Funny Poemz

roses are red, pickles are green, i love your legs , and whats between

i like your style, i like your class, but most of all, i like your ass

im a cool girl, in a cool town, it takes a real mother fucker to put me down, kissing is a sport, fucking is a game, guys get all the pleasure, girls get all the pain

the guy says i love you, you belive its true, 9 months later, he says "the hell with you", the baby is a bastard, the mother is a whore, all this wouldn't have happened, if the rubber wouldn't have torn

**sex is when a guy's comunication, enters a girl's destination, to increase the population, for a younger generation, do you get the information..., or do you need a demonstaration

roses are red, violets are corney, when i think of you, ohh baby i get horney, eat me, beat me, bite me, blow me, suck me, fuck me,very slowly, if you kiss me, don't get me sassy, use your tounge, and make it nasty!!!!

Viet Pride

My country, My Pride Will Stay like that until I die. We are birds that fly From Coast to Coast. White and Black Think We Are A Fool So I stood up with my Pride. I am the color of yellow and red I showed my fellows... That is my blood. We use to be the North and South But Now We are East and West To get it all we must finish the Rest. Other country tried to take our land But never get it cuz of our Pride. Coast to Coast you will see.... That we are the families of Vietnamese. WorldWide from United State to Vietnam We are the population of everywhere. I am the True Vietnamese I have the right to write in Viet Du Ma Ai Khong Phai Viet!


nothing in the world could take that away
it grows and grows, and it has no limit
my love is real, i have to admit it
i see you everyday and my hearts start pounding
i jus think of you and my mind starts drownin
my love is deeper than the deepest sea
i can not fight it, its so hard for me
every time i see you i get weak in the knees
my eyes cannot leave you, and you dont love
meeven though i know you know how much i care for you
youll just laugh and i wont have a prayer
so ill keep on lovin you till the end of time
until the day i tell you wat you mean to me
my love will stay locked up inside my dream


What is it like to close your eyes As deep inside you fantasize, These feelings which your body knows That stem from just this single rose.
You feel a smile bloom on your lips, Feel velvet brush your fingertips, Feel pleasure building, blood afire, As eyes gaze deep on heart's desire.
You sense a fragrance in the air, and see this one who'll take you there. a laugh of joy, a sigh of bliss, My lips meet yours in a perfect kiss.
And feeling now this dream so right That keeps on growing, night on night The key you've yearned for from the start To free this rose held in your heart.

bESTa Reconize

All u motha phucen bitches best keep away from my man, u knoe he be lookin all good, tall, and tan, i knoe he's the shitz, but i ain't givin him up to none of yo bitch, he don't want ur punk ass, i knoe that u be checkin him as u walk pass, but u ain't shiet, u nuthin but a damn trick, so u besta recognize, that the boi is mine and realize, that i love him and he loves meeh, so i ain't settin him free, so move on, be gone, before i start trippin, and beat ur ass down, all u gonna have left is a big ass frown, like i said, besta recognize, and realize.

A love not meant 2 b

As I sit here all alone, Thinking of you all day long My mind can't help but wonder Why we didn't last forever.

I knew it was the right thing to do For we contrasted each other. But deep in my heart, I still love you And God knows how much I need you.
Our love . . . sweet and fair: In my heart, it will always be there. It was delightful and pure Very clear and not obscure.
Our love, I thought, had a strong foundation For it grew from friendship, not infatuation unlike others It was no physical attraction Just plain thoughtfulness and affection. And in my heart, the mourning never stops For our love, though strong, was defeated No! Not by hatred, not by fright But by a single word, that is . . . PRIDE.
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