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Dice, Detailed

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Detailed Dice Battle Style

Read this version if you are not familiar or comfortable with the dice system.

Not many situations will call for players to battle, but many quests will also have players facing off against
NPC enemies, so knowing the basics of how to battle could keep your characters alive!

Attributes ("Stats")

Characters have four Attributes which determine their ability to perform actions in quests, battles, and events. At registration, characters will distribute a set amount of points into the four Attributes as they desire, keeping in mind Class and Race requirements. Each time a character reaches a new level, they have the chance to increase their stats by spending Skill Points; five (5) SP will raise an Attribute by one (1) point. You'll want to build your character's stats according to their strengths and weaknesses: want to wield powerful magic? Invest in Aptitude. Want to be a strong warrior? Invest in Vigor. It's up to you how you build your character. The Attributes are defined as follows:

Vigor (Strength/Power):

Vigor is mainly used during actions of power, such as close combat (called 'Melee') or feats of strength such as carrying heavy objects. Any tasks that require strength would involve the character's Vigor.

Agility (Nimbleness/Speed):

Agility refers to a characters ability to move, and how quickly they do so; most often used for dodging or far combat (called 'Ranged'.) It is important for certain Races and Classes to have a high Agility.

Influence (Manipulation/Perception):

Influence refers to several different things, but it's primary usage is related to spell effects. Charming, lying, and over-all manipulation of others uses this stat. Characters that wish to play off their looks would also want to have a high Influence to try to get their way (whether that be in attractiveness, or to intimidate.)

Aptitude (Mental Ability/Magic Attack):

There are two primary uses of Aptitude: Mental Ability, and Magic Attacks. How intelligent your character is, and how well they learn and use spells will involve Aptitude. When fighting off a spell effect, Aptitude would be used to 'see through' the trick.


There are several factors that come into how to battle, but we will just focus on the basics on this page. Don't be intimidated, if you don't understand it right away, our staff will be more than happy to help you step by step as long as you ask. It's not as hard as it looks, and once you've got down the basics, the rest will fall into place with ease.

You may have additional factors to your attack roll if you have bonuses. Skills are one of the biggest "bonus" factors in the game that can effect your attack rolls. It's not required that you use your Skills, if you don't wish to have a bunch of extra math to do and care little for battle. Though if you are a player that will wish to engage in many battle scenarios, you'll want to keep track of your skill bonuses for the best rolls.

Up close battle - Melee:

This involves a person's strength in order to make contact and hit the hardest possible up close and able to physically touch/reach the opponent. We call this 'Melee' and it will use Vigor.
Stats used: Vigor (5 for this example)
Attack roll: d5 (the 5 is from your Vigor stat)
Damage: This uses the same stat, so the damage will be 5 on top of what your weapon does. If it's a sword that does 10 damage, add your Vigor, and your damage roll will be d15.
Far away battle - Ranged:

This involves a speed and coordination in order to make contact and hit the most precisely as possible far away and able to hit without physical touch on the opponent. We call this 'Ranged' and it will use Agility.
Stats used: Agility (5 for this example)
Attack roll: d5 (the 5 is from your Agility stat)
Damage: This uses the same stat, so the damage will be 5 on top of what your weapon does. If it's a throwing dagger that does 10 damage, add your Agility, and your damage roll will be d15.
Magic Attacks - Damage:
(Healing uses the below system too, repairing LP instead of dealing DMG)

Stats used: Aptitude (5 for this example)
Attack roll: d5 (the 5 is from your APT stat)

The basics you should know about using magic is that you use your APT stat for dealing damage, and INF stat for effects (seen to the right) as well as the fact that every point of damage you deal will cost equal MP.
So 1 DMG = 1 MP
You deal damage in the form of "potential damage" however, which means that if you have d5 potential damage (PD), you can roll UP TO 5 damage, but less if you choose to. This comes in handy if you desire to reserve some of your MP for other things such as effects, healing or life in some cases such as the Fae. Without choosing a specific element, your magic will be assumed to be general 'arcane' magical force, with no weakness or strength against other magics. The following chart explains and things must be unlocked in sequence:

Potential Damage Chart

Title PD Unlock Requirements
Beginner d5 Magic Class OR 3 SP
Amateur d10 Lvl 2 & 3 SP
Novice d15 Lvl 5 & 4 SP
Advanced d25 Lvl 10+ & 5 SP
Expert d50 Lvl 10+ & 10 SP
Master d75 Unlocked for Master Class

Magic Hierarchy

When using a type of magic that has an advantage against another (like an elemental creature), you gain +1 to your magic rolls. Unlock a new element in the same way as weapons, meaning you have to duel 10 times to unlock one. If you get a critical attack with a type advantage, you'll do x2 damage.

Magic Attacks - Effects:

Disrupt or manipulate the situation of battle with a magical effect.
Stats used: Influence (5 for this example)
Attack roll: d5 (the 5 is from your Influence stat)
Cost: 20 MP per effect, each turn; +5 MP cost per SP invested in the effect.

Effect Results:
You can unlock one of the following effects every 5 levels (1 at level 1, another at level 5... etc.) for 10 SP each. When 'performing' the effect, you can describe or play it out according to the magic type you are using. For example for 'Trapping' one could use earth magic to lift roots from the ground and wrap them around their opponent; or for stat reduction, perhaps your character placed a curse on someone. Be creative, but logical!

Approved effects, all at GM discretion (feel free to email us with a request for something else):

Effect Description
Trapping Opponent becomes immobile for d1 turns per SP invested, maxed at d5. Cannot defend (except Absorb) or perform non-magic attacks until free since limbs will be trapped.
Stat Reduction Makes person lose 1 stat point per SP invested, maxed at 10, for 2 turns.
Buffing Increases a stat by 1 point per SP invested, maxed at 5, for 2 turns.
Manipulate Charm, scare, or otherwise distract a person from what they are doing; d1 turns per SP invested, maxed at d5. Attack roll of opponent is cut in half.
Drain Makes opponent lose MP equal to caster's INF, allowed once per battle.
Damage Shield Block using a magical shield to deflect non-magic damage. MP drained by double for each damage point absorbed (1 damage drains 2 MP) and you cannot perform other actions or defend while shielding. Doesn't block magic attacks. Can shield 1 person per 5 SP spent.
Magic Shield Block using a magical shield to deflect magic damage. MP drained by double for each damage point absorbed (1 damage drains 2 MP) and you cannot perform other actions or defend while shielding. Doesn't block non-magic attacks. Can shield 1 person per 5 SP spent.
Request Other Effect


Now we'll explain defending. Obviously people can attack each other through the whole duel, but you'll be defending yourself too! So how do we do this?

First you need to know that you only defend after your opponent has made an attack. The rounds go:
1. Character 1's Attack/Action
2. Character 2's Defending an Attack
3. Character 1's Damage roll if applicable.
4. New Round, Character 2's Attack/Action
Sometimes an action will be made such as creating distance, healing, or using an item in which you wont need to always defend. This means that your defending is not needed, and the turn will advance straight to the next round.

Let's assume for now now though that your character was attacked and has to defend themselves. You have a few options to do so:

Option 1: Dodging. You can use your Agility (AGL) to get out of the way of an oncoming attack. This means you will roll your AGL stat and hope you get higher than your opponent's attack roll. If you successfully dodge, you take no damage. This style of defending is useful if you have a high AGL, because your opponent's character would be likely to cause less damage by landing less hits. Also, max dodge rolls (see below for more info) are automatic dodges even if your opponent's roll was higher. Though Dodging can sometimes be a less reliable way of defending, it is the only defense option that results in no damage taken if successful.

Option 2: Blocking. Similar to absorbing (see option 3), you can block some of the damage aimed at you. This means you'll take the hit, but kind of deflect it to reduce the damage you take. You will roll Vigor (VIG) to do this, and what you roll will be deducted from what your opponent rolls for damage next. If your block is higher than the damage rolled, you take no damage. If it is lower, you will subtract. (If the damage was 7 and your block was 5, the damage taken will be 2 LP.) This is a particularly useful way to defend if your character has no armor and the attack roll made is higher than a Dodge roll you could make. Shields increase your Block rolls if used, and will only be destroyed if an Aimed Shot is done directly at the shield.

Option 3: Absorbing. Armor is useful in battle because it can endure damage instead of your character having their life points reduced. Armor uses DP (durability points) and can protect your character from harm, as long as you don't let the DP reach 0 (at which point it becomes useless until repaired.) If you wish to Absorb damage, you'll state so on your defending turn and the GM will note it. If armor becomes useless during battle, you will begin to take damage, and have to get your armor repaired after the event is finished. In the event the damage taken in a single turn is more than half your character's LP and you still choose to Absorb, your character will take no LP damage, but the armor will be destroyed beyond repair (despite it's DP) and no longer be usable; a great option to save your character in dire situations, but costly.

Option 4: Counter Attack. If you have little regard for taking some damage, you can forfeit defending and do a counter attack instead. This means your character will take the full damage of the attack, but will get to deal some damage to the opponent too. An attack has to have been made by your character's opponent to counter-attack. If an action (see below) is used in place of an attack round, your character cannot counter attack. If you decide to counter attack, announce it at the defense stage to the GM, then once the opponent has rolled their damage, your character will do a counter attack. You'll then roll the damage for your weapon (roll the normal damage roll, the result will be cut in half *rounded down*) and the only option the opponent has to defend a counter attack is Absorbing since they wont have reaction time for Blocking or Dodging! Counter attacks must be done in the same way you were attacked that turn distance wise. If you were attacked melee, you must counter melee, ranged vs ranged, and magic vs either since magic can be melee or ranged depending on the spell. Then a new round starts and it's your turn to attack again! This method of "defense" (or lack of) is perfect for the warriors who can afford to take some hits and want to deal as much damage to their opponent as they can. It also makes for quicker battles.

In the case of a tie between an attack and defense roll, each will roll their APT to see who gets the 'last second edge' over their parry. If tied again, roll APT again.

Turns & Special Dice Rolls

Initiative ("Init")

Since this is a structured RPG, most battles are turn based. One person will take their turn to do an action in battle or on a quest, then the next person and so on. We determine the order by Initiative (Init) rolls. This means everyone rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first, and goes down the results to the lowest who goes last. What you roll is based off your combined Agility and Aptitude stats.

Max Rolls ("Criticals")

Dice results are important to keep track of, for a few reasons. One of those reasons involve Max Rolls (called a Critical.)
Max attack rolls (E.g. 25 on a d25) are auto-hits and cannot be dodged (but CAN be endured with armor.) Your opponent also has to halve their next Attack roll.
As long as a critical attack has not been rolled (in which case you cannot defend) you can have a Max Defense roll too. This only applies if you are Dodging (Defense 1) or Blocking (Defense 2); if you Max your roll, you take no damage and get to double your next Attack roll.

Skills and Task Difficulty

Rolls that require a skill often use d100 rolls. You will need to roll higher than the percentage you are set to according to that skill. The more you invest in the skill, the lower your percentage difficulty and the easier it is to achieve your skill. See individual skill's for any further information needed, such as damage.
When you have the chance to try for something that you wouldn't use a Skill for, you can roll a stat, considered a task difficulty.
For Task Difficulty your percentage is based off the stat being used. For each stat point, DL will lower by 2%. Since difficulty starts at 100%, having a stat of 0 means you can't do the task. You roll d100 for the task, and need to get a higher result than your DL percentage. If you have a 90% DL, you need to get 90-100 to succeed.

Task Difficulty Level
0 VIG = 100%, Impossible DL
1 VIG = 98% DL
2 VIG = 96% DL
3 VIG = 94% DL
4 VIG = 92% DL
5 VIG = 90% DL

6 VIG = 88% DL
7 VIG = 86% DL
8 VIG = 84% DL
9 VIG = 82% DL
10 VIG = 80% DL

15 VIG = 70% DL
20 VIG = 60% DL
25 VIG = 50% DL
30 VIG = 40% DL
35 VIG = 30% DL
40 VIG = 20% DL
45 VIG = 10% DL
50+ VIG = Only fails on a 1