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The following describes the characteristics for this race. See “Structured Information” below for info regarding stats, points, and other required items to play this race. See “Culture & History” at the end of the page for a brief depiction of what this race in an NPC form is like (so you can compare) and how it affects the game world.

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Description      Structured Info      Skills      Culture & History


It is hard for most to figure out how Ogres came to be known as one of the 'established' races in the world. The perception of them is: big, dumb, and ugly. For several years they were deemed merely beasts and monsters to be taken down like animals whenever possible. An ogre is hard to take down though, with skin thick and difficult to pierce, and bulk that lets them sling a man onto a mountain if they wished it. Though they do not have the capacity to become very intelligent, they make up for that by having sharp instinct for danger and survival. Not all are monstrous either, but since they don't adhere to humanoid style customs, they'll never be able to be fully accepted.

Average Appearance

(Not Required. This describes the average appearance of the NPC population of this race in the game, available as reference material for quests and story lines.)

Build: Huge
Height: 8'0"
Weight: Very Heavy
Eye Tone: Varies
Hair Tone: Most often bald.
Skin Tone: Varies, but most often grey or green.

Structured Section

This section provides the rules, stats, and general requirements for playing this race.
Everything in this section IS required for your character when you register.

Unique Quirks

Hygiene: Messy, often covered in muck, caring nothing for appearance. Hair is never brushed (if they have hair), noses are always running, and eyes are often gunk covered. Bad odor is almost a consistent occurrence.

Bulky: Body will be over-weight, muscular, and facial features over-dramatized (big nose, big eyes, big ears, big mouth often with bad teeth.)


Ogre, Limited Human - Simple Words

Age Ratio

(HY indicates physical appearance, AY is how long they have lived.)

1 HY : 1 AY
Lifespan: About 40 AY.


To Procreate, Partner Must Be:
Humanoid. Age of maturity is considered 18 AY.

On a d100 roll (pregnancy):
50-100 Unsuccessful
20-49 One Child
1-19 One Two-Headed Child

Gender (d2 roll):
1 = Female
2 = Male

Child’s race:
If parents are same race, the child will be that race.

If parents are each a different (but full blooded) race, the child will be half of each race.

If one or both parents are a half-race, the GM will have each parent roll d2 to determine which half from each parent they’ll be.


Death/Battle: Mortal in battle, normal death applies.



Specialty: Vigor
(Tripled stat at registration.)

Weakness: Aptitude
(Never goes higher than 5, and APT bonuses fail.)

Physical Qualities

(Required. SP can be invested to improve the qualities similar to stats: 3 SP will increase a Quality by 1. For more idea of what each Quality does, see this Chart.)

0=Disabled, 1=Below Average, 2=Average
3=Above Average, 4=Exceptional, 5=Godly


Running: 3

Flying: 0

Swimming: 0


Smell: 3

Hearing: 4

Sight: 2


Intimidation: 5

Charisma: 0

Timidity: 0

Race Skills

As you level, you will gain skill points (sp) to spend on various things, including skills.
Invest your SP accordingly below if you desire to raise or acquire something listed.

Improve a Quality

To improve one of the qualities above, spend 3 SP, and increase the chosen quality by 1.

Improve an Attribute

To improve one of the attributes below, spend 5 SP, and increase the chosen stat by 1.



Additional Senses

Costs 1 SP to unlock an extra sense and requires a minimum of 4 points in a Physical Quality above to unlock any the following:

Disability (0 in Sight, Smell, Hearing, Speech, or Mobility):
If one of your vital senses is disabled, you can improve another by 1 point.

Detect Poison (Scent): You can taste it on your tongue just by smelling it.

Jumping (Running): You can land from high places on your feet without taking damage, and can leap double the distance the average person can.

General Skills


Reference Material

The following information is NOT required for your character.
It is here for a guide on ideas of how to play your race and how NPC characters generally act.

Cultural Preferences

Around Varlonan, these are the typical aspects of this race's lifestyle preferences.

Weapons: Blunt. Ogres aren't quite smart enough to figure out exactly what weapons would be best for them. They do pick up on objects they've used before that worked well for smashing though, so naturally they prefer blunt style weapons.

Armor: Their bulky bodies allow for a good armor naturally, which is good since complicated armor pieces simply confuse and irritate Ogres. Sometimes they'll slip an easy breastplate on or hold a shield.

Currency:They don't understand money or trade very much. Some pick up on the fact that gold will get people to give them stuff they want, but that also leads to them getting ripped off too. A lot of the time, an Ogre will simply bash someone over the head and walk off with whatever they wanted to begin with... and rarely a person will go after a thieving Ogre just to get the item back.

Diet: Carnivore. Meat fuels their bulky bodies, and since they are so big and strong... it's easier for them to simply grab the nearest source of meat in their grip and chomp down. They are notoriously sloppy eaters too, burping... spilling... picking their teeth with bones; they definitely don't understand etiquette.

Attire: Clothing consists of whatever they can find and put on. They don't care about social standards, so fashion is nothing to them. If they find something they like, a lot of the time they will just kill whoever is wearing it and put the bloodied clothes on right at the scene of the crime!

Environment: Swamps, Mountains, Forests

Homeland: Tanglethorn Swamp


Partners: There really isn't much to a relationship with an Ogre. Caveman like is attitude, the stronger partner will simply choose a mate, bash them on the head as a display of desire, then go mate when the partner is conscious again. Sometimes they'll stick together for common needs (food, young, protection), but there is little communication or functionality to the "relationship." Affection is sometimes seen in actions of hand holding, rubbing their heads together, and displays of silly actions to make the other laugh.

Friends: It's hard to tell if an Ogre thinks of you as a friend. If they haven't eaten you, tried to kill you, or growl at you when you approach... then perhaps you have gained a friend. Ogres that bond strongly with another will often act almost like a pet in protectiveness and eagerness to please the friend.

Foe: Ogres have MANY enemies. Their appearance scares most people, their attitude and aggressiveness (often misunderstood) frightens even more. They get attacked a lot of times for being pests (eating farm's livestock or pets most often) and also get underestimated due to their lack of intelligence.

Children: Ogres raise their young by instinct alone. They'll feed them, protect them, and usually keep them out of harmful situations... but only if the Ogre parent understands the situation is dangerous. Many young Ogres fall off cliffs, get eaten by animals, or get killed when wandering into a populated area of other races. If they can survive to adulthood, they take their youthful experiences and apply them to surviving on their own.

Territory: Wander onto the territory of an Ogre and you better be prepared to defend yourself. If they find you, they'll probably try to beat you to death, regardless of your intentions.


Ogres are the prime monsters of children's stories, teaching them to be mindful of their surroundings and cautious of trusting others. Most children who are told these stories rarely run off into dark places alone, assuming an Ogre will be hiding in the shadows ready to eat them. Unfortunately these stories had a dual effect, and lead to children growing up with a lack of understanding towards the Ogres. Raids, exterminations, beatings, families ripped apart... Ogres were seen as nothing more than monsters and practically hunted to extinction.

Some Dwarves and Elves saw what was occurring, and realized that the world was about to miss out on a creature simply for misunderstandings, so they took action. The Ogres were lured safely away from most human villages, since humans were the worst towards them. The Dwarves relocated full families into the mountains where they would be hidden, and since mountains were known to hold all kinds of dangerous creatures such as Drow, Demons and Dragons, the people who had been hunting the Ogres no longer pursued them. The Elves took several of the solitary Ogres into forests and swamps, where they could act naturally without too much surrounding damage. Swamps especially seemed to be a perfect home, since they were avoided by others and held creatures in their waters that Ogres could both eat, and play with safely. The swamp water appeared to actually be healthy for the Ogres thick skinned body too.

How Ogres appeared in the world is controversial due to their hatred by others. Ignorance in some reports claims that they were a bad mutation of other races when created by the Gods, left abandoned to eventually die out. More serious historians explain that while the mutation scenario actually has some weight to it, they believe that the Gods had no hand in their creation. Instead it seems that the possibility some humans mated with demons, resulting in a poisoning by dark magic of the human offspring and mutating them into what today are called Ogres. There is little proof for this, but the hypothesis is sound and based off autopsies on the three species races... finding many similarities.

Now Ogres over centuries have become their own race, adapting and evolving to grow and survive in this cruel world. Some are gentle creatures, their lack of intelligence replaced with curiosity for the unknown and a desire to learn, even if the result is always limited. Others that experienced tragedy in their youth or abuse as adults have turned into the very monsters that stories warn of. A monstrous Ogre is one that few should approach and even fewer should challenge... because their instinct for the kill is sharp and easily makes up for their lacking of strategy and knowledge.