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Some questions have been posed as to dragons in Tenaria, while it is not decided whether there are dragons or not dragons I think it is high time some facts were posted about them. There is ofof course a raise of dragon type people they are called Dracahoth. While I doubt someone wwould find themselves in the opprotunity to play a dragon in Tenaria, it might still be good to have some info on them. So here goes.

Dragons are large and magestic creatures. They can also be cruel and maliscious. All dragons are large, even newly hatched dragons will be about the size of a large dog. A full grown Wurm is truely a sight to behold (until they bight your head off that is). Another facet of dragons common to nearly all breads are the large wings that sprout from their shoulders. These wings allow them to fly at great speeds and increases their ominous presence.

Offensively dragons have the ability to reek havoc on armies of mortal men. Their wings can create great gouts of wind to blow over horses and men alike. Their powerful talons can rip a man in half like a knife through hot butter. Their long tails have enough power to crush a small house. The long rows of teeth are perfectly suited for tearing meet from bones. Their supernateral strength greatly surpasses even the strongest vampire. Finally most dragons also have a devastating breath attack that can destroy even the stoutest of dwarves. Defensively dragons seem nearly impervious to damage. Their tough scales are one of the strongest known substances, and even shed scales are strong enough to break through rock without problem. Dragons also have an innate ability to shapeshift into any creature they can think of with certain limitations; they new form can be no smaller than a cat and no larger than their natural shape. In addition nearly all dragons can use magic with relative ease, of course they prefer to use their natural abilities instead.

Dragons are usually content to stay out of arguments seeking only to hoarde their gold and stay out of the way. There have been rumours though that some of them have tormented towns and villages demanding the offering of virgins or the like(as if there were any of those in tenaria) in order to keep peace, and not destroy the village of it's choice. As stated before they can be malicous.

There are several types of dragons that you can play, most are known by color, the black dragons use firey breath attacks, the white mostly ice attacks, although there is rumour of a rare race of white fire dragons. The silver use an attack that freezes almost like quicksilver and the gold a gold attack with the same force. Red Dragons should be self explained because red most likely is used for fire. There are some brown dragons, those most usually called the great horned dragons. These Dragons may have any of the breath attacks, ice,water,fire, and quicksilver, but mostly they use fire.

Remember when playing your dragon type character that most dragon type characters would start out as hatchlings, very rare indeed is it that you will find a full grown dragon. Dragons lay their eggs and stay to protect them until they are ready to hatch and then leave them to their own designs so there is no real family function with dragons. The hatchling would not desire family nor really understand it because they have never known what real family is.

Dragons are naturally telepathing creatures, using these powers for comunication with other beings, and themselves. Also they use these powers to play games on unsuspecting weak minded opponenets. A dragon would never run from a fight in fear, however they would run if they thought they could not prevail. Dragons are fierce fighters and protectors of any of those they might think of as needing protective, however gaining protection and friendship from a dragon is not easy.

Dragon clans in Tenaria are a thing of the past, but I would be remice without mentioning the ones of great, the lakeclan, was a formidable fighting force of Dragons who started out only wishing to protect their home Dragonlake. They were friends with the claddragons, perhaps one of the fiercest dragonclans of old. The mark left by these Dragons will be felt for eons to come in Tenaria.

I would advise anyone to be wary of making a dragon character, because it is doubtful that you will get the desired affect in tenaria, Dragons are graceful,majestic, and horribly powerful creatures, it is simply unwise to play such a strong character especially if you have just entered the game. It may be tempting to scratch one up, give him some good stats and stuff of that nature, Common games such as rifts and D&D have stats for such occurences, but I think you would find it much more interesting to roleplay them table top rather than free style.

Article By: Christion