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Image Copyrighted to John Howe.

Stonehaven View from the Ocean of Souls.

Welcome, I bid you rest. Make yourself at home and let me share with you the wonder that is Stonehaven. The Ascension Conclave is the name of my original Household before I ventured forth into the Outer Realms. While in the Outer Realms, I made a new family, thus; came into being the Clan Polaris. Polaris means Raiders of the Arctic. Nostalgic for by-gone days, I brought back my original House and returned my own roots.

The Ascension Conclave is a royal household of dark nuetral alignment. Its members represent creatures that embrace the night and the dark-secret places of existence. Some dwell in the shadowy places between light and night. We are a Family defined by an air of dark sensual beauty who thirst for arcane and lost forms of knowledge. Our home is in the Realm of the Imaji and its home world of Imaji Espe’jismo. It's lead by a Matriarch. Stonehaven is a massive Gothic structure with walk ways and ramps. It's located atop a 60 foot steep-high cliff over looking the Ocean of Souls.

Image Copyrighted to Edward Barton.

View of one of the many beaches found along the Keep’s coast.

This was once the home of an archaic race of daemonic gargoyle like creatures that left their original home planet with the remnants of the Shi'aarae to settle upon sacred ground. The Keep has stood since primordial times. The mound on which the Keep stands is a nexus, a cross roads between worlds and the realm of the spirit world, of great power.

Image Coyrighted to H.R.Giger.

View of the Ancient Seaward Entrance to Stonehaven via the caverns.

The roar of the ocean's waves pounding against the rocks below whispers, echoing through the night, retelling of battles and fallen heroes of ages past. Originally a fortress, it has been converted into a home for biped-homid soft-fleshed like creatures by the various races of Impa'wixay (Impa') and other Daemons that inhabit its walls. Only, the various Impa' Tribums give a glimpse of the past. This is the seat of power and the Keep of the Ascension Conclave. This is also the natal-ancestral home of the Household's Matriarch.

It was brought over by the original inhabitants from their mother world. Stone by stone, it was brought over to this sacred mound and erected to its full glory. On moonless nights, when the air is crisp-frosted and the Six Sisters (small Imajian Moons) are silvers of silver against the velvety caliginous backdrop of Night's sable brow, one can hear the faint echo of Stonehaven's massive heart. Throbbing softly like a lullaby, he gives a hint of His true nature. Only, the Mistress of the Keep can call upon His powers. Wave swept ocean born mael storms roar of the secrets kept beneath a watery veil.

Contents found throughout this web site of the Stonehaven Keep, the Ascension Conclave, the Imaji Realm (Realm of the Imaji), the Impa'wixay, the Shi'aarae, and all related material are the intellectual property of Grizell E. Blessing B. (GEBB) and are protected under international copyright law. This material may not be reproduce under any condition without permission from the author, © 1990 - 2002.