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My Homepage!

Welcome to my homepage. I am new at this, so I'm going to be taking it slow, which means this page will pretty much always be under construction. I will have stuff here on Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Robotech, Transformers, and other stuff (yes, I am in touch with my inner child:). So please enjoy!


This is me

Here I am, doing my "Lord of the Bouv" pose! It was take a few years ago, but I don't look all too different. Click here to go to a site with more stuff on me and my friends.

The Autobot Blaster!!

This is Blaster, one of the coolest Autobots ever!! Hopefully, as soon as I figure out how, I will add links to other, better Transformer sites:) Check out my Transformers site


Another big part of my page is Robotech, which I am a complete fan of. I own almost all the role-playing books, some novels, some comics, a few videos, and some toys. Check out my Robotech page

I want to include some Star Wars with my page, so here it is - my Star Wars page.

And while you're here, please sign my Guestbook and Slambook!

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