Title:Down By the Old Mill 4
Rating:PG-13(Mild swearing)
Disclaimer: Everyone knows that I don't own the show and characters but I have
to put this to save my @$$....Chris Carter owns the show and characters
Summery: In the hills of Alum Rock Park the answers are finally reveled.
Author's note: This is the last installment of this story. I would really
appreciate feedback. How did you like it? What could have been better? What did
you like? Jaidiaa@aol.com. Thank you in advance for feedback and thank you for
taking the time to read the story

" Damn it!" Mulder shouted, as he came to a stop in the creek bed." We Were so
close. We could have saved her" He turned to look at Scully. She was a few feet
away. She looked lost in her own world.
"Scully" Mulder called. She didn't move,didn't even blink." Scully" He called
again louder and more urgent. When she still didn't respond he walked over and
shock her" Scully!"
She jumped then turned to look at him.
" Mulder, did you see what I saw?"
" Yes, I saw the Lili disappear in a flash of light"
"No, the glowing ball, did you look close enough to see what it was"
" NO, I was trying to get to Lili. Why? What was it?"
" I know this sounds crazy but when I looked closely I saw an angel"
Mulder didn't know what to say. He had to give her some credit. She didn't
easily believe in the paranormal. She would have had to be totally convinced
about what she saw. This put a new twist on the case. They had believed it to
be a government conspiracy. They had thought the government had been taking the
children. Mulder had secretly believed there was an alien connection, but
angels/ This put a new spin on things
" Why are you silent?" he heard Scully ask in a soft voice" Do you not believe
" Of course I believe you. This changes the whole case. I have a theory"
" I figured you would"
" What if Kimmy, Stacy Anne,Maria, and Lili were angels. Sent here for whatever
reason and now their time is up"
" But what about the government connection?"
" I think they knew. They wanted to study them."
" But Andrea Smithston gave birth to the triplets"
" I know that's the part I haven't figured out yet. We need to find the last
" I know where she is" Scully told him. In all the excitement she had forgotten
what Mrs. Estrada had told her.
" What" A stunned Mulder asked
" Mrs. Estrada told me that originally she was asked to adopt two babies. She
had agreed. Then at the last minute a rich woman who had declined earlier
miscarried and agreed to take the other infant. Mrs, Estrada gave me the
woman's address. She lives in San Jose, in Alum Rock. The girl's name is
Cassie, the mother is Amanda."
They were there in ten minutes. Thankfully Cassie was in her room. They had
won this time.Mulder had a plan. He wanted to take Cassie near the creek in
Alum Rock Park but not actually in the water. He would hang on to her of
course, to keep her out of harms way. Scully reluctantly agreed. She was afraid
for the child's safety and wanted to take her as far from any creek she could.
She finally gave in to Mulder's request only to solve the case. They spoke with
Cassie and her mother who both agreed that it was Cassie's best bet to not be
taken like the other's.Scully went to a nearby store and came back with two
" what the hell are those for?" Mulder asked her
" So we can attach Cassie to both of us without hurting her like handcuffs
would."Mulder stared at his partner in amazement*how did she know that's what I
had planned* he thought. as if reading his mind Scully shrugged and replied" I
know you".
Fifteen minutes later they were making their way into the park. It was a
little hard to walk with all of them tied to each other but they managed
alright. They went to the creekbed and waited. Within minutes cancerman and his
gang had arrived
" Give us the girl"
" Why?" Was Mulder's simple to the point response
" You have no clue what you're dealing with here"
" WE know it involves angels. that it has been an angel who took the girls, why
is this happening?What is your connection?" They looked at Scully and studied
her, measuring each word she had just said.
" So you want answers. Hand the girl over and we will tell you everything"
" i don't trust you
" Damn it Mulder we're running out of time!"
" Tell them the truth" Cancerman began causing everyone to look stunned in his
direction" Then let them decide what they feel is best for the girl"
At the mention of Cassie Scully looked down. she looked very frightened. * She
must be* Scully thought* We're all standing here deciding her future*
" Twenty years ago we discovered what we at first believed to be the corps of
an angels. After taking her to a lab we discovered she was still alive. We
began running tests.One of them was to mate the female angel with a human male.
It was successful.. There was two hybrids born. We gave the infants away but
kept tabs on them so we could study how they grew while letting them lead a
normal life. We also impregnated a human female with an a hybrid fetus.we
implanted three just in case. It was a total success, Three girls were born. We
took two and let her keep one. The five girls have lived happy normal lives
until now. The angel broke free. We believe she is coming back for her
" What would you do with the girl if we gave her to you?"Mulder asked. He had
no intention of letting them get her but he did want to know
" We would take her someplace safe"
" Where is a safe place?" Scully asked
" Away from water, natural bodies of water anyway. Angels feel safe near creeks
streams rivers the ocean, any natural body of water. They also get power from
the water. She can't take the girls unless they are in a natural body of water.
We made sure that there was water near where we left each girl."
Mulder and Scully looked at each other.They could take the girl. Or hearing
this she could make the choice to not go near the creek anymore. There was no
need to hand her over to the ruthless savages who no doubt planned to run
several tests on her. They were about to refuse, they were prepared to fight
for her, but then the girls real mother appeared. She was dazzling and
beautiful. Cassie was immediately drawn to her. She tried to move forward buy
Mulder and Scully stopped her
" That's right" Said the angel in the most beautiful voice Scully ever heard"
Come to me my daughter" She then looked right at the girl for the first time
and saw that Mulder and Scully were restraining her
" Do not be afraid" She told them " I have no intention of harming or keeping
her. I just want to tell er and her sisters who they really are. They will be
coming in to their powers soon. They must know how to use them. They are
angels, partly at least. They are in the world to do good and to change it for
the better, to help those who are poor weak or in need.I cannot take them with
me but they must know who they are.Let her come to me"
Mulder and Scully looked at each other then silently released the straps.
Cassie looked up at them for a moment, a hint of fear in her eyes.
" You don't have to go" Mulder whispered" It's your choice"
Cassie looked up at them one more time then slowly walked forward. In a flash
of light both her and the angel were gone
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One week later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Scully smiled as she watched Andrea embraced her girls. All the girls had been
found in the creekbeds they had been abducted from. They all claimed to have no
memory of their disappearance. Mulder and Scully knew better but said nothing.
Who would believe them anyway. They just watched the happy reunions and
considered the case closed.

The End...don't forget to send feedback to Jaidiaa@Aol.com