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~How did vT develope?~

Well, we will answer that question for you and tell you of how we have evolved over the years. This will show you our views on what has happend to us since we arrived in the place called Tyrans Cove. We started out when SexyVampiress was slain in her home for mouthing a Master Vampire named VlarDracul_Q. This senseless slaying brought about many angry beings, seeing that Sexy was well liked across the land. An aquaintance of Sexy's, came along and started to plot revenge on this clan that took down the owner of "Castle of Vampiress". The woman was named Lamia Varacolaci, she had recently inherited the spot of Queen when her parents where killed. Lamia had became the Queen of Vampire Tremere, but had no real desire to do anything with it until she heard of this murder. She barely knew Sexy, but felt that it was her cival duty to punish the clan who harmed her. She and her crew put Sexy in a glass tomb for inspiration in their fight and eventually had her ressurected.

~Who was the clan that murdered her you ask?~

They were called simply, "TheQ". They were led by VlarDracul and WillowMoon. This clan had been the most hated at this time in Tyran. Three of them came and slayed Sexy for not obeying Vlar and being disrespectful. Lamia and her close friend, Kaine started gathering friends to help them in their fight. This branch of vT started slowly growing day by day. Kaine changed his name to Dragula and suggested that Lamia be called LadyDeath, as she loved killing. They were then known as vT_Dragula and vT_LadyDeath. They decided to wait to reveal themselves until a few more of Lamia's fathers' vT came to Tyran. The first to arrive were vT_Jileyre. vT_Angel_73, and vT_Soulstealer. They were Dragula and LadyDeaths advisors. Shortly after this vT_Soulsmasher arrived and they started gathering in #Tremere for training.


The numbers grew everyday as everyone learned their cause. Their first appearance in the #vampirepub was an interesting one. They walked into the pub with their heads held high, walking in like they had been there for ages. Dragula, LadyDeath, Jileyre, Soulsmasher, Angel, and Soulstealer were the first vT to appear in the land of Tyran. They heard many things around them such as "oh my...another wanna be clan" and "don't expect to get anywhere here." They were greeted by zXVictoryBeMine, she was the Princess of Manor and Tyran. She welcomed vT and befriended them. They also encountered the Dark Kingdom clan, which was none to friendly with them. Victory then told them that they would need to meet her father, zXShaytanXz. He was not there at this time so after a couple of drinks, the vT's left back to their home. Soulsmasher left shortly after this as did Dragula. DeathLord ruled beside LadyDeath for a short time, but left when his heart longed for another. Bloody-Mara, BludSucker2, NightShade, Spellweaver, Spider, DarkStar, and Shar-Nadal were the next of the vT's. LadyDeath was now running vT by herself and when the patrons of Tyran heard this...they just knew that vT would get nowhere. All of the leaders of the few clans around were male. LadyDeath and her vT still showed up in the pub and the second time in the pub, Lady would meet Shaytan. Victory introduced Lady and Shaytan to each other and they began to talk. He asked her where her Lord was, when she said that she did not have one...the conversation broke off. This angered Lady very much, so she became more driven to prove herself....


Later on Lady ran into Shaytan while he was having a confrontation with Pandorah of Dk. It seemed that some of Tyrans patrons were not pleased with Shaytan's decision to shut down the old pub and go to another. Lady listened and decided to help because she did not believe in someone that was not of royalty talking to a King in such manner. Lady faught with one of Pandorah's friends as she tried to attack and killed her. Shaytan, after it was all over, looked at Lady in a new light. This was the begining of a mutual respect between them and Shaytan taking vT seriously. While Lady was ruling alone she joined forces with vM_Warlock_Mv to help bring down the VW clan, which was very easily done. vT was quickly gaining a name for itself, even though they had a female leader. They were Vampire Tremere for a while until they decided that it caused them too much of a hassle with a neighboring clan. They chose to be just vT, vT just being a symbol for some time. Around this time was when ones such as IcePrincess, MoonShadow, Pervinca, Lorthous, FleshGrinder, StarScreamer, and Minalerin came. A bit later came Guyjin, Kraven-Bloodlust, Metal-Tongue, Mistress-Nyx, Mistress-Lilly, Pure-Evil...the list goes on. Eventually, LadyDeath would meet a mortal man and fall deeply in love with him. LordDeath and LadyDeath soon after were married by their hearts and were very happy for a long while. Time passed as Lady grew tired of LordDeath because she felt that he was weak. He never once stood up to her and he did not have an evil bone in his body. More to the point, LordDeath bored her. She began to talk more and more with the mysterious VlarDracul and continued to plot revenge. Time passed talking to Vlar every night and seeing his Dark Vampiric ways and Lamia began to feel attracted to Vlar. She tried to ignore the way that her body was feeling when she was around him but one night they made love and continued after that to have a small affair. Time went on and Vlar and Lady's affair ended. Still feeling lonely, LadyDeath met Dethstryk and eventually the two had an on going affair. Lady turned up pregnant, but had no clue who the father was. When the child was born, Dethstryk looked into his eyes and told Lamia that there would come a time in the boys life that he will need to train. Lamia knew what that meant..the child was Dethstryks. LordDeath left Tyran and LadyDeath after finding out that the child was not his.

LadyDeath had stayed strong running the clan basically on her own with 32 members, everyone wanting things they could not have, etc... she got tired and stress was getting to her. (OOC: I was badly addicted to the internet and was trying to cut loose.) One night during a fight with a clan member gone nuts, LadyDeath faught knowing she was going to let herself go. The whole fight she was thinking that she had failed her family, among other thoughts she had, so she let herself lose the fight. She layed there still, acting as if she were dead. Everyone assumed that she was dead and went off to prepare a burial site for her. Lady slowly awakend to the face of Kalynstryk, whom had taken her to her home to help her heal. While Lady was trying to figure out whether or not to return, her daughter and son-in-law tried to keep things together in her death. They took on the names vT_Deathlord_vT and vT_LadyVinca_vT. When Lady was strong Kalyn told her that vT was falling apart in her absence. Hearing this information, she decided to return. She came back as vT_LadyDeath_vT with no king beside her within a week of her "death". vT at this time had fell from 32 to 12 and she could not let this be. She returned to a very shocked, but very happy family and quickly started working on building her clan back up. vT quickly gained back most that they had lost in her absense and gained a few more. (For many said, "vT IS LadyDeath.") Shortly thereafter, vT became known as Vampyre in Love, honor, and trust. Ladydeath began seeing Vlar again, as Dethstryk still had not left his wife because they had just had new twins. LadyDeath married Vlar and he came to be known as vT_VlarDeath_vT. They were so much in love unlike most have ever experienced. They faught a little over Lady not letting Vlar help in the clan much but that was about it until Lady started hearing the voices of her friends and family. No one wanted Lady with Vlar especially Dethstryk. She eventually started listening to what Deth and everyone else was telling her about her husband. Eventually, the rumors and the words from the people around her started to turn her to where she acted as if she hated Vlar. Lady began a plot to hire someone to kill her husband so she could be free. Vlar found out her plans and confronted her on it one night. They finally drew swords against each other and faught until a few from the Dark Kingdom came in and helped Lady out. Vlar and Lady parted ways with wounds not only outside but inside as well.

vT_Kaine_vT was asked to come back to boot Vlar out of the reign, given the cercumstances of their separtation. LadyDeath had a one time fling with RUNE of Dk to get under Vlar's skin because that was his worst enemy. This affair would result in a pregnancy. Lady and Lilith of nL blood bonded together...making nL and vT sister clans. This was the only clan that vT had ever bonded with. Lady finaly married the man that she longed for, vT_Dethstryk_G7 and they were very happy. They had a fairy tale romance and were very much into each other. Shortly after their marriage they found that they were being back stabbed by thought "friends" and decided to leave on an extended journey. (OOC: I had some RL problems as did Chris) LadyDeath was again tired and her husband was not allowed to rule with her because of him being a Gunslinger, so they left. When they left there was no one left to run vT, so instead of letting vT look like they were dying....she chose to take them with her on the journey. A while later, Lady and Rune's daughter vT_TaraShani, took over with her man vT_Battle-Demon. Spellweaver, which was Tara's adopted brother, also took part in this revival. They asked LadyDeath for permission to re-start the family and Lady said yes. So together....Tara, Battle, and Spellweaver started up vT again, they were back for less then 5 days and got up to 15 members. During the reign of Battle and Tara.....they brought vT to being feared so much that most of the clans were plotting to try and take vT out. 40 members strong for more then 4 weeks back then, I guess was kinda scary for a little town like Tyran. Some of the vT were a bit mad at the way vT was being so evil and kept reminding Tara that her mother would not like it. vT was at this time, the third oldest recognized clan in Tyran. She and Brok started enfocing new/old vT rules, but still had many enemies. Tara became strangly attracted to Shaytanstryk, though she never slept with him while her and Brok were together. Brok was mad jealous and thought they had slept together. Somewhere in this time frame, vT took in DC as a chapter. Tara knew the chapter was a bad idea but let Brok talk her into it. Brok assumed that the twins Tara was carrying was Shay's so he paid TheConfessor to kill the baby and he did so. Brok then was pushed into a rift and thought dead. Tara went a little insane for a bit so her mother, LadyDeath, came back and appointed Shaytanstryk as temporary Lord of vT. She asked him to watch vT and Tara until she was better. Working side by side, they started to heal together...her losing her child along with her love and him losing his wife, Lady-Magus. As of then, vT had 37 members with Shaytanstryk and TaraShani as Acting Lord and Lady. Shay challenged Red-Saber to a fight in arena and died...then Tara challenged him and died. Shay was defending a fellow vT member, then Tara faught him to avenge Shay and lost..barely. LadyDeath still yet did not return so the reign legally would have went to her natural son Nicolaistryk, but he did not want the title because he was a Gunslinger. LadyDeath's adopted son Spellweaver and his wife Khasana, took reign as Lord of Vampyre Trinity.

DC became straight vT before Shay and Tara "died"." A couple of DC's left vT after an arguement of leadership went on after Tara and Shay "died." After taking on the reign as Lord..Spellweaver took on his true name Krystian. Together they ruled vT happily for some time, then due to a battle in the arena, Krystian died. Shortly thereafter, Khasana gave birth to their son, Demizarin. Khasana ruled with her son,Demizarian for some time and eventually decided to disban Vampyre Trinity. Seeing that vT was no more hurt LadyDeath very much and her family kept asking for her to return and she finally did so. LadyDeath was back and the old Tremere family members were quickly returning to help bring vT to what it was so long ago. vT was as close to the way it was before that was possible, until LadyDeath decided to get married and merge vT into Dk. (ooc: I was determined to give the internet up for good but I knew as long as vT was around I wouldn't.) LadyDeath was very unhappy...she had 50 members before the merge, after she did not have many at all. She ended up leaving Tyran after her true love was ressurected. Dethstryk and her are living in worlds unknown together and will until forever ends.

TaraShani, though not herself after the ressurection and loss of her children and finding out her fiancee' was cause of it, returned to Tyran after being gone a while. Tara was begged to bring back vT abd after consideration she decided to do it. Once again, Vampire Trinity started forming. (OOC:I am not an internet addict no more!! YaY!!)Tara created a Trinity to run vT which was herself, IMMORTAL, and NightSinn. Shailastryk was part of the trinity for a bit, but she was not around enough so she lost her spot. vT became recognized again and also received a chapter. The Night Lords became a chapter of vT and this merge would seem to turn out well so far. (OOC: Seeing that I am not on much I created a Trinity so that I would not feel I had to be here and I would like to thank everyone for helping this work. I have also made a vow that no matter what happens in my real life..if I have to leave again...vT will stay. I am now ready to let people help me make it work when I can not be here. This is my vow to you all who are sticking with vT....vT will never again be disbanned by me.)

From past to present here are all who have had the pleasure of wearing the vT emblem most in no order. If you were a vT at one time, please contact a current leader to tell them your old name if you do not see it. It is very hard to remember them all. All were loved and very much a part of LadyDeath and vT. A few names were different variations of one player.

The Azuma's became a short lived part of vT and soon left to "start their own clan," but ended up in vM. Middle of August vT maked Dc a chapter of vT, these names looked like Dc_vT. Dc became straight vT, and now wear their vT's on the fronts of their names having the Dc on as a symbol of where they came from. The ones from the nL chapter will look like nL_vT.

vT_LadyDeath vT_Dragula vT_DeathLord vT_Lordeath vT_LadyDeath_vT vT_VlarDeath_vT vT_Kaine_vT vT_Ladystryk_vT vT_Dethstryk_G7 vT_SOULSTEALER vT_JILEYRE vT_Angel-73 vT_Nightshade vT_Dreadnight vT_Pervinca vT_Spellweaver vT_Moonshadow vT_Shinobi vT_Guyjin* vT_Metal-Tongue vT_Bludsucker2 vT_Lorthus vT_RedShadowDragon vT_Shar_Nadal vT_Minalerin vT_JilFairFax vT_DarkStar vT_DarkWarrior* vT_Mistress-Nyx vT_MistressLily vT_Midian vT_Kornchild vT_Apok vT_GrimReaper vT_FleshGrinder* vT_IcePrincess vT_Azereen vT_Nyx vT_Kraven_Bloodlust vT_Star_Screamer vT_BlackWidow vT_Spider vT_Nicolai vT_Siddious vT_DarkGoddess vT_PoisonMist vT_Nightbeauty vT_VampyreGodess vT_Maternus vT_Wolf vT_Wildfire vT_PURE-EVIL vT_WilDove vT_Vinca vT_Rebel vT_BloodHammer vT_ValorDragula* vT_DarkSnake vT_LordofLight vT_MidniteKiss vT_ThugVamp vT_FireVamp vT_Death_Charge vT_LordofLight vT_BlackPhantom vT_Jeruselam-X vT_Karyn vT_Evilgirl* vT_Brinsinia vT_Dreadnight vT_TaraShani_vT vT_Battle-Demon_vT vT_Shaytanstryk vT_Spellweaver vT_Hiroko_Azuma vT_Akaida_Azuma vT_Shaneah vT_Tribulations vT_PoisonIvy vT_VelvetMiss vT_Destiny vT_Valek vT_Senzu_Azuma vT_WildFire vT_Azereen vT_Pestilence vT_Dino_bot* vT_Malichite* vT_Leviathan vT_Dramidia vT_Nightmarra vT_Gunnells vT_SilverShadow vT_Shocker-* vT_Jesabelle vT_Death Dc_DemonHawk Dc_DemonLord_vT Dc_DrkMaiden vT_Demonessa_Dc vT_Swift_Wrath* vT_Art_black vT_Red-Saber_G3 vT_WildDove_Dc Dc_DreamCast_vT vT_Tristan_Dc Dc_IronRaiden_vT vT_Leviathan vT_Battle-Saint vT_Khasana vT_Dreagon_Dc Dc_Caliana_vT vT_Sabazios_Dc vT_SilverSafire vT_KynnaShon Dc_Nadallia_vT Dc_Twin0nyx_vT vT_Trinity_Dc vT_Onyx-Blade vT_Tridess_Dc vT_Flame-Demon vT_Panterra_Dc vT_DarkDeath_Dc vT_BloodBile vT_IMMORTAL_GA vT_Alouqua vT_FireMist vT_Spirit_Raven vT_Shadow_Dancer vT_Dweller vT_DarkWing_Dc vT_Dark_Babe vT_SoulHunter vT_SilverSpirit vT_Sacred_Angel vT_Angel-Knight vT_Krystian* vT_Stiphonia vT_Shadow_L vT_Evilstryk vT_Stuff vT_Shailastryk vT_Devistryk vT_Satanstryk vT_TwiZted vT_Drucilla vT_TearDrop vT_Amberstryk vT_Raekwon vT_Golem vT_Telariac vT_Natas vT_Hercules vT_Helina vT_Jago vT_Doomnight vT_Grimnight vT_deadinmysoul vT_Neirayda vT_Arctic vT_FatalNight vT_Fire-Born vT_JohnnyBlaze vT_Fire-Wolf vT_Diablostryk vT_Dragonstryk vT_Shivastryk vT_Divastryk vT_Sagestryk vT_Serinastryk vT_NightSinn vT_FatalFantasy vT_Frost vT_CynfulAngel vT_Meridiastryk vT_Zenmuron vT_Virindi vT_Valkyrie vT_Dragonetti nL_Lilith_nL nL_Pandesmos_nL nL_Lilly_vT nL_Fyre_vT nL_DeadlyRose_vT nL_BlackRose_vT nL_Tameira_vT nL_Tyger_vT nL_Aladrina_vT nL_Ala_vT nL_Darius_vT nL_PlacidStorm_vT nL_DreamMist_vT vT_AnarchyAngel vT_AaliyahJayde vT_Darkness vT_DemizarianXs vT_DethSkythe vT_Emaleth nL_DarkSoul_vT nL_Havok_vT nL_Sirius_vT nL_StarMagik_vT nL_tombbrngr_vT vT_PixieSaber vT_SassySaber vT_KeenanSaber vT_RevolverOcelot vT_Rhapsody vT_Tazrastryk vT_BattleAngel vT_Xenorastryk vT_Allister vT_Midnite vT_KayLeighAnna vT_Shanna-v vT_Gothic_Wolf

The names that have a star by them means that they died fighting for vT. All of these names are not just mere names to me, they are all family. All of these people helped make vT what it stands for. You all will never know how dear to me that you are.