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The Titanic Story Continues

Suzette, Helen, & Rose

"Humm..." thought Suzette out-loud. "This is my first night aboard Titanic and I want to pick just the right gown to wear to dinner." "Suzette, are you almost ready?",inturrupted her sister Emily. "Almost", Suzette answered. Emily was three years younger than her Suzette and they had gotten an adjoining cabin to their parents' and younger brother. Emily was already dressed... in a blue gown with white beading. As Emily walked out of her sister's bedroom, Suzette began to think some more. "Lucy, could you come here please?", asked Suzette to her maid. "Yes, Miss" answered the shy girl. "Lucy, could you please lace up my corset now? My parents should be about ready to go the dining room and I'm not even dressed yet!" "As you wish", Lucy said respectivly. "Have you decided which one?", Lucy asked, eyeing the closet. Suzette thought for a moment. "This one." she said. The dress she pointed to was exquisite. It was a lavendar gown with royal purple beading. "Oh yes," answered her maid, "that one definetly. You will be a vision!" "Suzette, now!" inturupted Emily. "Mother and Father are leaving, NOW!" As Lucy finished lacing the corset, Suzette threw on the gown, picked up her evening bag, and dashed out the door to her first dinner abord Titanic. The two girls looked around the huge Dinning Saloon and soon enough they found Rose. "Hello Rose, this is Suzette and I'm Helen...we all met earlier today." she smiled, "Would you like to mingle with us?" Helen laughed. "So, how old are you Suzette? And Rose, what brings you aboard Titanic. Now seated comfortably at her table, Suzette couldn't belive how >amazing everything appeared. Everything sparkled and shone. It was the first time any of the china had been used, or the first time the chairs had >been sat in. It was all new and wonderful...just for them. Suzette's table was number 11. Around it sat her parents, sister Emily, younger brother, a Mr. George Widener and his wife, Mr. Jack Thayer Sr., his wife, and their son, Jack Thayer Jr. The others were quite friendly but none of them were really Suzette's own age, and this made her a bit uncomfortable. As they were served, the Captain of the ship mingled with his >wealthy guests. Suzette could hear he and her father speaking. "Fine vessel you've got here Captain." Mr. Ryerson had said, shaking the Captain's hand. "Only the best for you fine people!" And they laughed. Half-way through the meal, Mrs. Ryerson excused herself from the table because she "wasn't feeling well". Suzette and Emily both agreed that their brother's death was taking it's toll on their mother. As dinner was almost finished, the diners too began to mingle among the tables. Suzette's family decided to join in the activity. She walked, and noded her head in that polite way that was the fashion at the time. She said hello to her parents' wealthy friends, and those her parents would become friends with. After a while, Suzette decided to go off on her own. As she excused herself from the circle, she noticed a girl sitting alone at a table on the opposite side of the room. So, she decided to go to her. "Hello." Suzette said. "Oh, hello." the girl said, a bit startled. Holding out her hand, Suzette said, "My name is Suzette Parker Ryerson. Pleased to make your aqaintence." "Yes, same here, my name is Helen Ostby." said Helen. "How are you enjoying yourself so far?" "Oh", began Suzette, "it's wonderful. It's quite amazing." Changing the subject she added, "May I ask, why are you sitting here alone?" "Well,I was looking for a girl I had met this afternoon, a Rose Bukator, but I can't seem to find her." Helen said dissapointedly. "Ohh..", Suzette moaned, "I know exactally who you mean!" I also met her earlier!" "Well, then", Helen said as she got up, we'll look for her together!" And the two of them began their search for Rose. In the back of her mind, Suzette hoped the three of them might begin a friendship. "Oh...yes, fiance!" she laughed "What a stunning ring you have, Rose." she smiled and nodded, understanding, "Mothers do get bossy when their little girl is about to be married. But maybe I'm wrong. Let me guess...she also decided WHO you will be marring, am I right?" She looked down in her whine glass and finished the rest of the red whine. "Well, about me...I'm aboard Titanic with my brother, Edward. My cousin, Henery who's in steerage, also is accompanying me. My stern, but loving father sent the two boys to find work. I'm required to find a rich husband." she sighed, but then laughed it off, "I'll be sure that won't happen." Helen said.

Rose's Tears

Holding her face, Rose ran toward the poop deck. She was sobbing the whole way there. Her life was meaningless. She had nothing to look forward to. She bumpped into a third class passenger on the way. It was the same girl who she had given a knife to to sharpen her pencil. But she didn't care. She just kept on running. She opened the gate separating the frist class from the third class and ran fast down the steps. Her fringed dress was flying this way and that. Her high-heels clicked on the deck. Rose passed many people but she didn't pay attention to them; she didn't care. Mascara and all were sliding down her face. She calmed down as she stopped a few feet from the edge of the ship. Slowly, Rose made her way to the back of the boat. She held on hard to the railing and slowly, on foot at a time, she climbed over the fence. She was now facing the ship. The Ship of Dreams, ha! she thought. What was sobbing was now just tears as she slowly turned around to face the dreaded North Atlantic. Down below she heard stompping and music. A third class party was going on. She pulled her upper body away from the back of the Titanic and leaned over to look down appon her fate. The propellers spung around below. She knew that she could be sucked into the propellers and be killed but that would only quicken her death so she didn't care. Turning around, she wanted to see if anyone was there...Maybe, just maybe, someone would actually care about her... Rose DeWitt Bukater, first class passenger


Dorothy closed her eyes and tried to will tears away. Why was her mother so unreasonable? Dorothy tentatively opened her eyes and saw Alice peering curiously at her. She mouthed the words, "It's okay," to her friend, knowing that it wasn't. If only she had someone who didn't care about social confines, the strictures that binded all women. Alice didn't see it...would she ever? Dorothy heard laughter erupt at a table, and saw a group merrily conversing. Why wasn't her table so joyous? Was it her fault that she was condemned to nothing but silence and tears? Oh, for a friend, thought Dorothy helplessly. A friend would make the voyage to New York seem all worthwhile.
