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Game Rules

1) No harassing people OOC. This includes but is not limited to bullying, name calling, stalking, and pestering when asked to be left alone.

2) Keep OOC (Out of Character) and IC (In Character) SEPERATED at all times.
a. What you, the player/typist has knowledge of, your character DOES NOT, unless they specifically came across that information DURING role play.
Example: You read in the forum that a God just gave birth. Your character will NOT know that, even though YOU do, until your character is told by someone IC, or a public declaration of the information was provided (such as a flyer, or event.)
b. What happens IC, does not reflect on anything OOC. If a characters walks up and slaps your character and calls them a punk… that does NOT mean the player BEHIND that character that just slapped yours has ANY ill will toward YOU THE PLAYER. Their character has something against your character; period. There is no OOC connection. If you ever feel there is, you need to bring it up with that player or the staff. Anyone acting IC on OOC emotions, that doesn’t make sense or shouldn’t have happened is breaking the rules. Sure, players might not like each other and it’ll reflect in some small way IC… but there is NO excuse that just because you don’t like someone that your character is suddenly their enemy for no good previous IC reason. Do not abuse this or you could be reprimanded. Another example is when one of your characters has an enemy, and you are defeated in battle, you can’t then create a whole new character and go after that person again. That is using OOC feelings/knowledge against something IC. You can LEAD that new character into a position where they would have a GOOD reason to be that person’s enemy again… but it cannot be automatically after creation and no backstory. This is a very fragile rule that people cross often, and the staff will reserve judgment on if the OOC/IC line was crossed or not.
c. Similar to above, remember that IC and OOC emotions/personalities do NOT reflect necessarily the player’s emotions/personalities. Just because you two play lovers IC, doesn’t mean there are any OOC feelings. Be very careful to remember this… many instances of drama have arose from misunderstandings and assumptions of things that happened IC, that were thought to possibly reflect that player on an OOC level.
d. Having enemies in character is fun. Having enemies OOC is drama and no fun at all, most likely not for you, and definitely not for others subjected to the drama. Enemies IC can add flavor to your play, enhance excitement and unpredictability, and build ‘character’ and personality. Drama IC is the best. Make people cry or get angry as they read your stories! Eliciting emotions in readers is the best thing a writer can do. Be creative, be adventurous, and don’t be afraid of a little risk… it often rewards in great memories and awesome play.

3) The Staff have final say in all matters. You will respect their decisions if you wish to play here. Use the chain of command if you have a disagreement with staff. OP > Admin > Owner. If you have personal issues with one Admin, you’re welcome to request having a different Admin handle your issue. The Owner trusts the Staff and will in most cases back up their decision, unless there is absolute reason or proof to believe there has been an abuse of power.

4) All races and classes are allowed in Tyran with the following in mind.
a. That race/class cannot be copyrighted property that you haven’t gotten express written permission to use from the copyright holder.
b. The race/class cannot belong to another RPG as a unique creation of that game unless that game owner has given you written permission to use it elsewhere.
c. No Gods can be played by PCs (Player Characters) except for the Admin, who use their Gods for the purpose of inspiring play, and entertainment. None of the Admin will abuse their God characters.
i. Players are welcome to mention NPC Gods outside of the Tyran pantheon, so long as they recognize that the God has no influence on Tyran’s lands or people outside of private storylines between players. For example, if your character worships Zeus, they are welcome to say so, but Zeus will never be able to alter anything within the game. The extent that Zeus can do is alter that specific character or communicate them them.
ii. If your character used to be a God or Demi-God in Tyran, you are welcome to make mention of that history, and even claim leftover (though far lesser) power or influence from that. They will not however be able to rule over the masses or alter the game, or call themselves a current Tyran God. They’ll still be subject to follow/obey the current Gods.
iii. Your character does NOT have to acknowledge the current Tyran Gods AS Gods. However, they still ARE Gods… and they still have power over your character if its used against you. But if your character is atheist or follows another deity, they are more than welcome to look at the Tyran Gods as something else entirely or even claim they don’t exist as Gods.

5) All storylines and play are allowed since this is a freeform game, with the following in mind.
a. No rape, child molestation or child mutilation storylines allowed in current tense/active play. It can be VAGUELY mentioned for the purpose of a character’s history, with little or no details.
b. No sexual storylines with characters that are younger than 18. Yes, we know medieval times had women having children around 14… but new age laws still apply and sexual storylines with characters younger than 18 could not only be disturbing for some readers, but could get you into trouble.
c. No sexual storylines in the public chat or forums. Keep excessive sexual play scenes in private. No penetration, oral, or genital foreplay at all. Delphi does not allow cyber sex, and nor do we. If you insist on doing so, it needs to be in another private avenue. Keep in mind though, anyone can lie about their age online, and you could be endangering yourself by doing something against the law with a minor. Cops won’t care if you try to say you were just ‘role playing’.
d. Keep intimate scenes minimal in the public chat/forum. As soon as things start to get toward heavy petting or intimate touching, you need to take it off screen. Few, if any, people want to read about your characters panting and moaning, and hands roaming under clothing, etc.
e. Please provide a brief OOC warning (Warning: Graphic Scene) as a courtesy if you are about to describe a macabre scene in great detail. Some are more sensitive readers than others regarding gore. A few cuts in battle is one thing… describing ripping open rip cages is another!

6) You cannot speak for, control, or manipulate another character without that player’s permission. You should never do auto-actions (giving the other person no say or chance for reaction) in play, unless you specifically know that the other player doesn’t mind. Many more comfortable players that have played with each other in the past will often let anything happen and just go with the flow. This is NOT the case for everyone however, and you should never assume its okay unless its been said so. Always leave room for the other person to accept or reject the actions your character is attempting toward them. You have control of your character, they have control of their character, period. Even if you have them tied up, or controlled by magic… you still have to have their permission for anything that happens with their character. A quick whisper to confirm this is usually best. After some time and practice, most players quickly learn how to ‘flow’ well with each other, and having to ask will disappear over time between them.

7) Keep OOC chat to a minimum when there is current role playing going on. If there has been no role play for an extended period of time, general OOC chatter is okay. Just be mindful of others that enter the room or come back from AFK and want to RP again. If role play starts, or a player makes a request to ease the OOC, please abide. The OPs will try to regulate this. If you think there is too much OOC, you can either /ignore those talking, or you can poke an OP in private and ask them to intercede.

8) This game is a medieval fantasy. Your character, attire, items, history and stories must reflect this. No time travel (except on occasions that an Admin runs an event with strictly limited time travel involved), no modern items, no inventing of modern anything, no space travel or knowledge (the most people knew in this age was how to read stars for weather, direction or upcoming events in the world), no aliens or alien-ware, no other worldly realms (you are in Tyran, keep histories and references to such unless you’ve been given permission by Admin for special circumstances.)

9) Stay as realistic as possible. Yes, it’s a fantasy game… with fantasy races and classes and landscape. However, a human falling off a cliff and landing on their feet without damage is UNREALISTIC. Your character should have WEAKNESSES as well as strengths. Your character is not all-knowing, all-powerful. And just because your character has an ability or item, doesn’t mean anyone else has to acknowledge it. The beauty of freeform is that its up to the players to decide what happens, and work together accordingly. Its best to work together, but don’t ever expect people to always acknowledge your character’s prestige, abilities, strength, etc.

Characters must be married by a God, or that God’s priests. It will be recorded on the forum. Both players must agree to a marriage (even if the characters don’t.) Marriage is allowed for all characters/races/genders. Divorce is only allowed if both players agree, or if there is a special circumstance (such as one player being retired from RP) it can be proposed to an Admin who will approve/disapprove based on the circumstance. A marriage must last at least 2 months before a divorce will be allowed.

Pregnancy can only happen if both players/parents agree to it. Under no circumstance can one character get the other character pregnant against that player’s will. Pregnancy will last at minimum 2 weeks. After that, it is up to the players involved how long it lasts. A pregnant character cannot be in a duel. If a challenge is issued due to the pregnant character having initiated the ‘Right of Challenge’ rule, the non-pregnant partner will have to fight in their stead. So be careful who you knock up… it might end up being the death of you!
We request that characters do not terminate pregnancies. If you have a special circumstance that would require this, you are required to get an Admin’s permission first. Children born can age 1 year every 1 month of real time. You’re welcome to age your child slower than that, but a child cannot age faster than that except under very rare and special circumstances with permission granted by the Admin at the player’s request. Don’t ask us just so you can play that child sooner however… you’ll be told no. A child can start to be played as a PC at the age of 12. Up until then, they are played as an NPC and cannot duel or be in events.
The child(ren) of players belong to BOTH players equally. It is up to YOU as the players to make agreements on who will play those characters or have control over them. However, if there is disputes later, it is important that you know we will tell you that permission belongs to both. Just because a daughter is born, doesn’t mean it automatically belongs to the mother. Same with sons/fathers. Though this is the common ‘hand down’ of characters. Too many times we’ve seen players who stop getting along, and their characters break up… then they start arguing over who gets control of the kid. Just know that the child can be played by both parents, even if it ends up being as an NPC. You both agreed to make the character, and you thus both have rights/control of it. Work it out yourselves.

In Tyran you are allowed to request other players to acknowledge a null on your own characters/storylines. We will allow this. However, we will not enforce this on any other players if they don’t choose to comply. Its polite of people to oblige the request, but its not right to force other players to have to change their character’s storylines or histories just because you want to null something. The only nulls that will be forced on people are ones done by the Admin, which will be extremely rare (if ever.) Most players are knowledgeable and talented enough to adjust on their own when someone disappears or something happens.

Characters CAN die. This happens in a few ways.
A storyline death, done only with the permission of the player.
A Death Match duel, where its acknowledged at the start that only one of the two duelists will survive and is over-seen by a staff member to confirm it. Regular duels do not count as death, only defeat. It must be clearly stated at the beginning that it is a death match and agreed by both players before starting to count.
Character suicide, similar to storyline death except that if the Admin feel it was done for OOC reasons or revenge against another player, that character will not be allowed to be resurrected. A character gets ONE forgiven suicide to be resurrected from, if that suicide was used to enrich the story and not used for spite or negative OOC reasons.
All other deaths will be allowed to have resurrections done by the Gods or their High Priest. Your character gets 3 resurrections allowed performed on them. The 4th time they die, they’re dead permanently, and the nick will be gagged and removed from play.

“Right of Challenge” Rule / Safe Havens
The only recognized “Safe Havens” (characters cannot be attacked) at this time are Wendy’s Tavern, the Temples (unless they say otherwise), and Blessed Lands (land protected by a God, usually given as a prize in events.) Outside of safe havens, such as in the capital, or walking about the lands around the capital for example, you can be challenged to battle or attack someone. You can attack whoever you like with the above rules in mind (such as no pregnant women or children) even the Gods if you see them outside their temple grounds. An attack will fall under the ‘Right of Challenge’ rule as follows. People are allowed to deny a challenge and escape the attack/leave if they choose to. However, if a character initiates valid reason for challenging someone to battle, that person cannot deny and must proceed into a fight.
The following are reasons that a person cannot deny a challenge:
• If that character attacked or got violent with your character within the last week.
• If that character intentionally and maliciously taunted, harassed, or insulted your character within the last week.
• If that character did the above to your character’s family, clansmen, or partner (NOT friend or stranger) and you wish to fight in their place instead of them.
The person challenged will have 48 hours max to honor the challenge, or they will be subjected to a KOS.

A KOS (Kill on Sight) gives any character the right to attack the character with the KOS upon sight. It does not have to be in the arena. If they are attacked and do not defend themselves against the attacks or leave after an attack has initiated, they will be considered killed by that person and will need to be resurrected before returning to play again, upon which the KOS will lift. KOS must be initiated in RP, and then dice rolls can start. If the challenge IS honored, it is the person challenged (not the one issuing the challenge) who gets to pick if the fight will be Para or Dice. The 48 hour time-frame is allowed extensions if an Admin is not available to over-see the fight. The player issuing the challenge needs to post in the forum (if the fight doesn’t start immediately) a challenge has been made and why (and against whom), and the player challenged needs to reply within that 48 hours that they agree and which style they pick. An Admin will then work with the two to get the fight done. If the player challenged does NOT reply within that 48 hours or has not agreed/approached with a time to fight, the KOS will be requested and granted by the Admin. Whenever possible, please take dice fights to the arena. Only in the instance of a KOS with a stubborn player trying to avoid their fate can a dice fight happen in #wendys.tavern chat. Dice rolls are distracting for other players and we want to avoid this.