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~Wondering Soul~

Two options

Two roads

One leads to happiness the other a life of sadness

So why is it so difficult to decide?

Eitherway will bring one or more people unhappiness

If I am happy it will bring one or more people unhappiness

If I am happy I am happy and die a little inside

So which do I sacrifise?

My family or myself?

This soul has nothing to lose except more of her old self

If someone in the world is happy she is

Even if it brings her to harm herslef

This wandering soul is mine

Made up of sadness and remorse

Hatred and despair

The dreams that were crushed and thrown away

This wandering soul is mine

*I wrote this poem when I felt like if I lost my boyfriend at the time that I would die. Looking back on it I think... Man I was a drama queen. But then again thats how I felt at the time. lol*

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