothesis is accepted.

1861 - Kansas becomes a state of the U.S. "Washington Peace Convention" tries to preserve the Union, but Congress of Montgomery forms the Confederate States of America with: S.Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi , Florida, and Louisiana. Lincoln inaugerated as 16th President of U.S.; Confederates take Fort Sumter and Charleston, Apr.12: outbreak of Civil War; Lincoln orders militia to suppress the Confederacy. Confederate victory at Bull Run. Union forces later capture Fort Clark and Fort Hatteras.

1862 - President Abraham Lincoln proclaims "Abolition of Slavery" in the U.S.. Germ Theory of Disease is published.

1863 - President Lincoln issues the famous Emancipation Proclamation. (Jan.1) Battle of Gettysburg, ending in 46,000 dead (July 3). Lincoln delivers his "Gettysburg Address" (Nov.13). French invade Mexico.

1864 - Massacre of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians at Sand Creek, Colorado. Nevada becomes a State of the U.S. Confederate agents set Barnum Museum and Astor House afire in attempt to burn N.Y.C.

1865 - Confederate States of America formally surrender at Appomattox (April 9). Lincoln assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a Southern sympathizer, at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. on April 14; Andrew Johnson becomes 17th President of U.S.A.. U.S. Civil War ends (May 26) when last Confederate Army surrenders at Shreveport, La. Total est. 620,000 killed in the War. 13th Ammendment to U.S. Constitution abolishes slavery. Joseph Lister introduces antiseptic practices in hospitals.

1866 - Formation of the Klu Klux Klan. "Black Friday" on the London Stock Exchange.

1867 - Japan ends its 675-year shogun rule, begins modernization. Nebraska becomes a state of the U.S. Russia sells Alaska to U.S. for $7,200,000. Singer Corporation goes multinational.

1868 - U.S. President Johnson impeached for violating "Tenure-of-Office Act", but acquitted by Senate. Ulysses S. Grant elected 18th President of U.S.A. First professional baseball team in U.S.: "The Cincinatti Red Stockings"; introduce uniforms. Revolution in Spain; Queen Isabella II is deposed and flees to France.

Othniel Charles Marsh discovers fossil records of extinct horses, tracing and documenting the genealogy of modern Equines(Equus parvulus, Protohippus, the family Equidae) to a three-toed animal from the Pliocene times that was barely a yard in height with long slender legs; donating his collection to Yale University, proving Darwin's theories as fact to the scientific community. His work made him one of the first and most prominent paleontologists during the 1870's until his death in 1899.

1869 - Periodic Table of Elements is published. Following a Turkish ultimatum, Greece agrees to leave Crete.

1870 - "Franco-Prussian War" begins when France declares War on Prussia. Revolt in Paris. End of the "Red River Rebellion" in Canada; Manitoba becomes Canadian Province. Rome becomes capital of Italy. Papal infallability decreed by the Roman Catholics. German archeologist Heinrich Schliemann uncovers the ancient city of Troy.

1871 - Theory of Human Evolution is published. The Great Fire in Chicago. S.S. "Oceanic" is launched, first of the large modern luxury ocean liners.

1872 - President Grant re-elected President of the U.S. (in spite of public scandals). Alliance between Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary. Experimental psychology founded. First railroad opens in Japan, from Tokyo to Yokohoma.

1873 - Germans evacuate France.

1874 - First American Zoo is established in Philadelphia.

1875 - First public roller skating rink opens in London.

1876 - Cathode rays named. Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone. Colorado becomes a State of the U.S. Korea becomes an independent Nation. Massacre of Bulgarians by Turkish troops; Serbia and Montenegro declare War on Turkey.

1877 - Rutherford B. Hayes elected 19th President of U.S. after a publicly noted narrow victory against Tilden. Martial canals observed.

1878 - Greece declares War on Turkey.

1879 - Thomas Edison makes the first incandescent lamp with carbonized-thread filament (light-bulb).

1880 - New York streets are first lit by electricity. Beginning of the "Scramble for Africa"; Britain, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain begin colonizing Africa. Electromechanical calculator invented. Game of "Bingo" is developed from the Italian game of Tombola.

1881 - James Garfield elected 20th President of U.S.A.. Garfield shot (on July 2) by assassin, Charles Guiteau; Garfield died Sept. 19. Chester Arthur becomes 21st President of U.S.A..

1882 - The notorious Jesse James is shot in the back for reward money. Thomas Edison opens the first electric-light power station in N.Y.C.

1883 - Brooklyn Bridge is opened to motorcars in New York. Karl Marx, world renowned Sociologist and Author, dies.

1884 - Statistical mechanics invented.

1885 - Grover Cleveland elected 22nd President of U.S.A. Daimler and Benz develop the forerunners to the gasoline engines used today. John Fox of Philadelphia learns about Golf on a trip to Scotland, and introduces the game to America (Foxburg, P.A.).

1886 - The Statue of Liberty, created by French sculptor, F.A. Bartholdi, is dedicated in New York Harbor. German chemist Clemens Winkler discovers the element: Germanium.

1887 - Michaelson-Morley experiment to detect aether fails.

1888 - "Jack the Ripper", the world's first tabloid serial killer, murders six women in London; his identity remains a mystery. George Eastman perfects the "Kodak" box camera. Chromosomes named.

1889 - Benjamin Harrison elected 23rd President of U.S.A.. Motion pictures invented, neuron theory proposed. "Battle of Wounded Knee"- President Harrison sends thousands of U.S. soldiers to S.Dakota where they massacre 250 Native American men, women, and children.

1890 - The Native American population, which numbered 2 million at the time of Columbus, is now at just 300,000.

1891 - Electron proposed at unit of electricity. Civil War in Chile.

1892 - Grover Cleveland elected again as 24th President of U.S.A..

1893 - The "Duryea" motorcar debuts. New Zealand first country to give women the vote.

1894 - Japan and Korea declare War on China. Sir Arthur Evans uncovers the Minoan palace at Knossos.

1895 - The Lumiere brothers introduce motion pictures to the public. Radio antennae invented. First "U.S. Open" Golf Tournament held.

1896 - Guglielmo Marconi patents the wireless telegraph.

1897 - William McKinley elected 25th President of U.S.A.. Electron discovered, shown to be subatomic particle. Oscilloscope and diesel engine invented.

1898 - U.S. declares War on Spain over Cuba: America destroys Spanish fleet at Manila; "Treaty of Paris" between U.S. and Spain; Spain cedes Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines for $20 million. First submarine launched. The Curies discover Radium.

1899 - Philippines demand independence from U.S.

1900 - Quantum Theory proposed. Blood types distinguished (A,B,O,AB) Dr. Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams; theories on psychoanalysis.  Dancer Isadora Duncan gives her first European performance in London.  Kodak "Brownie" camera debuts.