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Legend of the Merfolk goes far back, even in the Human Age historical records. Pirates and fisherman claimed many sightings of the half man, half fish being they would catch glimpses of in the waters. Living with the Water Elves, Merfolk have long ago established their presence and cities in the seas. Mermaids that have broke free from their cultures typically move into fresh water areas like lakes, where they can encounter more surface dwellers. They are not able to successfully move on land, so they are stuck watching and listening from afar usually. Recent developments in the capital city however have made underwater channels that lead directly into Tandora, allowing easier access for the water dwelling races.

(W) means 'in water' and (O/W) means 'out of water' and not in a humanoid form. If not marked, it applies to both.
Culture & History

Requirements For Play


  • Upper human half, lower aquatic creature half. The lower half can be dolphin, shark, whale, octopus, squid, fish... as long as it is tail fins or tentacles.

  • Gills; on the side of the neck, shoulder blades, behind ears, or chest.

  • Body tone must be within human range, everything else may be whatever color you like.



Age Ratio

(HY indicates physical appearance, AY is how long they have lived.)

1 HY : 3 AY
HY ceases around 80

Race Perks

  • Doubled INF at Registration

  • Maxed Swimming (W), +2 Flight (W) *Like a flying fish, very limited*, +3 Charisma, +2 Timidity, +3 Hearing

  • Underwater - Dodge ability doubles under water.

  • Can shift to a humanoid form when fully dry. Even a single drop of water will start the shift back. Halved agility while in this form.

  • +5 to hit with nets, ropes, whips, harpoons & tridents.

  • +2 to all stats, 5 recovered LP/MP per round/hour, maxed Charisma & Intimidation, access to Light Magic. These bonuses only apply in the presence of moonlight on full moon nights, and intensify on the nights of two or three moons (doubling for each additional moon.)

Race Drawbacks

  • 0 Running (O/W), unless transformed. -2 Swimming when Humanoid

  • Agility becomes 0 for mobility; no ability to move or dodge. For ranged attacks, AGL will be cut in half. Melee attacks reduce to half to hit, and become impossible if the opponent creates distance. (O/W)

  • Heat Intolerance - Takes 5 DMG a round/hour when out of water. Must be fully emerged in water to regain LP.

  • On the night of no moon they become very weak. -3 all stats, -1 to each quality (and disables skills that require the needed met quality.)

  • Cannot wear shoes or armor below their waist unless in humanoid form. If they're caught shifting back unaware, they destroy what they were wearing from the force if it was form fitted (such as pants) and take d20 fall damage when applicable. GM Discretion.

  • Deemed a 'beast' race.


To Procreate, Partner Must Be:
Any living races who mate aren't race-specific for this process. Age of maturity is considered 54 AY.
The act takes place in water, and the necessities to create life spread through the water to join and fertilize. The eggs then attach to the nest where they will grow and hatch. They do this only when attempting to procreate. If mating in humanoid form, the fertilized eggs are deposited into the nest later. There is no carried pregnancy with Merfolk.

On a d100 roll (pregnancy):
60-100 Unsuccessful
50-59 One Child
20-49 Twins
1-19 Triplets

Gender (d2 roll):
1 = Female
2 = Male

Child’s race:
If parents are same race, the child will be that race.

If parents are each a different (but full blooded) race, the child will be half of each race.

If one or both parents are a half-race, the GM will have each parent roll d2 to determine which half from each parent they’ll be.

Race Skills


Natural skills will be available to your character upon registration and don't need SP to unlock, but SP can be used to make some stronger.

Skill 1 -
Skill 2 -


Spend SP to unlock skills or make them stronger.

Underwater Vision (Sight): No penalty for seeing under water.
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