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I was Ron Weasley at the Harry Potter character quiz @

Which HP Kid Are You?

Your Harry Potter Character Description
HP Obsession Level
Year at Hogwarts Six
Corporeal Patronus form Phoenix
Special magical abilities Animangus (registered)
Preferred field of study Herbology
Character you'd most likely end up dating Ron Weasley
Popularity at Hogwarts - 72%
This fun quiz by nicki - Taken 35000 Times.
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[i'm dean thomas]
...and which lesser Harry Potter character are you?

You are a Gryffindor!!! A little wild and crazy,
you definitely are daring and a little out
there. You are a perpetual trouble-maker and
are more likely to get caught doing something
wrong even if you weren't there when it
happened. It's amazing the stunts you've pulled
haven't gotten you killed...yet.

Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

i'm in gryffindor!
be sorted @

You excel at Quidditch. You're either a jock or
just love the game, but then again who
wouldn't. You're a natural on the broom and
there may be prospects of you making it to the
big leagues.

Which Class at Hogwarts Would You Excel at?
brought to you by Quizilla

[hermione + viktor]

I'm Mrs. Harry Potter
The HP Boy Marriage Quiz made by Sapphire.

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