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The following describes the characteristics for this race. See “Structured Information” below for info regarding stats, points, and other required items to play this race. See “Culture & History” at the end of the page for a brief depiction of what this race in an NPC form is like (so you can compare) and how it affects the game world.

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Description      Structured Info      Skills      Culture & History


The Were Wolf looks similar to the Dire Wolf when in their beast form, but that is their only similarity. The Were look more feral with closer observation, because they are ruled more by instinct than emotions or thought process. If they perceive you a threat, you'll know it. They can blend in with others in a human form one moment, then be attacking you with teeth and claws in their bipedal beast form the next. They are unpredictable, and favor the wolf's more aggressive traits than the Dire Wolves do. Were Wolves also have a different anatomy and origin, so comparing the Dire Wolves to the Were in anything more than appearance often results in a flare up of anger and insult, as the Were find the Dire's to be weak and pathetic and nothing like the Were.

Average Appearance

(Not Required. This describes the average appearance of the NPC population of this race in the game, available as reference material for quests and story lines.)

Text in red refers to the beast form. Otherwise information refers to the human form.

Build: Toned
Height: 6'0"
+6 inches taller
Weight: Medium
Eye Tone: Human range, or yellow/gold.
Red, black or yellow/gold.
Hair Tone: Human range.
Typical wolf colors.
Skin Tone: Human range
Same; change to a different human tone allowed during shift.

Structured Section

This section provides the rules, stats, and general requirements for playing this race.
Everything in this section IS required for your character when you register.

Unique Quirks

Shifting: Werewolves have two forms; beast and human. Their primary werewolf form is a genetic manipulation between human and wolf, making a bipedal human form with the characteristics of the wolf, including the head.

Werewolf Form: Wolf head, fur covered body, paw-like hands and feet, bipedal but able to run on all fours like the wolf, and a tail. Coloring is not limited. Their eyes glow in reaction to their bloodlust. Their body will also increase in bulk and size, growing an extra foot in height when shifted. Their fur is also more bristled/sharp than the Dire Wolves, helping to distinguish between the two easily. Overall, a Werewolf will look much wilder and crazed than a Dire Wolf even when calm.

Human Form: Human limitations apply to this form, except for the hair and eyes which retain their wolf-like appearance and color. Just prior to shifting, the eyes will glow a bright alternative color (typically green, orange or red) as a warning to others.

Eyes: Eyes reflect their inner beast when looked into in either form.


Were Wolf, Human

Age Ratio

(HY indicates physical appearance, AY is how long they have lived.)

1 HY : 2 AY
Immortal: HY ceases at about 40.


To Procreate, Partner Must Be:
Humanoid or Beast. Age of maturity is considered 36 AY.
Unable to have children due to the damage of their anatomy.


Death/Battle: Weapons of silver do double damage to a werewolf, otherwise, mortal wounds can cause death.

Spreading Werewolf Virus

The anatomy of the Werewolf changed drastically after they initially contracted the virus that mutated them, causing them to no longer be able to produce children through birth. The virus that turned them into a Werewolf however IS able to be spread. A GM must always be present during an attack for it to count.

Attacker: Roll AGL vs prey's AGL. If successful follow with a roll of VIG vs prey's VIG to capture and/or hold your prey long enough to bite or scratch them. The victim must have an exposed area (no clothes or armor) in order to do this, but once done, the victim will become infected. The victim will have d5 days (rolled by the witnessing GM) from the bite/scratch to get a hold of a cure (various ones are acquirable, but you might have to search it out.) If time runs out without a cure, they will begin the transformation into a Werewolf which cannot be reversed.

Defender: As the attacker rolls their stats, the victim will roll the same stat after theirs. The higher stat wins.
On the Agility Roll: If the attacker fails and you succeed, you get away. If you both succeed, the attacker gets close to catching you but you manage to barely dodge.
On the Vigor Roll: If the attacker fails and you succeed, you escape their grasp and get away. If you both succeed, you get to roll INF to try convincing/tricking the Werewolf to let you go before they bite you. If successful, you escape. If not, you're caught and ready to be infected.

Rolls go in order of: The chase (AGL vs AGL), the capture (VIG vs VIG, vs INF if caught), the bite/scratch; as explained above. Allowed to be attempted once per day, or once per event; per victim.



Specialty: Vigor
(Doubled stat at registration.)

Weakness: Aptitude
(Halved stat at registration.)

Specialty/Weakness: Blood Rage
(The scent and sight of fresh bloodshed insights a rage within the Werewolf, making them shift and then attack.)

Shift: AGL goes up by 5 when in shifted beast form.
Pro: Their INF doubles for any rolls that involve fear or intimidation skills.
Con: Their attack roll gets cut in half, and they will keep attacking anything around them whether it is a friend or an enemy until they come out of the rage.

To get out of blood rage: Roll d100 and get below your APT to gain back sanity, or someone must restrain your character, or you'll fight until your character dies. The rage will occur for each new duel or the first bloodshed in a quest; outside of these two situations raging is optional, but getting out of the rage still follows the same rule.

Physical Qualities

(Required. SP can be invested to improve the qualities similar to stats: 3 SP will increase a Quality by 1. For more idea of what each Quality does, see this Chart.)

0=Disabled, 1=Below Average, 2=Average
3=Above Average, 4=Exceptional, 5=Godly


Running: 4

Flying: 0

Swimming: 4


Smell: 5

Hearing: 4

Sight: 3


Intimidation: 5

Charisma: 0

Timidity: 1

Race Skills

As you level, you will gain skill points (sp) to spend on various things, including skills.
Invest your SP accordingly below if you desire to raise or acquire something listed.

Improve a Quality

To improve one of the qualities above, spend 3 SP, and increase the chosen quality by 1.

Improve an Attribute

To improve one of the attributes below, spend 5 SP, and increase the chosen stat by 1.



Additional Senses

Costs 1 SP to unlock an extra sense and requires a minimum of 4 points in a Physical Quality above to unlock any the following:

Night Vision (Sight): No penalty for seeing in natural darkness.

Disability (0 in Sight, Smell, Hearing, Speech, or Mobility):
If one of your vital senses is disabled, you can improve another by 1 point.

Detect Poison (Scent): You can taste it on your tongue just by smelling it.

Jumping (Running): You can land from high places on your feet without taking damage, and can leap double the distance the average person can.

General Skills


Reference Material

The following information is NOT required for your character.
It is here for a guide on ideas of how to play your race and how NPC characters generally act.

Cultural Preferences

Around Varlonan, these are the typical aspects of this race's lifestyle preferences.

Weapons: Man made. Since their natural weapons spread the virus, they prefer to use weapons and not have to deal with the consequence of wild and unguided Werewolves to deal with. They have their pack mentality still, and to reduce the chances of causing unwanted attention toward their kind, they do their best to not spread the virus needlessly.

Armor: Their preferred method of defense is blocking since they are so strong, but they find armor distasteful and cowardly. In human form, they might wear some armor pieces, but not often.

Currency: Force. They often intimidate others into getting what they want, and find that currency is pointless when you can beat someone up and take it. Some that want to blend in better will commit to carrying gold, as long as they are in society.

Diet: Carnivore. They have a strong craving and desire for meat, especially rare meat. If they can have a fresh kill to consume, it is always preferred over something cooked.

Attire: Shifting increases their bulk and size, often destroying clothes. They will scent mark areas where they've buried their belongings, including spare clothes, and return to these areas before shifting back to their human form.

Environment: Varies. They can be seen in the shadows of cities, sticking to the alleyways to sneak attack prey. If in a group however, most often they will have a territory within the woods or plains that they guard.

Homeland: Infra


Partners: It is difficult to stick by a Werewolf due to their unpredictable and tempermental ways. Aggression and anger are very typical in most Werewolves, as well as obsessiveness. When they acquired the virus and were mutated, the worst qualities of both the wolf and human were heightened. Since shifting is immensely painful, they also tend to envy and be jealous of others whom's lives seem peaceful in comparison.

Friends: Werewolves aren't the friendliest of people, but if you can somehow manage to win one over you will often be rewarded with fierce loyalty. Sometimes a little too fierce. They are referred to (though not to their face) as guard dogs according to some people who have watched their Werewolf friends be a little over-protective at times.

Foe: The Werewolf is a mighty warrior in battle, and aggressive outside of it. It's highly advised to not get on the bad side of one of these guys, because they have a lot to get off their chest and wont hesitate to rip the heart out of yours.

Children: They do not have children, and typically do not like them either. Since their tempers are hair-triggered, the loudness and antics of young children easily annoy a Werewolf. Luckily most parents do not let their children get too close to one to get to that point. Some Werewolves even find that children make tasty and tender snacks, deliberately finding ways to get close enough to make them a meal.

Territory: Though they live in various areas, they are HIGHLY territorial. You are in a very dangerous position if you somehow wander onto a Werewolf's territory without their knowledge or permission. Large packs will often roam the areas, scent marking and guarding the border to keep others out. The 'Alpha' of a group will typically reside at the middle of the territory, well protected even if often not needing to be.


Since the Human Era, there have been stories of 'wolf men' and the terrors these creatures would spread across the lands. In truth, these were Werewolves, also called 'Lycan' by some for their beast nature. Where as the Dire Wolves were created from magic during war, the Werewolves originated from an Alchemist who was toying with life and death. This Alchemist, said to be the 'creator' of the Werewolves (though there is no proof of it) activated a gene inside a wolf/human Chimera that couldn't be reversed. As the legend goes, this Chimera (later renamed Werewolf) attacked the Alchemist and its blood had taken on a virus-like quality that infected the man. Both enraged and excited by this finding, the crazed Alchemist spread the virus among the rest of his town so he would have more people to experiment on. One night, he disappeared (rumored to have been devoured) which left all the infected people to face the virus by themselves. With such a violent and tragic start to their existence, it is no wonder that over time they kept that aggression and used it to protect themselves and dominate others. Despite the perception of them, they aren't all 'evil' so to speak... but if you underestimate them, you could very well find yourself either joining them, or becoming dinner.