Explanation of Accents

a'              -> 'a' with the acute accent (') over it,
                    accent aigu (ASCII code 160)

a"              -> 'a' with two dots (Umlaut)   (ASCII code

a^              -> elongated vowel (e.g. 2 a's)

a~              -> 'a' with a tilde(~) over it

e^              -> 'e' with a carot(^) over it

e'              -> 'e' with the acute accent (') over it
                   (ASCII code 130)

n~              -> 'n' with a tilde(~) over it

o~              -> 'o' with a tilde(~) over it

Explanation of Languages

Afrikaans       -> spoken by people of Dutch heritage in
                                      South Africa

Alentejano      -> An accented form of Portuguese spoken in
                   the Alentejo region of Portugal (the part
                   of the country south of  the river

Alsacien        -> French/German dialect (live in France,
                   but speak like Germans)

Amharic         -> Official language spoken in Ethiopia.
                   Just one of over 80 languages spoken

Apache          -> North American Indian Nation rangeing
                   from the plains states to the eastern
                   Rocky Mountains and from the
                   Canadian to Mexican borders

Arabic          -> language spoken in the Arab countries
                   including but not limited to Bahrain,
                   Egypt, Iraq, Jordan,  Kuwait, Libya,
                   Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and  the
                   region of Palestine.

Ashanti/Akan/Twi-> Ashanti is the most popular and
                   predominate of  many dialects spoken in
                   Ghana.  The Ghanan language is generally
                   refered to as either Akan or Twi.

Assamese        -> language spoken in the state of Assam,



Bassa           -> language spoken in Africa

Batak           -> language spoken in the northern Sumatra
                   province of Indonesia

Bavarian        -> language spoken in the state of Bavaria,
                   southern Germany (actually a German

Bemba           -> language spoken in Africa

Bengali         -> language spoken in the state of West
                   Bengal, India,  as well as almost all
                   people of Bangladesh

Bicol           -> dialect spoken in the Philippines

Braille         -> The alphabet represented by patterns of
                   raised dots.  It is 'read' by touch.

Basque          -> language spoken in the Basque region of



Cajun           -> French dialect spoken by people who
                   migrated from  Acadia, Canada, to the
                   Louisiana, USA, area. Acadia is in an
                   Atlantic province.

Catalan         -> language spoken in the Barcelona region
                   of Spain

Cebuano         -> language spoken in Philipines near the
                   town of Cebu

Central Yup'ik  -> language spoken by the indigenous Eskimo
                   people of southwestern Alaska

Cherokee        -> North American Indian tribe

Cheyenne        -> North American Indian tribe, part of the
                   Apache  Nation

Chichewa        -> language spoken in Malawi, Central Africa

Chickasaw       -> North American Indian tribe(southeastern
                   Oklahoma) Chinese

    Amoy           -> language spoken on Taiwan, an island
                      off Fukien Province in southeast
                      China, and Singapore

    Cantonese      -> language spoken in the region around
                   Guangzhou including Hong Kong and also in

    Mandarin      -> The official language of China
                   Putonghua litterally 'common language'
                   also spoken by native Chinese in
                   Singapore and Malaysia

    Wu             -> language spoken in Jiangsu Province

Creol           -> French dialect spoken by people from
                   Haiti.  It is basically French with a
                   little English and German.



Dusun           -> language spoken by the Dusun tribe, one
                   of the largest in North Borneo

Dutch           -> language spoken in the Netherlands and
                   the provinces of East- and West-Flanders,
                   Antwerp, Limburg, and Flemmish-Brabant,



Esperanto       -> The International Language. An
                   'artificial' language.



Farsi           -> language spoken in Iran.  Dialects of
                   Farsi spoken in Pakistan and
                   Afghanestan.  Farsi is sometimes called

Franconian      -> German dialect spoken by the citizens of
                   Franken or Franconia which is part of
                   Bavaria in the area  around Nuremberg

French          -> language spoken in France, Canada, and
                   the provinces of Luxembourg, Namur,
                   Liege, Hainault, and Brabant-
                   Walloon(Brabant of the Walloons), Belgium

Friesian        -> language spoken in northern Holland,
                   northern Germany, and in some parts of
                   Denmark (mainly west coast)



Gaelic          -> language spoken in Ireland

Galician        -> Galicians live in the four Spanish
                   provinces located along the northwest
                   coast of the Iberian Peninsula,  but
                   their language zone shades into
                   neighboring areas of Spain and Portugal
                   as well. The four provinces are
                   A Corun~a, Lugo, Ourense, and Pontevedra.

Georgian        -> language spoken in Georgia

Gronings        -> Dutch dialect

Guarani'        -> one of the two official languages in

Gujrati         -> language spoken in the state of Gujrat,
                   India, and Pakistan



Hakka           -> Chinese dialect from Manchuria

Hausa           -> language spoken in Nigeria

Hebrew          -> language spoken in Israel and by Jewish

Hindi           -> language spoken in the northern states
                   of India

Hopi            -> North American Indian tribe (southwest,



Ibaloi          -> dialect spoken in the Philippines by the
                   Igorot natives, specifically the Ibaloi's

Ilocano         -> dialect spoken in the Philippines

Interglossa     -> An 'artificial' language invented by
                   Lancelot Hogben, circa 1940.



Kankana         -> dialect spoken in the Philippines by the
                   Igorot natives, specifically the

Kannada         -> language spoken in the state of
                   Karnataka, southern India

Kapampangang    -> Filipino dialect   (or Pampangang)

Kekchi          -> language spoken by 380,000 Mayans in
                   Guatemala, Belize, and El Salvador

Kikongo         -> language spoken in Zaire, Africa

Klingon         -> Spoken in Star Trek.  Proper term for
                   the language is "tlhIngan Hol".  The
                   Klingon homeworld is Qo'noS, in English
                   it's Kronos.

Kpele           -> language spoken in Africa



Lao             -> language spoken in Laos and by the
                   Laotian people living in northern

Luo             -> language spoken in Kenya

Luxembourgish   -> language spoken in Luxembourg and in the
                   border areas in Belgium (Arlon), France
                   (Thionville), and Germany.
                   A mixture of French and German, with the
                   emphasis on German.



Maa             -> language spoken in Africa

Malayalam       -> language spoken in the state of Kerala,

Maltese         -> language spoken on Malta, a small
                   independent island in the Mediterranean
                   Sea south of Italy with around 400,000
                   inhabitants.  Maltese is a mixture of
                   Arabic and Italian mostly.

Mandarin        -> The official language of China Putunghua

Marathi         -> language spoken in the state of
                   Maharastra, India (Bombay is the capital

Marshallese     -> language spoken on the Marshall Islands

Mohawk          -> North American Indian tribe (New
                   England, maybe one of the Seven

Mokilese        -> language spoken on Mokil and Ponape

Moroccan        -> language spoken in Morocco, North Africa

Morse Code      -> A code using series of dots and dashes
                   to represent letters, numbers, and other
                   characters. Originally developed by
                   Samual Morse for use on the telegraph.



Navaho          -> North American Indian tribe (southwest)

Ndebele         -> language spoken in Zimbabwe

Nyanja          -> language spoken in Africa



Papiamento      -> language spoken on the island of Aruba

Portuguese      -> The official and regular language spoken
                   in Portugal,  Brazil, Angola, Mozambique,
                   Sao Tome and Principe, Cape Verde, Macau,
                   Guinea-Bissau, Goa(India), and
                                      Galicia(Spain). Also spoken in but not
                   the official language of East Timor,
                   Damao(India), and Diu(India). It is the
                   sixth most spoken language in the world.

Pulaar          -> dialect spoken in Senegal by the Fulani

Punjabi         -> language spoken in the state of Punjab,
                   northern India



Quechua         -> language spoken by Incan Indians (South

Quenya          -> Elvish language invented by J. R. R.
                   Tolkien for his  books.  Notably, "The
                   Lord of the Rings".



Saami           -> Language of an indigenous people living
                   in the Northern Scandinavian region of
                   Lapland. Formerly known as Laplanders or
                   Lapps.  They have several dialects, but
                   this is the main one, Northern Saami.
                   Their language is related to Finnish.

Sesotho         -> language spoken in South Africa
                                     (Southern Sotho)

Shona           -> language spoken in Zimbabwe

Sinhala         -> Language of the non-Tamil (majority)
                   people of Sri Lanka.  Also spoken in

Sioux           -> North American Indian tribe (upper

Solresol        -> An artificial musical language composed
                   of sequences of notes on the diatonic
                   scale (do, re, mi,...) sung by name for
                   comprehensibility to the tone deaf.  The
                   7 notes could also be mapped into colors
                   so that writing would be a series of
                   colored squares.

South Africa    -> There are several official languages
                   listed in the Constitution of South
                   Africa.  They are: Afrikanns, English,
                   Ndebele(Sindebele, isiNdebele), saLeboa,
                   Sesotho, Swazi(Siswathi, siSwati),
                   Setswana, Tshivenda, Venda(Tshivenda),
                   Zulu(isiZulu), Sepedi.

Spanish         -> Language spoken in Spain and Latin
                   America(Mexico, Central and South
                   America) except Brazil. It is the
                   third most spoken language in the world.

Swabian         -> One of the German dialects. The literal
                   word 'love'   (Schwa"bisch)    does not
                   exist in this language.

Swahili         -> language spoken by some indigenous
                   tribes of East  Africa


Tagalog         -> dialect spoken in the Philippines

Tamil           -> language spoken in the state of Tamil
                  Nadu, India, and in Sri Lanka(by a low
                  percentage of the people), Singapore,
                  Malaysia, Mauritus

Telugu          ->language spoken in the state of Andhra
                  Pradesh, India (eleventh most spoken
                  language in the world)

Tetum           -> language spoken in East Timor

Timerio         -> An artificial language using only
                   numbers.  The idea was that each language
                   has a different word for each concept, so
                   if the concepts were numbered, automatic
                   translation would be possible.

Tswana          -> language spoken in Africa

Twi/Akan        -> language spoken in Ghana.  See also



Urdu            -> language spoken in Pakistan and India



Vai             -> language spoken in Africa

Vdrmldndska     -> language spoken in the
                   Vdrmland(Vaermland), Sweden, region north
                   of Lake Vdnern.The real Vdrmldndska
                   language is spoken to the northwest of
                   Lake Vdnern up to the border of Norway
                   and in northern Vdrmland  around the town
                   of Torsby by about 270,000 people,
                   90,000 of which consider it to be their
                   mother language.  It is a mixture of
                   Swedish and Norwegian  with some borrowed
                   words from the many Valloonian people who
                   went there to work as engineers in the
                   mining industry during the 17th century.

Volapu"k        -> An 'artificial' language invented by
                   August Scheyler, circa 1880.

Vulcan          -> Spoken in Star Trek by Mr. Spock and
                   others from  the planet Vulcan



Walloon         -> literally Welsh(not English Welsh),
                   a little used French dialect with certain
                   German influences spoken in the provinces
                   of Luxembourg, Namur, Liege, Hainault,
                   and Brabant-Walloon(Brabant of
                   the Walloons), Belgium

Wolof           -> dialect spoken in Senegal by the Wolof



Yucatec Maya    -> language spoken by indigenous people of 
                   the Yucatan  peninsula in Mexico


Zazi            -> Kurdic dialect

Zuni            -> North American Indian tribe