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When Druids are guarding and defending nature, Rangers are spending their time studying it. There is no better guide in the wilderness than that of a Ranger. They know paths, trees, animals, herbs, the effects of weather, how to read the sky... their talents are vast and useful. Generally peaceful, they don't find a lot of conflict in their profession, but that doesn't mean they aren't skilled in the ways of fighting. As guides, they do not discriminate against who they aid, and this sometimes can lead them to trouble. Due to this fact, Rangers make sure they are skilled enough in battle to defend themselves of those they are guiding. Piss a Ranger off, and you may find yourself in locations no other than that of the Ranger and the Gods have seen, left to starve to death or go mad.

Why be a ranger?

A player that enjoys being able to lead a quest party, fight with ranged attacks, and have a lot of knowledge about animals and nature would be perfect for a Ranger. They aren't warriors, but they hold their own in battle. Many players end up finding rangers to be very useful in a wide variety of aspects. They also aren't quite as dedicated to protecting nature as druids, preferring instead to learn from and use nature to their advantage, while still showing it enough respect to understand that it needs enough protection to still be used.

How do they fair in battle?

They prefer ranged attacks to melee, and do better toward the middle of the party instead of in front, but sturdy enough to not need to be in back. They don't dabble much in magic, preferring weapons since they are more reliable and less time consuming to learn. Rangers are generally laid back, and don't tend to get in many battles.

How do they fair in quests?

Rangers make the perfect party guides because they have skills that allow them to track things, read the weather patterns, and learn about hidden aspects in nature due to their extra observant personalities. Since they attack ranged, they typically lead a party to where it needs to go, then step back behind the warriors when the fighting starts, sending out arrows and bolts for aid.

What race and alignment are most typical for this class?

Elves are the most common race that take up the path of a ranger. Since they excel at ranged combat, have silent footing, and are in-tune with nature in a natural sense, they can pick up on the abilities of a ranger rather easily. Shapeshifters are known for favoring this class as well since they live off nature and often know quite a few paths and secrets that could be of use to others.

Alignment doesn't matter much to a ranger, so typically they will be in the neutral range. They don't go out of their way to help others, but don't mind doing so and will sometimes make a living off guiding people through forests and mountains.



Main Class Skills

(Starts unlocked at 90 DL. Invest CP to make stronger.)

Skill Name


Weapons Allowed:

Armor Allowed:

Magic Allowed (1 CP per type):



It takes 1 CP to use any of the following, and each CP invested will increase it.

Camping Knowledge
(Heal 5 LP per CP, each shift slept.)
You are a well-prepared camper and understand eating, hydrating, hygiene and proper bedding are important for being well rested.

If you sleep all 3 and get half your LP back, you also get the LP added from this skill. If the LP is more than your max, you keep that until next attacked or the quest/event ends.

(+1 toward non-attack rolls per CP.)
When it comes to accomplishing things, you tend to have an edge on other people. Maybe the Gods favor you, or maybe it is just lady luck blowing you a kiss.

Hidden Paths
(APT is rolled to locate a hidden path. This gives +1 toward DL roll. If discovered, it is up to you if you share the information with everyone or investigate on your own.)
You have keen perception of things most do not notice. Due to this, you are able to find doorways and paths that are practically invisible.

If everyone in the party is riding, they will cut 1 day off their travel. This means one less chance of an unexpected battle while camping.
If you are riding when you get attacked by an enemy, you get +1 DMG and +1 INIT (per CP invested) for your first attack if your party attacks first. If the enemy attacks on the first turn instead, you will get +2 (per CP invested) toward your roll if you dodge. This skill requires owning a ride-able animal, such as a horse, or being on a travelling vessel.



