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Each group below gets a bank and a vault. How these are used depends on the group type.


What they are: Clans are a group of people who band together more for camaraderie than for a real purpose. Usually you will see clans that group together based on race, gender, past-time or interest. They differ from guilds in the sense that they are more leisurely, with less rules and no "one purpose or cause" that pulls them together. Clans can be a mix of people who are even just close friends that like to drink together or brawl.

Creation: A clan needs to have at least 1 leader in place, who will remain leader until the clan disbands or someone takes down the leader to take over the clan. If a leader is defeated and the clan taken, members are not bound or forced to remain.

Increasing the size: People may come and go from a clan as they see fit. Clans must remain open and public so that anyone can join them that meets their requirements. The requirements will be determined by the leader upon the creation of the clan and will remain so until the leadership changes. Children born by members in a clan automatically become part of that clan, but can leave it upon reaching the age of maturity or if the parent removes them.

How to remove/disband: If a clan's leader has put a 'second in command' or any second-type position in place, they will take over if the leader dies or leaves (in a way other than conquering) and become the new leader. Otherwise, once a leader is gone the clan will officially disband if another person doesn't step up into leadership. The clan can also be disband by the current leader, and no one will be able to take it over. People outside or inside of the clan are allowed to challenge a clan leader. Other clan members are allowed to take the place of the leader in battle if they choose to, but if they fail, the leader will still have to fight. If they win, it counts the same as if the leader won.

  • Clans are not as strict as guilds, and members are not permanent like families.
  • There always has to be a leader in place for the clan to be official.
  • The bank and vault are accessible to ALL clan members, with items in the vault donated by willing members.


What they are: Unlike a clan, a guild has a distinct purpose to it's existence. They usually get together in order to accomplish a task or goal. This could be short term, or long term. They don't usually have the same tight-bond that a clan does, but each individual member usually brings a strong benefit to the guild with or without interactions with the other members. The only people in which all members would need to keep in contact with are the leaders. This is the type of group you would usually see with similar Classes (such as an Amazon tribe/guild) or people with similar talents (magic, healing, power, etc.)

Creation: A guild needs to have at least 1 leader in place, and at least 3 other members (for a total of 4 people) before registering. After registration, it can drop to 2 people but no less. The guild needs to submit a reason/purpose for the guild, and their future intentions (whether or not it is followed through with.) to be considered. This reason will only be known to the staff unless the leader shares it with others.

Increasing the size: A guild is meant to be more of a private group, so all members must be approved by the leader before joining. It is, and should be, difficult to join a guild because there is typically great benefit and hard work to being in a guild. Children born by members in the guild will be determined on if that child can become a member upon them reaching the age of maturity.

How to remove/disband: A guild may be bought by another if the leader sells it; otherwise the guild will belong solely to the leader until they disband it. Unlike a clan, you cannot challenge/defeat the leader of a guild to take it over, UNLESS you are currently a member of the guild. Due to their secretive nature and goal-oriented nature, it is determined that it would be too difficult to get close enough to the leader to make an official challenge.

  • Guilds are strict, uniform, and have a distinct purpose for their existence.
  • There always has to be a leader, and 1 other member in place for the guild to be official.
  • The bank and vault are accessible to the leader only, and distributed as they see fit.


What they are: A family represents a bond between individuals by blood, marriage or adoption. The tricky part to family is that once someone becomes family, they will be so until they die. Most often we don't even get the choice of who joins our family tree and will have to settle for or embrace those that become our own. Out of all groups, a family unit is often the most closely bound and ready to give up their own goods (even their life) for another member. Good or bad, they are stuck for life, so why not try to get along? (If only it were that simple)

Creation: The only way someone needs to create a family is to declare it and have at least 2 people with the same last name to start it.

Increasing the size: Though a 'head' of the family can be declared, this person does not have to be followed. After the initial start to the family, it will grow naturally with no say by the person who started it. Sure, you can take drastic measures and exile or even kill someone to remove them from influence over the family, but they'll still forever be part of the family tree. This includes children born to the family, people married into the family (whether they keep the name or not), and anyone adopted.

How to remove/disband: A family is one of the hardest groups to remove/make disappear. As long as a single family member still exists, the family name will exist. Only if every single member of a family is killed will it disappear.

  • A member of the family is permanent once joined.
  • The 'leader' (Head of Family) doesn't have to be recognized, or can be replaced by whichever family member is most dominant or influential to the other members. The person who takes charge is the one who has the majority of the family on their side.
  • The bank and vault are accessible to ALL family members.


What they are: This is a branch off of 'Family' and similar in some ways, but unique in others. People are only deemed 'royalty' if they are blood-related to the person who is already considered royal, or married to them. Bastard children are not recognized as royalty, and to not be a bastard the child must be born to a currently married royal couple. Adoptions are allowed, but the child will be of bastard status. Non-bastard children will be considered royalty and be treated the same as the royal adults in the following regards.

Creation: Once a royal line is started, it cannot be disbanded, and all future family (with the guidelines above) will be part of it whether they choose to or not. The royal line only grows through marriage and birth, sticking strictly to the bloodline to determine who is part of the royal family. Servants, workers, and guests of court can join the "group" in a sense, but will have no access to the royal bank or vault.

Increasing the size: A guild is meant to be more of a private group, so all members must be approved by the leader before joining. It is, and should be, difficult to join a guild because there is typically great benefit and hard work to being in a guild. Children born by members in the guild will be determined on if that child can become a member upon them reaching the age of maturity.

How to remove/disband: Only if the entire family is killed (and stay dead) can it be removed. If all members are killed (but are resurrected), a claim can be made by someone (usually one of the killers) to deem the family illegitimate (for whatever IC reason you come up with) and lose their power. A council of IC peers (not related to the claimant or the family) will reside over the hearing and make the decision. If there is a branch family, they would gain the fallen family's bank and vault, and any property of the prior leader that was used for the family.

  • Royalty is determined by blood and marriage. People can join the 'court' or be adopted and be part of the 'group' but not allowed access to the bank or vault.
  • There must always be 2 leaders. If the leadership drops to 1, the royal line's leadership will have a month to either marry, become pregnant, or have a relative step up and assume the second position.
  • One gender must be declared dominant above the other upon creation of the line. This means between the two leaders, the gender in power will trump the other partner when there are conflicting decisions. If both leaders are the same gender, the elder of them will trump the other. The only way the 'power gender' can be switched is if the current leaders both agree to the switch.
  • The first to register the line will be deemed leader. After this person dies, steps down, or is captured and unable to lead, the next person in line to the power will become leader if they accept it, going down the line until someone accepts. The line goes in this order: Parents or Uncle/Aunt, to Children or Niece/Nephew if adult. If they aren't adult, it then goes to oldest sibling, if no siblings, to oldest aunt/uncle. If none of these, it will go to oldest adult grandchild. If none of these, it will go to oldest cousin. If there is a child or niece/nephew next in line but aren't adult yet, that person will take over upon reaching the age of maturity regardless of who took rule while they were a minor. (If ever confused, just ask a staff member to look into it)
  • If a royal line from the first to create it dies out, any branch family (broke off from marriage and taking a different name) that has a member of royal blood tied to the other family will gain the assets and power of the prior family.

Religious Sect

What they are: A 'Sect' can actually be many things: Temple, Church, Worship Alter, Sanctuary; but what they all have in common is religion, and devotion to a higher power. Not everyone in the game will believe in the presence of Gods, Deities, or any sort of 'higher power' that cannot be taken down. They have one part right, that no higher power is invincible. The more a 'God' is worshiped, the more powerful they become. They rely on their followers. This is where a Sect comes in, dedicated by a loyal follower of a higher power.

Creation: Unlike a normal group, this one requires quite a bit more work. First, the devoted follower must acquire the means to buy property; then pay to build and erect the object of devotion (building or statue); then they must get enough followers to recognize the higher power and pay homage at the newly built site. Once 4 people other than the original devotee pay homage and follow the higher power (See 'Pantheon' for more information about worship and Gods) then the Sect will be recognized.

Increasing the size: Each new person who follows the Sect must also follow the God. Anyone can follow a religion, but a person who follows multiple Gods weakens their devotion power, so it is better to have someone follow only one faith.

How to remove/disband: A Sect will lose its power if a 'God' is killed or removed from power. It will lose its power if it is destroyed as well (by destroying the place of worship), but if rebuilding starts immediately, the religion can stay in place.

  • The bank and vault belong to the God, but controlled/distributed by the leader of the Sect. Things donated to the Sect's place of worship (by anyone, not just followers) act as sacrifices and will increase the God's power. Blood sacrifices take away permanent LP from the giver.
  • The leader can be replaced by the God they follow, and will not be reimbursed for anything they put into building the Sect. If a leader ever 'falls from grace', dies, or leaves, the other followers will vote on which one of their own will become the next leader.
  • Followers of a Sect will need to follow that Sect's rules to stay in it. Those who follow a Sect will sometimes gain a benefit or bonus from the Higher Power too. But if there is a holy war, those current following the Sect will be included in it against their will. So decide if the reward is worth the risk before joining.

To register a group, use the form below. If you just need to make group updates, go here instead.