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The world of love is complicated, and from this confusion comes those born of mixed blood. Society now deems them 'Halflings' since they are not seen as a proper race. Much discrimination occurs toward Halflings since most races pride themselves for their bloodlines, and find it a disgrace to mate outside their own kind. This ignorant and arrogant way of thinking robs the world of great treasures however; especially since most Halflings do not live past infancy. The blending of two races does not mean that the child is 'less' than anyone else, in fact, it can often be the opposite because having the abilities and knowledge of two races gives someone more advantages. Their ability to master their skills isn't as strong, but their determination usually can't be rivaled when it comes to overcoming the odds stacked against them. If they can get past the racism and self-doubt, they have much potential.

How they interact with the world varies greatly with each Halfling. All are unique, with different backgrounds, and are most likely to pick and choose from the cultures they are raised in to determine how they grow up. Most often when they get a choice, they'll stick with the parent or culture that is more accepting of them.

Common nicknames: Half bloods, the diluted, the impure, and the disgraced. When one particular type of halfling becomes numerous, they'll also sometimes refer to their group as "Half ____" picking one of the two races and placing 'half' behind it, such as the 'Half Elves' for example.

Choices below are selected by race/race for newly un-associated characters OR if you are the result of two already existing characters, you'd choose between parent/parent. The terms are interchangeable below.

Requirements For Play


  • Blank

  • Blank

  • Blank

  • Blank



Age Ratio

(HY indicates physical appearance, AY is how long they have lived.)

1 HY : 1 AY
HY ceases around 60

Race Perks

Doubled ___

+8 in Traits

Race Drawbacks



To Procreate, Partner Must Be:
Humanoid. Age of maturity is considered 18 AY.

On a d100 roll (pregnancy):
90-100 Unsuccessful
40-89 One Child
1-39 Twins

Gender (d2 roll):
1 = Female
2 = Male

Child’s race:
If parents are same race, the child will be that race.

If parents are each a different (but full blooded) race, the child will be half of each race.

If one or both parents are a half-race, the GM will have each parent roll d2 to determine which half from each parent they’ll be.

Race Skills


Natural skills will be available to your character upon registration and don't need SP to unlock, but SP can be used to make some stronger.

Skill 1 -
Skill 2 -


Spend SP to unlock skills or make them stronger.

Eagle Vision (Sight): Double the distance seen when flying if nothing obstructs view.
Detect Poison (Scent): You can taste it on your tongue just by smelling it.