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.:||.::.Perfection.::.|| Trish Stratus + Jaime Koeppe ||.::.Enterprises.::.||:.

Back from a commercial break, the scene opens up at the ring that is decked out like a bedroom and one of the contenders are already standing the ring. The house show commentators are JR and The Coach and they welcome everyone back from the break. Suddenly the arena darkens with a giggle, a female voice saying "Dontcha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me" followed by 'Dontcha' by The Pussycat Dolls blasts over the arena speakers sending the fans into boos. Walking from behind the black curtains are Trish Stratus and Jaime Koeppe who is wearing the black satin robe. Jaime begins to strut down the ramp while Trish makes her way over to stageside as she's greeted by a warm welcome from The Coach and well JR, is just being JR, rude. Trish puts on the headphones as Jaime gets into the ring and the music still playing then Coach begins to talk over the music.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Trish, why dont you sit your sweet self down.

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: Thats okay Coach. I'll stand.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Are ya sure? I mean The Coach can give up his seat for ya.

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: Im pretty sure Coach. Im fine standing.

The camera's pan back over to the ring just in time to see Jaime peel off her robe revealling a black satin with pink trim bra, a matching little skirt and underneath is a black lace brazilian thong. Jaime looks smoking-hot with her hair tied and her brown locks sittiing on her shoulder, her tips are curled alittle giving her that elegant look. The male attenders appreciate that by cheering for her and Jaime walks around the ring while the camera's head back to the commentators table.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Jaime is looking fine tonight.

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: No doubt she blows that girl out of the water.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Her name is Candice Michele and there's nothing that I love more is seeing two brunettes in lingerie and beating the hell outta each other.

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: Im sure Jaime will win this because from the looks of it, this Candice girl cant even wrestle to put food on the table.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: Well here's an interesting fact for you dear Trish...Candice is the regining champion of lingerie pillow fights on these house shows.

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: [sarcastically speaking and clapping] Wow, I mean I bet its really hard for a woman to come out here, prance around in her bra and panties, hitting someone with a pillow...I think we should throw a big parade for Miss lingerie over there.

The music dies off only the fans cheering and booing can be heard as the bell is sound. Jaime has her back turned from Candice who is grabbing a pillow from the bed and hits Jaime on the back causing her to fall down...She gets to feet slowly with an angry look on her face while Candice is having fun and Jaime gets in her face then pushing her down. Thats when everyone begins to boo Jaime. She then stomps on Candice as you can hear her scream in pain alittle and Jaime picks up the pillow, starting to hit Candice with it viciously.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Jaime is really taking it to Candice. I wish I was the referree for this match.

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: Well Candice wanted a pillow fight....and she's getting both. Jaime will wrestle Candice out of her britches.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: Speaking of wrestling. I assume yourself and Jaime were watching when Stephanie made an annoucement concerning the both of you.

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: Actually we were watching JR, the way I see it is that Stephanie is offended by myself and Jaime. Because we took control of a situation, something she could never do. She thinks she has Jaime and I 'in line' but she hasnt seen nothing yet.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: And what about this match she has made for next week?

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: 'Steph' can put us in any match, I dont care. Like I said before, we dont take orders from anyone and if Steph doesnt like it then she can put a stamp on it and mail it to someone who cares.

Somehow Candice managed to get Jaime off her and take control of the pillow fight, hitting Jaime playfully. Jaime gets to her feet still getting hit then forcefully grabs the pillow tossing it over the ropes and nails a hard hitting spear. Candice lays on the mat holding herself and Jaime sits on her knees looking down smiling evilly and the ref tells Jaime to knock it off but she just pushes him. Jaime mounts on Candice banging her head into the mat then slaps her getting to her feet again only to stomp on her again. The camera's take a shot from behind the commentators table.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Dayum! Remind me to thank Randy for making this match possible.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: If you two ladies hadnt realized that Stephanie is responsible for the diva roster

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: We know JR! and we dont care what she is around here or who's passing her around in the mens locker room. But she saw something and interpreted it. She would not listen to anything else. But it was purely business...Had she let us explain, she would've known that.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: What are you saying?

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: Im speaking of the little thing going on between Randy and Stephanie...if they cant handle being in the same room, or if they cant deal with their personal problems, its none of my business, like its none of her business how Jaime and I get the job done around here.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Come on Trish, dont sugar code it, what do you really think of Stephanie McMahon?

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: Stephanie is a.....I admire her leadership qualities, I dont hate her personally, I just hate it when she gets in my face. But I think she's a strong woman and I like strong women. I watch her very carefully. Maybe she's stubborn as a bull? Pigheaded? I dont know.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: Its obvious you're asking for a death wish?

Jaime drags the beaten body of Candice over to one corner of the ring. She climbs the ropes sitting on the top turnbuckle wrapping her arm around Candice's neck and lifting her up causing her feet to swing, trying to catch some air. The ref begins to count getting to 4, Jaime drops her while the ref yells, she picks Candice back up again and the ref counts to 4 again with Jaime releasing her. She gets down as Candice holds her throat coughing but Jaime grabs her by the hair again slamming Candice's pretty face into the hard turnbuckle and she trash talks to her face.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: The way Jaime is putting a beating on Candice, Im confident that Jaime and Trish will win their match next week.

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: Im damn sure we will. Alex and Dream teaming together is just plain stupid. I mean their not a team, Jaime and I are a team.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: Everyone knows Dream hasnt been in the ring for over 2 months but you shouldnt be counting her out Trish..Alex and Dream might not be as close as you and Jaime are but I can see them upsetting the two of you.

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: [laughs] The day those two wannabe's beat us, is a cold day in hell and trust me that will never happen because Im not gonna let it happen. Your stupid to even think that Alex and Dream would be able to beat us but then again you werent really bright when it came to talent.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: [laughs] Oooh, you just got punk'd by a girl JR. How does it feel?

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: Im sure he knows that feeling all too well.

Jaime and Candice are by the bed just duking it out as Candice hits Jaime with another causing her to fall back on her butt and Candice turns around jumping up and down. But Jaime grabs a pillow putting the alarm clock inside the pillow then climbs on the bed and swings the pillow right at her head as soon as it made contact with the back of her head you can hear a ding sound. Candice falls flat on her back with Jaime dropping the pillow and getting off the bed looking down at the knocked out Candice. Jaime stands sideways over Candice's head then slowly begins to do the splits having her left leg go over Candice's shoulders covering her. The ref gets mezmerized by that image then finally drops down counting a slow 3 count as soon as the ref hand hits the mat, the music rehits, Lilian announces Jaime as the winner and Jaime she removes her leg from Candice's body planting a kiss on her cheek then getting to her feet. The ref holds Jaime's arm in victory as the fans give her a mixed reaction at this time.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: No doubt Jaime picks up the win and an impressive win...Well I was impressed I dont know about JR.

' Stratus-fying Blonde ' Trish Stratus: I thought so too, there was no doubt in my mind that Jaime would pick up the win. [Jaime waves for Trish to come down] But as you can also tell, business is calling me. See you guys.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: What the hell do those two trying to do now?

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Whatever they wanna do, need not nobody tell those beauties what to do...not even Stephanie McMahon.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: Defying Stephanie McMahon isnt the smartest move.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Well its obvious JR, they take no one's shit, no matter what your name is.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: I just hope they're ready when the consequences have to be paid.

Trish is just making her way down the ramp with a large smile on her face while Jaime walks over to the ref who is tending to Candice but Jaime pushes him out of the way and Trish jogs down to the ring and slides in. Candice is still out of it as Jaime picks her up by the hair, Trish walks over to the girls then roughly grabs Candice by the chin trash talking to her face. Then slaps her as you can hear the echo of the slap and Jaime still has Candice by the hair. They discuss the plan then Jaime lets go of Candice letting her fall on the mat.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: Someone needs to stop this. This isnt fair!

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: This is what steered Candice in the direction. She needs to deal with it.

Jaime puts one foot on Candice's stomach laughing as Trish squats down pulling out a spray can and she shakes it. She smiles while standing up also instructing Jaime to turn her over and the fans begin to boo again. Jaime turns Candice around then pins her arms to the mat while Trish takes the cap off of the can. She positions it over Candice's back but then the arena lights turn off and someone slips into the ring.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: Now whats going?

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Will someone turn on the damn lights, I wanna see this.

A few seconds later the lights turn back on and the fans just go crazy with Trish and Jaime being clueless as Dream stands behind Trish with her hands on her hips. Jaime sees Dream alerting Trish as she turns around only to get a knee struck to her stomach and she falls to the mat. Jaime tries to crawl away but Dream runs over grabbing her by the hair just in time and pulling her back into the ring. Dream smiles shaking her head no then places Jaime's head between her legs, lifts her up and nails a powerbomb. She looks down at Jaime smiling still getting to her feet then rips off her shirt alittle imitation of her father with the fans cheering.

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: I hope she takes it all off.

' BBQ Sauce Lovin Fatty ' Jim Ross: Welcome back Dream!!

' The Coach ' Jonathan Coachman: Welcome back is right.

Trish slides out of the ring also pulling Jaime out and Dream points to both of them mouthing off then heads over to Candice checking on her. Trish tries her best to hold Jaime up yelling back with an unpleased look apon her face and they begin to head up the ramp. But Dream being such a caring being, she helps Candice out of the ring and backstage.

The awesome layout credit goes to Catrina Haase @ Starlight Productions2002. I am in no way affiliated with Trish Stratus, or anyone else! LoL. I hope you enjoy reading the roleplay because I had fun doing it. Spanks for reading!


- Trish Stratus
- Jaime Koeppe
- Jim Ross
- Coach
- Dream

- No one really

- Alex and Dream vs Trish and Jaime
Diva Tag Team Match

- New Jersey


MSN: Billion_Dollar_Princess_Stephanie_
YAHOO: playboygoddess_torrie
AIM: StAr SkYe69