Name_______________ Amano*Nanase________
Age   15
Sex  f
Bloodtype  o
Height 5'5'' 
Eyes blue
Hair  chestnut brown
Introduction :
Amano is a  junior high at  the Yamamoto High School with waist lenght brown hair.  She is usually very kind and amiable and is a bright student and very approachable. She is one of the prettiest girls in school and loves to cook. Music is her talent . She is currently a member of the school newspapaer and loves working there. She has developed quite a good reputation for being a straight A student. Graceful and beautiful, she is very feminine almost in all aspects. Furthermore, she is humble frank honest understanding  compassionate caring  and hates to hurt other poeple as much as possible. Sometimes, she can be faint hearted and may lack self confidence, but she has learned to overcome her fears later on with her friends. Because of her agreeable characteristics, many guys go after her.

Background :
Amano is the oldest of two sibs. Her family wasn't one of the haves, so she had learned to work really hard. Actually, she was living in an extra ordinary family where   Her dad had resulted to heavy womanizing. drinking gambling and rarely goes home. His actions had made them poorer and poorer. Because of this, Amano  was forced to work in restaurant to support herself and her brother , at the same time, trying to sort out her father's life.

Hamada Rei  
Name_______________ Hamada*Rei________
Age   16
Sex  f
Bloodtype  a
Height 5'9' 
Eyes yellow
Hair  yellow 
Introduction :
Athletic, Hamada is the star player of the Yamamoto Soccer team, MVP of the soft ball and loves to race in cars. Unlike Amano , she is boyish and dresses boyishly. She is av ery strong famle character who can easily command respect and authority even among the men. In fact, she is the leader of the military academy in Yamamoto. Apparently, she has no friends and likes to go alone in whatever ocassion and her calmness  may appear to be rude, haughty and tough. But inside, she is basically kind-hearted. Rugged, she isn't so vocal about her feelings and may sometimes be overly to self centered.

Background :
Hamada was the daughter of General Hamada, one fierce general , whose strong character was passed on to his daughter.  One of his biggest frustrations was Rei for having been a girl instead of a boy to entrust his businesses into and who was not " strong" enough to be his successor. However,  he died in war leaving his father, Rei's grandad to take care of Rei ( since Rei's mom had left her when she was two). His dad's last will was for Rei to be as "strong" as him, and so, Mr. Hamada, despite his will to give Rei a normal upbringing had no chouce but to follow his son's last will for his daughter. This is where Rei's training began.

Name_______________ Mori*Sakura________
Age   14
Sex  f
Bloodtype  a
Height 5'7' 
Eyes purple
Hair  black 

Introduction :
Mori is a happy go-lucky kind of person with carefree disposition and who-cares kind of attitude. Like Hamada, she is commonly alone with no friends. She has become an introvert who'd rather sleep than go out with poeple. Also, she's rather do things the easy way and hates to have much work. She doesn't go with fashion or with any other trends and prefers to start her own. She is very candid , but diverse to Amano, she doesn't mind being blunt even to the extent of embarrasing other poeple or hurting their feelings. SHer philosophy is to accept reality, no matter how harsh it is , but feel free to live in fantasy. She claims to be boring but loves to laugh. She can be really shallow and mean at times and may often show a childish side, but deep down, she is equally mature as Amano and Hamada.
Background :
One of he main reasons Sakura hates work was because hers family is one of the richest families . Her dad, being  a workahiolic businessman and porprietor of three of the country's biggest company, earned more thn a enough to supplort a hundred families, while her mom, just a plain housewife who did nothing all day but shop and have fun with her friends.  Sakura, the only child,  being sick of everything and lacked her family's attention, decided to live up her own world. That can be one of the reasons she has become an introvert and apathetic.

 Nishi Asuka  
Name_______________ Nishi*Asuka________
Age   16
Sex  f
Bloodtype  o
Height 5'5' 
Eyes pink
Hair  blue 

Introduction :
Asuka is one of the prettiest and most popular girls in school - a lovely girl with shoulder - lenght hair. Elegant and charming she is a member of the cheering squad and the school drama team . She loves to party and considers almost every ocassion an opportunity to show the world that she is the best among the rest --- but her most favorite opponent is Amano , who became her rival almost in every aspect. She isn't so good in academics but is very eager. She is curious and loves to experiment, has a good fashion sense and enjoys flirting with guys. She can be a hypocrite ,egocentric, disloyal, uncaring and spolied braggart  at times, but she has good points as well : she doesn't lose heart easily and has good confidence in herself and the poeple she trusts. She is encouraging and knows well what is good and bad and doesn't easily get swayed or fooled.  Once she becomes your friend (which is a very rare occasion) she is very loyal and trust worthy.

Background :
Asuka is from a wealthy family, although not as wealthy as the Moris. Her dad was from the fashion world, a photgrapher to be precise and her mother was as model . Because of a good family background, she became so proud of it and dreams someday to be like her mother - an appealing refined woman. She is the youngest of three and also the only girl in the sibs, which explains why she is pampered and egocentric more often that not. She is't the type to accept defeat and won't stop unless she gets what she wants. However, her dreams were shattered when her mother filed for divorce and she used her snobby self to cover up her sadness. 

Name_______________ Ogata*Hitomi________
Age   14
Sex  f
Bloodtype  ab
Height 5'3' 
Eyes carmineired
Hair  green 

Introduction :
Ogata is second to the youngest of the group who is also the smartest when it comes to academic excellence. She is witty, clever, loves science and math and geometry and gossips (ok, almost all) and is very obssessed in making money (she uses her intelligence for this case acutally). Primarily, she isn't a member of the populars, but most of them consult her for help when it comes to any school subject. She's into computers and a hacker herself. Her dream is to be a lawyer and scientist and austronaut and doctor and businesswoman (ok, so she has lots of dreams)someday. Usually, because of her passion in earning money, she gets in trouble ,but has learned to get out  using her wit. She is smart, helpful optimistic, subtle and good at planning things. If she plans it seriously (with no fingers crossed:), then it has .09% possibility of failing.

Background :
Ogata is the middle  daughter of both uneducated folks who just won the lottery and was able to send Ogata in a good school. Because they were not able to attain the education they desired when they were young, they knew the fruits of this and so, did their best to give the education they had missed to Hitomi. Luckily, they won the lottery and didn't have to die in order to give her formal training. However, they wanted Hitomi to be able to stand by herself and become really independent, so they they deprived her of the luxuries a newly rich family like them are entitled to and led but simple life. As a result, Hitomi became indeed a smart independent (not to add  practical!) cookie who can lift them out of their frustrations using her wit. Hitomi is a person full of hopes and dreams and has a good philosophy in life. But like all other , she has her weaknesses as well : she can be very greedy and practical and may use people for her advantage. Despite her modern knwledge, she can also be very supertitiuos and believed in such things as fate and fortune.