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The following describes the characteristics for this race. See “Structured Information” below for info regarding stats, points, and other required items to play this race. See “Culture & History” at the end of the page for a brief depiction of what this race in an NPC form is like (so you can compare) and how it affects the game world.

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Description      Structured Info      Skills      Culture & History


Demons were originally angels (though they never will admit to it) and created by the Gods just the same. The problem was, some of the more mischievous Gods decided to add in some of their own desired traits. The results were a mutation of the pure angels, becoming twisted and deformed. They lost the soft feathers from their wings, the halo lost its shine and bound itself to the deformed angel's head, breaking off into separate pieces and becoming horns. Anything pure about their souls were lost amidst the pain and agony of the corruption of their bodies and the betrayal of the Gods that created them.

Average Appearance

(Not Required. This describes the average appearance of the NPC population of this race in the game, available as reference material for quests and story lines.)

Build: Toned/Thick
Height: 7'0"
Weight: Heavy
Eye Tone: Red
Hair Tone: Varies
Skin Tone: Red

Structured Section

This section provides the rules, stats, and general requirements for playing this race.
Everything in this section IS required for your character when you register.

Unique Quirks

Wings on Back: Large; Leathery; Any color.

Horns: At least two, larger for males than females, made of bone. Design & color varies. Two must be on head or face. Additional horns/spikes can be elsewhere.

Tail: Leathery flesh tail, shorter for men & longer for women. Typically barbed at end.

Eye Tone: Glowing during battle. A deep look (up close) in a demon's eyes reveals imagery of roaring flames.

Claws: Hands and feet have pointed, sharp claws instead of nails.


Demonic, Human

Age Ratio

(HY indicates physical appearance, AY is how long they have lived.)

1 HY : 2 AY
Immortal: HY ceases at about 40.


To Procreate, Partner Must Be:
Humanoid. Age of maturity is considered 18 AY.

On a d100 roll (pregnancy):
80-100 Unsuccessful
30-79 One Child
1-29 Twins

Gender (d2 roll):
1 = Female
2 = Male

Child’s race:
If parents are same race, the child will be that race.

If parents are each a different (but full blooded) race, the child will be half of each race.

If one or both parents are a half-race, the GM will have each parent roll d2 to determine which half from each parent they’ll be.


Death/Battle: Though immortal in aging, they can receive fatal wounds like mortals in battle. Demons take double damage from Light magic. Depending on their demon type, they are also immune to one type of magic.

Demon Type:
  • Choose 1 alignment that you will take no damage from. Your body should reflect this element in some way. Normal magic element bonuses will apply in attacks too.



Specialty: Vigor
(Doubled stat at registration.)

Weakness: Agility
(Halved stat at registration.)

Physical Qualities

(Required. SP can be invested to improve the qualities similar to stats: 3 SP will increase a Quality by 1. For more idea of what each Quality does, see this Chart.)

0=Disabled, 1=Below Average, 2=Average
3=Above Average, 4=Exceptional, 5=Godly


Running: 3

Flying: 3

Swimming: 0


Smell: 3

Hearing: 3

Sight: 3


Intimidation: 5

Charisma: 3

Timidity: 0

Race Skills

As you level, you will gain skill points (sp) to spend on various things, including skills.
Invest your SP accordingly below if you desire to raise or acquire something listed.

Improve a Quality

To improve one of the qualities above, spend 3 SP, and increase the chosen quality by 1.

Improve an Attribute

To improve one of the attributes below, spend 5 SP, and increase the chosen stat by 1.



Additional Senses

Costs 1 SP to unlock an extra sense and requires a minimum of 4 points in a Physical Quality above to unlock any the following:

Night Vision (Sight): No penalty for blindness in natural darkness.

Disability (0 in Sight, Smell, Hearing, Speech, or Mobility):
If one of your vital senses is disabled, you can improve another by 1 point.

Jumping (Flying or Running): You can land from high places on your feet without taking damage, and can leap double the distance the average person can.

Locate the Living (Hearing): You can detect a general location (at least direction) of where the living are by their heartbeat.

Fear (Intimidation): You can cause fear in an intended target merely by your presence if you wish it (and sometimes when you don't) due to your intimidating appearance/posture.

Charm (Charisma): You are good at tricking others into finding you alluring and trustworthy either by your appearance or your words. This makes it easier to coerce others into giving you what you desire.

General Skills


Reference Material

The following information is NOT required for your character.
It is here for a guide on ideas of how to play your race and how NPC characters generally act.

Cultural Preferences

Around Varlonan, these are the typical aspects of this race's lifestyle preferences.

Weapons: Bladed. They'll use practically any weapon, but drawing blood excites a demon and leads most to prefer a weapon with a sharp edge or point. They also favor melee to ranged, so that they can feel the weapon make contact with their victim.

Armor: Though some demons declare themselves strong enough to not need armor, others are wise enough to utilize any opportunity to be more powerful; including armor. Since demons are strong, they can typically wear any armor, but they must be customized for their wings and (if applicable) tail.

Currency: Theft and Greed. Though a lot of demons make sure to have the finest and most rare goods so people will envy them, they also never pass up the opportunity for profit... even if that involves thievery and greed.

Diet: Carnivore. They thoroughly enjoy eating rare delicacies others find deplorable, as well as the flesh of kills they have made themselves.

Attire: Fancy, or Intimidating. If it doesn't get a reaction of envy or fear, a demon will usually not wear it.

Environment: Underworld, Dark Places

Homeland: The Demonic Plains


Partners: There is rarely such thing as a "settled down" demon. Sure, sometimes they will stick to one partner for some time, but it wont typically last. Demons are ill-tempered generally, which puts a strain on their partner, especially if the partner isn't another demon. Since demons are almost always evil or chaotic, their antics can quickly drive an impatient partner away. Lots of flirting, and flings are the way of the demon's relationships.

Friends: There is no such thing as a friend to a demon. There are people that are useful, and people who aren't. If you are useful, you may think you are the demon's friend, but they are probably just sticking by you because you benefit them in some way. Socially, financially, physically... doesn't matter, as long as you are useful.

Foe: You can't trust a demon, so naturally, everyone is a demon's enemy. The extent of how much you are an enemy however, depends on how valuable you are to them.

Children: Bastards are very common will demon parents. Most wont stick around long enough to raise the child past the point of starting to be able to survive on its own. Demon's rarely stay in their partnering relationships, so why would they commit so much time to raising their offspring? Easy, they don't. Many demon children don't survive past their first few years, but those that do generally grow up to be just like their parents... cold, non-committal, and living life on whims.

Territory: Demons prefer hot climates, and hostile conditions. Volcano's are often a preffered place for them, because it is similar to the underworld where most travel, work, reside or were born. Only demons typically are allowed in the underworld, so there is usually plenty of locations to live. Being in the underworld however can keep them from current news and events, so those that are more tied to the surface world will find suitable habitats to live.


Demons were originally angels (though they never will admit to it) and created by the Gods just the same. The problem was, some of the more mischievous Gods decided to add in some of their own desired traits. The results were a mutation of the pure angels, becoming twisted and deformed. They lost the soft feathers from their wings, the halo lost its shine and bound itself to the deformed angel's head, breaking off into separate pieces and becoming horns. Anything pure about their souls were lost amidst the pain and agony of the corruption of their bodies and the betrayal of the Gods that created them.

A couple of the Gods had pity on the poor creatures and proclaimed them demons, sending them to the deepest reaches of Varlonan where they couldn't harm other races. These Gods looked after the demons and helped them to learn how to accept their fate, using their new strengths to achieve anything they'd desired. Soon the demons had bred enough to become formidable in numbers, and began to surface against the God's warnings that the world wouldn't accept them.

Since the days of their creation and mutation, they have long forgotten the trials of the agony their ancestors endured. As a race, they have grown and thrived in their own ways... embracing the darkness and more evil ways of life. Power is the most important aspect of a demon's existence, and they will always strive to have more power, no matter if it is by wealth, strength, status, or reputation.