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Hits since July 2000

The Guardian of my Page:

"I serve and protect only Mak"

I have had this site up only a month and have already won an award:
Grey Wolf Award

Ok, I'm tryin something new out. The clans are up (WAAHHHOOOO!!!) so go check em out. Send me some feedback, tell me what ya think. There are currently 5 different clans, but as more people join, I will make more.

Well, I finally got around to setting up the different galleries. There are currently 3 different galleries you can go into:
Small Pictures, Big pictures, and All Pictures
I hope this makes it easier for you to surf my page. Also if you have any suggestions feel free to E-Mail Me.
I am always willing to listen to new ideas and maybe I will use one of yours.

Ok, quickie on the preload. It is very fast I think and helps you to view all the images on my site very easily. If you plan on going to the galleries I suggest doing the preload, it will save you a lot of time in the end.

-=- Preload -=- No Preload -=-

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