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The following describes the characteristics for this race. See “Structured Information” below for info regarding stats, points, and other required items to play this race. See “Culture & History” at the end of the page for a brief depiction of what this race in an NPC form is like (so you can compare) and how it affects the game world.

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Description      Structured Info      Skills      Culture & History


Things listed in red mean that they are for the "Fallen" angels. Everything else is is for the "Blessed" angels.

The Blessed are angels that follow Gods of any alignment other than evil. The Fallen are angels that have fallen from grace and started serving a God of evil alignment. Angels, whether Fallen or Blessed, that desert their God or are without a God are called the "Branded" and are treated as a traitor by all.

Average Appearance

(Not Required. This describes the average appearance of the NPC population of this race in the game, available as reference material for quests and story lines.)

Build: Slim
Build: Slim
Height: 6'-7'
Height: 6'-7'
Weight: Very Light
Weight: Light
Eye Tone: Pale Red
Eye Tone: Black
Hair Tone: Varied
Hair Tone: Varied
Skin Tone: Varied, Luminescent
Skin Tone: Varied, Ashy

Structured Section

This section provides the rules, stats, and general requirements for playing this race.
Everything in this section IS required for your character when you register.

Unique Quirks

Wings On Back: Feathered (always visible, tangible) or intangible energy (appears/disappears at will); Any color; Large or small.

Halo: Glowing, floating energy ring; intangible; Any color, but typically gold or silver.

Halo: Thorn or bone wrap, no glow, tangible.

Eyes: Black; No pupil.

Deity Marking: Branding of chosen God.

Traitor Marking: When not following a God, you are deemed a 'Branded' traitor, and a magical marking appears on the face (usually the forehead) of lightning bolts, crossed swords, or 3 claw marks.


Angelic, Human

Age Ratio

(HY indicates physical appearance, AY is how long they have lived.)

1 HY : 1 AY
Immortal: HY ceases at 60.

Lifespan: Mortal. Death occurs around 20 years after falling.


To Procreate, Partner Must Be:
Humanoid. Age of maturity is considered 18 AY.

On a d100 roll (pregnancy):
90-100 Unsuccessful
40-89 One Child
1-39 Twins

Gender (d2 roll):
1 = Female
2 = Male

Child’s race:
If parents are same race, the child will be that race.

If parents are each a different (but full blooded) race, the child will be half of each race.

If one or both parents are a half-race, the GM will have each parent roll d2 to determine which half from each parent they’ll be.


Death/Battle: Mortal, regular death applies. Though immortal in aging, Blessed angels can still receive fatal wounds in battle like mortals.
If an attack involves the magic of an opposite alignment (Light VS Dark) to their deity, they'll take double the damage.

  • An Angel MUST choose a Deity (PC or NPC) to follow. All Godly abilities will relate to this Deity. The Angel must follow their Deity's code or risk that Deity's wrath and become a Branded angel. If they win back the favor of a Deity, they can ascend back to Blessed or Fallen, depending on the alignment of the Deity.

  • If for some reason an Angel no longer follows a God, they will become Branded and they will have a magical marking (claw lines, lightning, or fire) across their face that alerts other Angels that they are outcast. Outcasts may not use any ability (even if unlocked) that ties to a Deity. The marks will fade once the Angel is following a Deity again, and their abilities usable once more.



Specialty: Influence
(Doubled stat at registration.)

Specialty: Agility (Instead of INF)
(Doubled stat at registration.)

Weakness: LP
(-30 at registration.)

Physical Qualities

(Required. SP can be invested to improve the qualities similar to stats: 3 SP will increase a Quality by 1. For more idea of what each Quality does, see this Chart.)

0=Disabled, 1=Below Average, 2=Average
3=Above Average, 4=Exceptional, 5=Godly


Running: 1

Flying: 4

Swimming: 0


Smell: 2

Hearing: 4

Sight: 4


Intimidation: 2

Charisma: 3 / 0

Timidity: 1 / 3

Race Skills

As you level, you will gain skill points (sp) to spend on various things, including skills.
Invest your SP accordingly below if you desire to raise or acquire something listed.

Improve a Quality

To improve one of the qualities above, spend 3 SP, and increase the chosen quality by 1.

Improve an Attribute

To improve one of the attributes below, spend 5 SP, and increase the chosen stat by 1.



Additional Senses

Costs 1 SP to unlock an extra sense and requires a minimum of 4 points in a Physical Quality above to unlock any the following:

Far Vision (Sight): See double the distance you currently can.

Night Vision (Sight): No penalty for blindness in darkness. Can see details in the dark.

Disability (0 in Sight, Smell, Hearing, Speech, or Mobility):
If one of your vital senses is disabled, you can improve another by 1 point.

Detect Poison (Scent): You can taste it on your tongue just by smelling it.

Jumping (Flying or Running): You can land from high places on your feet without taking damage, and can leap double the distance the average person can.

General Skills


Reference Material

The following information is NOT required for your character.
It is here for a guide on ideas of how to play your race and how NPC characters generally act.

Cultural Preferences

Around Varlonan, these are the typical aspects of this race's lifestyle preferences.

Weapons: Magic. They some angels will brandish weapons blessed by their God in the name of that Deity's cause, most fall back on magic or a cause to not fight at all.

Armor: Cloth. Their wings are delicate and their bodies typically more frail than others, so they need to have as much mobility as they can.

Currency: Since they must blend into the cultures they are protecting or guiding, they have to adapt to the local culture's currency and ways in order to get the goods they need.

Diet: Omnivore. They prefer not to eat meat, as it takes the life of a creature, but plants are said to have spirits too in some cultures, so the angels diet varies depending on their motives and where they are located at the time.

Attire: Light and soft. Because of their frail bodies, they can only wear materials that give easy movement of their body, just like armor. Special tailoring is often needed to allow freedom of their wings. You'll almost always seem them with a visible brand of their deity however, declaring openly who they follow.

Environment: Skies, Cities.

Homeland: The Aurora Fields, though when in the mortal plane, they often reside in Pennae Angelus.


Partners: Angels are very strict about being partner specific. Once they settle down, it is typically for eternity. Some rumor that when one partner dies... the other will never seek love again. They greatly treasure marriage.

Friends: Since Angels are very busy creatures, tending to the tasks of the Gods and the aid of their fellowships, they have a hard time building solid friendships. This does not mean however that they don't want to. An Angel generally needs friends who can be understanding and supportive of their way of living. Though it is difficult to keep a friendship with them, you'll be a treasured part of their life at heart.

Foe: The enemy of an Angel is typically ignored. Since they are creatures of peace, or solidarity, an enemy is just not worth an Angel's time to deal with. It is hard to be the enemy of an Angel, since they are always trying to aid others; though it has been known to happen. Angels will either try to mend broken bridges with those they don't like, or they will simply ignore and avoid them.

Children: Angels are sensitive and frail. They are also hunted by quite a few predators, so when they birth children, it is done in seclusion... usually returning to their homeland in the Aurora Fields to give birth. Angel children are often nicknamed Cherubs by others due to their tiny wings and awkward flying in youth.

Territory: Most prefer to stay in the skies as often as possible, but when on the ground, they do their best to live peacefully. Respect, faith, and support are the main values of most angels, whether they are ascended, fallen, or inbetween. Their homes are modest, often with few personal possessions since they do not like to be "tied down" to any particular place.


It is said that the dragons were the first race to inhabit Varlonan; but it is also thought that the angels may have actually been the first race in existence. Guarding the skies and entrance to the God's domain, angels roam proud and free. Not everyone believes in the Gods, but angels do. Undeniable to them, they were created by and serve the Gods. Beautiful, agile, and magical in nature. Who can deny the existence of Gods when perfection and beauty such as an angel can stand before them?

History states that angels descend to the surface world whenever there is need for healing, guidance and peace. Good in nature, often even pure, they are usually healers or teachers. Whenever they are offered more than is necessary to live, they refuse or donate the excess wealth. They live by needed means only, and rarely hold to material possessions, especially those that are rare or worth a lot of gold. As the messengers of the Gods, they find no need to tie themselves to the surface world more than necessary.

Not all angels are good, though those that have abandoned the heavens to remain on the surface (referred to as the 'Fallen') are more susceptible to the temptations of evil than their sky soaring brethren. Once an angel has fallen from grace, they are branded an outsider and shunned by the 'Blessed' (non-fallen angels.) Even the Gods turn their back on these poor souls... though they are not cast to the underworld like the demons were, perhaps a show of mercy and pity by their creators.

While the Blessed are recognized easily by the shining light of their Halo rings, the Fallen's halo warps similar to that of the demons, turning into a thorn-wrap on their head where the halo would have been. Their wings lose the brilliance and shine they once had, become dull colors or sometimes blotchy and patched. Since they are shunned and have lost their God, the 'Branded' marking appears on their face to declare them outcast, and the color drains from their eyes as a reflection of their anger or sadness, turning pure black.