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Dreams Do Come True by Mallory Breen

"Sweetie, are you sure you want to go?," Mrs. Turner asked loading the last of Megan's suitcases into the trunk of Megan's car.

"Mom, trust me, if I wasn't sure of going, I wouldn't!" Megan said giving her mom one last hug.

"I know you'll make all the right choices, I'll miss you!" Mrs. Turner said playing with Megan's curly brown hair.

"Mom, don't cry! It's not like I'm never going to see you again! Just because Amy and I are moving down to Florida doesn't mean that you'll never hear from me again!" Megan said smiling to herself.

"I know im sorry! It's just that you graduated from high school two weeks ago, and already you're moving away!" Mrs. Turner said.

"I'm sorry, it's just that when Amy and I went down to Florida last summer, we loved it! It's really awesome down there!" Megan exclaimed.

"Ok, well will you promise to call me as soon as you and Amy arrive in your apartment?" Mrs. Turner asked.

"Yes, Mom, I'll call!" Megan replied. Just then Megan's boyfriend of almost 3 years pulled up.

"Megan!" Steve yelled jumping out of his car

"Steve! Hi! I thought you said you had to work?!" Megan asked hugging Steve

"I did, I got Robby to cover for me, besides I wouldn't miss my girlfriend leaving, would I?," Steve asked smiling.

" I guess not!" Megan said.

"Hi Mrs. Turner!" Steve said giving Megan's mom a quick hug.

"Hello Steve!" Mrs. Turner said returning the kind gesture.

"Megan, we have to get going," Amy said walking up to her.

"Yeah, you're right, bye everyone, I'll miss you!" Megan said giving her mom a hug.

"Bye Megan" Steve said sadly

"Bye Steve" Megan said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Megan and Amy quick got into Megan's brand new Honda Accord. Megan started the engine. She waved to the people that she wouldn't see for a long time. As she drove away, Amy turned on the radio. Backstreet Boys new song, Larger Than Life was playing.

Looking at the crowd, and I see your body sway, c'mon Wishing I could thank you in a different way, c'mon 'Cause all of your time spent, keeps is alive All you people can't you see, can't you see How your love's affecting our reality Everytime we're down, you can make it right And that makes you Larger Than Life

"I Love that song!" Megan exclaimed.

"Me too! The Backstreet Boys are so awesome!" Amy said agreeing with Megan.

"Nick's my definte favorite. He's so cool! And the weird thing is, he's sorta like me. I mean we both love video games, we both love the color green, and we both love the beach!" Megan said.

"Cool, my favorite is Brian! He's so funny and nice! Maybe we'll get to meet them!" Amy said excitedly.

"Yeah, in your dreams!" Megan said laughing.

2 Days later

"Wow, this place is great!," Amy said with excitment.

"Yeah, and it's so big!" Megan said with awe.

"I got an idea, how about we skip unpacking and go down to the beach!" Amy yelled.

"You read my mind!" Megan said laughing.

Nick and Brian

"This beach is so cool!" Nick Carter said jumping into the water.

"Yeah, it is. It's even better because there are no screaming fans!"

Brian Littrell said walking cautiously into the cold ocean water. After a few minutes, Brian noticed Nick staring at something. "Yo Frack, Earth to Frack!, Come in Frack!" Brian said splashing water at Nick

"Huh, What?" Nick asked annoyed

"What are you looking at?" Brian asked trying to follow Nick's gaze. Nick finally moved Brian's head into the direction of Megan and Amy

"Oh" Brian said knowing why Nick was staring. Nick laughed

Megan and Amy

"Wow, Florida beaches are beautiful!" Megan exclaimed laying her towel on the warm sand.

"I know! I love it! Hey, wanna go surfing??" Amy asked spotting a place to rent surfboards.

"No, not really, I'm not that good" Megan said. "Remember what happened last time?" Megan said.

"Yeah, but that was then, this is now!" Amy said giving Megan the puppy dog face."Pleeeaaasssseeee!" Amy pouted.

"Fine, fine" Megan said as Amy grabbed her arm and dragged her to where you rent surfboards. Megan, clueless of what to do, just watched Amy. Amy paddled out into the ocean. She finally jumped up on her board. Megan was really nervous about the whole thing. She slowly paddled out into the ocean like Amy had. Megan cautiously and slowly got up on her yellow surfboard. She looked ahead and saw a huge wave coming. She got nervous and frantically called Amy's name. She got no response. Before she could call it again, the wave had knocked her over. She screamed and then hit her head on the corner. That immediately knocked her unconcious.

Nick and Brian

"Hey, look, they're surfing!" Nick said.

"Only one of them is, where'd the other one go?," Brian asked looking at Nick. Nick shrugged. Brian looked over at Amy. He saw that she was calling Megan's name.

"Yo, Nick, she's yelling her friends name. Maybe we should go over and help her," Brian suggested starting to walk in Amy's direction.

"Alright" Nick said following Brian. When they finally reached Amy, she was now crying.

"Excuse me, is there something wrong?," Brian asked putting his hand on her shoulder.

Amy quickly turned around when she felt someone touch her shoulder. She almost fell over when she realized who the two people were that were standing in front of her.

"Yeah, my friend Megan, she was surfing, and then all of a sudden I hear her scream, and now she's no where, I can't find her!" Amy cried

" Don't worry, we'll find her," Nick said

"Thanks" Amy replied. Nick, Amy and Brian all went in search for Megan.

Suddenly Nick yelled:

"Guys, I found her!" Nick quickly picked up Megan and ran toward the beach. When he reached the beach, he softly placed Megan on the warm sand. He applied Mouth-To-Mouth Resesitation. While Nick was about to apply it again, Megan woke up and spit water into Nick's face. Amy ran over to her side. "Megan! Megan! You're awake!" Amy cried holding Megan's hand

"What happened?," Megan asked dryly.

"You, were surfing, and you must have fell and hit your head, and then you were unconcious. Amy was screaming your name and we came over. Then we all started looking for you. I found you first and carried you onto the beach," Nick said.

Megan finally looked into the eyes of the person who had saved her life. She gasped realizing it was Nick Carter. She thought to herself 'Wow, Nick Carter saved my life!' Megan tried to sit up, but couldn't

"We should get you to a hospital," Brian said as Amy started shoving all their things into her bag.

"Alright, c'mon," Nick said picking Megan up. He carried her over to Brian's car. He set her into the backseat, and climbed in next to her. Brian jumped in and started the engine. Amy hopped into the passenger seat.

Ten minutes later, Megan was rushed into the hospital by Nick. She was soon taken into the emergenecy room. Amy was still crying.

"Amy, you're not going to help Megan at all by crying, just calm down, she going to be fine," Brian said trying to comfort Amy

"I know, I Mean, this is all my fault. I made her go surfing when she said she didn't want to. It's all my fault!," Amy cried

"It's not your fault! Don't worry about it!," Nick said. Just then the doctor came into the waiting room.

"Are all you people here concerning Megan Turner?," The doctor asked lowering his glasses.

"Yes!," 3 voiced shouted.

"She's going to be fine," 3 sighs of relief filled the room "But she does have a little cut that we stitched right up." the doctor said looking at his charts.

"So can she leave today?," Nick asked

"Sure, she can leave right now," the doctor said smiling.

"Thanks Doctor," Amy said.

"Anytime, she's in room 293," the doctor said walking out. Amy ran to Megan's room while Nick and Brian walked behind. Amy burst into Megan's room, which made Megan jump.

"Oh Megan, im SOOOOOO sorry!," Amy said running to Megan's side.

"For what?," Megan asked as Nick and Brian entered her room.

"For what happened, I mean, I'm the one who made you go surfing, even when you said you didn't want to!," Amy cried.

"Amy, listen, It's not your fault, don't worry about it, I'm fine!," Megan said smiling

"Are you sure?, you don't hate me?," Amy asked

"NO! Come here!," Megan said. Amy came over and gave Megan a big hug.

"Guys, I'll go get the car and bring it around, k?," Brian asked

"Sure, I'll go with you," Amy said. With that said, Amy and Brian walked out out the room. Nick decided to sit in the chair that was next to Megan's bed.

"Nick, I wanna thank you Sooooo much for saving my life!," Megan said smiling.

"Eh, don't worry about it," Nick said flashing the famous Carter smile. Inside Megan felt like she wanted to scream. She was in the presence of Nick Carter! The guy of her dreams! She sat up and decided to turn on the small radio that was on the table next to her bed. It just so happens that Backstreet Boys' Larger Than Life. Megan looked right at Nick, who seemed to not like listening to himself. She quickly turned the station to where Journey's Open Arms was playing. She let that stay when she saw a huge smile come across Nick's face.

"I Love this song!," Megan said getting up

"Really? This is like my favorite song!," Nick said

"Really?," Megan asked

"Yeah!" Nick said smiling. He could tell Megan and him were going to get along very well.

"Okay, we all ready?," Brian asked as him and Amy walked back into the room.

"Yup, all set and ready to get outta here!," Megan said. She followed Nick into the parking lot. Her and Nick climbed into the back while Amy got in the front and Brian got into the drivers seat. They drove until they reached Megan and Amy's apartment.

"You guys live here?," Nick asked

"Yeah..." Megan said

"We share an apartment here too!," Brian said happily

"Really?," Amy asked

"Yeah!," Nick said

"That's cool!," Megan said

"Well, we might as well get out!," Brian said getting out of the car. He walked over to the other side of the car and opened Amy's door and she jumped out. Nick helped Megan out of the back. They walked into the building. When they reached the door to their apartment, Megan decided to invite them in.

"We just got here like today, so it's a total mess!," Megan said opening the door. She frowned at the site of tons of boxes all over the place.

"Wow, we brought a lot of stuff!," Amy exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know, and to think we have to unpack all this stuff!," Megan said

"Well, we'll help you!," Nick suggested.

"Yeah, we got nothing to do today!," Brian said agreeingly.

"Are you guys sure? I mean unpacking isn't like the most fun thing to do!," Megan said smiling.

"Yeah, we're sure!," Nick said.

"Ok, where to start!," Amy said looking around.

About two hours later they had finished unpacking everything.

"Phew! Wow, that was tough!," Megan said plopping onto the blue couch.

"Yeah, I know!," Nick said sitting down next to her.

"Well, you guys, it's gettin kinda late, so I think we better go," Brian said looking at his watch.

"Okay, well, thanks SOO much you guys! If you weren't here, we wouldn't have done this for a week!," Megan said laughing.

"Yeah, she's right!," Amy said

"Sure, no problem!," Nick said "Glad we could help". Nick stood up and joined Brian.

"Well, it was nice meeting you girls!," Brian said. "You guys should call us sometime," he suggested.

"Sure, hold on a sec," Megan said as she ran into the kitchen. She came back with a piece of paper.

"Here, you guys can put your numbers on here," Megan said handing them a pen and the paper. Nick was first and wrote down his cellphone number. Then Brian did the same.

"Thanks, bye guys!," Megan said opening the door for them to leave.

"Bye" Amy said smiling in Brian's direction. Once they left, Amy let out a small scream "OhMyGod! Megan, we just spent a whole entire day with the Backstreet Boys!," Amy said falling onto the couch.

"Nick Carter saved my life!," Megan said laughing.

"Weren't you supposed to call your mom?," Amy asked.

"Oh Man, she's gonna kill me, thanks for reminding me!," Megan said as she ran over to the phone. She quickly dialed her phone number.

"Hello?," a familiar voice answered.

" Hi Jeff!," Megan exclaimed.

"Hey Meggie!," Megan's brother said.

"You know you're the only who can call me that, right?," Megan said smiling

"Yup!," Jeff replied

"Anyway, is Mom home?," Megan asked

"No, she went out to the store, but I'll tell her that you called so she doesn't worry," Jeff suggested

"Ok, that'll work!," Megan said. "I'll talk to ya later,"

"Okay, buhbye," Jeff said.

"Bye" Megan said as she hung up the phone. "She wasn't home," Megan said to Amy.

Brian and Nick

Nick and Brian walked inside their apartment. Suddenly Nick's cellphone rang. He quickly took it out of his pockets and answered it "This is Nick," he said.

"Nick, this is Claire, I really gotta talk to you," Claire said.

"Ok, what's up?," Nick said walking into the kitchen

"Well, um, I, uh......," Claire trailed off

"Claire, what is it? Is something wrong?," Nick asked concerned.

"Nick, I don't really know how to say this," Claire said sadly

"What is it? Just say it, c'mon," Nick pleaded

"Ok, well, um, I need to break up with you," Claire finally said.

"WHY?!," Nick asked angry and hurt

"Well, do you remember when I went on vacation?," Claire asked


"Well, I met someone there, and he just moved here-," Claire said

"So basically you're breaking up with me because you found someone else?," Nick asked sadly

"Yeah, I'm really sorry Nick," Claire said. Nick just hung up his phone and slowly walked over to Brian. Brian saw the tears that had formed in Nick's eyes

"Yo, Nick, what happened?," Brian asked putting his hand on Nick's shoulder.

"Claire, she broke up with me," Nick said slowly

"Why?," Brian asked.

"Because when she was on vacation, she met someone new and he decided to move here, and now she dumped me," Nick said

"Oh, I'm sorry man," Brian said quietly.

"You know, I really liked her, I mean, we've been going out for a while, and she just decided to throw it away, I don't understand," Nick said climbing into Brian's car. Brian was quiet because he didn't know what to say. Inside Nick felt like he just wanted to burst out into tears, but he held it in.When Brian reached the apartment him and Nick were staying in, Nick ran out of the car and headed right for his room. "Nick!," Brian yelled, but Nick kept running. When Nick finally reached his room, he locked the door and started crying. His heart felt like it was ripped into a million pieces. He finally decided to pick up the phone and call the one person he could always count on.

Megan and Amy

Megan jumped when the phone rang, and quickly moved over to the end table where the phone was

"Hi," Megan answered

"Hey," A voice said

"Hey Steve!," Megan exclaimed

"So, how's Florida?," Steve asked

"OhMyGod, It's AWESOME!!!," Megan yelled

"Why?, What happened?," Steve asked

"Well, like the coolest thing happened today! Well, Amy and I were down at the beach surfing, and I hit my head on my surfboard and was unconcious!," Megan said smiling'

"And that's cool?," Steve said

"Well, no, but what I'm about to tell you is! Well, guess who found me and saved my life?!," Megan said

"Who?," Steve said

"NICK CARTER!!!" Megan screamed


"And so he brought me to the hospital, and then him and BRIAN LITTRELL came to our apartment and helped us unpack all day!!!!!!!!!!!," Megan said very excited

"Oh" Steve said disappointed.

"What's wrong?," Megan asked

"Nothing's wrong," Steve replied.

"Steve, I've known you for a long time, I know something's bothering you, Are you jealous because I spent the day with NICK CARTER FROM THE BACKSTREET BOYS??!!??," Megan asked

"Well, yeah, I mean, you're all excited and stuff," Steve said

"Steven Harrison, I cannot believe you! Today I met my most favorite person in the whole world, and you're jealous! You'd be acting the same way is Jennifer Love Hewitt saved your life! What's the matter, you don't think you can trust me?," Megan asked

"I don't know, I mean, I'm starting to think that this long-distance relationship isn't gonna work with us," Steve said quietly

"So what you're saying is that you're breaking up with me? You're throwing away almost 3 years of being together because I met my favorite celebrity today?!," Megan said almost yelling

"Yeah, I guess I am," Steve said

"Well, fine then!," Megan said hanging up the phone. She quickly got up and ran to her room.

"Megan, let me in!," Amy pleaded from the door

"No! Leave me alone!," Megan yelled. She got up, unlocked the door and ran out of the apartment. She was going to go down to the beach, that's the only place she wanted to be right now.

Nick and Brian

"Nick, come on man, let me in!," Brian said knocking on the door

"No!," Nick yelled.

"Okay, I'll be out in the living room if you need anything," Brian said leaving. After a few minutes, Nick got up and ran out of the apartment. Brian looked up, but Nick was already out the door. Brian knew right where Nick was going. He always went to the beach when something was really bothering him. He decided to let him go. 'He needs to think' Brian thought to himself.

Megan ran down to the beach. She ran until she was to tired to run anymore. She sat down with her back facing a palm tree. That's when she finally cried her heart out. There was nothing else she could do. She finally dried her eyes and had no more tears left to cry

"I always come here to think," a voice said. Megan looked over and saw Nick who had also been crying

"What's wrong?," Megan asked wiping her eyes

"My girlfriend broke up with me," Nick said sadly

"Really?, Why?," Megan asked suprised

"She said because she found someone else," Nick said as a tear slid down his cheek "We've been going out for almost 2 years," Nick said

"I'm so sorry!," Megan said crying herself

"What happened to you?," Nick asked wiping his own eyes

"My boyfriend broke up with me," Megan said


"He doesn't think that this relationship would work because I live down here now," Megan said almost sobbing. "We've been going out for almost 3 years," Megan said

"I'm sorry," Nick said as he took Megan into a hug. She cried on his shoulder, and he also silently cried on the inside.

"This is strange, you know, how both of us got dumped on the same night," Megan said letting go of Nick, although she didn't want to.

"Yeah, I know, it's weird," Nick said.

"Well, I better get back up, Amy's probably worried," Megan said

"Yeah, same with Brian," Nick said.

"Nick, thanks for everything today, I mean, it really helped to talk to someone who has been in the same situation as me," Megan said

"I know what you mean. I just wanna let you know, even though you don't really know me that much, I'm always willing to listen," Nick said as they approached the apartment building.

"Thanks," Megan said

"You really helped me too. If it wasn't for talking to you, I probably wouldn't have gotten through this. I mean Brian's great and all, but I always talk to him, It's like you need someone new to talk to, know what I mean?," Nick asked

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean," Megan said. She finally smiled.

When she smiled, that made Nick smile. They reached Megan's apartment first. "Bye Nick, thanks," Megan said giving him a big hug.

"Bye, thank you too," Nick said returning the hug. "Call me if you ever want to talk," Nick said

"I will, bye," Megan said walking into her apartment.

Nick slowly walked to his which was on the next floor.

Nick and Brian

Nick slowly opened the door to his apartment. He fell onto the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table in front of him. Soon after that, he feel asleep. Brian walked in after taking a shower. He sighed and put a blanket around Nick.

Megan and Amy

Megan walked into the apartment to see Amy pacing the apartment

"Megan! Where have you been?! You scared me half to death!," Amy exclaimed running over to Megan

"I went to the beach to think, and I feel a lot better!," Megan smiled

"Okay" Amy said. Megan walked into her room. She layed down on her bed and soon feel asleep.

The Next Morning (Megan and Amy)

"Megan, wake up, the phones for you!," Amy said trying to wake Megan up

"Okay, im up, im up," Megan said crawling out of her bed. She walked over to the phone. "Hello?," Megan groggily asked

"Look, Megan, we need to talk," Steve asked

"About what? You broke up with me, what's there to talk about?," Megan asked

"I think I made a mistake. I realized that without you, I wasn't complete," Steve said.

"Well, you should have thought of that sooner. It hurt me when you didn't think our relationship would work. I thought our relationship was strong enough to last when I moved, otherwise I would have ended it before I left, but I didn't. You hurt me Steve, and now I can't forgive you for it," Megan said

"You'll see, you'll come back to me, you'll realize that you're nothing without me," Steve said and hung up.

"Yeah, we will see, won't we!," Megan said outloud to herself.

"Who was it?," Amy asked walking into the living room

"Steve," Megan replied.

"And....," Amy asked impatiently

"He realized he made a mistake and asked me to take him back," Megan said walking into the bathroom.

"You said no right?,"Amy yelled to Megan

"Yup" Megan proudly said.

"Oh, Meg!," Amy yelled


"Brian called this morning, him and Nick are taking us out tonight!," Amy said smiling

"Like on a date?," Megan asked coming out of the bathroom

"I dunno, I think just as friends, but he wants us to dress nice," Amy said

"Ok I guess, what time?," Megan asked.

"Well, he said for us to be ready by 4," Amy said

"What time is it now?," Megan asked

"Like 2:00!," Amy said


"Should we start getting ready?," Amy asked.

"Sure, I suppose"

Nick and Brian

"Ok, so what did Amy said about tonight?," Nick asked opening up the refridgerator.

"She said "Sure" and that they'd be ready," Brian replied from the couch

"Ok good"

"AWW does Nicky have a crush on someone?," Brian asked

"Don't call me Nicky, and who would I have a crush on?," Nick said annoyed

"Uh.......let me think a second.......MEGAN!," Brian said laughing

"Brian, I hardly know Megan, I mean she's nice and everything, but I don't think either of us are ready for another relationship yet," Nick said matter-of-factly

"What do you mean?," Brian asked confused.

"Well, remember when I ran out last night, well I went to the beach, and Megan was there too, and we told each other what happened. Her boyfriend broke up with her because he didn't think the long distance thing wouldn't work, so I don't think I'm ready for another relationship juset yet, and from the way she was acting last night, I don't think she's ready for another one either," Nick explained

"Wow, that like seriously weird how both of you guys got dumped!," Brian said. "That's like fate or something," Brian said seriously.

"Who knows, I'm taking a shower," Nick said as he walked out.

Megan and Amy (at 3:30)

"Okay, are we all ready?," Amy asked

"Yeah, I think so, do I look ok?," Megan asked. Megan was wearing a baby blue sundress with white flowers on it. Her curly brown hair was up in a french twist with curls hanging around her face.

"Yeah, you look great, how do I look?," Amy said. Amy was wearing a yellow sundress. Her straight blonde hair was let down with 2 butterfly clips holding the sides up

"You look awesome!," Megan said

"Thanks! So do you!," Amy replied

Nick and Brian

"How do I look?," Brian asked

"You look fine for the millionth time!," Nick laughed

"Sorry, I'm just really nervous!," Brian asked

"Well, c'mon, it's almost time to go!," Nick said from the door.

"Ok, I'm coming," Brian said

The Date

"Hi!," Megan said opening the door.

"Hey!," Nick and Brian said at the same time.

"Amy! They're here!," Megan called. Amy came and they were off. First they went out to dinner at a very fancy Italian resteraunt, then for a nice walk on the beach. By the time they got back, it was 9:00. Before Amy and Megan went inside, Brian pulled Amy over to the side.

"Amy, can I ask you something?," Brian said

"Sure, go ahead," Amy replied

"Well, I was wondering, if maybe you would be my girlfriend," Brian asked shyly.

"I'd love to!," Amy said giving Brian a big hug.

"Great!," Brian said. "I'll call you tomorrow, ok?," Brian asks.

"Sure, that would be awesome!, I had a lto of fun tonight Brian, thanks!," Amy said giving Brian a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I did too!" Brian replied. Amy walked into the apartment, leaving Megan and Nick outside the door.

"Megan, I know that you just went through a bad breakup, and do did I, but I was just wondering if maybe you would be my girlfriend?," Nick asked quietly

"Nick, I did go through a bad breakup, but you're the one who helped me through it, so yes, I will be your girlfriend, if you promise me one thing," Megan said.

"Sure, what is it?,"Nick asked

"If we take things slow," Megan said hopefully

"That would be great!," Nick said. Megan walked over to Nick and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks for tonight Nick, I had a great time!," Megan said,

"Me too, I'll call you tomorrow, ok?," Nick asked

"Okay, that'll be good, bye!," Megan called walking into the apartment.

Megan leaned her back against the door and thought back to the conversation her and Amy had had on their way to Orlando:

"Nick's my definte favorite. He's so cool! And the weird thing is, he's sorta like me. I mean we both love video games, we both love the color green, and we both love the beach!" Megan said.

"Cool, my favorite is Brian! He's so funny and nice! Maybe we'll get to meet them!" Amy said excitedly.

"Yeah, in your dreams!" Megan said laughing.

Megan thought to herself, 'Wow, maybe dreams really do come true!'

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