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The Fera Felidae, called 'Fera' for short by most, are a beast/humanoid hybrid originating from the ancient desert lands. It is said that they possess the spirits of large felines which grants them their abilities and appearance, given to them long ago by a forgotten Deity. They have three forms: humanoid, half-shift, and beast. They utilize these in different ways as they face society and try to blend in.

References below: (N) Natural 'Fera' Form, (H) Humanoid Form, (A) Animal Form
Culture & History

Requirements For Play


  • Different forms:
    (H) Their humanoid form will have a feline element in it, whether that be the eyes, ears, a tail, or skin patterns. Other than that, they mostly appear human.

    (N) Their natural form is the 'half shift' where they are a cross between the bipedal human, and the feline animal they resemble (tiger, lion, panther, lynx, etc.) Their bodies will look just like the feline, only they will have human-shape hands and be bipedal. Their body will still be covered in fur, and their head/face will retain the feline shape and features.

    (A) Their animal form will be the feline they represent. They'll be just slightly larger than the average wild cat, and retain most of their personality and intelligence. This is primarily their 'stealth' form.

  • Their eyes will retain the feline slit pupil in all forms.

  • Their hair in humanoid form matches their fur color (but not pattern) in other forms.


Common, Fera

Age Ratio

(HY indicates physical appearance, AY is how long they have lived.)

1 HY : 2 AY
Lifespan of about 180 AY

Race Perks

  • Doubled APT at Registration

  • Never fails a balance roll, no fall damage.

  • +4 Running (registration), +4 Smell (registration), +1 Intimidation (A) rolls, +1 Timidity (H) rolls, +1 Charisma (N) rolls.

  • +3 to Init due to heightened sense for danger.

  • While in these forms:
    (H) +3 INF, (N) +3 AGL, (A) +3 VIG

  • +3 to any stealth rolls (hiding or moving.)

Race Drawbacks

  • While in these forms:
    (H) -3 AGL, (N) -3 INF, (A) -3 APT

  • -2 to hit when near natural water due to instinctual fear. Must beat an APT roll in instances of having to travel through water or rain.

  • Considered a 'Beast' creature, non-humanoid, despite their humanoid form.

  • Natural Enemy - When facing Were Wolves they get -2 to hit due to the ingrained unease with this race from past history.

  • Skittish. Any very loud noises near them (guns, lightning, explosions, portal openings, etc.) cause their natural instincts to kick in making them desire fleeing. They must make a successful APT roll to not retreat. If they retreat, they lose one turn to refocus their attention and calm their nerves. If in battle, they move from a melee position into a ranged position immediately (often with a dexterous and high leap) at the very back positioning. If distance is in place, they'll have to use a turn to close distance or be forced to use ranged attacks. The loud sound only applies once (caught off guard) before the Fera realizes what the cause was. Meaning not every blast of a gun will scare them, only the first. *Quests/Events only*

  • God Complex. They tend to have high opinions of themselves or their ability; this has become a reputation for their race whether it applies to individuals or not. When trying to charm or impress someone they must roll their Charisma with a d5. A 1-2 gives the person the impression they are a snob and possibly offend them. A 3-5 means they successfully charm or impress.


To Procreate, Partner Must Be:
Humanoid or Beast. Age of maturity is considered 36 AY.

On a d100 roll (pregnancy):
80-100 Unsuccessful
30-79 One Child
1-29 Twins

Gender (d2 roll):
1 = Female
2 = Male

Child’s race:
If parents are same race, the child will be that race.

If parents are each a different (but full blooded) race, the child will be half of each race.

If one or both parents are a half-race, the GM will have each parent roll d2 to determine which half from each parent they’ll be.

Race Skills


Natural skills will be available to your character upon registration and don't need SP to unlock, but SP can be used to make some stronger.

Skill 1 - Natural Weapons
Skill 2 -


Spend SP to unlock skills or make them stronger.

Night Vision (Sight): No penalty for sight in natural darkness.
Detect Poison (Scent): You can taste it on your tongue just by smelling it.