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Hereditary Spherocytosis

Hereditary Spherocyotsis runs in my family and, in researching it on the web, I became frustrated that the information I was seeking was scattered all over the place. This is my attempt to organize links to various sources to make research a bit easier. In addition to HS, many of the links will take you to web pages with information on many other different blood disorders including ITP, sickle-cell anemia, and thalassemia. Hereditary Spherocytosis is an inheritied (usually) defect of the red blood cell membrane. This defect causes the red blood cell to be prematurely destroyed in the spleen. This can cause anemia, enlarged spleen and gallstones.


HS definition from Hematology Down Under
Vanderbilt definition
Blood Info links
Overview of Human Parvovirus from the CDC
Anemia--an approach to diagnosis
Risk of sepsis after a splenectomy--from the Annals of Internal Medicine
More info on Fifth's Disease.
Pneumococcal vaccine info