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How are the styles different compared to each other?

The following is a short summary that explains how the styles are different and what they do, including the advantages and disadvantages to using each style. These are just summaries, not the detailed version of our official battle system.

Quest Battles

Most quest battles are dice based, but sometimes there are quest-specific changes. Generally when something happens in a quest, battles especially, they will be done with the dice. The reason for this is because quests typically take 30 minutes to 2 hours to finish, so the dice system cuts down on time. Quests also have an element of randomness and surprise to them, so dice is natural for the flow. Most decision making during a quest, such as where to go and what action you plan on taking do not use dice. Actions that influence other players or NPC's however use dice for fairness. Each GM will run their quest differently however, so do not be surprised if they do something other than is described here. They will always explain how and when to do something as it progresses.

During a quest, always wait for the GM's instructions if you are not used to the flow of that GM. Typically during a battle, you will first be asked to roll Init (determines who goes first) and then the GM will make their own rolls for the enemy before calling on the first person who won Init to take their action first. Remember that you do NOT have to always attack an enemy. You can make any action you wish, including preparing your defense, getting away from the scene, tending/supporting others, or choosing to not do anything at all.

More About Quests
Para "Free Form" Style

Perhaps one of the more popular styles of battle among players, the 'Para' style is basically a fight that is played out in storyline. Instead of using stats and items to determine who loses, the players will describe their actions in battle, reacting to each other as it commences, and then allow witnesses of the battle to decide who played the fight out better. Some argue that this style allows 'cheating' if one person is more popular than another and gets all the votes regardless of how well they did. While this can be true, generally most players that agree to enter this style of battle know the risk and will do it anyway. There is no way to keep people from voting based on friendship (or lack of), but if you are one of those that thinks this style is unfair, you simply do not have to use it. This style isn't forced on anyone, so going into it you are agreeing to the fact that even if the voting is not in your favor, the reason does not matter. In most cases, witnesses WILL vote according to how well they thought each character performed and not just because of their relationship with each combatant.

This style of battle can be fun, and it's recommended that every player give it a try at least once in a non-death fight. It allows for a lot of creativity and strategy when choosing your own character's actions and reactions, because you wont know what your opponent is going to do next. Since it doesn't use stats or items, there is also very little limitation on what your character can do... though we encourage as much realism as possible because being 'all powerful' is boring and often can and will lose you votes with the judging.

Advantages: Flows like regular RP, complete control over actions, doesn't require anything from your sheet, easiest to use out of the three styles.

Disadvantages: Slow; typically the most time consuming of the styles, win/loss based on other's opinions, not able to utilize acquired stats/items on sheet.

Dice Style

Most of the game's official quests and events use dice. This is to keep an element of randomness and fairness to the system so that everyone has a chance to succeed, even if some have a better chance. Most situations allow someone who has very little chance to win or succeed to still get lucky enough to, even if at a low rate. If some won all the time and others lost all the time, it wouldn't be a very fun system to be in.

This style of fighting uses a script generating program called a 'bot' that is used like rolling dice. You simply type 'd' and then without a space you type the number you want: d100 for example. You'll do this inside the main chat area, and the dice will respond with the randomized result (Ava_Silverbow: 93) like shown. In most cases the GM will guide you on the rolls if you do not know what to roll, and usually you are only allowed one roll.

Though dice are random, if you research the site thoroughly, you can influence and effect your rolls to give yourself a better chance for most circumstances. When something on the site says that it will give a + to a roll, it means to the result. Once you get the result, you or the GM will add the bonus, or +, to it and the new result is what is used. The more bonus you have to a roll, the better chance you have to succeed over someone else... but everyone can fail with a bout of bad luck.

Advantages: Fair, adjustable, speed fluctuates but usually is faster than others, unpredictable, and allows a system of growth for characters.

Disadvantages: Difficult to learn at first for some people, less control over results, interrupts story feel and flow.

Quick Draw Style

This style of battle uses a 'free form' approach in how it works, but allows for the use of items and stats at full strength. The opponents will enter the battle with a GM present to help keep up with the adjusted stats and item use, attacking each other in a storyline manner. Unlike Para however, there is a time limit to how long you have before you need to have something posted. There is no requirement to exactly what action you choose to take on your turn, but you should keep track of your LP which will be the final determining factor of the battle. Once someone's LP hits zero, the match is over.

Items and skills are used indiscriminately and usually at full strength. Because there is no roll, all attacks are automatic hits and will cause damage if the opponent doesn't dodge or use armor. If they don't, the attack will do the max regular damage it is capable of, which is reduced from the opponent's Life Points. While this style isn't as free in creativity as Para, it also isn't as unpredictable or restrictive as dice; instead, being a good medium between the two. Items used are noted by the GM and adjusted on the player's sheet at the next tally. The four attributes (VIG, AGL, APT, INF) are not used during battle, but the Life Points and Magic Points are.

Advantages: As long or short as player's desire, utilizes skills and items with no dice and at full strength, flows like storyline, results by Life Points and not judges.

Disadvantages: Not good for slow typing or players who enjoy really thinking out their character's actions, utilizes quick thinking and spur of the moment decisions, use of items that WILL be removed from a character's inventory after the battle.