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A simple conspect, many have seen it done well, and done poorly in RPG's. Now, I will explain the ins and outs of Ethereal travel, manifestation, and projection within a prime existance, singular reality plane; IE the Prime Material Plane.

The Ethereal Plane is that which surrounds and touches all of the other Inner Planes, the endless parallel worlds of the universe, without being a part of any of them. Any creature able to become ethereal and then return to material form can use this plane to move from one to another of the Inner Planes

Ethereal Travel: A character can achieve the ethereal state by various means which include magical ointment, magical items, magic spells and psonic disciplines. It is possible to move to or about any plane which the Etherreal Plane permeates, and it is always possible to move from plane to plane ethereally.

All movesment and travel in the Ethereal Plane is subject to certain hazards. Some monsters are able to function partially in this plane. Some monsters roam freely int he ethereal plane. The worst hazard, however, is the ether-cyclone, a strong moving force which can cause the individual to enter a different world or plane or become lost in the ehter for many, mandy days when it blows across the stretches of this multi-plane.

Ethereal travel is tireless and rapid. Creatures in the ethereal state need neither food, drin, rest or sleep.

Ethereal combat:

It is possible to cast spells, melee, etc. on the ethereal plane. These activtives generally affect only others on the same plane, but can affect other creatures who exist partially or function on the ethereal plane. Spells can be cast from the ethereal plane to the prime material plane.

Certain magic weapons will remain magical in the ethereal plane, but some will not, so be prepared for the worst. Ethereal combat is acutal damage, not merely spiritual, or mental pain inflicted like upon the astral plane.

Ethereal projection:

The act of being 'ethereal' and projecting the ethereal form into the prime material, or any other Inner Planes is rather easy. Traveling from the Ethereal into the prime, or from the prime into the ethereal needs a gate way, a catalyst for entery. As noted above, there are various ways. What isn't mentioned, is projecting that now ethereal form throughout the planes. Inacting a spell, or merely crossing through the fabric of the planes will allow the character to remain ethereal for a limited time, or until the spell is dismissed; or the gate is closed. While in Ethereal form, physical interaction is not possible. However, casting of spells, and speaking is perfectly fine.

Objects carried will remain ethereal (it is pretty much chance if the items remain ethereal and travel with the character, or do not and remain in the Ethereal plane. ) Swords, knives, you name it. These objects become ethereal; spectral items to strike with. Seldom will you cross a character that an by-pass the no-physical harm rule, while in the ethereal state. Weapons are knonw to exist, while they remain ethereal they cause spectral damage; draining away the life, the soul, even going as far as to cause the being struck to become ethereal. These items are rare.

Above I have stated what Ethereal travel, manifestation and projection is. Keep this information in mind while playing a character in an ethereal state, or in the ethereal plane. While not being a long file, I am sure you wonderstate what I am talking about clearly.

Ethereal Travels, Manifestation, Combat, and Projection.