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~Just Because~

Just because I like rock

Doesn't mean I'm satanic

Doesn't mean I dont hate god

Doesn't mean I do spells

Just because I'm alone

Doesn't mean I feel lonley

Doesn't mean I can't love

Doesn't Mean I'm depressed

Just Because I'm at home

Doesn't mean I feel welcome all the time

Doesn't mean I'm happy all the time

Doesn't mean I feel safe

Just because I'm happy

Doesn't mean I'm not hurt inside

Doesn't mean I forgot bad things happened

Doesn't mean I'm not happy sometimes

Just Because I'm wierd

Doesn't mean I am

Doesn't mean I need to go to an insane asylum

Doesn't mean I'm not normal

Doesn't mean I'm not me

I wrote this because people used to make fun of me because of steryotypes. To this day people still judge me on what I wear or how I'm dressed or the style of music I listen to.People need to learn how to be more open minded to me.

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