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This story popped into my head and I took time out from writing Long write the first few chapters. It takes place during Amends and works on through the Buffy/Angel verse as far as my muse takes me. What if Spike decided to come back and help his sire instead of looking for Drusilla? What if he found himself helping the Scoobies even without his soul and Xander took notice of the handsome blond vampire? Would Spike notice the dark haired, handsome Scooby? Of course we all know he would,lol, but how long would it take and would he fight it every step of the way or just go with it? Read on for answers.

Pairing: S/X
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Disclaimer: I own nothing or have nothing to do with BTVS or Angel.

Special thanks to [info]amejisuto for encouraging me and answering my endless questions.

Amends, Friendship and Moving On


  2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Part One

It had been a couple of weeks since the kiss - the one that had destroyed not only Willow and Oz's relationship but his and Cordy's as well and Xander had never felt so alone in his entire life. Willow had practically shoved him out of her life - only talking to him when Buffy was around, Buffy was acting differently around him - he didn't really know why, unless she blamed him for Willow and Oz's relationship problems. Naturally, Cordelia and Oz weren't speaking to him.

Xander could understand Cordy and Oz's hatred of him - in fact, he felt he totally deserved it, no matter how he tried to publicly excuse himself. That was denial Xander, goofy Xander, the Xander he used to pretend to everyone that he was alright even when his heart was breaking. But Willow's rejection had cut him deeply. After all, it wasn't like he was kissing himself and he had lost Cordy, too. Yet all the girls could talk about was how hard it was on Willow losing Oz like that. Buffy had tried to be supporto gal for almost a week, even going so far as to try to talk to Cordelia for him, but in the end it was forgotten and buried like most of Xander's problems. He loved his friends, which also included Cordy, Oz and Giles, but sometimes they were so clueless to how shitty his life was. Xander knew part of that was his fault. He didn't like to share his problems at home or anywhere for that matter, with anyone. Still, they were his best friends. Why couldn't they see how miserable he really was, especially now.

Christmas was near and everyone was excited. Everyone except Xander who knew he was going to have to brave sleeping outdoors so that he could get away from his family. Xander always found it ironic that while most people loved being with their families at Christmas, he couldn't stand being around his. Usually, it didn't bother him that much but since he knew what roamed around Sunnydale after dark it was a frightening prospect. He always packed up plenty of stakes to keep nearby, just in case, but he was beginning to think - what the hell? Let them take his life, please. It wasn't like he was doing much with it anyway.

Xander heard Willow's and Buffy's voices coming down the hall and he stood, swiping away the tears as he plastered on his Xander face. God, he was so tired of doing this.

"And then he just bailed. He didn't say anything...just took off. It was so weird," Buffy was saying as she and Willow headed towards their lockers. *Oh, Goody, some more angst about Angel*. At least it was different than the Willow/Oz angst he had been hearing lately but Xander was angry that his girls could see everyone's unhappiness but his own. So, Xander did what he always did, what came naturally when someone mentioned the vampire. He bitched and made fun of Angel, what else?

"Angel? Weird? What are the odds?"

"Do you think something's wrong? Maybe you should talk to Giles." Willow opened her locker door and put her books inside as Xander rolled his eyes. *Great plan, Willow. Giles hates Angel almost as much as I do and he has a good reason*. For Willow to be so smart, sometimes she could say the dumbest things. Why would Giles want to help the vampire who killed his girlfriend? Xander shuddered when he remembered the night Jenny had been killed, the way Angelus had set up the apartment to look like a lover's retreat only to leave a dead Ms. Calender in Giles' bed, the look on Giles' face when Buffy finally caught up with him and brought him home, and Xander decided he did have a reason to hate Angel after all. Giles was like the father he had always wanted and when someone hurt the people he loved, they hurt Xander, too.

"No, I don't want to bug Giles. He's still kind of twitchy when it comes to Angel," Buffy was saying. Couldn't these girls grasp the concept of anyone around them being in pain except for Oz and the almighty Angel? Now Xander was really ticked off. He threw his arms up in the air and the words came tumbling out.

"Oh, it must be that whole 'Angel killed his girlfriend and tortured him' thing." The girls were still rummaging around in their locker as though Xander hadn't spoken. What's new? Xander decided to press on. "Yeah, Giles is pretty petty when it comes to stuff like that. In case you two didn't notice, that was sarcasm, by the way." Buffy slammed her locker, giving Xander a warning look.

"Xander, enough." Well, at least he had gotten her attention.

"Maybe Angel just has the holiday blues. Everybody gets them." Willow took her place at Buffy's side, walking down the hallway and leaving Xander to follow. "Especially when they're alone."

Willow's words made the pain inside him flare. Couldn't they see that he was probably the loneliest person on the planet? At least Angel had someone to love and care about him.

"It's just so frustrating. I'm trying to do the right thing and stay away from him and get over it and then - boom - there he is. I just want a nice, quiet Christmas vacation." Xander's anger was replaced with sympathy for his friend. It must be hard on Buffy to have Angel's love and yet not be able to do anything about it.

"So, you doing anything special?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

"Tree, nog, roast beast. Just me and mom and hopefully my excessive gifts." Buffy looked at Willow. "What are you doing for Christmas?"

"Being Jewish, remember people? Not everyone worships Santa." Ooops, Willow was in a pissy mood.

"I just meant for vacation," Buffy offered and Willow looked contrite.

"Oh, nothing fun. Oz and I had planned," she cast a glance at Xander and he looked away, straight into Cordelia's eyes. "I guess that's off." Xander followed the girls to the couch and sat down, trying not to notice Cordelia sitting with her friends.

"Well, I'll be enjoying my annual Christmas Eve campout. See, I take my sleeping bag outside and go to sleep on the grass."

"Sounds fun," Willow said distractedly.

"Yeah, I like to look at the stars. You know, feel the whole nature vibe." Xander saw Cordelia rise and walk towards him and panic set in. He hoped she wouldn't spill the beans about why he really slept outside. Cordelia had been the only one he had ever shared that secret with - not even Willow knew.

"I thought you slept outside to avoid your family's drunken Christmas fights." Her voice was so loud that Buffy could hear her from where she was standing, putting cans of food into a box for the needy.

"Yes, and that was a confidence that I was hoping you would share with everyone." Buffy walked over and gave Xander a sympathetic look, putting her hand on his before turning a frown on Cordelia. *Huh, supporto gal is back*.

"Well, I'll be in Aspen, skiing with actual snow," Cordelia bragged.

"I hear that helps," Buffy shot back, not liking the way Cordelia was treating Xander. Maybe his friends cared more than he knew, Xander thought.

"It must be a drag to be stuck here in Sweatydale. But I'm thinking of you. Okay, I'm done." Cordelia gave Xander one last dirty look before walking away.

"She certainly has reverted to form," Buffy said.

"It's not her fault. After what happened, we've got to cut her some slack."

"That's the Christmas spirit," Xander encouraged Willow, hoping he sounded as cheery as he didn't feel.

"Hello? Still Jewish. Haunakkah spirit, I believe that was? Anyway, forgiveness is pretty much a big theme for me this year cause of the----" Willow's voice trailed off as she and Xander followed Buffy's gaze. Xander shifted on the couch, getting as far away from Willow as he could manage when he saw Oz staring at them.

"Hey, can we talk?"

"Sure." Willow got up and followed Oz out the door and Buffy came over and sat down next to Xander.

"Think they'll make up?"

"I hope so. I don't want my actions hurting anyone I love ever again." Xander blurted out the words without thinking. He kept his eyes on the floor in front of him, wringing his hands until Buffy took one and placed it between her own.

"It was one mistake, Xander. You're entitled to make mistakes. Lord knows, I've made a few."

Xander turned towards Buffy, shaking his head. "No, Buff you don't understand. You couldn't possibly know how many I've made over the past few years. Mistakes that have led to grief, loss and death."

"Xander, what are you talking about?" When Xander didn't answer, Buffy patted his hand, making him turn to look at her. "Come on, tell me. I hear confession is good for the soul."

Xander saw the sympathy and caring in Buffy's eyes, the things he had been searching for weeks to see and knew he couldn't hold everything in anymore - even if it caused everyone he loved to hate him. Didn't really matter - half of them did anyway. Knowing it was now or never, Xander let the guilt he had been feeling for almost a year come to the surface.

"Okay, but please try not to hate me." Buffy opened her mouth to protest but Xander's raised hand stopped her. "Just listen, because I really need to tell you this." Xander took a breath before continuing, hoping he could make Buffy understand. "It all started with Jesse. I know you didn't really know him that well, but he was my best friend - like Willow and you - except he was my guy friend. We did guy stuff together - camping, fishing, baseball - we were like brothers. Then he got killed and it wasn't your fault it was mine. You were busy fighting that big guy, Luke and I couldn't even manage to get both my friends to safety."

"You tried, Xander" Buffy squeezed his hand, trying to comfort him.

"But I failed. And even though Giles told me Jesse wasn't my friend, just a demon in my friend's body, I still had hope that I could get through to him somehow. I failed again."

"What are you talking about, Xander?"

You remember the Harvest...the fight at the Bronze?" Buffy nodded her head. "I've never told anyone this before, Buffy. Not even Will, so please don't say anything. It's not that I like to keep secrets from her, but I think it makes Jesse's death easier on her if she holds onto the hope that we'll find Jesse someday and she'll be able to resoul him, like she did with Angel."

"I promise I won't tell her. Hey maybe that could happen. Weirder things have---"

"No, it can't. While you were fighting and Giles and Willow were getting the people out, I found Jesse trying to turn Cordelia. He always had the hots for her, so it made sense. I remember thinking 'Giles is wrong. Jessie is in there'. So I tried to talk to him, pleaded with him to remember what we meant to each other. I told him I knew there was a part of him still in there somewhere."

"Like I did with Angel, when he turned into Angelus."

"Yeah, except Jesse wasn't cruel like Angelus. Not that I'm talking about Angel, it's just - well- he was still a fledge and Angel's like 200 and something years old. Jesse hadn't quite gotten down that being evil stuff yet. Instead, he kept telling me what a pathetic loser he had been as a human. I had my stake pointed at him, but I couldn't go through with it. I didn't see a vampire in front of me - I saw Jesse."

"I get that," Buffy assured him, and Xander nodded.

"I know you do."

"So what happened?" Buffy asked.

"Someone ran into him and he fell against my stake and I watched my best friend go turn to dust."

"Oh, God, Xander I'm so sorry." Buffy hugged Xander tightly. "I know what you must have been going through." Xander pulled away, guilt overwhelming him and Buffy stared at him, confusion on her face.

"Xander, you said you didn't blame me for Jesse's death."

"I don't. It's...I don't deserve your sympathy. I don't deserve to have anyone care about me."

"Yes, you do," Buffy insisted. "You did what you had to do, even if it was an accident."

"No, I don't, especially not you. Buffy, I told you a lie and because of that killed Angel. After going through what I did with Jesse, I should have been more compassionate about your problems with Angel. I should have tried to support you instead of badgering you for months to kill him. I should have told you the truth instead of lying, because I know it had to be worse - killing the man you loved. I'm a heartless bastard." Xander sat back relieved to have finally told his best friend the truth, yet dreading her response.

"You know how we're always telling you we don't understand you? Well, this is one of those times. Make me understand, Xander."

Xander looked into Buffy's eyes and knew the time had come to face the music for what he had done. He only hoped that he could somehow be able to regain her trust and love. At the very least, maybe he wouldn't get beaten up. But deep down inside, Xander knew he wanted to be punished for the things he'd done concerning her and Angel's relationship.

Part Two

Xander shifted nervously under Buffy's stare, clearing his throat and silently praying to anyone that would listen to have mercy on him. It wasn't every day he told a slayer that he had helped send her boyfriend to hell.

"Willow didn't say 'Kick his ass'."

"What did she say?"

"Uh, I think it was more like 'Tell Buffy I'm going to try the spell again', punctuated with resolve face." Xander stared straight ahead, not wanting to see Buffy's face when the truth kicked in. "There was resistance on my part followed by more Willow face which you know I can't say no to, so I left the hospital and went to find you and I did and then ---"

"You lied to me," Buffy said, ending Xander's babble.

"Yeah, I think we kinda covered that earlier."

"About the man I loved more than anything in the world. Knowing what was going to happen, knowing that I was going to have to kill him, knowing that it would be Angel I would have to kill instead of Angelus--"

"Whoa, hold up on the last one." Xander held his hands up, finally turning to face his friend's oddly calm face. *Was that good or bad?* I'm guilty of all the above except knowing that it was going to be Angel."

"Would it have mattered?"

"Buffy, I know what you're thinking but it's not entirely true. Yes, I was jealous of Angel and yes, I gave him a hard time but I really didn't want him dead, or is that more dead? Whatever, I didn't want that until he became Angelus and started hurting the people I love. Don't you remember how I hesitated before I told you what Will said? I was afraid you'd back down, hoping that Angel would come back and get yourself killed, that Willow's spell wouldn't work because she was so weak and she'd almost been killed once already, God, I thought Will was going to die and I didn't want...Kendra was already...I couldn't stand losing anyone else, but I did anyway. I lost you when you ran away. Buffy, when Willow told us she thought the spell had worked, I felt so guilty for letting Willow down and making you go through that hell."

"So guilty that you confessed to everyone?"

"No. I was a coward. I knew they would hate me for making you kill Angel and for the pain that you were going through what with the death and running away part. Shit, it hurt so bad to see the pain I caused everyone. It hurt to see Willow trying to be so hopeful, watching Giles going anywhere and everywhere trying to find you only to come back feeling worse than before and your mom...that was really bad."

"When did you see my mom?" The odd calm had left her face and was now followed by confusion.

"At your house."

"What were you doing there? I mean you knew I was gone so why did you even bother going over there?" It hadn't escaped Buffy's attention that Xander and her mom seemed close, especially at her return party when Xander had taken up for her mom over her.

"I...mowed the yard...helped her weed the garden...and did odd jobs for her at the house and the gallery."

"You worked for her?"

"No! I never took any money from your mom, even when she tried to give me some. I did it because...because she was lonely and she needed someone to talk to. And because Joyce is kind, compassionate, a good listener and a great woman. Plus, she cooks good." Buffy couldn't help the smile that crossed her face at those last words. She thought about what Xander had said and her smile was immediately gone as she slapped her friend hard on the shoulder, making him yelp in pain.

"Xander Harris, are you in love with my mother!?"

"What? No!" Xander shook his head while rubbing his sore arm. "I love her but I'm not in love with her. She's the kind of mother that every kid dreams about, wishes for and hopes they're lucky enough to have, that's all."

"Oh," Buffy sat back and stared at Xander who was still rubbing his arm. When he looked back up at her, she noticed that his eyes were shining with unshed tears. *Was his own mother so bad that he would want to adopt someone else's?* Buffy thought back to all the times they had called their parents with excuses of why they wouldn't be home on time. She remembered how Xander always had to remind his parents who was calling, how sometimes he hadn't even bothered to call, saying they were out of town or some such excuse and about what he had told them earlier about sleeping outside on Christmas Eve and reality hit her like a ton of bricks.

Xander saw the sad expression on Buffy's face and quickly backtracked. "Yeah, oh. She...she reminds me of my mom...only your mom actually cooks," he lied before changing the subject. "Now can we focus on my dirty little secret instead of your dirty thoughts?"

Buffy knew Xander was covering his feelings like he always did and she knew in her heart that if she hadn't already forgiven him for his deception, she would have now. Buffy pushed thoughts of Xander's home life to the back of her mind so that she could finish punishing her friend for all those months of misery he had caused.

"Fine. Let's get on with the you lying to me which led to months of pain and misery for me and all of our friends---"

"And your mother." Buffy gave him a dirty look. "I'm not helping myself out in this situation am I?"

"That would be a big, fat no." Buffy turned away so that Xander couldn't see the smile on her face. *This payback stuff is pretty fun.* She forced herself to remember how she had felt during her time away and she turned back to face him. "Do you realize what you put me through, Xander? Months of living alone in a strange city, being away from my friends and family, the loneliness, the nightmares...the...the guilt? And that's not counting the grief I was feeling. I sent the man I loved to hell."

"I'm so sorry, Buffy."

"Sorry? Sorry? You think that one little word is going to make up for what you did? That I'm going to say 'Oh, Xander that's alright. I forgive you for putting me through hell because after all, you are sorry'? Do you think I could ever trust you again? That I could ever forgive you?"

"No, I don't think that."

"What about everyone else? You think they can forget what you put them through?"


"And weren't you the one that pointed out what I had put my mother through during that real swell party after I came back? Didn't you call me selfish and stupid?"

"Well, actually I said that running away was...never mind. Go ahead."

"You told me to stop being an idiot---"

"I said stop acting like an idiot. Besides, you called me annoying and made fun of my code name." Xander defended himself.

"Xander," Buffy warned.

"And what's wrong with 'Nighthawk'? I thought it was pretty cool and---"

"Xander! Let me finish. You at least owe me that." Buffy said mocking Xander's words from the party.

"You're right. I'm sorry, I'll shut up now." Buffy shook her head, knowing that was impossible for her friend. As much as she loved Xander, Buffy would bet a hundred dollars that he even talked in his sleep.

"You told me that I couldn't bury stuff, that it would come back to get me. Why didn't you listen to your own words?"

"You're right. I should have told you this earlier."

"Why did you give me all that grief when I came back when you knew that you were the cause of it?"

"I don't know. I guess I was mad at myself and I took it out on you. But, geez Buffy, I never thought you would run away."

"What did you expect me to do after killing Angel? Go out dancing at the Bronze?"

"No, you did that after you killed the Master." Xander and Buffy's eyes met, each remembering how she had used and hurt Xander to make Angel jealous, how she had taunted him after he had saved her life. Buffy was ashamed and Xander was upset. "I shouldn't have said that, Buff. This isn't about your mistakes, it's about mine and I'll do anything - and I do mean anything - to make this right between us. I don't have that many friends that I can just throw away the ones I do - especially my best friends. Just tell me how I can make this right because I don't want to lose you again. I don't know what I would do without you or Will."

"You can start by telling Willow how you let her down." Buffy saw the stricken look on Xander's face and knew this would be hard for him to do, even though it wasn't necessary. Willow already knew.

"Oh, God." Xander took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll do it and I'll tell Giles, too."

"And Angel."

"Buffy, I know what I did was wrong but do you have to condemn me to the death sentence?"

"I'll go too so there won't be any Xander pieces lying around but you have to tell him. You owe him that much, Xander."

Xander thought about the way he had been treating Angel since his return from hell and knew Buffy was telling the truth. "Fine, I'll tell him."

"And my mom."

"Now I know you want me dead," Xander groaned, putting his face in his hands. After a few minutes, he looked up and nodded. "I'll tell her, too. Joyce deserves the truth, even if it means she won't like me anymore." Buffy saw the sadness return in his eyes at that thought, and she couldn't go on with this any longer.

"She doesn't hate you. None of them do."

"Angel does. By the time I get through telling everyone else, they will too." Xander sat up straight, determination on his face. This was his punishment and he was going to take it like a man. "I'm not going to feel sorry for myself. I deserve whatever I get. Matter of fact, I don't want you to come with me when I tell Deadboy-I mean, Angel. I'm not going to have you two fighting over me. He has every right to kill me. If I had been in hell and someone said they had sent me there, I'd want to kill them." Buffy knew that Xander wasn't putting on an act just to get her sympathy. He truly meant every word he was saying, was probably hoping that Angel would beat him up. Buffy was pretty sure that Xander had been beating himself up over this all along and it was time for it to end. Time to quit thinking about the past and move into the future.

"Xander, listen to me. None of them hate you and they all know the truth." She burst out laughing at the shock on his face.


"I can't believe you'd actually think that Willow and I wouldn't talk about Angel and what happened. No offense, Xander but men are so dumb sometimes. When I came back and Will and I started talking it didn't take long for us to realize what you had done."

"But you never said---"

"I wanted you to tell me, Xander. I wanted my best friend to come clean and ask for my forgiveness - not because he thought I had caught him in a lie and he had to...not because he thought he was going to be beaten up by Angel or me...but because he felt bad for what he had done. I wanted you to tell me that you were sorry and really mean it and now you have."

"But aren't you mad at me?" Xander asked.

"I was. We all were. I'm not even going to tell you how many ways we thought about making you pay for what you had done. In the end, we remembered all the times you came through for us, how many times you put your life on the line not only for me but for every one of us. Even Angel was impressed with how you stood up to Angelus. You're a good guy, Xander. I know we don't say this often enough, but you're loyal, brave and most of all a very caring friend. Why would we throw that away over one
lie? It was a big one, I'll give you that, but Giles made us see that you might have done the right thing even if it did cause alot of pain. Truth be told, we all had the same doubts that you had only we didn't want to admit that. Besides, I don't think it would have done any good if you had told me the truth. Angel had already opened the portal - I would have had to kill him no matter what." Buffy saw the look of relief that flashed across Xander's face and smiled.

"So where do we go from here?" Xander asked.

"Forward." Buffy leaned over and the two friends hugged, both glad that this was finally resolved. Maybe life would be easier for everybody now.

Part Three

Spike had gotten as far as Los Angeles when he had decided to turn around and head back for Sunnydale. He didn't know why, couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew something was wrong with Angel. But why exactly did he care?

Spike passed the 'Welcome to Sunnydale' sign, not even bothering to knock it down as was his tradition, too lost in thoughts of his brooding sire to notice. Yes, it was true that Angelus had been an arsewipe the last time he had appeared, taunting Spike by making passes at Drusilla while he was confined to that damn wheelchair. Still, Spike had teamed up with the slayer to send Angel to hell, so Spike felt they were even on that score. And Angel - well that was a totally new thing for Spike. Falling in love with a slayer - that was downright icky. Helping that little band of do-gooders and trying to earn his white hat was disgusting. But all said and done, Spike knew why he was coming back. He still cared about Angel - not like before, but he still loved the gelled poof.

Spike was hungry and decided to head towards town to find a meal. He parked his beloved Desoto and strolled through the streets looking for something tasty. There were so many happy meals on legs walking around looking at the Christmas trees and rushing to buy presents for this silly holiday. Spike felt the familiar prickling of his skin and knew the slayer was about somewhere. He searched the crowd and saw her and her mother in the tree lot across the street. Spike smiled, remembering how sweet Joyce had been to him - offering him comfort when he told her about Drusilla and giving him hot chocolate with those tiny marshmallows he liked so much and suddenly his appetite was gone. No way in hell would he repay her kindness by draining someone near her and definitely not Joyce herself. Spike always repaid kindness for kindness and Joyce would always be safe from him, even if he couldn't say the same for her daughter. But if he killed her, wouldn't that cause Joyce grief? Spike sighed and headed back for his car, tossing the cigarette butt on the ground before getting in and heading towards the mansion.

The closer he got to the mansion, the more Spike could sense Angel's pain. He had just pulled his car to the back of the mansion and gotten out when he spotted Angel walking towards town. Spike decided to follow, hoping he could get a clue as to what was bothering Angel before he confronted him. Needless to say, he was very surprised to see who opened the door Angel was knocking on. The watcher. And by the looks of things he wasn't very happy to see Angel. Might be because of the killing his girlfriend and torturing him thing. Humans had a bad habit of holding grudges. Spike slipped closer so that he could hear the exchange between the two men.

"Hello," Giles said.

"I'm sorry to bother you," Angel replied, looking guilty. Spike was surprised to hear the watcher start to laugh and noticed that Angel was feeling the same way, if the look on his face was any indication.

"Sorry. Coming from you that phrase strikes me as rather funny." Giles' expression hardened. "Sorry to bother me."

"I need your help."

"And the funny keeps coming."

"I understand I have no right to ask for it but there's no one else," Angel told him and Spike felt a tug of pain in his heart. Angel must really be in bad shape if he thought he had no one else to turn to except the watcher.

"Alright," Giles said, leaving the doorway and Spike crept closer to see what the man was doing as he heard Angel call out to him.

"I can't come in unless you invite me."

"I'm aware of that," Giles stepped back into the room and pointed a loaded crossbow at Angel and it took everything Spike had not to jump over the bushes and place himself between the two men. "Come in."

"I've been seeing...I've had dreams lately, about the past. It's like I'm living it again, it's so vivid. I need to know..I need to know why I'm here." Spike crept closer, watching through the open door as Giles questioned Angel.

"Here? Back on earth."

"I should be in a demon dimension suffering an eternity of torture." Good grief, Spike thought. Why must Angel always torture himself about what he did as Angelus. Those two were totally different people and the Angelus he had witnessed wasn't even the true Angelus he had loved so very long ago. Spike was relieved to see that Giles had lowered the crossbow.

"I don't feel particularly inclined to argue with that."

"But I'm not. I was freed and I don't understand why." Angel approached the man.

"Knowing why you were back would give you peace of mind?"

"It might."

"Then that's something you need help with," Giles was speaking as he layed the weapon on the table and Spike saw the scared look cross his sire's face. What was that all about? Why was Angel staring over Giles' shoulder like that? "Because to be blunt, the last time you became complacent about your existence it turned out rather badly." Giles noticed the change in Angel and the way he was looking over his shoulder and his gaze followed the vampires. "What?"

"Don't you see her?" Angel asked, fear in his voice as he backed away from the watcher. Giles looked around the room before turning back to Angel.


"I can't." Angel ran from the house, Spike following close behind. What the hell had Angel seen that had spooked him so much? Spike had looked around while the watcher was and like the other man, he had seen nothing but the two men in the room.
Angel was definitely cracking up. Spike took an unneeded breath and stepped into the mansion. Angel turned, a bewildered look on his face.


"In the flesh, mate."

"No, you're not here." Angel shook his head and backed away as Spike approached him.

"Yes, it's me you bloody ponce. I don't know what's happening here, but I've come---"

Angel rushed forward and pinned Spike to the wall, his arm against Spike's throat. "What are you doing back? Do you have anything to do with what's happening to me? Maybe you think if you drive me crazy it will give you a free shot at Buffy and her friends. Is that it?"

Spike shoved Angel backwards and casually reached into his duster pocket for his cigarettes. Angel watched as Spike lit one up and leaned against the wall.

"Angel, you know me. If I wanted to kill the slayer I would do it whether you were around or not, that's just my way."

"And if you tried, I would have to stake you even if it killed me to do it because that's my way." Angel threatened. "That goes for Joyce, Willow, Giles, Xander, Oz and Cordelia as well.
Touch any of them and you'll answer to me."

"Wasn't planning on it, Angel. Not this time, anyway. But I guess you'll have to refresh my memory on who these people are because I don't want to accidentally eat one on my nightly jaunt for food." Angel's eyes narrowed and Spike laughed. "I promise I'll be a good little boy while I'm here. I'll only kill the mean humans. Just shows you how much I want to help you with whatever is going on because you know I like mine young, innocent and very sweet."

"Spike, I'm not bluffing."

"Didn't think you were. Now let's see. I know Joyce and believe me I would never hurt that lady. She's a kind woman, that one. I know you love the slayer. Can't for the life of me figure out why, but I'll leave her alone for your sake. Giles is the watcher and he's too old and definitely not innocent so he's safe. Oz is that werewolf, right?" Angel nodded his head, not knowing what to think of Spike being back in Sunnydale. "I don't fancy eating a werewolf and Cordelia, the cheerleader. Pfft. She's too mean, gives me the creeps she does. Reminds me of Darla." Spike shuddered at the mention of his grandsire. "So
that leaves the litte red headed witch. She is a treat and so pretty. Did you ever notice the power coming off that one?" Spike didn't wait for Angel to answer as he paced back and forth. "She doesn't know she has it yet, but when she discovers it she would definitely make a beautiful vampire."

"Spike---" Angel growled.

"I gave her enough trouble when I was here before, so I'll leave her alone as well. That leaves...oh, yes. Xander. The nummy treat you offered me when Dru and I first came to town. I think it's only fair that I have him. After all, you did offer him to me. First gift I've had from you in over 100 years and---"

"It was a tactical maneuver, Spike and you know that." Angel defended himself, knowing that was yet another thing he had done to add to the long list of wrongs in his life.

"Doesn't matter. You offered...I accepted, but of course you knew I would. Always did go for the dark hair, dark eyes look not to mention the smell of his blood as it coursed through his veins." Spike smiled in recollection. "I sensed innocence, love, compassion and bravery but there was that underlying dark side to him, too. Exactly what I like. Too bad he slept through our last visit."

"As I recall, you knocked him out with a microscope when he tried to stop you from kidnapping Willow."

"Yeah, there was that. Brave lad if not a little stupid. Maybe I'll have a meeting with him this go around. Really get to know him...find out what makes Xander tick."

"You stay away from Xander." Angel stalked towards Spike and the younger vampire started to laugh.

"Relax, poof. I'm not here to bother the humans, just trying to get a rise out of you." Spike's voice became serious. "Angel,
there's something wrong with you and I want to help."


"Because you're my sire. Because of our history together. I still love you, Angel - not the kind of love we had before but the love of a childe for his sire. I give you my word as your childe that I won't hurt any of them and you know I'm a man of my word." Angel stared at his childe for a few minutes and saw the honesty in those words. He knew that if Spike promised him something, he would keep his word.

"What happened to your plans to find Drusilla. The last time Buffy and I saw you, you were heading out to torture her and make her love you again." Angel sat down on the couch and Spike sat next to him.

"Decided it wasn't worth it. Anyone that would choose a Chaos demon over me doesn't deserve my love, even if it is my black Goddess." Angel smiled at Spike's arrogance.

"I hate to tell you this, Spike but Drusilla is a very fickle vampire. I know you well enough to know that you would never be happy with her, no matter how hard you tried. You've always been the type to want a one on one relationship."

"I know that now...that's why I decided against finding her. Let her rot in hell for all I care." Spike was surprised to find that he meant every word he said. "Now, what the fuck is going on with you? I followed you over to the watcher's house and heard you saying something about being haunted by your past? Are you talking ghosts with chains...the whole thing?"

"I don't know what it is, Spike. Every time I lay down to sleep, I have dreams about people I've killed, especially Jenny, Giles' girlfriend. That's who I saw at his house tonight and that's why I ran." Angel looked shaken now and Spike put his arm around the older vampire.

"Don't worry, Angel. I'll chase the nightmares away. Why don't you go and get some sleep and I'll stay our here and keep watch. If you slip into the past, I'll pull you out." Angel nodded and walked towards the bedroom, turning to look at Spike.

"It's good to have you back, childe."

"It's good to be back, sire. Now get yourself off to bed and I'll try to figure out how to find the answers to your questions."

Spike watched Angel trudge back to his bed and hoped that he could actually do what he had promised. Angel wasn't looking very well and Spike vowed then and there to help him, no matter what the cost. Even if he had to team up with the slayer and her little band of do-gooders. No one messed with his family and got away with it.
Spike was woken a few hours later when he heard Angel's voice talking to someone. He sat up, noticing the room was empty and turned to ask Angel what was going on. The older vampire was staring at the doorway to the mansion and Spike decided to listen to what he was saying - maybe it would give him a clue about who they were up against.

"You're not here."

"I'm always here." Angel leaned up against the wall, watching the form of Jenny Calendar approach him.

"Leave me alone."

"I can't. You won't let me." Angel sat down on the fireplace and faced her.

"What do you want."

"I want to die in bed surrounded by fat grandchildren but I guess that's off the menu."

"I'm sorry." Angel said, and Spike realized the vampire was seeing someone from his past. But who?

"You're sorry? For me? Don't bother. I'm dead, I'm over it. If you want to feel sorry for someone, you should feel sorry for yourself. Oh, but I guess you've already got that covered."

"I am sorry for what I've done. What else can I say to you?"

"I don't want to make you feel bad," the spirit said, turning into the Irish man he had killed. "I just want to show you who you are."

Spike watched as Angel threw himself to the floor. He ran over to help him, but the older vampire threw him to the side.

The spirit had changed into yet another man Angel had killed, a man who had walked in as Angelus lay in wait after killing his family.

"The thing I remember most is thinking how artful it was. In the dark, they looked just like they were sleeping. It wasn't until I bent down and kissed them good-night that I felt how cold they were. You grabbed me and I thought 'Who would go to so much trouble to arrange them like that?'"

Angel looked up and saw the spirit change back into the servant girl who was bending down in front of him. "But you see, that's what makes you different from the other beasts. They kill to feed, like your friend over there." She pointed at Spike before continuing. "But you took more pleasure in it than any creature that walks or crawls."

"Oh, God." Spike tried to shake Angel out of his stupor but the vampire's eyes weren't even focusing on him, instead looking the other way.

"Angel, Angel, for fuck's sake snap out of it."

"Cry out. Make a scene. He won't know what's going on.
Only you can see us."
Angel pushed Spike away and ran forwards a few steps before stopping as if something was in front of him. The Irish spirit was back.

"I was to be married that week. But then, as I recall, you knew that."

"That wasn't me." Angel said and Spike was beginning to be afraid. He hated fighting something he couldn't see.

"Angel, mate, sire...snap out it." Spike approached Angel like he would a scared rabbit.

"That wasn't you?" Jenny was back.

"A demon isn't a man. I was a man once." Angel protested.

"Yes, you were," Spike agreed, not knowing if Angel was talking to him or the thing that was haunting him.

"Oh, yes. And what a man you were. A drunken lout who loved to bed the women and young men."Jenny disappeared and the servant girl took her place.

"A drunken, whoring layabout and a terrible disappointment to your parents."

"I was young. I never had a chance to----" Angel turned and walked the other way and Spike followed him.

"Never had the chance to what, Angel?"

"To die of syphillus? You were a worthless being before you were ever a monster." Angel put his hands to his head and started to pull at his hair.

"Just stop it! Stop!" Angel started to cry and Spike ran to him, taking his sire in his arms.

"Angel, you have to snap out of this!" Angel felt Spike's arms around him and wanted to come back to the present but the spirit wasn't letting him.

"I don't want to hurt you, Angel, but you have to understand. Cruelty is the only thing you had a true talent for. If you don't believe me, just ask your childe when I'm gone."Jenny said.

"That's not true." Angel protested while Spike started to purr, holding him closer.

"Nothing they're saying is true, Angel. Don't listen to them. Come back to me."

"You mistake it for a curse, Angel, but it's not. It's your destiny. I'll show you, I'll show you.."

"Angel, can you hear me? It's Spike, luv. Wake up." When Angel didn't respond, Spike hit him, knocking him to the floor. Angel's head jerked up and he stared at his childe.

"Spike, are they right? Is my only talent cruelty?"

"No, Angel - it's all a lie. Yes, when you were Angelus you were cruel, but you're not now. You help the good guys. I've seen the way you protect them and you're anything but cruel. Don't let this thing beat you, Angel. You're too strong for that to happen." Spike held Angel as the older vampire cried. After a few minutes, Spike led him to the bed. "Just rest."

"I can't, Spike. If I fall asleep, I'll remember again. Remember killing someone and seeing Buffy watching me, disgust on her face."

"You see Buffy in these dreams?" Angel nodded his head.

"It's like we're sharing them. I think they want me to kill her, Spike - and I swear I'm not going to do that, even if it means I have to kill myself." Spike gently rubbed his hand through Angel's hair.

"Not going to come to that. I'm going to find the answers we need to get rid of this thing once and for all. Are you going to be alright?" Angel nodded and Spike gave him one last look before he opened up the trap door and leapt down into the sewers. He was going to get some answers and he was going to get them now.

Part Four

Spike sat at the table in Willy's nursing his mug of blood and thinking about what the little snitch had told him. Things chasing the baddies from underground - what did that mean for his sire. He was frustrated - there could be so many things underground messing with Angel - which ones would it be? Spike was considering going to the slayer and her little gang to see if they could help him research this when he saw two of them come in the door. Buffy and her little boy - the one Angel had offered to him - Xander. He moved to a darker corner of the room, making sure he could still hear and see everything they said.

"So why are you helping Angel, Xander? Guilt over letting me send him to hell? Because that's in the past." Buffy turned to face her friend and Spike found himself watching the boy, curious to hear the answer.

"Look, I'm aware I haven't been the mostest best friend to you when it comes to the whole Angel thing, and uhm, I don't know maybe I finally got the Hannukah spirit," Xander's voice trembled and his eyes watered up. Buffy gave him a fond look, taking his hand and squeezing it.

"Are you sure this is how you want to spend your Christmas vacation?"

"Yeah, this is actually the most exciting thing I've got planned. Who else can claim that pathetic a social life?"

"Well, it's much appreciated. We have to find out what is hurting Angel before we lose him." Xander nodded and they made their way over to the bar. Willy saw them approaching and tried to warn his customers.

"Hey! It's the slayer. What brings the slayer down here?" Spike almost laughed when he saw the vamps trying to sneak out the back of the bar. *Wimps*.

"Hey, Willy, how you doing?" the slayer asked.

"Keeping out of trouble. As God as my witness. So what can I do for you? A couple of drinks?"

"Yeah, let me get a double shot of uhm, information pal," Xander said trying to sound menacing. *This kid couldn't scare a flea, much less Willy or any of the vamps in here*.

"Three priests, they call themselves the Bringers, Harbingers, they have a no eyes kind of look." Buffy told Willy. The snitch shook his head.

"Doesn't ring a bell."

"How about I ring that bell for you?" Xander asked, leaning over the counter in his best John Wayne imitation. When Willy didn't answer, Xander leaned towards Buffy. "Does the threatening come now?"

"Maybe you shouldn't help," the slayer told him before turning her attention back to Willy. "They would have come to town recently. They'd be holed up somewhere summoning the spirit of the first." Willy glanced around the room before leaning close to the slayer.

"I heard a few things, you know from the underground."

"The underground?" Xander asked.

"Yeah, you know from the things that live underground. Apparently there's been alot of migration out of Sunnydale from the lower inhabitants. Something's scaring them off. And these are things that are not easily scared. Could be your priests are underground."

"Underground where?" Buffy asked.

"That I do not know."

"Okay, thanks," Buffy motioned for Xander to follow as she made
her way to the door. Willy called after the boy.

"Hey, you did great by the way. I was very intimidated by you." Willy told him, trying to make the boy feel good. For some reason, he liked the kid.

"Really?" Xander gave the bartender a goofy grin. Willy nodded and Xander smiled. "Thanks." Buffy rolled her eyes and grabbed her friends arm.

"Let's go."

"Hey kid," Willy yelled. "Merry Christmas." He turned back to the bar to continue his work, glancing over at Spike who put his finger to his lips. He had warned the snitch not to let the slayer or her gang know he was here. It wasn't that he was afraid of the girl - he just didn't have time for a showdown right now. Xander and Buffy had stopped, once again talking and Spike tuned into their conversation as he drank his blood.

"This was such a waste of time," Buffy said dejectedly.

"We know underground, that's a start," Xander tried to cheer his friend up, but it didn't seem to be working.

"Sure. In a town with 14 million square miles of sewer."

"Plus alot of natural cave formations and a gateway to Hell. Yeah, this does resemble square one."

"I don't know what to do."

"I think the best idea is to deck the halls with boughs of holly." Xander put his hand on Buffy's shoulder, and Spike noticed that the Slayer seemed to calm down. "Look, we'll catch the bad guys, sooner or later."

"You're right. We can't give up hope." Buffy agreed. "So, should we head back to the library for more research?"

"You go on ahead. I think I'll stop and get some donuts for everyone. We've been working all night and minds always function better after sugary goodness."

"Fine. I'll meet you back there---"

"In about 30 minutes. And don't worry. I'll make sure there are plenty of jelly donuts. Don't want Giles to get cranky." Buffy and Xander smiled at each other before the slayer left.

Spike shook his head. Xander was definitely not a help to the slayer except for being donut boy. No wonder Angel had offered him to Spike, he was the weak link of the group. Spike stood to leave but stopped when he saw Xander walking back to the bar.

"Okay, Willy now that Buffy is gone, let's have a little talk shall we?" Xander's voice had taken on an edge that was not apparent when he was with Buffy and he definitely seemed more confident.

"About what?"

"Oh, I don't know, how about let's start with what you didn't tell Buffy and work from there." Willy tried to look innocent but it wasn't working. "Don't give me the innocent routine, Willy. Buffy's a little sidetracked what with the worry of Angel and all, but me---well I happened to notice that you're holding back and I don't like it when my friends get jerked around."

"I'm telling you the truth, kid I--" Xander grabbed Willy's collar, cutting off the man's words as he pulled the snitch towards him.

"Know what I think? You know exactly where to find these bringer guys but for some reason you're more scared of them than you are of Buffy, which puts you in a not-sharing mood. The same mood that made you keep it a secret that Spike's back and sitting at that table over there. How am I doing so far?" Spike and Willy exchanged surprised glances before Willy answered his question.

"Pretty damn good, actually."

"Why are you back in town, Spike? Helping the bringers and their boss drive Angel crazy or did you - and don't laugh when I ask this - come back to help Angel?" Xander watched Spike approach, never letting go of Willy's shirt as he pulled a stake from his pocket.

"Think you can take me with that boy?" Spike gestured at the stake and Xander shrugged.

"Probably not, but I'd rather go down fighting than run away like a girly man. And don't call me boy. I'm not a boy, I'm a man...well, technically I'm a teenager."

"And you think me saying 'think you can take me with that, teenager' sounds threatening? Not bloody likely. I'll stick with boy."

"Don't you hate it when people don't listen to you?" Xander asked Willy, before turning back to Spike. "I have a name. It's Xander. Xan-der. And you never answered my question, vampire." Spike smirked at Xander's emphasis of the word vampire. He took a few moments to pull his cigarettes out of his duster, lighting one before answering Xander's question.

"You made your point, Xander. Not that it's any of your business, mind you, I had a feeling Angel was in trouble so I came back to help him."

"Uh huh. And I'm supposed to believe that why exactly? Because you were going to kill Angel to help Drusilla? No wait - I know. Because you went behind Angelus' back in order to help Buffy send him to hell. Right?"

"Could say the same about you, mate." When Xander looked surprised, Spike pointed at his ears. "Vampire hearing."

"Oh. And also, touche'." Xander turned his attention back to Willy. "So Willy, got something to say? And don't lie this time, cause I'm thinking since Spike is still here, you didn't tell him everything, either." Willy gulped when he saw Spike's eyes turn an amber color and he decided to come clean.

"Okay, okay I'll tell you. They're underneath that Christmas tree lot across town. Can't miss it, what with all the dead trees and everything." Xander let go of the man, straightening Willy's collar for him as he smiled.

"See? That wasn't so bad now was it?" He caught sight of Spike leaving and ran over to step in front of him. "Where do you think you're going?" Spike growled and Xander hurried to add, "If you don't mind my asking?"

"I'm going to find those bringers and kick their asses so they'll leave Angel alone."

"And what about the First? How do you plan on kicking it's ass when there's not an ass to kick?"

"What the bloody hell are you talking about, you stupid git? Everything has an ass to kick."

"Not the First. Giles said it wasn't a physical being. Ergo, no ass kicking. I was going to tell you everything I know about this thing while we went to get Buffy, but if you want to go over there, or under there as the case may be, without knowing what you're fighting then be my guest. What's one more crazy vampire in a town full of...well, crazy vampires." Spike wanted nothing more than to wipe that grin off the boy's face but he decided it could wait until later.

"Don't need any soddin' human or books to tell me how to kill things. I've been doin' that for centuries." Spike pushed past Xander, making his way for the door.

"Fine, go ahead, get yourself killed. That's one less lameass vampire we'll have to kill," Xander yelled at him, angry that Spike had dismissed him so easily and forgetting exactly where he was until he heard growls coming from several tables. Xander gripped his stake, backing up as four large vampires neared him. "Suppose you heard that, huh? Would it help if I said I was sorry?" Xander got his answer when one of the vampires knocked him across the room. "Guess not."

Spike turned at the sound of the blow, watching as Xander picked himself up off the floor and faced the vampires. He decided to sit back and see what Xander would do - after all he couldn't care less if one of the slayer's minions bit the dust. He had promised Angel he wouldn't kill one of them but he hadn't said anything about watching one of them die and this could be entertaining.

"Look, if you kill me you're going to be in soooo much trouble." Xander warned them. The vampires looked at each other and started laughing.

"Why? Are we going to get a bad case of indigestion?" one of them asked.

"No. Because I'm friends with the slayer. She finds out you killed me and you're dust." Spike rolled his eyes. How pathetic was this? Xander was hiding behind the slayer's coat tails and she wasn't even here.

"Who's going to tell?"

"He is." Xander pointed at Willy. The vampires turned to look at the startled bartender.

"What!? No, I wouldn't."

"You so would. Buffy knows the last place she saw me alive was here so who do you think she'll question first? And we all know that Willy will tell anybody anything to save his own hide."

"That's true." The four vampires turned towards Willy and Xander took that opportunity to dust two of them before they could react.

"Hey, you tricked us," the first vampire said.

"First rule in fighting - never take your eyes off your opponent," Xander ducked the vampire's swing before staking
him. "Second rule, never telegraph your punches. Third rule--"
Xander's speech was cut off by the remaining vampire, who happened to be the largest one.

"Third rule is to keep your mouth shut." The vampire threw Xander against the wall and he bounced off, coming to rest at the vampire's feet. "Let's have some fun with this one, boys."
he called out to six vampires who were sitting at a nearby table. Xander groaned as the others approached.

"I was going to say, third rule is to take out the biggest guy first." Xander grabbed the large vampire and pulled his feet out from under him, diving onto his chest, stake in the air. Before he could bring it down, Xander found himself being lifted up. He kicked out, accidentally hitting one of the vampires in the chest before he was punched in the face by another.

Xander kept fighting even though he knew he was going to die. If he was going out, he was taking some with him. He was shocked when the vampire on top of him turned to dust and looked up to see Spike standing over top of him, stake in hand.

"You tossers give vampires a bad name. Does it really take seven of you to kill one human?" Spike turned and grabbed the nearest vampire, snapping it's neck and turning it to dust before taking out the next five.

Xander couldn't take his eyes off of the vampire. Spike might be an evil, soulless creature, but his fighting was a work of art. Every punch, kick and block were gracefully executed and Xander had to admit that Spike's style was even better than Buffy's. Far worse was the fact that Xander found himself getting aroused by the sight of Spike fighting. He had always thought that Spike was a handsome vampire, but now he had to upgrade that thinking to gorgeous. *No, not thinking this, not thinking this*. Xander was so lost in his denial that he didn't notice when Spike extended a hand to help him up.

"Are you going to lay there all night like a useless lump or are we going to find the slayer?" Xander looked at Spike's hand for a moment before taking it. Spike helped him up but not before Xander noticed how smooth his hands were. Xander continued to stare at Spike until the vampire became annoyed. "What are you staring at?" Xander almost let it slip that he was staring at Spike's cheekbones, his beautiful blue eyes, his mouth---.

"An annoying vampire, that's what. If you were going to help me out why didn't you do it a little earlier, like say before I got beat up." Xander turned his anger at himself and his thoughts onto Spike.

"Oh, that's gratitude for you. Next time I won't help."

"That's just fine with me. I didn't need your help anyway."

"Yeah, right." Spike shook his head. "Stupid bloody humans. Whine if you kill them, whine if you keep them from getting killed." Spike glared at Xander. "Wanker."

"I don't know what that means but I'm sure I'm offended by it." Xander grabbed a towel off the bar and wiped the blood off his forehead and mouth before dabbing at his nose. "Ow, fuck that hurts. I think it's broken."

Spike cupped one hand around Xander's neck, holding the boy still while he felt his nose with the other. "Not broken, just bent."

"How would you know? Are you a doctor?" Xander pulled away from Spike, not liking the way his body responded to the vampire's touch.

"I've broken enough to know. Let's go find the slayer." Spike turned towards Willy, his finger pointing at the man. "You tell anyone, and I do mean anyone, that I helped a human and I'll kill you."

"Not a peep, Spike. I promise." Willy watched the two of them leave, wondering what in the hell had possessed Spike to save one of the slayer's friends. William the Bloody had saved a human's life. Yes, there was definitely going to be an apocolypse of some kind.

Part Five

Xander was having a hard time wrapping his mind around the concept that he was walking down the darkened streets of Sunnydale with Spike, that Spike had saved his life back at Willy's and most of all that he didn't feel scared. Maybe he really was as dumb as everyone thought he was. Xander couldn't quite put his finger on it, but for some reason he trusted the vampire.

Spike was having similar thoughts. He knew he wanted to help Angel, but why was he hooking up with donut boy to do this. While Xander was attractive, he was only a weak, mortal and Spike never made friends with humans, much less be seen out in public with one. However, Spike had to admit that Xander had done a pretty good job of taking care of those vampires back at Willy's and had managed to get the information that neither he or the slayer could get from the snitch. Maybe Xander wasn't as useless as he liked everyone to think. His attitude after the slayer left had definitely changed.

Still, Spike couldn't figure out why he had bothered to help the boy. He had the information he needed, so why hadn't he just walked out the door and let the vampires have at it? Spike decided to blame it on a combination of knowing Angel would be upset if one of Buffy's friends got hurt and not liking the fact that the vampires had ganged up on the boy. They were definitely a disgrace to vampires everywhere. The only thing Spike knew was that he didn't do it because he felt sorry for Xander - no, that would never do.

"Spike why did you help me out back there? Xander asked, breaking the silence and mirroring Spike's thoughts.

"I need the info you have on this First evil so I can help Angel, that's all." Spike took a drag from the cigarette he had lit earlier, hoping the boy didn't bring up----

"But you said you didn't need it. Said you'd been killing things for centuries and you could kill this thing, too."

"Maybe I decided I should learn how to take care of this thing if it's so powerful it's got Angel on the ropes," Spike admitted. "So are you going to tell me or not?"

"Okay. All I know is Giles found some letters in reference to the First. He said it was the first evil, absolute evil and it was older than man or demons. Said it had the power to bring Angel back from hell."

"So, how do we kill it?" Spike asked.

Xander shrugged. "I don't know. Giles hadn't gotten that far yet. That's why we're headed back to the library - see if he's found something new." Spike grabbed Xander's arm, bringing the boy to a halt.

"Bloody hell, whelp. You said you knew how to kill this thing. What are you playing at? Trying to lure me back to the white hats so they can stake me good and proper?" Xander looked surprised at Spike's accusation and shook his head.

"No. I just believe there's strength in numbers that's all. If this thing is everything Giles says it is, it's going to take more than you or Buffy alone to bring it down. And don't worry about anyone staking you. I'll tell them you're on the up and up - after all, you did save my life back there at Willy's."

"Nothing I care to brag about," Spike muttered, both continuing to walk towards the library once again. Spike glanced over at Xander and noticed the hurt look on his face. "What's the matter with you? Surely you didn't think I rescued you because I wanted us to be best mates or something stupid like that."

"Now why would I think that, Spike? I'm nothing -- besides, last time around you tried to kill me and Willow, so no I didn't think we were going to ---it's just---never mind." Xander pushed the doors open to the library and walked inside, mad at himself for even thinking Spike cared about his welfare. What was the matter with him? Why was he thinking these crazy thoughts about a vampire like Spike? First with the lusty feelings and then getting his feelings hurt, this was ridiculous. He was brought out of his thoughts by the yelling going on around him.

"Xander what are you doing with Spike?" Giles was yelling as Buffy bounded down the stairs.

"Spike if you've turned Xander---" Buffy threatened before nodding her head towards the weapons chest. "Giles, get me my stake."

"No, Buff it's not---"

"Like I would turn him," Spike snorted. "You think I want to go through eternity listening to his mouth?"

"Buffy, he came to help Angel." Xander explained, trying to ignore Spike's remark.

"He doesn't care about Angel." Buffy stepped towards Spike, Xander trying to come between them. "You should have stayed gone, Spike. Don't think I've forgotten the last time you were here. You kidnapped my friends and threatened my mother."

"Never tried to hurt Joyce. She was nice to me. We had a chat over a nice cuppa and she treated me like a human being." Spike insisted.

"Her mistake," Buffy pushed Xander to the side and hit Spike. Spike retaliated and soon both of them were punching and kicking each other.

"Giles, make them stop," Xander pleaded but the older man shook his head. Xander ran over to where Buffy and Spike were fighting. "Stop it! This isn't about you two this is about ANGEL. Remember, ANGEL? The guy that's being tormented by ghosts from his past? The vampire you both say you care about?" Buffy ducked one of Spike's punches and turned to look at her friend just as Xander made it to her side. Xander smiled at her right before Spike's fist connected with his jaw, knocking him across the room.

"Xander!" Buffy ran over to her friend, helping him up as she glared at Spike. "I owe you one for this, Spike."

"I can't help it if the stupid git got in my way," Spike protested and Xander shook his head.

"Let's just call it even. Spike helped me out back at Willy's." Before Buffy or Giles could question him further, Xander turned the topic back to Angel. "So, Giles, have we found out anything else about this haunty thing? Like how to stop it?" He sat down in the chair Buffy had led him to and patiently allowed Buffy to check him over.

"The First as I said is non-corporeal. There is no way to fight it, except to take out the priests who have performed the ritual that is making Angel see things."

"So we take out the no eyes-guys and Angel goes back to normal?" Xander asked. Giles nodded and Xander grinned, pushing Buffy's hand away from his face as he stood. "Let's go kill some priests."

"Music to my ears," Spike said, trying not to feel bad about the swollen eye and cheek Xander was sporting. He watched as Xander made his way to the weapons cabinet, grabbing three axes before returning to the table.

"Xander, there's two problems with your scenario," Buffy said as she took the axe Xander handed her. "First, we don't know where these priests are holed up and second, there's no way you or Spike either one is coming with me. I'll do this myself."

"Not bloody likely. I'm-"

"Buffy, it's like this," Xander interrupted before Spike could go into a rant. "We know where the priests are. You follow us and we'll show you, otherwise, we'll do it ourselves."

"Xander, this is Spike we're talking about," Giles protested.

"I know who he is, Giles," Xander said. "We met, remember?
Once when Angel tried to serve me to him as a meal and a few weeks ago when Spike hit me with a microscope and kidnapped me and Will. But he really wants to help Angel and I'm thinking we may need all the able bodies we can to kill these priest guys. If they can work magic that's powerful enough to take down Angel then Buffy needs all the help she can get - even Spike's."

"Xander, believe me when I tell you I'm mad enough to kill anything that gets in the way of my helping Angel. I don't--"

"How do you know that, Buffy? Are you willing to risk your life and Angel's because you're too proud to let Spike help?" Buffy glared at Spike who returned the look.

"I don't need to wait around here for the slayer's approval. I know where they are and how to kill them."

"Which you wouldn't know if it hadn't been for us," Xander argued. "You may be a super strong vampire but you don't know how many of those guys are down there. I'll ask you the same question I asked Buffy? Does Angel's life, or unlife as the case may be, mean so little to you that you're willing to risk it to prove a point?" Spike stared at Xander for a few moments before he shook his head.

"Fine, I'll play nice if the slayer will." Xander turned to Buffy who nodded her head.

"It's about time. Let's go." Xander started to walk towards the door but Buffy grabbed his arm.

"You're not going, Xander." Buffy told him. "You need to stay here and let Giles fix you up." She pointed towards his face. Xander reached up and wiped the blood that was still trickling down from his forehead.

"I've been hurt worse before. I need to do this, Buffy. Maybe it will...I just need to, okay? Besides, somebody has to keep you and Spike from killing each other on the way over and we're wasting time arguing." Xander walked determinedly to the doors as Buffy threw her hands up in the air before following, Spike close behind. No one said a word as they made their way to the Christmas tree lot.
Buffy kicked open the gate of the tree lot, marching towards the six dead trees arranged in a circle at the back of the lot. All the trees around them were fine.

"This must be the place." Buffy, Spike and Xander removed the trees before hitting at the ground with their axes. After a couple of swings from all of them, there was a hole large enough for them to get through. "I'll go in first." Buffy crouched down and dropped into the hole, Spike and Xander following.

Xander looked around and noticed they were inside a cave. He followed Buffy and Spike deeper into the cave, taking in the sight of the many burning candles along the sides. *Definitely the right place*. They heard chanting in front of them and followed the voices, coming to stand in front of a table with six priests sitting around it.

"Alright, ten more minutes of chanting and then you guys have to go to bed." Buffy told them, causing the priests to jump up and take a fighting position.

"Don't throw a tantrum on us, guys. Your bedtime is later than mine." Xander said, hefting his axe and preparing to fight.

Xander swung his axe into one priest's stomach, doubling him over before hitting another one in the head. Xander turned back to the first one and buried his axe into it's stomach. He went to kill the other one, but he was already running away. Xander looked over to see Buffy and Spike quickly take out their guys.

"One of mine got away," he yelled, but Buffy didn't seem to mind. She used her axe to destroy the artifacts that were lying on the table in front of her, trying to break the spell. As the last artifact fell to the ground, Jenny Calendar appeared before them.

"'s Ms. Calendar," Xander pointed and Buffy stared, while Spike smirked.

"Not the teacher. That's the First."

"Hmmm. I'm impressed." Jenny/The First told them.

"We aim to please," Xander tried to joke, still affected by the sight of his dead teacher standing in front of him. Buffy shook off her surprise and faced the woman, defiance in her eyes.

"You won't get Angel."

"Hmm. You think you can fight me? I'm not a demon, little girl. I am something that you can't even conceive. The First Evil. Beyond sin, beyond death. I am the thing the darkness fears. You'll never see me, but I am everywhere. Every being, every thought, every drop of hate."

"Alright, I get it. You're evil." Buffy was beginning to lose her patience.

"Bet you're a real busy person, what with the being everywhere at one place, huh?" Xander asked.

"Do we have to chat about this all day?" Spike was as unimpressed by the First as it was of them.

"Angel will be dead by sunrise. Your Christmas...will be his wake. You have no idea what any of you are dealing with."

"Lemme guess. Is it...evil?" Buffy's voice dripped with sarcasm. They watched as Jenny shrunk, replaced for an instant by an image of a huge horned beast coming at them. It was roaring and it's eyes were glowing red. It faded as quickly as it had appeared, screaming a final warning.

" Dead By Sunrise!

"We've got to find Angel," Spike told them. All three of them ran as fast as they could to Angel's mansion. Xander couldn't keep up and ran in as Buffy and Spike were combing the place.

"Angel!" Buffy yelled, running towards the atrium and looking out. She saw the steps leading up and began to run for them. "He must have gone up here." Spike and Xander followed, pushing their way through the bushes as they frantically looked for Angel. As they came to the top of the hill, they saw Angel standing, looking out over the town. Buffy slowly began to walk towards him and Spike was about to follow, when Xander grabbed his arm. Spike turned to see the boy shaking his head at him.

"Don't. Let Buffy do this. If anyone can talk him out of killing himself, it's her."

"He's my sire," Spike said. "I think he would listen to me."

"Maybe. But I think all of us confronting him at the same time will only hurt and confuse him. Let's try the one on one thing first, okay. And you need to be close to the mansion, under these nice shrubs in case the sun comes up. You're flammable too, remember?"

"Seems to me you wouldn't be bothered by one less vampire." Spike seemed to be surprised by Xander's concern.

"Normally, you'd be right. But you've put yourself on the line for someone you care about and I respect that." Xander replied honestly, before turning to watch Angel and Buffy. He listened as his friend tried to convince the vampire to come inside, not paying attention to the fact that Spike was staring at him in amazement. *Who was this kid?*.

"Angel, please you have to get inside." Buffy was telling Angel who turned to look at her.

"It told me to kill you. You were in the dream, you know. It told me to lose my soul in you and become a monster again." He turned away from her, tears in his eyes.

"I know what it told you. What does it matter?" Buffy asked and Angel spun around to face her again, anger in his eyes.

"Because I wanted to. Because I want you so badly." Angel began to sob. "I want to take comfort in you and I know it will cost me my soul and a part of me doesn't care. I'm weak. I've never been anything else. It's not the demon in me that needs to be killed, Buffy. It's the man."

"You're weak. Everybody is. Everybody fails. Maybe this evil did bring you back but if it did it's because it needs you and that means you can hurt it. Angel you have the power to do real good, to make amends, but if you die now then all that you ever were was a monster. Angel, please the sun is coming up---"

"Just go."

"I won't.

"Do you think this is simple? Do you think there's an easy answer? You can never understand what I've done. Now go." Buffy reached for Angel's arm and he threw it off of him.

"You are not staying here." Buffy punched Angel in the jaw and Angel knocked Buffy to the ground. Xander started to go to his friend, but Spike held him down.

"Spike, he's going to hurt her."

"No, he's not. And if Angel did decide to hurt the slayer, what exactly would you do to stop him?"

"Anything it took." Xander muttered, turning back to watch Buffy and Angel.

"I love you so much," Buffy sobbed. "And I tried to make you go away. I killed you and it didn't help." She pushed Angel off of her and rose to her feet, Angel following. "And I hate it. I hate that it's so hard and that you can hurt me so much. I know everything you did because you did them to me. God, I wished that I wished you dead. I don't...I can't."

"Buffy, please....just this once," Spike and Xander saw that he was crying too. "Let me be strong."

"Strong is fighting. It's hard and it's painful and it's everyday, but it's what we have to do. We can do it together. But if you're too much of a coward for that, then burn. If I can't convince you that you belong in this world, then I don't know what can. But do not expect me to watch, and do not expect me to mourn for you because..." Buffy's words were cut off when snow began to fall. She and Angel looked around in amazement as did Spike and Xander. It was then that Spike noticed the sun hadn't come up nor was it going to. He stood up and turned to face Xander, who had also risen, tears rolling down his cheeks. Spike watched as Xander turned and wiped the tears away.

"Sun's not coming up today."

"How do you know that?" Xander asked, looking back at him.

"Vampire senses."

"So everything's okay now?" Spike nodded. "Good. This makes us even now, Spike. You helped me at Willy's, I helped you with Angel."

"What about this?" Spike pointed at Xander's swollen eye and bloodied face.

"Thought I covered that with the 'I helped you with Angel'. What part of that did you not understand?" Xander was upset that Spike had seen him get emotional at his friend's pain and he didn't want the vampire feeling sorry for him, not that Spike would.

"Be that way. I can't believe I was starting to feel bad about hitting you but you know what? I'm glad I did." Spike glared at Xander, pissed that he had even felt the slightest bit guilty about clocking the boy.

"Oh, yeah? Well, it's the last time you get a free hit, Spike. You hurt me or any of my friends ever again and I swear I'll kill you - even if it means waiting for you to fall asleep so I can set you on fire." Xander retorted, just as Buffy and Angel walked up to the two of them.

"What's going on?" Angel asked, his face going from curious to angry when he saw Xander's face and heard the boy's words. "Xander, why are you threatening Spike? Spike, what did I tell you about not hurting anyone?"

"No threatening, Angel. Just giving Spike fair warning." Xander told him but was ignored when Spike got mad at Angel.

"So this is the thanks I get for helping you? No 'thank you, Spike' just a harsh word and a kick in the ass to send me on my way?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Buffy pointed towards town. "Hit the road and this time, don't come back."

"Buffy, hold on a minute. I don't want Spike to leave. He came here to help me, even though he didn't have to. I know Spike and I know how hard it must have been for him to fight alongside humans, especially Xander - but he did it for me." Angel told her, before smiling at Spike. "I'd be happy if you'd stay for awhile. It gets lonely in that big mansion all by myself."

"Ta, mate, don't mind if I do." Spike smirked at Buffy who whirled around to face Angel.

"Angel, are you still crazy? Have you forgotten what Spike did the last time he was here? I don't trust him and I don't want him in my town."

"Buffy, this isn't yourtown and Spike has agreed not to hurt anyone while he's here." Angel told her.

"He's already hurt Xander and what did you mean it was hard to work beside Xander?" Buffy asked as Xander placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Spike didn't---"

"I'm sure if Spike hit Xander it was probably with good cause. Come on, Buffy, I don't want to argue with you but there have been plenty of times I've wanted to hit Xander and I've got a soul. The boy has a habit of running his mouth until you want to hit him."

"The boyis standing right here," Xander pointed out, angry and a little hurt that Angel was talking about him like this after he had gone to such lengths to help him.

"I can't believe you just said that Angel. Xander may annoy you but he's not nearly as bad as Spike and you just asked him to live with you."

"What do you want me to say, Buffy? Xander has tried to come between the two of us since day one and let's not forget his part in sending me to hell."

"And that wasn't Spike that went behind your back to ally himself with me?" Buffy asked. "At least Xander isn't a hypocrite."

"What do you call lying to his friends and---"

"Shut up! Both of you, just please shut up for a minute." Xander yelled, getting their attention. He stepped forward to stare intently at Angel. "Yes, I've tried to come between you two and yes I helped send you to hell but it isn't all about jealousy. You seem to have a way of hurting my friends, especially Buffy, whether you mean to or not and that doesn't really inspire me to think much of you either. I went out of my way to help you with this problem so that I could show how sorry I was about my part in the hell thing but if you don't understand that - well that's your problem." Angel looked at him in surprise but before he could say anything, Xander added, "And by the way, may I just point out that you're not a people person."

"I'm a vampire, Xander - I have two modes with people, bite and avoid."

"Well, that's a sad way to look at it. If you never allow people into your heart the world can be a very lonely place. I've learned it's worth it to have friends - even if there's only one or two really good ones." Xander turned to Buffy and took her free hand in his while he smiled at his friend. "I appreciate you trying to take up for me, Buff but don't bother. Deadboy and I will never be friends any more than you were with Cordelia. We'll deal, okay?" Buffy nodded and Xander kissed her on the cheek. "I'm going to head home. It's been a long night. Merry Christmas, Buffy."

"Merry Christmas, Xan." Buffy watched her friend walk down the hill and then turned to Angel. "Want to take a walk with me?"

"Sure. Spike, why don't you go back to the mansion and make yourself at home. There's blood in the fridge. I'll be back in a few hours." The two vampires exchanged a look, both of them knowing that Spike would not drink the bagged blood but neither of them wanting Buffy to know this.

"I think I will. I'm a little knackered." Spike walked back to the mansion to wait for Angel and Buffy to leave. As soon as they did, he made his way towards town intent on finding supper.
Spike wandered aimlessly through Sunnydale, trying to kill time until he got sleepy. He was restless after the fight and for some reason he couldn't get his mind off the boy - Xander. While a part of him found Xander to be an annoying git with a big mouth, the other part found himself liking the boy's spunk and wit. One minute Xander seemed helpless, the next he was fighting with a tenacity that rivaled his own. One minute Xander would be making smartass remarks at him, the next it seemed like the boy wanted to be his friend. Xander hated Angel and Buffy being together, yet he had cried at the scene on the hill. Yes, Xander was definitely a puzzle, and Spike had to admit that he enjoyed trying to figure puzzles out. Before he knew what was happening, Spike found himself standing on the sidewalk outside the Harris house. He knew where the slayer and all her little slayerettes lived and Xander's house was definitely unforgettable. It was probably the shabbiest house on the block, if not all of Sunnydale.

Spike noticed that there were no decorations on the house, no tree shining merrily in the window, no sign whatsoever that this was Christmas Day. He listened closely and heard the faint sound of Christmas music coming from the back of the house. Spike crept towards the back yard and looked over the fence. *Yes, that was definitely music, where was it coming from?* He slid the latch over and opened the gate, stepping quietly into the back yard.

It took him a few minutes to find what he was looking for. Xander was lying in a sleeping bag near the porch, his head almost completely covered except for his eyes and hair. The boy appeared to be asleep, a half eaten dinner on a plate nearby. There was a comic book lying open next to the bag, along with a lantern and a small cd player from where the music was coming. Spike was filled with a mixture of sadness at the sight of the seemingly lonely boy and anger at the thought that Xander would sleep outside knowing what roamed the streets of Sunnydale. A small smirk crossed Spike's face at the thought of teaching the boy a lesson. Maybe if he scared Xander enough, he would learn not to make himself such a target, plus it would be fun.

Spike silently made his way towards the sleeping boy, bending down to grab Xander, intent on biting the young man just enough to put the fear of vampires in his heart. He was shocked when he found himself on the cold, wet ground, a stake close to his heart as he looked into Xander's surprised brown eyes. Xander pulled back and sat down, the sleeping bag still wrapped around him.

"Jesus, Spike - I almost staked you. What the hell are you doing creeping up on me like that?" Spike sat up and wiped the snow from his duster.

"Just testing your reflexes, mate. Glad to see you passed the test. And you didn't almost stake me. I was getting ready to stop you." Spike sounded indignant at the thought of Xander getting the best of him.

"When were you planning on stopping me? When the stake actually entered your chest or as you turned into a pile of dust?"

"Pfft. You weren't even close to my chest," Spike argued, trying to sound nonchalant even though the boy had scared the unliving shit out of him.

"Oh, I was too and you know it. If your heart was still beating you would have died from a heart attack." Xander bragged.

"Would not."

"Would so."



"What the bloody hell are you doing out here anyway, when there's a nice warm house right behind you? Are you asking to get killed? Might as well put a sign around your neck that says 'free meal'." Spike ranted, trying to change the subject.

"Why do you care? Last time I heard, you hated humans."

"Still do. And I don't care. It's just....if something happened to you then the slayer would be upset which would make Angel upset and that would make me ---"

"Upset," Xander finished for him. "So this is all about Angel?"

"Who else?" Spike asked, feeling uncomfortable and not knowing why.

"I don't think you need to worry about Angel getting upset over something happening to me, Spike. Didn't you hear him earlier?"

"He didn't say anything about killing you. Just said he wanted to hit you sometimes, that's all."

"Whatever." Xander rearranged his sleeping bag and layed back down, pulling the bag up to his chin. "You can leave now."

"Never answered my question. Why are you out here when there's a nice warm bed inside? Why sleep out here where the nasties are?" Spike watched as Xander shivered from the cold.

"Because the nasties aren't always outside your front door, Spike. Sometimes, they live with you." Spike saw a tear fall from Xander's eye before he turned away from him. "I answered your question so you can go home now. Or has Angel already gotten tired of having you around and thrown you out?"

"He's still out with the slayer, I suppose. I came out for a bite." Xander turned at those words and Spike smiled. "Don't worry. I promised Angel I'd be good while I'm here. I'll only snack on the baddies."

"How do you know if someone's good or bad?" Xander asked, letting his curiousity get the best of him.

"Their smell."

"You're saying that if a person stinks he or she is bad?" Xander was confused. "That's not true. I knew this one kid - Kenny Edwards, he only took a bath once a month. Man, did he reek...but he wasn't a bad kid. Actually, he was kinda nice...if you could get past the smell."

Spike rolled his eyes at the boy. "Not talking about how many baths someone takes, although taking a bath once a month is evil. You can tell alot about people from their natural scent. I can tell who is innocent, who has a dark side, can tell when someone's aroused, if they're happy or sad, if they're lying or telling the truth...that kind of thing."

"Wow, that's kinda cool. Vampires could really be useful, you know. I mean think about it. If they were policemen, they would know if someone was lying about committing a crime. If they were a doctor, they could tell whether someone was taking drugs or not. Or they could work at airports and sniff out drugs and stuff like those trained dogs do and..."

"Oi! No comparing vampires with trained dogs. It's not like we're going to roll over and fetch." Xander laughed when he got a mental picture of Spike and Angel doing just that and Spike gave him a mock glare.

"Sorry," Xander said, trying to gather his composure. "So, did you find anybody to, uh, you know.."

"A couple, but I'm still starving," Spike smiled when he smelled the fear coming from the boy. "Why are you afraid, Xander?

"Oh, gee, I don't know. Maybe because I've got a hungry vampire staring at my neck. Let me warn you ahead of time, Spike. This blood ain't for sale. It stays with the original owner."

"Wasn't thinking about buying it. Vampires take things they want."

"Then why don't you take your ass back to Angel's where it belongs," Xander told him. "I'm tired and I want to go back to sleep."

"How can you sleep when the day is just beginning?" Spike prodded Xander.

"Easy. You close your eyes like this," Xander shut his eyes. "Besides, you're a vampire. Aren't you supposed to be sleeping now?"

"Usually, but this is different. No sun, can stay out as long as I like and there's snow." Spike scooped up a handful of snow and stuck it down Xander's shirt, making the boy yelp as he sat up, wriggling around to get the cold snow off his back.

"You think that's funny!? Xander asked, watching Spike laugh. He picked up some snow and rolled it into a ball before shoving it into Spike's face. Now it was his turn to laugh as Spike looked at him, water dripping down his face. They stared at each other for a minute or two before Spike jumped on top of Xander and soon both of them were rolling around in the snow, grabbing up handfuls and shoving them down shirts, pants, on top of each other's head and in their faces. After a few minutes, Xander gave up, begging Spike to stop between fits of laughter. The laughter died when the porch light came on and Xander sat up so quickly he knocked Spike onto the ground.

"Shit...Spike, get out of here. Go home."

"What's wr---"

"Just go, okay." Xander pushed Spike under the bushes just as the door swung open. A large, apparently drunken man stood in the doorway.

"Xander, is that you boy?"

"Yeah, it's me dad." Xander walked over to the porch, shaking the snow off of him.

"What the fuck are you doing out here? It's bad enough I have to listen to your mother crying because you won't come inside and spend Christmas with us but now you're waking me up at 6 in the morning? What's going on out here anyway?" The man looked around before turning his attention back to his son. "Have you been fighting again?"

"Yeah...I was asleep and someone came up and...I think it was a burglar...I tried to catch him but he got away." Xander flinched when his dad grabbed him by the collar and shoved him up against the door.

"What have I told you about fighting, boy? Why don't you ever listen to me? You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag and yet all you want to do is fight, fight, fight. I'm tired of giving all my money to the hospital to get your sorry ass fixed, you understand me boy?" Xander looked at his father and Spike saw the anger in the boy's eyes.

"I understand that over half those times, it was your fault I was in the hospital in the first place." Xander's father went to punch Xander but he ducked and the older man ended up hitting the wall instead. He cursed and threw another punch but Xander ducked that one as well. "Don't make me hurt you, dad."

Xander's father laughed at those words. "Like you could hurt me, boy." Xander blocked the next swing and landed a right hook to his dad's face, knocking him backwards into the kitchen. Xander entered the house and Spike crept closer to watch.

"I don't wantto hurt you, dad. Doesn't mean I won't." Xander extended his hand to help his father up but the older man refused to take it, getting up on his own.

"Get out of my house, Xander. Stay out there, get pneumonia and die for all I care. You've been nothing but trouble for me since the day you were born. Your attitude stinks and I don't want you back in here until you appreciate what your mother and I do for you, is that understood?" Xander turned to leave and his dad threw a glass at him, hitting the boy in the back. "Keep the noise down back there or I'll call the cops and have you arrested. Maybe if you went to jail they could find some use for you there cause you're definitely useless around here." The man slammed the door behind Xander, locking it before heading back up to bed.

Xander walked past Spike, not saying a word as he once again re-arranged his sleeping bag and laid back down, his good mood gone. Spike walked over to him and leaned down to whisper, "Sorry if I got you in trouble, mate."

"Yeah, I bet you are. Listen it doesn't matter, okay. I stay in trouble so don't pride yourself on getting my dad mad at me. It wasn't a big accomplishment. Now will you go?" Spike stared at the wet cover, Xander's wet clothes and the way the boy was shivering and for some unknown reason, he felt sorry for the stupid child.

"Gonna catch your death of a cold. Why don't you come back to Angel's---"

"No thanks, Spike. I try to stay away from places where I'm not wanted. Why the hell do you think I'm out here in the first place? Besides, I don't need any help from an evil vampire." Xander turned away from Spike and the vampire stood up, shaking his head angrily.

"That's fine with me. I hope you get pneumonia and kick the bucket. Then I can drain you and Angel and the slayer can't say anything about that because you'd already be dead." Spike stalked off, not knowing why he was so angry and hurt about the boy's ungratefulness. Why should he care about some human, much less Xander Harris. He slammed the gate shut and took off down the road, not knowing that Xander had watched him leave, wondering why he had been so hard on Spike. It wasn't his fault his home life sucked and he was only trying to be nice. Xander curled back up in the sleeping bag, got as comfortable as he could and tried to go to sleep, thoughts of Spike running through his mind.

Part Six

Spike stormed into the mansion, slamming the door so hard Angel jumped out of his chair, the book he was reading falling to the floor. He jerked the refrigerator door open, snatching up a bag of blood and tossing it into the microwave. Spike found a mug, then poured the heated blood into it before sniffing the liquid disdainfully. "Fucking pig's blood."

"I thought you went out hunting earlier, childe."

"I did and don't call me childe. I'm a master vampire just like yourself now. I've already fed, but I'm still hungry. Hungry enough to drink this shit, anyways."

"If you had asked, I could have told you there's some human stashed in the back on the top shelf." Angel watched Spike open the refrigerator again, grabbing a bag of the human blood and popping it into the microwave before checking out the contents of the fridge. His nose crinkled in disgust when he saw the diet cokes and yogurt stored inside.

"You are so slayer whipped."

"Am not."

"Are too. What self respecting vampire keeps yogurt and," Spike opened up the cabinets and pulled out a pink box, "sugar substitute, oatmeal and...granola bars? You're the only vampire I know that's on the Weight Watchers Program."

"I don't eat, Spike. Those are Buffy's for when---"

"Just like I said. Slayer whipped." Spike slammed the cupboard doors shut, draining the pig's blood before filling the mug again with human blood. He came into the living area, throwing himself down into the first available chair.

"What's got you in such a bad mood?"

"Not what...who." Spike muttered, deciding to change the subject. "If I'm going to be living here, you're going to have to buy some things. I want beer, wheetabix, pizza, chocolate and...and a telly with a remote."

"So you're staying then?" Angel tried to sound nonchalant, but inside he was hoping that Spike would say yes. He had been lonely living alone in the big mansion by himself and Angel had to admit that he missed his family.

"Got no place else to go." Spike shrugged. "I'll play by your rules, Angel but I have some of my own. I'll only hunt on the seedy side of town, but you keep that bint of yours off my back. And I want more human blood."

"Anything else, oh demanding one?"

"Yeah, you can keep the slayer and her little band of Scoobies far, far away from me. Just because I'm staying here with you doesn't mean I'm going to be a 'whitehat'. A small smile started to appear on Angel's handsome face.

"Now I know who it was that pissed you off. It was Xander, wasn't it?"

"What makes you think it was the slayer's boy?"

"Not too hard to figure out. You keep bringing up Buffy and her friends. I know it wasn't Buffy that's got your hackles raised because we were together. She told me that Oz and Willow had made up and were at Willow's place and Giles was home reading as usual. You left right after Xander tonight and now you're adamant about not being around the gang. Besides, this is Xander Harris we're talking about."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I know exactly how you feel. Xander is mouthy and obnoxious. He probably hates you because you're associated with me. I know he can't stand me because he's jealous of my relationship with Buffy. The only time Xander tolerates me is when I'm saving his ass."

"How many times have you rescued Xander?" Spike asked curiosity getting the best of him. He waited for Angel to answer and when he didn't, Spike nodded his head. "That's what I thought."

"I saved Xander, Willow and Giles when they were locked in the boiler room of the high school by an invisible girl." Angel defended himself.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure he was grateful for that assist. Sounds like it was a real life or death situation. How did you manage to pull off such a daring rescue mission?" Spike's voice was filled with sarcasm.

"It was dangerous...for them, anyway. The gas was turned on and Xander and Willow had already lost consciousness. Giles and I
carried them out."

"And which one did you grab?"

"Willow." Angel's voice was barely a whisper.

"Weigh how many times you've helped Xander compared to how many times you've tried to kill him and I can see why the git hates you."

"I've never tried to harm Xander, although that is a happy thought sometimes. Angelus is the one that tried to kill everyone."

"Uh-huh. So that was Angelus who drug Xander into the school and offered him to me as a snack so that he could save the precious slayer?" Angel didn't bother to answer the question, knowing that Spike knew the truth.

"Xander's tried to kill me twice. When he lied to Buffy and then again when he found out I had returned from hell, which by the way was not a picnic for me. Xander's lucky I didn't end his life for that alone. The only reason he's still breathing is Buffy and Willow. I love Buffy too much to put her through the death of a friend. I'm fond of Willow, too, she's a good kid who would be absolutely heartbroken if something happened to Xander." Spike nodded in agreement.

"You're right about that. Red would be lost without the boy and I know Xander feels the same about her." He had seen the way Xander and Willow protected each other when he had kidnapped them. "But in fairness to the boy, you were Angelus when he set the slayer on you and he had no way of knowing that you were Angel when you came back. It's bloody hard to keep up with your rotating personalities."

"Why are you defending him?" Angel asked suspiciously. Spike shrugged, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cigarettes. He lit one and took a deep drag, trying to buy himself some time before he answered Angel's question. He really didn't know why he felt compelled to take Xander's side in this argument. It wasn't like he cared about the boy or anything - he hated humans. And it certainly wasn't because Spike felt sorry for Xander because after all he was an evil, soulless vampire who didn't give a Tinker's damn about some pitiful mortal boy. Feeling better after mentally reassuring himself of these facts, Spike smirked at Angel.

"Maybe I just like getting on your nerves, Peaches."

"There's no doubt in my mind about that, Spike." Angel smiled at his childe before getting serious. "I've already thanked Buffy and I want to thank you for helping me last night. I can't begin to imagine how hard it was for all of you, putting yourselves on the line to help me after everything I've done to you. It's nice to be forgiven and to know that I have people who care enough to risk their lives to help me."

"I'll always care about you, Angel. We've got a long history between us and even though we don't love each other like we used to, you're still a huge part of my life. But you can be a ripe bastard sometimes."

"I know I've hurt you, Spike but----"

"I'm not talking about our past, Angel. That's long forgotten. I'm talking about the present. It wasn't only the three of us out there risking everything - Xander was there, too. Yet I haven't heard you say one good thing about the boy, or offer to thank him."

"Spike, I'm glad that Xander was a help but we both know why he did it - he wanted to impress Buffy. It wasn't out of concern for my welfare. Believe me, I know him far better than you do."

"What do you know about Xander, Angel?" Spike asked, memories of the boy's argument with his father running through his mind.

"Besides what I said earlier?" Spike nodded. "Xander's an insensitive, stubborn child who thinks he knows everything but in reality knows little or nothing. He screws up anything he tries to do and I worry that he's going to get Buffy killed someday. She's always having to look out for him on patrol because he insists on going along so that he can try to impress her with his strength and courage, which is laughable if you think about it. The only thing Xander contributes to that group is his wit...if you can call it that. He's a spoiled brat who is used to getting his own way and when he doesn't, he tries to ruin things for everybody else."

Spike sat quietly for a few minutes, taking in what Angel had said as he tried to control his anger once more. Finally he stood, taking Angel's arm and pulling the older vampire along behind him.

"Where are we going, Spike?" Angel asked, snagging his coat from off the couch as they passed.

"For a walk."
Xander had fallen asleep soon after Spike had left but the snow falling around him and the chattering of his teeth had awoken him again. He twisted around in his sleeping bag, trying to find some warmth but ended up making himself more cold. His whole body felt numb and he wondered if he was going to get pneumonia and die like his father had predicted. Xander had always thought he would die at the hands of a demon, a vampire or his father - not something as silly as pneumonia. He weighed the pros and cons of breaking into his house to get some dry clothes and more blankets, finally coming to the conclusion that it was worth the risk.

Xander rose and stretched, trying to bring life back into his numb limbs before making his way to the garage. He searched for a few minutes before finding a screwdriver and made his way to the back door of his house. He took in a deep breath, hoping and praying that everyone in the house was still asleep or more likely still in a druken stupor. Xander pushed the screwdriver into the screen and pushed down, making a hole in it.

"I sure as hell hope Dad believed my story about a burglar so that I can blame this on him - if not, I'm so screwed." Xander was whispering to himself as he stuck his hand through the torn wire, unlocking the door before taking out his wallet. His fingers were cold and it took a few minutes to get his driver's license out. He put his wallet back into the pocket of his soggy jeans and proceeded to work on the lock, mumbling to himself the whole time.

"Can't believe I have to break into my own fucking house. It's bad enough I have to sleep outside every Christmas to get away from my freakin' family without Angel getting all psycho so that it would snow like this. Could at least have given me a heads up before doing it. Something along the lines of 'Hey, Xander, I'm going to lose my mind thanks to some weird, creepy guys putting a spell on me and then I'm going to stand on the top of the hill behind the mansion and try to end my unlife but Buffy will save me with a miracle, causing it to snow so make sure you pack something warm' would have been good enough, but noooo, Mr. Broodypants has to be all quiet and mysterious as usual. Thanks alot, Deadboy. He's probably the one that sent Spike over here to get me all wet so they'd be sure to kill me. Yep, this was probably the plan all along - how to get rid of Xander Harris once and for all without pissing Buffy off. Give him pneumonia and make it look like a natural death by stupidity. I can hear Buffy and Willow now. 'Oh, God I can't believe Xander's dead. We're going to miss him, but I knew it was just a matter of time before his stupidity killed him." Xander's voice was a high falsetto, mimicking his girls as he continued, "Why would anyone in their right mind sleep outside in the snow a few feet away from their nice, warm bed? Oh, well, that's our Xander'." Xander sighed in relief when he finally managed to open the door. He slowly pushed it open, looking around for any signs of life before tiptoing into the house, leaving the door open a crack so he wouldn't have to re-open it again later.

Xander silently crept to his room, making sure he didn't kick any of the liquor bottles or step on any of the beer cans. *No noise was of the good*. Xander slowly slid the door of his closet open, feeling around in the dark for a clean pair of jeans and a shirt. After taking them down he reached up and grabbed the extra blankets he kept on the top shelf. He turned to leave the room, a look of triumph on his face as he gave himself a mental pat on the back for a job well done, when he heard his father's voice yelling from the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on? Who the fuck left the door open?" There was a moment of silence before his father started yelling again, lights coming on through the house as everyone woke up. "Xander! Xander, I'm going to kick your ass, boy. Didn't I tell you to stay outside? Now you've gone and fucked up the screen - you're going to pay for this boy, in more ways than one. When I find you, you're going to wish you were never born!" *Too late for that*. The light came on in the room and Xander found himself staring at his Uncle Rory's angry face.

"Tony! Tony, the kid's up here!" Rory rolled off the bed and Xander heard his father's footsteps coming up the stairs. He opened the window, throwing his clothes and bedding out the window before starting to climb out onto the sloping roof. He was halfway out the window when his Uncle Rory grabbed his left leg, trying to pull him back inside the room.

"Anyone ever tell you that you've got a big mouth?" Xander asked, kicking away from his uncle while giving him a shove. The man fell backwards into Xander's father, who had just entered the room and Xander scrambled to get away before his father could get hold of him. *No such luck*. Xander's father grabbed his arm, trying to pull Xander back into the room while Xander struggled to stay outside on the slippery roof.

"Get back in here, Xander. Now!" Xander shook his head, struggling to get away but finding it difficult when he couldn't even keep his feet firmly planted in one spot. "What are you trying to do boy, kill yourself. Get your stupid ass back inside and take your punishment like a man."

"No way," Xander told him. "If being a man means being like you, I'd rather be dead." Xander pulled back and as he did his father let go sending Xander tumbling down the roof. He managed to catch himself on the edge of the roof, dangling in the air and he shot his father a dirty glare. "That was so second grade, dad." That's all he managed to get out before he was falling towards the ground. He braced himself, knowing it was gonna hurt like hell when he hit the frozen ground outside. Instead, he felt himself being caught in cool arms. He opened his eyes to see Spike's smirking face looking at him.

"Well, well, well. Seems I'm destined to be your savior, eh, pet?"

"Spike?" Xander managed to say before he passed out. Spike shook his head and hefted the boy closer in his arms, before turning to Angel.

"I think you've seen enough. Grab those blankets and clothes and follow me. We're taking him back to the mansion." Spike didn't wait for a response before stalking down the street, Xander cradled in his arms, while the boy's father yelled curses and obscenities at them. Angel picked up the boy's things as asked before following Spike back to the mansion, neither of them exchanging a word as they digested what had happened. Angel wanted answers but decided he could get wait till they got home. Maybe there was alot about Xander Harris that he didn't know.

Part Seven

Xander woke up halfway through the cemetary, his first thoughts being Why am I moving when my legs aren't?followed closely by Spike, cemetary and Shit! when he opened his eyes, looking into the face of the man holding him. Xander pushed away from the vampire, causing himself to fall onto the ground. Spike tripped over him and they both ended up face down in the snow. Angel stood above them, pointing and laughing as they raised their heads to glare at him.

"I can't help it. You both," Angel managed to say between bouts of laughter. Xander and Spike stood up, their glares now on each other, totally ignoring Angel.

"What the bloody hell did you do that for?"

"Why were you carrying me?"

Both sentences said at the same time before they both answered. "Because." in unison followed by "Because why?" spoken again in chorus. Spike finally put his hand over the boy's mouth as he struggled.

"Stop fighting me, Xander and I'll tell you why-ooow!" Spike finished his sentence, jerking his hand away and inspecting the bite marks on his hand. "You fucking bit me!"

"Well, duh! I guess you'd know a bite when you feel one because, hello? vampire."

"For your information, lackbrain, I'm always on the other end - I do the biting, not the human."

"Actually, Spike vampires bite each other when---" Angel began, but was cut off by Xander who seemed to know what he was going to say.

"TMI, Deadboy." Xander held his hand up to stop him, before grinning at Spike. "Now you see how it feels to be used as a teething ring. Doesn't feel very good, does it?"

Spike smirked at those words, stalking towards Xander, watching as the boy backed away from him towards a nearby tree. "You don't know what you're playing at, Xander. Vampires get turned on by biting. It can be very erotic." Spike waggled his eyebrows at Xander and the boy flushed with embarrassment. Xander's back hit the tree and he leaned down, searching the grass for anything wooden. He picked up a little twig and looked at it before tossing it away and finding a bigger one. He stood up and faced Spike who was approaching, a predatory look on his face.

"Don't even think about it, mister." Xander held up the limb and tried to look threatening, knowing he was failing when he heard Angel's laughter. Spike snorted, stopping to pull his cigarettes from his duster.

"Like I'd bite you." He lit his cigarette before flicking the lighter shut and putting it back in his duster pocket. Xander watched Spike, not knowing whether to be relieved at the vampire's words or hurt. He decided on the second one.

"Oh, you would. I happen to be very biteable, pal."

"Yeah, you're a nummy treat." Spike seemed bored with the conversation, blowing smoke rings into the air as Xander pointed at him.

"And don't you forget it." Xander pushed past the two vampires, grabbing the blankets and clothes from Angel's hands before heading back towards the front of the cemetary. He stopped when he heard Spike's voice.

"Not even a thank you then?" Xander dropped his head and sighed. He really did owe Spike for saving him a broken limb at the very least.

"Thank you. I thought I was going to---." Xander's voice was barely a whisper, "I mean it, Spike...thanks." Spike and Angel exchanged glances, hearing the slight tremor to the words, smelling the salt of tears while Xander kept his face turned away from them.

"Xander, come back with us to the mansion and ----"

"No. I'm going home, Spike. Thanks for the invite though." Xander proudly raised his head, determined the vampires wouldn't feel sorry for him. He managed a few steps before the two were in front of him.

"You can't go back there, Xander. If you go inside your house your father will attack you again. If you sleep outside in those wet clothes you'll freeze your ass off or get killed by a vampire. Either way, you'll suffer and I don't want to see that happen."

"You're not fooling anyone, Deadboy. I know you'd rather take a bath in holy water than have me stay with you. So why even ask?" Xander stared at him a moment, the familiar grin appearing on his face. "I know why you're doing this. You're afraid if something happens to me, Spike will rat you out and Buffy will kick your ass for not helping out her friend. Wow, you really are Buffy's Bitch." Angel growled and Spike nodded.

"Love's bitch."

"She's got him wrapped around her little finger."

"Slayer whipped."

"Buffy says jump and Angel asks how high."

"The slayer leads him around by the balls."

"Angel, you are soooo screwed." Xander and Spike were having a good time pissing Angel off until Xander realized what he had just said. "I meant that figuratively, not literally, because that would be bad...not the sex, but the 'Angelus coming back part'...not that I've ever slept with you or Buffy...not that I ever would...not that either one of you would want me..." It was Angel's turn to smile as Xander babbled, trying to correct himself.

"Now who's the one that's screwed?" Xander forgot his babbling, staring intently at the vampire before grinning again. "You know, you should smile more often. It looks good on you. Better than that scowl you always have plastered on your face."

"I do not scowl. I brood, sometimes maybe, but I don't scowl." Angel argued. "Besides, I smile when I'm with Buffy."

"Whatever. How come you never smile around the gang?"

"I have smiled at Willow," Angel pointed out. "Giles is okay but a little stuffy, plus there's alot between us since I ... you know, Oz is very laconic and you're the most annoying, exasperating----" Xander's smile faded and he hugged his clothes and bedding tightly.

"I get the point. I'll be heading home now." Xander started for the front of the cemetary again as Spike glared at Angel.

"Way to go, Angel. Ever thought of becoming a member of 'Welcome Wagon'? I'm sure you'd be great at it." Before Angel could defend himself, they saw Xander turn and walk back towards them. The boy had a determined look on his face as he stood toe to toe with Angel.

"You think I'm annoying, huh? Well, let me tell you something, Deadboy. You're not a picnic to be around either. Always going around frowning all the time, acting like your face would split in two if you ever smiled. Have you ever heard of a thing called humor?"

"Is that what you call your stupid jokes? Having a sense---"

"Shut up. I'm talking here." Spike raised his eyebrow and leaned against a tree, calmly smoking his cigarette as he watched Xander chew Angel out. *This is bloody entertaining*. "I don't know what Buffy sees in you...well, besides your looks and your superstrength. You act like you don't know how to have fun. You act like an old man."

"You think 246 years old is young?" Xander ignored Angel's question.

"You think the idea of a great date is a night in the cemetary. Yeah, that's right. I know you don't take Buffy anywhere. I've heard her talking to Willow about you."

"What does she say?" Angel asked nervously.

"That you don't take her anywhere. God, your listening skills could be better, too. And you could try to have a personality. Spike is scary but at least you never know what to expect from him. You're boring...predictable. Spike's way cooler than you."
Spike smirked at Angel who rolled his eyes heavenward.

"And now I'm depressed."

"See? Angel equals broody, mopey, depressed guy. Can't you be happy without getting a happy? Look at me. I try to be cheerful and I'm 17 years old and not going there."

"No need to. Remember what I told you about vampire senses?" Spike pointed out, totally enjoying the conversation while Xander tried to ignore him.

"And then there's the whole Angel/Angelus thing. I have to worry about you hurting my friends if you and Buffy get groiny and sometimes I think you might hurt them anyway."

"I'm not going to hurt anyone, Xander. I care about them too. How many times have I helped everyone - how many times have I saved the day? You need to be cautious, but you don't have to be so damn hostile about it."

"Like I could hurt your feelings, Angel. You have to care about someone for them to do that. Look, I promised Buffy I'd try to get along with you - for her sake, but if you ever hurt her or any of my friends..whether you're Angel or Angelus...I will end your existence. It might take me a week, might take me a month, might take years but one day maybe 50 years from now you'll be walking down a street and when you least expect it a 67 year old man will jump out of an alley with a 2 x 4 and cave your skull in right before he stakes you. And I'll be the last thing you'll see. Got it?"

"I don't think you want to threaten me, Xander." Angel growled. "I could snap your neck in a heartbeat."

"Probably so, but you won't. Now now anyway."

"You think I'll hold back because of the soul?"

"You might be nicer with the soul but that doesn't mean you wouldn't hurt someone. Souls don't make a person good. I know plenty of people with souls who are just as bad as vampires or any other demon. And they're just as scary, too. You wouldn't snap my neck because I'm Buffy's friend and you love her. You know that if you hurt me or any other human, Buffy would have to do her job."

"Xander, my soul---"

"I'm not as naive or innocent as you seem to think I am. I grew up in a house with people who are fighting their own inner demons and seem to enjoy taking it out on me." Angel tried to act like he didn't know what Xander was talking about, but Xander rolled his eyes at him before continuing. "I know you and Spike saw what was going on at my house. My whole family are drunks - hell, my dad owns the title of 'town drunk'. Most people think it's funny, but it's not. Not when you have to live with him. Do you know how many friends we've lost because my dad's acted like an asshole? No one comes to our house - hell, I don't even let Willow come over anymore. My mom's started drinking now, just to get away from reality for a little while. I've thought about joining her, but I don't want to be like him. I'm never going to hurt the people I love because I'm in a drunken stupor. God, I can't believe I'm telling you this, but sometimes I'm more scared of my dad than anything the Hellmouth spits out at us."

"I could kill him for you." Spike offered, surprised when Xander turned angry eyes on him.

"I don't want anything to happen to my dad. I love both my parents. It wasn't always like this, not until my dad lost his job. He became bitter and started drinking. It's gotten worse and worse over the years, but that doesn't mean he'll always be this way. Maybe he'll wake up someday, realize he's hurting his family and he'll get some help. And then my mom can go back to being happy, too. It could happen, you know." Angel and Spike didn't seem convinced and Xander shivered as a cool wind blew through the cemetary. "Can we stop talking now and get inside before I become a human popsicle?"

Both vampires nodded and the three of them made their way to the mansion, all of them lost in their own thoughts. ***************************************
When they got to the mansion, Xander had insisted that he sleep on the floor, saying that he had slept in worse places. Neither vampire doubted that and had watched as Xander made a bed with the comforters in front of the roaring fire. After he had asked where the bathroom was, Xander had gone to change out of his wet clothes. He emerged a few minutes later, dressed in his jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. Xander combed his fingers through his damp hair, giving Angel a shy look.

"Uh, thanks, ...Angel. I appreciate the use of your shower and...uh, letting me stay here today, especially after the way I acted in the cemetary. I was out of line. What goes on between you and Buffy is your business and I shouldn't have threatened you after you offered to help me out, although I think that was more Spike's idea. Anyway, I promise I'll leave as soon as I've had a nap. You two go ahead and do whatever you want....just pretend I'm not here. I'll be quiet. You won't even know I'm here." Xander snuggled down into his make-shift bed, smiling happily. "This feels nice. Good and warm."

"Do you want something to eat? I don't have much, but there's some stuff in the kitchen that Buffy----"

"No thanks, Angel. I ate earlier."

"What did you have. Grass and leaves?" Spike asked and Xander opened his eyes, a small sigh leaving his lips.

"I do eat, Spike. I had some stuff packed away. Some twinkies, ho-ho's and potato chips."

"Not a very healthy Christmas dinner," Angel pointed out.

"Oh, yeah, I had some of mom's turkey. I snuck in when everyone was finished and made myself a sandwich. I think she tried barbecuing it this year, but I'm not sure."

"Barbecued turkey?" Angel asked, shaking his head.

"Yeah, mom doesn't cook much. Hardly ever. Willow once asked me if we even owned a stove, which we do, but she's never seen it. She knows my mom is a terrible cook. One year she burned the turkey so bad one of the neighbors called the fire department. That was one of the best Christmases ever. I got to watch the firemen at, I've always wanted to be a fireman. They're so cool. And then last year, she decided not to try cooking it in the stove, so she microwaved it. We were picking turkey out of the toaster for almost a month." Xander laughed at the memory, stopping when he saw Spike and Angel staring at him. "Sorry. I said I'd be quiet." He made a zipping motion across his mouth, acting as if he were tossing the key away as he laid back down.

"No, Xander that's okay. I wasn't staring at you because you were talking. I was thinking you haven't had many happy Christmases have you?" Xander's face went blank at Angel's words and he turned away from the two vampires.

"A few. More than some kids get, I suppose."

"How many?" Spike asked and Xander rolled over, an angry look on his face.

"What kind of game is this? Find out all of Xander's humiliating secrets so you can tell my friends? Isn't it enough that you saw what you saw tonight? I know you didn't just happen to be walking by when I fell off the roof. Did you come back for the rest of the show? You were bored so you and Angel decided it would be fun to watch Xander get what was coming to him? No, that couldn't be it, because you caught me when I fell. Guess it was the other game then. Help out poor, pitiful Xander so that you and Angel could brag to everyone and earn brownie points from Buffy?"

"I had no idea where we were going. Spike wanted to take a walk and I went with him. I think he wanted to prove me wrong when I said you were a spoiled brat who threw a tantrum every time you didn't get your own way." Angel's angry glare rivaled Xander's as he took up for Spike. Xander saw Spike rise from the couch, intent on walking out of the room and he felt bad for what he had said.

"Spike, wait! Don't go. I'm sorry, okay. I have a trust issue when it comes to vampires...hell, when it comes to anybody, really. It's just...I don't know what to think. The few times I've met you, you were trying to kill me or my friends. Then you show up again, saying you want to help Angel, you save my life at Willy's, show up at my house and act like you're worried about me and then you save my life again. But every time I think we're becoming friendly, you remind me how much you hate humans and say you're doing all this for Angel, but I know that can't be true because Angel doesn't really like me. And after the way I've acted today, I don't know that I like myself. I've been on an emotional rollercoaster for over 24 hours, I'm tired and I'm really confused." Xander ran his hands through his hair before burying his head against his knees.

Spike had stopped to listen to Xander's apology and when Xander was finished, he walked over to the fireplace, sitting down on the hearth near where Xander had placed his bedding. "You're not the only one, mate."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know. Just that I'm as confused as you are. I don't like humans, but for some reason I like having you around." Xander looked up at Spike, a small smile on his face.

"You do?"

"Bloody hell, I just said so didn't I? I think it's the not knowing what's going to happen next that I find so intriguing. I've never known anyone who's almost as crazy as Dru or who can get himself in trouble faster than you can." Spike's smile softened his words.

"It's a talent. I think it has something to do with my mouth overriding my brain. Maybe it's a Harris trait." Xander glanced down at his hands, playing with his covers for a moment before looking at Spike and Angel. "I know I said this before but I am sorry for giving you guys a hard time. I'm a little...defensive when it comes to my family."

"'s in particular, can really fuck you over," Angel told them, making Xander look at him in surprise. "Before you ask, yes I had a very stern father who thought I was nothing but an embarrassment to the family. He was a merchant, dealing in linens and silks. We only had one servant but he liked to pretend we were the wealthiest family in Ireland. I hung out in the local pubs, picking up a girl every night, getting drunk....anything I could do to live down to my father's every expectation of me."

"Did he hit you?" Xander asked, getting caught up in Angel's story.

"A few times. We finally had a really big argument and I moved out. I wasn't gone from the house more than a week before I met Darla and she turned me."

"So would that make you and Jesse brothers?" Angel shook his head.

"Not really, Xander. I was made to be one of her childer and Jesse was---"

"A convenience. Bait. That's what he told me and Buffy when we found him. We thought we had gotten to Jesse in time and he told us he was supposed to be the bait." Xander's eyes misted over before he got his emotions under control. "Did your family know you had been killed or did you just go missing like everyone here seems to do?"

"They found me. I woke up in my casket. I could feel their emotions, could hear my sister and my mother crying over me, but my father never shed a tear. After I crawled out of my grave, the first thing I did was kill my family."

"Why? I mean, I guess I can understand you killing your father, what with being a vampire and you two having issues, but why would you want to hurt your mom and sister?"

"I killed my sister first. She answered the door when I knocked. Cathy thought I had come back to her as an angel. I didn't want her to see our parents die, so I killed her. Then I found my mother. I killed her because she stood by and watched how my father treated me, never standing up to him. Looking back, I realize women in my day didn't stand up to their husbands."

"They don't nowadays either," Xander muttered. "So did it help....killing your father, I mean?" Angel shook his head.

"No. I thought it would, but it didn't. Even after 200 years there are times I can hear his voice telling me that I'll never amount to anything." There was a sad look on Angel's face and for the first time, Xander could connect with the vampire. He knew just how Angel felt.

"He was wrong, Angel. I know I'm not your biggest fan, but you have helped us out alot. Besides, no parent should ever make their child feel unwanted, unloved or not good enough."

"Speaking from experience, Xander?"

"Yeah. My dad says the same things about me. Willow's parents don't hit her or say cruel things, but they never pay attention to her. They're too busy trying to analyze her behaviour," Xander air quoted. "I think that's why she's such an overachiever. Jesse's parents didn't even realize he was missing until a couple of days later. They're like Will's parents...always going away to some kind of conference, thinking only about their careers instead of their kids. And even though Joyce is a great mom, Buffy's dad hardly ever comes around. He may not mean to do this, but I think he makes Buffy feel like it's her fault that her parents got a divorce. I'm beginning to think there's very few parents in this world that love their children like kids should be loved."

"My mum did," Spike assured him, his voice full of love. "She always put me first, even above her own self. She would sit in our parlor for hours listening to my stupid poetry."

"You were a poet?" Xander's voice was full of surprise and Spike realized he had just told his biggest secret. *Damn boy. What was it about Xander that made him bare his soul?* Very few people knew this fact about him - Angel being one of the few.

"If you ever tell anyone what I just said, I will rip your lungs out and force you to eat them." Spike was shocked when Xander just laughed and started singing.

"I know something Giles doesn't, I know something Giles doesn't."

"I mean it----"

"I wonder how much the Watcher's Council would pay me for information like this? Oh, and Willow might have you over to her house so you could exchange your poems - she writes them, too. And Buffy----"

"You're asking for it, whelp!"

"Can I read some of it? Was it loooove poems? Who were you writing about?" Xander's teasing came to an abrupt halt when Spike looked away. "I was just teasing, Spike. I won't tell anyone, I promise." Xander patted Spike's hand, making the vampire jump and pull away. Xander put his hand back on the cover, once again playing with it as he kept his gaze averted. "Sorry. I shouldn't make you feel bad. I have a habit of making bad jokes when things get too serious. If you don't believe me, ask anyone I know, especially Giles and Angel. They don't appreciate it much, either."

"It wasn't you, Xander. I'm just touchy about that part of my life. I wasn't very comfortable with myself as a human. Never felt like I belonged anywhere except when I was with my mum."

"What about your father?"

"I never knew him. He ran off when I was a little boy. After hearing you and Angel talk about your fathers, I'm beginning to think I was lucky he did."

"I bet your mom was real sad when you died."

"Not really. She was worried...I had been missing for two days before I made my way home. Drusilla and I visited her and...."

"Don't say it. Damn, does everybody kill their parents when they die?"

"It wasn't like Angel and his family. I did it because I loved her. She was ailing...I thought I could make her healthy again....that we could spend eternity together."

"That's sweet...and I can't believe I just said that." Xander shook his head, wondering why Spike made him feel like he could open up and just be himself, even if he said stupid things. "So what happened? Did someone stake her?"

"I did." Xander was surprised at Spike's words and he felt an ache in his heart for the vampire when he saw a single tear slide down Spike's face. "When the demon took hold of her, she wasn't my mum anymore. She said some terrible things to me...I knew they weren't true but it didn't make them hurt any less. I didn't want to spend eternity with my mum like that....I wanted to remember her the way she was when she was alive, so I killed her."

"At least you have good memories of her, Spike. I can tell by the way you talk about her that you two loved each other alot.
I don't want to sound cruel, but maybe it's a good thing you killed her." Spike growled at him and Xander hastened to explain. "Think about it for a minute. You said she was sick. She was all alone except for you. You were her life, her reason for living. How do you think she would have gotten along without you after you were gone? She probably would have died from a broken heart."

"Never thought about it like that before." Spike admitted.

"I know if I loved someone with all my heart and soul, I wouldn't want to live if something happened to them. Hell, I almost lost it when Jesse died and I still had Willow. No matter how much I love Giles and Buffy, if Willow were gone I don't would rip my heart out."

"I know you two are close, Xander but I think you could handle it." Angel told him.

"No, I don't think so. I'd give my life for any of my friends, but Willow is special. She's the one person that's always believed in me. She was always there to tell me I was worth something when my parents said I wasn't. If it wasn't for Willow's help I'd still be in 8th grade. Willow was always there to take care of me when I got hurt or sick. She loved playing doctor."

"Really?" Spike asked, doing the eyebrow thing again.

"Not like that. Willow thought playing doctor was looking up diseases in a medical journal and treating the patient. Some of the medicine she made up was worse than my mom's cooking." Xander made a face and Angel and Spike smiled, imagining a little nurse Willow taking care of a young Xander.

Xander yawned and laid back down, snuggling into the warmth of the blankets. "This was nice...just talking. I know you guys told me about your lives so I wouldn't feel bad about my parents and I appreciate it. I promise I won't tell anyone else what you told me. I wouldn't want anyone to know that Spike's not as evil as he wants everyone to think he is."

"I am evil. Very evil. I'm a member of the 'Scourge of Europe'. I've killed two slayers and---"

"Yeah, I knew all that. But you're not fooling me."

"What are you talking about?" Spike sounded offended.

"You're different from other vampires, Spike. I don't know how it happened but you are. Were you cursed, too?"

"What the soddin' blazes gave you that idea?"

"I can't picture Angelus, Darla, Drusilla or any of the other vampires I've come up against caring enough about a human to go back and check up on them when they think the person's in trouble. No offense, Angel."

"None taken."

"And Angel...don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want anyone to know that I kinda like you. The gang is used to me hating you and vice versa. If they found out we actually had a civil conversation Giles would probably have us all researching for days to be prepared for an impending apocolypse."

"I think you're right about that, Xander. Especially if they found out I kinda like you too."

"Oh, God we're so going to die."

Part Eight

It had been a week since the 'bonding party' as Xander had dubbed it. He lay in his bed, a smile on his face as he recalled what had happened.

Xander had fallen asleep to awaken to the smell of bacon, eggs
biscuits and gravy. He had to admit that Angel was one hell of a cook considering he didn't eat. Xander and Spike had both cleaned their plates, going back for seconds. Xander had complimented Angel on his cooking abilities and Angel had told him how Spike had somehow managed to round up the food for their feast. Xander had thanked them profusely, touched that they would go out of their way for him like this. It had been the best Christmas Xander had managed to have in a long time.

Xander had wanted to do something special for them so he had offered to teach Angel and Spike how to snowboard. Spike had finally agreed but Angel had bowed out, saying that Buffy was coming by later on. While he went to take a shower, Spike and Xander had made their way back to Xander's house.

"I don't like the idea of you coming back here, Xander." Spike watched the boy rummage through the garage until he found what he was looking for.

"It'll be okay. They won't even notice we're here. It's time for the football games, some more beer followed by lots of cursing and passing out." Xander pulled out two skateboards and Spike's eyes widened.

"You expect me to go down a big pile of snow on a piece of wood like that?"

"Why not? If I can do it, you can, too. You've got that natural grace and coordination thing that master vampires have." Xander proceeded to take the wheels off both boards before handing one to Spike. "I love snowboarding, but I haven't done it in a long time. Not much snow in California."

"So where did you learn?"

"My grandmother on my dad's side used to live in Colorado. She died a few years ago. I used to visit her as often as I could - she was the best of the Harris clan and she really loved me. She knew I liked to skateboard, so one winter when I went to visit she paid someone to teach me how to snowboard."

"And you think you're good enough to teach me?" Spike asked.

"I do alright. I can make it down the hill before you without falling on my ass - can you say the same thing?" Xander saw Spike's eyes light up at the challenge.

"Point the way and we'll find out." Xander led the way, taking them across town to the highest hill in Sunnydale that could serve as a makeshift ski slope. There weren't as many people there as Xander had anticipated, most of them having been there earlier in the day. Xander smiled, noticing that the various things the kids had used to sled down the hill had packed the snow down.

"It's going to be a fast trip, Spike. Are you sure you can handle this? Want me to give you some pointers?"

"I can handle it fine, whelp. And the faster, the better." Spike hoped his mouth wasn't overriding his brain. They found a safe spot away from all the other people and Spike watched Xander place his board on the snow before putting one foot on it. He saw that Xander was waiting for him so he copied the boy's movements, adding stretches and flexing his muscles before he put his foot on the board in front of him. "Are we ready to do this then?" Xander grinned at the vampire's confidence.

"I am if you are. We'll count to three and take off at the same time. And no cheating." Spike gave him a 'who me?' look. "I mean it, Spike. No starting early, no trying to knock me over on your way down, etc., etc."

"Gonna take the fun out of it." Spike muttered. "Want to put a wager on this race?"

"How much?"

"Ten dollars."

"You're on." They shook hands on it and Xander patted Spike
on the shoulder. "Oh, yeah, Spike I almost forgot. A word of advice. Don't let the board hit you where the Good Lord split you."

"Very funny, Harris. Start counting."

"One....two...what the hell are you doing, Spike?" Xander stopped his counting to ask the vampire who was now sitting on the board, a smirk on his face.

"Waiting for you to count to three so I can sled down this bloody hill and win ten dollars." Spike explained as if he were talking to a three year old child.

"You can't snowboard sitting down. You have to stand up." Xander pointed out but Spike shook his head.

"Never said nothing about that. The bet was whoever got down to the bottom of the hill first without falling on his ass wins the dosh."

"Without falling on your ass implies that you're standing up in the first place, Spike."

"No it doesn't. Now are you going to count to three or do you want me to do it?"

"I'll do it, but---"

"What's the matter, Xander? Can't count to three?"

"I can count, Spike. But you're---"

"Really? What comes after two?" Spike asked innocently as Xander glared at him.

"Three, you nimrod....Spike, that's cheating!" Xander yelled at the vampire's back, before hopping onto his board and pushing off. "Note to self. Never make a bet with a vampire who cheats."

Needless to say, Spike had won the race and most of the ones after - even standing up. They had spent almost three hours on the hill - racing, having snowball fights and building a vampire snowman, complete with fangs and ridges. When Xander had asked where Spike had learned his artistic skills, Spike had admitted that Angelus had taught him.

They had returned to the mansion, making sure they weren't intruding on Angel and Buffy before they headed inside. Angel had reheated the leftovers, Xander and Spike relating the events of their day as they ate. Xander had asked Angel to tell him what Ireland was like and he had fallen asleep, picturing the country Angel was describing. He had stayed with Angel and Spike for three days before going home.

The alarm clock blared, shaking Xander out of his reverie. He shut it off, making his way to the shower. There was a New Year's Eve party tonight at the Bronze and for the first time, Xander was actually looking forward to going. He loved his friends, but usually he was the odd man out at these things. Buffy and Angel were going, as were Willow and Oz. Cordy had hooked up with Devon again and Giles was bringing some woman from England named Olivia.

Xander had invited Spike, saying that they could hang together but the vampire hadn't committed himself, although he had looked pleased that Xander had asked. Spike had made a lot of noise about hating humans, not wanting to associate with the Slayer, etc. but in the end he told Xander he would think about coming. Xander kept telling himself that he only wanted Spike to be at the party so he could have someone to talk to or shoot pool with but deep inside, he knew that wasn't altogether true. Xander knew that he had a huge crush on the handsome vampire.
"Would you hurry up, Spike? I told Buffy I would meet her at the party a half hour ago."

"So what's stopping you?" Angel looked at him pointedly and Spike shifted his feet as he took the last drag off his cigarette. "I don't know why I can't smoke in there...besides, no one told you to wait for me."

"Look, Spike. I want you to interact with the gang and get to know them. They're a nice group of kids and I think you'd like them if you gave it a chance. Besides, I might want you to help me look after them from time to time and I need them to trust you in order for that to happen."

"I told you when I first came back I wasn't going to be no fucking 'white hat'. Made that perfectly clear from the beginning and now you want to go and change the soddin' rules on me."

"Yes, you did tell me that. But I thought after you and Xander became friends things had changed." Spike looked at Angel in surprise.

"Just because I was nice to the boy a few times it doesn't mean he's my mate. I was friendly to the bint behind the counter at the 7-11 when I bought my smokes tonight - does that mean I'm going to take her home and have a nice shag?" Angel smiled at Spike's words.

"How did we end up talking about you shagging someone when I was only pointing out that you and Xander had become friends? Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

"About the bint? She's not my type." Spike said, deliberately misunderstanding Angel's question. The girl had been pretty enough for a human and she had made sure that Spike knew she was available for anything he wanted to do, but she reminded Spike too much of the slayer. Besides, he was certain the girl wouldn't want Spike to do what he really wanted to do with her, which was drain her dry.

"No, she wasn't. I know your type. Dark hair and dark eyes like---"

"What are you getting at, peaches?" Spike interrupted, angry that Angel was coming close to figuring out exactly what was going on in his mind.

"Nothing." Angel tried to act innocent, but Spike knew he was leading up to something. "Just that you've been spending quite a bit of time with Xander." There it was. Angel had hit the nail on the head. Xander. The one word that could make Spike's emotions spiral out of control.

"Are you suggesting I'm sporting a hard on for the boy?"

"No, but it seems funny that every time I bring up Xander your mind wanders to shagging and hard ons. I think you may be developing feelings for him."

"Yeah, I am. I feel sorry for him, okay? Xander's drawn a tough lot in life. Bad parents, living on the Hellmouth, helping the slayer when he doesn't have any special powers not to mention the way he manages to get himself into trouble all the time. But that's all there is to it." Spike tried to sound convincing, but it was hard to do when he wasn't convinced himself.

"So Xander wasn't the reason you changed your shirt five times before we left the mansion?"

"I wanted to look good for all the bints inside. It's New Years Eve and I plan on getting lucky." They walked into the Bronze and Angel tried not to smile as he watched Spike scan the crowd. He knew his childe's habits. Spike wasn't checking out the room as a predator would...he was looking for someone in particular and Angel had a feeling that someone was Xander.
Spike was searching the crowd for Xander, not paying attention to the fact that Angel was watching him. He tried to look casual, even managing a few flirtatious smiles with some of the prettier girls and guys that were looking him over, but none of them came close to truly capturing his attention. As much as Spike's head was trying to fight his feelings for the boy, his heart was telling him that Xander was special. Spike didn't want to care about a mere mortal but Xander was doing a good job of working his way into Spike's life. Well, Spike would just have to change that tonight. He'd find a pretty girl or guy, have a nice shag and forget all about the boy before he got himself in too deep. With newfound resolve he concentrated on the conversation going on around him.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to show," Buffy was telling Angel, wrapping her arms around the vampire.

"You know I wouldn't stand you up." Angel gave her a quick kiss. "I was waiting on the slow poke here." Buffy turned her attention to Spike.

"Hello, Spike." Her words were casual, her voice edging on friendly, but underneath it all Spike knew she was doing this for Angel. She didn't trust him any more than he trusted her and why should she? He was a vampire for fuck's sake. He was supposed to be making a meal of these kids instead of looking around the room like a lovesick puppy.


"The name's Buffy, Spike." Angel gave Spike a look, while he squeezed Buffy's hand. The rest of the gang had appeared and Angel decided to introduce everyone before the tension in the room rose to a new level.

"Spike, you remember Willow, Oz, Cordelia and Giles. This is Olivia, Giles' date and this is Faith." The group greeted him, having been filled in earlier by Buffy about how Spike had helped Angel and how the older vampire had wanted him to stay on. They had been angry and upset at first, each of them remembering their encounters with Spike. Finally, after talking to Buffy and Xander both, they had decided to give the vampire a chance to prove himself.

"Two slayers." Spike could feel the tingling that told him that Faith was indeed a slayer. "What did I do to deserve getting that lucky?"

"Oh, you haven't gotten lucky yet, Spike. Tell you what. If you're a good vampire maybe I'll see what I can do about changing that." Faith was clearly flirting with Spike. *What was it about the Hellmouth that made the slayers want to fuck the vampires instead of killing them?*

"Is that right?" Spike flirted back. Faith had the dark hair and dark eyes going for her. She had a fuller figure than Buffy, which was also a plus. Maybe with enough alcohol Spike could forget about---"

"So where's Xander?" Angel asked and Spike silently cursed. Why was Angel making this harder on him? He grabbed a beer and chugged it down before grabbing a bottle of JD from a passing waiter. When the man stopped, Spike pointed at Angel. "This goes on his tab." Angel nodded and the man walked away.

"Xander hasn't gotten here yet. I'm sure he's on his way though. I called him earlier and he said he would be here." Willow told Angel. The group talked for a few minutes before Oz took Willow's hand.

"We'll see you guys later. Devon and I have a set to play and we're taking our groupies with us." Oz and Devon led Willow and Cordelia through the crowd as Giles turned to Olivia.

"Would you like to dance?"

"I think that would be lovely." The two of them disappeared into the crowd just as Buffy pulled on Angel's arm.

"What about a dance?" Angel shook his head.

"I don't dance."

"You do now." Buffy led Angel onto the dance floor, leaving Faith and Spike behind. Faith turned to face Spike.

"Let's have a go at the dance floor. I want to see what it is that makes Buffy so hot for vampires."

"Not interested." Spike took another swig from the bottle.

"Oh, you will be after this dance." Spike let Faith lead him onto the dance floor and closed his eyes when she took him into her arms. He tried to pretend that the body rubbing against him was someone else but it wasn't working - wrong body parts. Spike decided to quit trying to pretend and focus on her instead. Soon they were dancing seductively, their dance looking more like two people having sex than a dance. Faith's hands cupped Spike's ass pulling him towards her as she grinded her body into his and he did the same to her. She put her mouth to his ear, giving it a nip before whispering to him.

"How about finding someplace dark and cozy? I want to take you for a test drive. I have a tendency to give into my animal instincts." Faith licked Spike's bottom lip before biting it.

"That's good, because I tend to do the same." Spike licked her bottom lip before taking her into a bruising kiss, their bodies still grinding to the music. After a few moments they made their way to a dark corner of the room, both of them caught up in the moment as their hands groped each other's bodies.

"So what do you want to do to my body?" Faith groaned.

"I think you've got the idea." Spike pressed up against her and she groaned again.

"I'll tell you what I want to do to you. I want to ride you at a gallop until your legs buckle and your eyes roll up. I've got muscles you've never dreamed of. I want to squeeze you until you pop like warm champagne and you're begging me to hurt you just a little bit more. How does that sound?"

"Sounds like a bad idea to me, Faith." Spike and Faith looked up to see Angel and Buffy glaring at them. "You two want to have an orgy...take it outside. Or better yet to your apartment."

"We can do that B." Faith smiled at Spike. "B's a little on the stuck up side. She always wants to spoil my fun. I think it's because she's not getting any."

"Faith, that's enough."

"Chill, B. We're leaving." Angel grabbed Spike by the collar as they passed.

"Spike's not leaving just yet." Angel told Faith, before giving Spike a dirty look. "We need to talk."

"In the morning when I get---"

"No, now." Angel pulled Spike away from Faith and led him to a quieter part of the room away from the two girls.

"What's wrong with you? Can't you see I'm busy?"

"I think the entire room saw how busy you were, Spike." Spike smiled at Angel, not understanding why the older vampire was so angry. It wasn't like he was doing anything Angel hadn't done. Spike decided he had killed slayers, now he wanted to see what it was like to fuck one and he wasn't about to let Angel ruin it for him just because Angel had that stupid curse. His smile faded when he heard Angel's next words. "Including Xander."
Xander walked into the Bronze, a spring in his step and hope in his heart. Hope that Spike would be here, hope that Spike was possibly feeling the same connection he was, and hope that Spike would like the new clothes he had spent with his hard earned road trip money. Xander was running late, but he had spent extra time trying to make sure he looked alright and an extra 10 minutes on convincing himself that he didn't look stupid. The salesclerk had actually flirted with him when he had modeled the clothes for her, but then again, salespeople would do anything to make a sale. *Guess that's why they call them salespeople*. Xander shook his head - even his thoughts sounded dorky.

The Bronze was busy tonight and it took a few moments for Xander to spot Willow and Cordy sitting near the stage. *Of course that's where they'd be*. Xander took a deep breath, squared his shoulders and walked towards his friends. This was the ultimate test. If he could make it past Cordelia's usual insults, he could get through the night. Xander didn't expect Cordelia's approval - she was still too hurt over what he had done to her to be true friends. Xander had decided to ride it out, adding his own insults to hers like they had done before they had started dating. Secretly, Xander hoped they could repair the friendship they had had while dating before they graduated.

"What are you two lovely vixens up to?" Xander smiled his most winning smile as he waited for Cordy and Willow to turn around.

"What does it look like we're doing dorkface? We're watching....what the hell?" Cordelia's sentence was forgotten when she saw her ex-boyfriend and Xander noticed that both girls were speechless as they looked him up and down, their mouths hanging open.

"Really? I thought the band was called 'Dingoes Ate My Baby' or 'Dingoes' for short."

"Xander, it's New Year's Eve not Halloween." Cordelia tried to sound snippy but the usual bitchy tone was softened and there was a definite look of approval in her eyes as she continued to stare at him. "What's with the get up?" Cordelia shifted in her seat, memories of seeing Xander in that Army costume, coming to the fore. *God, he had looked so sexy*. Muscles she had never known Xander had flexing as he handed her his coat.

"Gee, thanks for the update, C.C." Xander turned his attention towards Willow, hoping his best friend would say something...anything to let him know what she thought of his outfit. "So where is everyone?" *Oh, yeah, I'm the man. That sounded casual enough*.

Willow tried to answer but the words wouldn't come out. She was too busy being reminded why she had had a crush on Xander for all those years. While most of it was caused by his personality, she had always thought Xander was handsome. Willow had always liked the fact that Xander wore wild, baggy clothes - she knew if he ever dressed like this, half the high school girls would be knocking down his door. Willow was brought out of her thoughts by Xander waving his hand in front of her face.

"Uh, Will, is anyone in there?" Willow managed to nod her head, saved from further embarrasment by a voice coming from behind her.

"Oh, my God! Xander you look great!" Buffy came over and gave her friend a hug before stepping back to admire the view. Her mind flashed back to seeing Xander in his swim trunks, remembering how shocked she had been that her friend had looked hot. Buffy took in the view - black, form fitting leather pants, tight, red sweater showing every muscle, dark hair laying in soft waves around his face and realized that she had forgotten just how hot Xander could be if he dressed right. "What's with the change of wardrobe?

"Uh, nothing. I figured I'd ring in the New Year with a different look."

"Yeah, Leather for Losers." Cordelia quipped, finally managing to return to her usual self.

"Cordelia, I don't know what everyone was talking about. That dress doesn't make you look like a hooker." Xander laughed, grabbing Cordelia's stylish red dress and giving it a playful tug. He knew he didn't mean what he said - Cordy looked beautiful, as always.

"Don't pay any attention to her, Xan. You look....awesome." Willow whispered, giving him a wink.

Xander's smile grew at Willow's words of praise and for a moment he forgot about who he was trying to impress until he saw Angel standing behind Buffy.

"Hey, Angel."

"Xander." Angel was nodding in approval as he smiled at the boy. He knew as soon as Spike saw Xander in this outfit he would give up the internal battle and concede defeat. Angel hoped the two of them got a clue soon - he had watched them dance around each other for a week, knowing they had fallen fast and hard for one another. Angel wasn't really that surprised - the two of them were a lot alike whether they knew it or not.

"So did you...are you here alone?" Xander grabbed a glass of punch, trying to look nonchalant while inside he was a mess. He watched Angel's expression turn from approval to discomfort and his stomach dropped. He had gotten dressed up for nothing. Spike wasn't here. Xander's happiness disappeared and he didn't think he could get more depressed about that thought until he saw Angel's eyes shift towards the dance floor and heard Cordelia's words.

"No, he came with the blonde boytoy formerly known as Spike. He's over there dancing with Ms. Slut-o-Rama."

Xander's gaze flew in the direction Cordelia was pointing and he immediately found Spike...the person he was so hoping to impress...dancing *was that what they were doing* with Faith. Now it was his turn to stare, open-mouthed as he watched the two of them grinding against one another. Xander halfway listened to the conversation going on around him while he tried to catch his breath. He felt like someone had punched him in the stomach or torn his heart out. Xander tried to look away so he could get his emotions under control, but it was like staring at a train wreck. *Yep, there it was. The twisted, mangled heap that was once his heart*.

"I think she's flirting with Spike because I have Angel. She's always asking me what it's like to be with a vampire." Buffy told them.

"Who are you kidding, Buffy? Spike is sexy and you know it." Cordelia told her before glancing at Angel. "If all vampires were as good looking as Angel and Spike, I wouldn't mind being turned."

"Faith can have Spike for all I care, but Angel's mine." Buffy put a possessive arm around Angel's waist and he automatically hugged her close, his eyes on Xander. Angel had never felt so sorry for anyone in his life. The boy looked as if his entire existence had come to an end. Angel's mind raced, thoughts of how to make this better turning in his head. Before he could do or say anything Xander's cup of punch fell to the floor, the liquid splattering the boy's clothes. He turned to see what Xander was looking at and saw Faith and Spike kissing. *Damn it, Spike, what are you doing? You know it's not her you want.*

"Oh, no. Xander you got red punch on your clothes. That will never come out." Willow jumped up, grabbing some napkins before trying to dab at the stains on his shirt.

"Yes, Xander proved my point. The clothing does not the man make. Cool clothes but still a geek." Cordelia said, getting a dirty look from Buffy.

"Don't worry, Xan. I'm sure my mom can get it out. She's a wiz at that type of thing, although I think the pants are ruined. Bring the sweater to my house tomorrow and mom will salvage it, scout's honor."

"Xander, are you okay?" Now it was Willow's turn to wave her hand in front of her best friend's face. Xander had been watching Faith lead Spike to the corner of the room and he could see enough to know that they were getting ready to have sex right here in the Bronze. He caught Willow's hand, trying his best to smile through the pain. Tears filled his eyes and he began to mutter excuses to his friends as he backed away towards the door. *Gotta get the fuck outta here before I die from the pain*.

"I...uh...I better...go home now." Willow and Buffy started to protest but Xander put his hand up. "I'll try to...I have to.." he gestured towards his clothes, "maybe, I can get back before midnight."

"Xander, wait---" Angel wanted to stop the boy but knew it would draw too much unwanted attention if he tried to. No one else in the group knew how much time Xander and Spike had been spending together - not even Buffy, who came to the mansion every day to see Angel.

"It's alright, Angel...see, I stole dad's keys while he was pas....passing by."

"Won't he be angry with you, Xander?" Angel asked worriedly.

"Nah. He'll never even know I was a mouse." Xander waved at them before making a beeline for the exit.

"Wow, I've never seen Xander care so much about his clothes before." Buffy turned to face Angel and saw him staring at Faith and Spike.

"I don't think it was the clothes." Angel muttered. Buffy put two and two together and came up with five, thinking that her friend had a crush on Faith. Anger built inside her as she thought of all the times the dark haired slayer had flirted with Xander. Faith had led Xander on, making him think she liked him. Xander had gotten dressed up to impress Faith only to have him find her macking on Spike.

"Angel, let's put a stop to this now. Faith has gone too far this time." Angel followed his girlfriend, knowing Buffy had misunderstood the situation. It wasn't Faith who had gone too far this time, it was Spike. Spike's desperate attempt to make himself forget Xander may have cost him the one person Angel knew Spike really didn't want to lose.

Part Nine

Xander leaned against the wall of the Bronze trying to get control over his emotions, trying to come to terms with the fact that Spike and Faith had been doing....that, and most of all trying to come to terms with the fact that Spike didn't like him... not the way he wanted him too, anyway. Tears started to slide down Xander's cheeks and he wiped them away. He was angry that he had set himself up for heartbreak yet again.

"Why do you do this to yourself? Why do you fall for the ones you know you'll never get. Spike's so far out of your league, he could be in another galaxy. Just because he was nice to you, just because we had fun together that doesn't mean he wants anything more than friendship. Spike tried to tell me he hated humans but did I listen? Hell, no. Stupid, stupid, stupid" Xander slapped his hand against his forehead with each stupid, knowing his head was telling him the truth but it didn't seem to dull the ache in his heart.

Xander's mind was going a mile a minute, thinking about all the good times he and Spike had had over the last week and a half. Never once had Spike tried to be anything more than a friend. He had never showed any type of love for Xander. Spike had made no excuses for his feelings about normal human beings. He often called them 'happy meals on legs', but wasn't Faith a human too? Xander snorted as he thought about that one. No, Faith wasn't a useless nobody like him. She was a powerful slayer, she had the super strength like Spike not to mention the same kind of sexiness that exuded from the vampire. They were two of a kind and he was just a big-mouthed boy trying to dress the part. Xander glanced down at his clothes and shook his head in defeat. No way he could compete with Faith.

Xander stood quietly for a moment, pondering his choices. He could go home, change his clothes and return; he could go home, get out of these ridiculous clothes and feel sorry for himself or he could turn around and go back inside while he tried to regain some form of dignity. Xander knew that Angel had noticed his reaction to Spike and Faith being together and was probably telling Spike right now. Spike would more than likely be defensive, saying that Xander had no right to be jealous. Maybe he would even laugh outright at the very idea of Xander thinking there could be more than friendship between the two of them and he would be right. They had only been civil to each other for less than two weeks - before that their relationship was killer and victim. Xander had no claims on him, yet here he was acting like a jilted lover.

With that last thought Xander's decision was made. Squaring his shoulders and holding his head up, Xander marched back into the Bronze. It was time to quit moping around about losing something he had never truly had and start acting like a man. He would have fun with his friends and try to ignore the heartbreak that wouldn't seem to go away no matter what his brain was telling him. He could do this - he was the master at hiding his feelings. He had plenty of years of practice.

Xander scanned the crowd, finding his friends sitting in the corner at their usual couch. As he walked towards them he was stopped by two very attractive girls. One was petite and blonde like Buffy, the other was a busty, dark-haired girl who was smiling flirtatiously

"Hi, handsome. My name is Carrie. This is Marissa. Would you like to dance with us?" She ran her hand up and down his arm, trying to get his full attention. Xander was going to tell her no when he caught sight of Angel and Spike having an intense discussion a few feet away from where his friends were sitting. Spike didn't look happy and Xander guessed Angel was giving him a lecture about hurting Xander's feelings. Hurt turned to anger - if Spike didn't want him, Xander didn't want Angel making Spike feel guilty. Xander forced himself to look away, turning to the girls with a forced smile plastered on his face.

"I would love to dance with you."

"Great." Carrie took Xander's hand and led him to the dance floor. She put her hands around his neck and Xander took her into his arms as they started dancing to the music. It wasn't long before Marissa joined them, wrapping one arm around Xander's waist while her free hand wandered, traveling from his shoulders down his back and finally coming to rest on his ass. Xander smelled the alcohol on their breath and decided these girls were very drunk - why else would they be touching him like this? It wasn't like he was a gorgeous guy like Spike. Spike. Xander glanced in the direction of his friends, trying to gauge their reactions to this performance. Oz and Devon were smiling, Willow and Buffy looked worried, Faith had a surprised expression on her face and Cordelia seemed downright annoyed. He ventured a further glance towards Angel and Spike who were still engrossed in their conversation. Xander closed his eyes, letting the girls do whatever they wanted. He was going to show everyone what a good time he was having if it killed him.
"For the last time let this go, Angel," Spike warned. He was really beginning to wish he had never come back to Sunnydale. First, he had developed warm, fuzzy feelings for a certain dark haired young man, which was totally unlike a master vampire. Master vampires did not have the warm and fuzzies over humans unless they were Angel, vampire with a soul. Spike didn't have a soul and even though he knew he was quite capable of love, he was unwilling to admit to any such thing when it came to Xander Harris. Secondly, he was almost able to forget about Xander for all of three minutes before Angel told him that Xander had been here and left. That he had seen Spike and Faith dancing and making out in the corner. Spike tried to act like he wasn't bothered by that fact, but deep down inside, Spike was worried. Worried that the whelp would go out into the dark and get himself killed by some crazy demon or vampire. That boy was definitely a demon magnet - sweet, innocent blood mixed with an underlying darkness born from years of living with his parents. Spike didn't love the boy, he told himself, he was just fond of him. He didn't want Xander to get killed because he was upset about Spike and Faith.

"I can't let it go, Spike. Xander was very upset when he left tonight. What if he's not careful and something happens?" Angel's words mirrored Spike's thoughts making the younger vampire shift uncomfortably.

"If you're so concerned, why didn't you escort Xander home? You're the bloody do-gooder around here, not me. Go rescue the whelp from whatever situation he gets himself into so that you can kill two birds with one stone. You'll be able to play the hero and make Buffy proud of you at the same time. Why keep bugging me when I have someone else to do - I mean pay attention to."

"Faith is bad news, Spike. There's something about that girl I don't trust."

"That would be because she's a vampire slayer and you're a vampire. But you can hardly fault me for being attracted to a slayer seeing as how you're so wrapped up in one of your own. Besides, I'm not looking for deep everlasting love - I've tried that and it never works out. Just in it for the fun. I've killed two slayers and I think it would be fun to bed one. How many vampires could say that?"

"I know you, Spike and I'm worried okay? If you go home with Faith tonight, this won't bode well for you. It might be great while it's going on, but afterwards you're going to feel like shit."

"Oh, you're forgetting Angel. I can shag all I want without having to worry about turning into what I already am. I don't have a soul to lose. I'll still be me, only difference is I'll have gotten off hopefully many times. I bet Slayer stamina is better than their blood." Spike smirked at Angel who glared back at him, knowing the younger vampire was deliberately missing the point.

"I'm not talking about that, Spike and you know it. I'm talking about Xander. I've watched the two of you for the past week. You've been almost inseperable. You've been happier than I've seen you in a long time...a very long time. You were never that happy with Drusilla or for that matter, me. Xander brings out the best in you and you do the same for him. I never thought I would be saying something like this but I think you two are good for each other. I know there's an attraction there and I truly think it could develop into something special if both of you would quit being so stubborn and just admit it."

"Thank you for the counseling session, Dr. Angel. Are you practicing being the 'Dear Abby' of the demon world?" Spike snarked, knowing what Angel was saying was true but too stubborn to admit how afraid he was of his feelings for Xander. Happily ever after and Spike never worked out and he was tired of trying.

"All I'm saying is I think Xander was trying to connect with you tonight, so why can't you meet him halfway?"

"I don't want to get involved with someone like Xander. The boy throws himself into dangerous situations without knowing how to fight and he's going to get himself killed. Sooner probably than later. I don't need that. And what makes you think Xander was trying to get my attention? Did he say something to you?" Spike couldn't stop the hope that was beginning to build inside him. Was Xander truly willing to set himself up for a fall just to get his attention?

"He didn't have to say anything, Spike. It was the way he was dressed. I'd say it took a lot of courage for him to wear the clothes he had on and quite a bit of money that he probably doesn't have to buy them. I must say it was well worth the money and he definitely didn't have to worry about his appearance. Xander looked...he was...never mind." Angel shook the memory away, waving his arm dismissively at Spike while relishing the fact that the younger vampire was taking the bait. He started to walk away but Spike grabbed him by the arm, pulling him back with an angry jerk.

"Oh, no you don't, Peaches. You're not going to start something like that and not finish. Tell me why you think Xander dressed up just for me and why you were ogling him?"

"Hey, don't blame me for looking. Everyone was enjoying the view - Willow, Cordelia, hell even Buffy seemed to like what she saw. I would have been jealous if not for the fact that I was highly impressed myself. Dressed in a red sweater that showed off his dark hair and eyes. The sweater was as tight as the black leather pants he was wearing. No one had to imagine anything -the broadening shoulders, the muscles that were evident in his arms and legs, the curve of his was all displayed for everyone to see. There was no denying what kind of body lay underneath those clothes. If I weren't so in love with Buffy, I would have made a play for the boy myself." Angel said the words carefully, making sure Spike understood what he was saying. Knowing his childe, it wouldn't take long for Spike to get worked up over the fact that Angel was thinking about Xander like that. Angel mentally ticked the seconds down, watching Spike's face as he registered what Angel had said. Five, four, three, two....

"Keep your eyes off Xander and on your slayer," Spike growled, rising to the challenge. He had practically been drooling, picturing Xander dressed like Angel described until the thought of Angel looking at Xander like that had pissed him off.

"I couldn't help myself, Spike. That sweater was blood red and you know how leather affects me." Angel winked at Spike, getting a kick out of making the younger vampire jealous over someone he had only moments before been denying he had feelings for. *Yes, this was definitely the way to get Spike's attention while trying to drum some sense into that thick head of his.*

"I'm warning you, Angel. Friend or not you're seconds away from getting your ass kicked."

"What's wrong, Spike?" Angel tried to look innocent. "You just told me you didn't want to pursue a relationship with Xander. That makes him a free agent. Besides, Faith is waiting." Angel nodded his head towards the dark haired slayer who was standing next to Buffy. He noticed the two slayers staring intently towards the dance floor, the rest of the gang doing the same. He followed their gaze, his own eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Xander and the two pretty girls on the dance floor. *Shit. Xander was going to mess up all the progress he had worked so hard to achieve.*

Spike was ready to tell Angel off when he saw his sire's look of surprise and turned to see what was going on. He took an unneeded breath, not knowing whether it was the reaction to how Xander looked or what the girls were doing to him that had caused it. Spike's anger built degree by degree watching the two girls touch Xander's chest, abdomen and ass, and it finally came to a boil when the girl in front of Xander ran her finger up his groin. Spike's jaw clenched, his fists balled in anger, wanting nothing more than to rip the girls apart limb by bloody limb. Xander's eyes flew open and he jumped back away from the girls, shaking his head and saying something that Spike was pretty sure only he and Angel could hear above the loud music.

"Hands, hands in new places. So not interested in that kind of naughty touching." Xander turned to walk away from them, his eyes meeting Spike's. They stared intently at each other for a long time, Spike's eyes full of rage while Xander's went from hope to confusion and finally settled on an anger that matched the vampire's. Spike broke the contact, turning to face Angel.

"Yeah, I can see how devastated Xander is, how much he wants to connect with me. What were you trying to do? Make a fool out of me? Do you get off on watching me get my heart ripped out of my chest? Is that it?" Spike turned his anger on Angel.

"You know I don't, Spike. Xander does care about you, just as you care for him. Can't you see he was doing that to prove how badly he wasn't hurting?" Spike's resolve to hold onto his anger wavered for a moment before he found it again.

"Well, it's his loss. I'm not into playing these stupid headgames with anyone...not anymore. I had enough of that with you and Dru. Like I said, now it's all about the fun. Speaking of which, it's about time I had some." Before Angel could stop him, Spike headed for Faith. Angel sighed, following his childe into what he knew would more than likely be a very ugly scene. *What was it going to take to make Spike and Xander admit their love for one another?*
"What were you doing, Xander?" Buffy asked as Xander approached the gang. She was upset with her friend for doing the very same thing she had been lecturing Faith about earlier. She had a feeling Xander was trying to get the girl back for the incident with Spike earlier.


"I heard that's what they were calling it nowadays." Oz smiled at Xander, trying to break the tension which only escalated when Spike and Angel joined the group.

"No, that's what they call getting all thrusty with some slut bag hussy or in this case hussies." Spike's voice was cold, his eyes boring into Xander's as he spoke.

"Spike's right. What was that girl's shirt made of? Paint?" Cordelia added, not helping the situation. Xander didn't seem to hear her, his eyes never leaving Spike's.

"You should know, Spike. I saw you doing the same thing earlier." Xander glanced towards Faith. "Not saying that you're a hussy."

"Go ahead, Xan. It's okay. I've been called worse. If I had known you were into dirty dancing I would have had you join me and Spike. Could have been fun." Faith flirted, making Willow, Buffy, Cordelia and Spike turn their glares onto her. "What? My motto is - the more the merrier."

"Xander wouldn't do that," Willow defended her friend and Buffy nodded in agreement.

"Hey, I say he's got it so why not show it off? Those were some nice moves out there, Xander." Again, the girls glared at her, Angel joining is while Spike laughed.

"You call those moves? I've seen dying Zargot demons twitch with more rhythm than Xander."

"What's the matter, Spike? Upset because I'm getting some attention for a change?" Xander crossed his arms, staring at the vampire.

"What are you talking about, lackbrain?" Xander tensed at the name calling, his eyes snapping with anger and for a moment Spike was consumed with desire as he looked into them. *Fuck, Xander was beautiful when he was angry*.

"I'm saying, you just can't handle it. You and Angel have always been the 'special' ones. Hot little vampires with all the women chasing them. Now all of the sudden, two very pretty women are paying attention to the 'normal' guy and you can't stand that."

"The only reason those two were paying attention to you is because they were drunk. I mean, look at you." Spike motioned towards Xander's outfit. "A little boy dressing up in Big Bad's clothes. A word of advice? If you want to play at being sexy, learn what the word means first. Throwing on some leather doesn't help if you don't have the body to go with it. It doesn't make you look sexy, it makes you look stupid." Spike knew he didn't mean what he was saying. Xander did look sexy, with a capital 'S'. And that was just wrong. Spike didn't want Xander dressing sexy because when he did, others paid attention to him. Spike didn't want to have feelings for Xander but he didn't want anyone else to notice the boy either. Spike expected Xander to be hurt by his words but Xander only smiled.

"Oh, you are definitely jealous. Poor Spikey's plan didn't work so get over it before you go into a full fledged tantrum. I mean, really - what's next? You going to stomp your widdle feet and cry or are you just going to pout? You think you're the only one allowed to dance with beautiful women just to prove a point? Two can play that game and at least I stopped when it got too touchy feely." Everyone looked confused at Xander's words - everyone but the two vampires. Angel and Spike knew that Xander had figured out what Spike's problem was and now Xander was calling him on it.

Angel could barely contain his grin. He was seeing a Xander he never knew existed and he liked him. Finally, Spike had found someone who could hold their own against him. Now, if only Spike would reach out to Xander and not push the boy away. Angel became worried at that thought. Xander was laying it all on the line. If Spike pushed Xander away, would the boy break? He was brought out of his thoughts by Spike's words.

"Yeah? Well, that's because you wouldn't know what to do with her now would you? Not even if she was spread eagled, buck naked in front of you with a neon sign tied to her waist that had a flashing arrow pointing at her----" Spike's words were cut off by a fist to the jaw from Buffy.

"You're a pig, Spike." Buffy yelled, having been restrained by Xander, who had stepped between the two of them. Spike got to his feet, wiping the blood from his mouth while he smirked at the girl. Angel joined Xander, not knowing what Spike would do next.

"What's the matter, slayer? Your boy can't handle the truth?"

"It's not me who has a problem with the truth, Spike. We both know what the real problem is here, don't we? Well, if you're not man enough, or vampire enough to take the first step then I will. Don't you think I'm confused? Scared to death? Afraid of being rejected? But at least I still try. All my life the one thing I've been sure of is you can't hide from yourself. You have to put yourself out on a limb and hope for the best. I've had plenty of limbs cut out from under me lots of times but I keep climbing the tree, hoping that one day I'll find the branch that will support me. When I find the one that will hold me...I'll cling to it for the rest of my life and no storm, no wind...hell, not even a tornado will make me let go. The branch may bend but it will never break. Do you get what I'm saying?" Xander looked hopefully at Spike, waiting for the vampire's answer. He knew Spike understood him - he could see it in his eyes. Finally, Spike answered.

"I'm a vampire, Xander. Not good with wooden things...that includes trees. A branch breaks under me and I'm dust. Can't take that chance, no matter how beautiful and strong the tree is." Spike watched the emotions flicker across Xander's face. Hope and love were replaced with pain and rejection. Xander turned away from his friends, a single tear making it's way down his face before he wiped it away as he ran his fingers through his hair. When he turned back to face Spike there was a faint, fake smile on his face.

"Then we have an understanding. Glad that's taken care of." He snapped his fingers at his friends, who were still trying to figure out just what the hell was going on. "Hey, guys it's almost midnight. A new year to look forward to. We need some frosty beverages so everyone tell me what they want to drink and I'll go get them. We can toast to another year of life on the Hellmouth, complete with demons, vampires and other assorted dangers."

"Finally, something I understand." Buffy brightened, giving Xander her order before the others chimed in. As Xander started to walk away, she grabbed his arm. "No more talk of trees cause that was weird."

"No more talk of trees...I promise. From now on it's all about friendships and demony things which also includes high school, homework and Principal Snyder." The teenagers laughed as the tension left the group and they started to talk amongst themselves. No one noticed Xander's smile fade as soon as he turned and walked one except Spike and Angel, who glared at the younger vampire.

"Go ahead and say something, Peaches. I know you're busting a gut trying to hold it in." Spike steeled himself for another lecture from his sire.

"I never thought I'd see the day that William the Bloody, my favorite and strongest childe, would become a coward." Angel walked away leaving Spike to stand by himself. Spike chanced a glance at Xander, watching as the boy waited for his order. From all outward appearances, Xander looked like he didn't have a care in the world but even from across the room, Spike could smell the sadness coming off him, could see the trembling of his fingers as he took the glasses and set them on a tray and could see the slight quiver of his lips...lips that Spike longed to kiss. Spike pushed himself away from the wall he had been leaning against, deciding it was time to leave. There was no way in hell he could stay here any longer..he felt like he was being torn in two. One part of him wanted to run as far away from Sunnydale and Xander Harris as he could get, the other was urging him to go to the boy and comfort him, to take Xander in his arms and kiss away his tears, to whisper words of love and promises of being Xander's everything. But Spike knew he was damaged goods when it came to relationships...just like Xander. How could two broken halves ever hope to make a whole?

"You leaving?" Spike turned towards the voice and saw Faith smiling at him.

"Yeah, I hate these bloody holiday rituals."

"Me too. Never was much for the family thing. How about we leave and find something more interesting to do?"

"Got any ideas?" He followed Faith towards the door.

"Oh, yeah." Faith gave him a quick kiss before the door shut behind them. No one but Xander saw them go.

Part Ten

Xander didn't know how he had managed to make it through the past half hour. He didn't remember anything that was said. All he could think about was Spike's rejection and seeing the vampire leaving with Faith. Once again, Xander Harris wasn't good enough. Once again, he had picked the wrong branch...only this time, it was a long fall to the ground. Despite all his brave talk from before, Xander didn't know if he could pick himself up this time or if he even had the desire to climb the tree again. He was so tired of climbing.

Xander was brought out of his thoughts by the sounds of 'Happy New Year' being yelled, horns being blown and balloons dropping to the ground. He sat at the table watching his friends kiss their better halves, realizing how totally alone he was. He got up and headed for the door, knowing he couldn't hold it together any longer. Xander had made it halfway across the room when he was grabbed by the arm and twisted around to face....fuck, it was his dad. Double fuck. His three uncles were with him and all of them looked angry. And why was that again? Oh, yeah - he had stolen their keys.

"Hey, dad. Happy New Year."

"Shut the fuck up. Where the hell are the keys to my car, boy?" Xander was glad that the merriment around them was drowning out the sound of his father's angry voice. He didn't know if he could stand the embarrassment if any of his friends heard this confrontation.

"It's out front. Come on and I'll take you----"

"I know where the damn car is. I want the fucking keys." His father's grip tightened and Xander knew there would be a bruise there in the morning.

"You're not getting them, dad. None of you are going to be driving until you sober up."

"Anthony, I think this kid of yours needs to be reminded who the father is." Uncle Rory pointed out. Xander's father nodded in agreement, pushing Xander to the door. Once they were outside Anthony threw Xander up against the building. He backhanded Xander, knocking him to the ground.

"I want my keys, boy."

"No. N.O. Nada." Anthony kicked Xander, knocking the wind out of him.

"What the hell is nada?" Uncle Harry asked.

"Nada chance in hell." Anthony grabbed Xander and pulled him back up, putting his hands around Xander's throat.

"Don't make me choke it out of you, boy. Why do you make me do this to you? Just give me the keys and I'll leave you alone."

"Can' that...Dad. Not...with" Anthony's hands loosened and Xander took a few deep breaths of the cool air. Before he knew what was happening, he was back on the ground, his uncles and his father holding him down as they went through his pockets. His father held the keys triumphantly in the air before looking back down at his son.

"Why did you take them, boy?" Xander searched his dad's eyes, trying to see the man he used to be before alcoholism overtook him.

"Because for some ungodly reason, I love you. I don't want you driving while you're drunk. I don't want you to die and I don't want you killing someone else either. Can't you understand that, Dad? I. Love. You." Xander stressed the words, hoping his father would comprehend what he was saying.

"Only idiots believe in love." Anthony dug his knee into Xander's leg, making the boy yelp in pain. "Now I'm going to have to teach you a lesson about stealing."

"Looks like you're the one who needs a lesson." Anthony's fist was stopped in mid-swing, making him look up at the dark haired man who was holding him.

"I don't know who you are but you need to keep your hands to yourself and your nose out of our family business."

"Don't think I can do that. Xander is part of my family and no one hurts me or mine." Angel's glare darkened as Anthony began to laugh.

"Dad, please get up. He'll kick your ass if you don't." Xander tried to warn his father but he wasn't listening.

"You think you can take me?" He dug his knee further into Xander's leg making the boy moan.

"I know I can...just as surely as I know I can snap your neck in two seconds." One punch sent Anthony flying across the sidewalk where he landed with a loud thud. Harry ran to assist Anthony while John and Richard attacked Angel. They managed two steps before they joined Xander's dad on the sidewalk.

"Who are you?" Anthony sat up, rubbing his jaw. Angel had bent down to check Xander's leg, pausing long enough to answer.

"Your worst nightmare. You ever, ever touch this boy again and I'll kill you." He showed them his demon face and all four men scrambled backwards, trying to get to their feet. "Do we have an understanding?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure." The scared men ran for the car, jumping in and peeling off. Xander watched the car weave down the road and tears filled his eyes.

"Fuck. He's going to kill himself or someone else some day. Why won't he listen to me?"

Because he's an alcoholic. He won't listen to anyone until he decides to get help on his own. Now let me check this leg out." Angel gave Xander's leg a gentle squeeze and Xander moaned again.

"Son of a bitch. Not you, Xander. I was talking about your dad."

"Good call." Angel helped Xander sit up, giving his hand a squeeze.

"I don't think it's broken but you'll probably have a nasty bruise in the morning."

"It'll match the one on my face." Angel touched Xander's swollen left cheek, noticing the flush of embarrassment. "Tell me the others don't know about this."

"They don't. I saw what was happening and made an excuse to leave. I didn't think you wanted them to know." They sat in silence for a moment. "Why don't you tell them, Xander? I'm sure Giles would let you stay with him. And there's the mansion. I've told you before you could stay with me."

"I don't want my friends worrying about me. They have enough on their plates just surviving on this Hellmouth. As for your place, I appreciate the offer but I don't think Spike wants me there." Xander raised his good leg up, resting his head on the arm he slung over the long limb. "Fuck, Angel - I blew it. Spike and I were becoming friends and that was nice but I couldn't leave it alone. No, I had to want more, I had to push him...right into Faith's arms."

"So that's where Spike went?" Xander nodded and Angel mentally cursed his wayward childe. He put a hand on Xander's shoulder. "Xander, I know Spike. He didn't mean the things he said. He's confused about his feelings for you and he's scared of being hurt again. Give him time and----"

"No. I made a fool of myself tonight, Spike gave me his answer and contrary to what everyone thinks I'm not stupid. It's all been said and done." Xander raised his head and Angel saw the bitter tears forming in his eyes. "So he's confused? Well guess what? I am too. I'm a 17 year old who's never had sex with anyone before, who's always considered himself straight, who's always thought he hated vampires and within a week of being around Spike my whole life has changed. I'm questioning myself about everything....I'm falling in love with a male vampire who has tried to kill me and my friends several times. And scared of being hurt again? Spike doesn't have a monopoly on being the only person in the world that has relationship problems. I'm a screw-up when it comes to romantic issues, too. Who better to understand than me?"

"Not to belittle your love life, Xander, but we're talking about 100 years of being with only two people. I left Spike alone and went off with Darla and Drusilla left him for a Chaos demon."

"Come on, Angel. I know you two were the ones that he was in love with, but you can't tell me Spike wasn't involved with other people in all that time." Angel smiled.

"He's a vampire, Xander. Of course he's bedded several men and women both."

"See? He's experienced. I'm not, and how scary is that? You don't think I thought about that, too? How I wouldn't be enough for him or be able to please him? God, Angel I've never been enough for anyone. I'm....I'm just a teenager with nothing special to fall back on. I've seen Drusilla and I'm looking at you right now and it's scary....comparing myself to both of you. I come up short in so many categories...strength, looks, brains."

"Drusilla was..and still is...insane."

"Okay, so maybe Drusilla's crazy, but she's still smarter than I'll ever be."

"That's not true, Xander. And there's nothing wrong with your looks."

"Pfft. Tell me another lie, Angel. Stand me up next to you and Dru and it's like comparing a prune to chocolate...or a warehouse to the Eiffel Tower....or an elephant to a deer or----"

"Stop it, Xander. You don't give yourself any credit at all, do you? You're a very special young man. You're handsome, loyal and brave to a fault. And you're the only one I know who can keep up with Spike in terms of quick wit and sarcastic remarks."

"Yet he chose Faith over me. I put my heart on the line tonight and he stomped on it. It took less than 10 minutes after that for him to leave with her and we both know they didn't go out for tea and crumpets." Xander stood up and wiped his clothes off. "I can't believe I actually thought that dressing like this would get Spike's attention. He kept going on and on about the virtues of wearing leather and I wanted to please him. But he's right. You have to have the body to carry it off and I don't. Faith does."


"It's okay, Angel. I get it. If there's one thing I've got going for me it's knowing how to get up after I've been knocked down. I'll be alright. I'm going to put on my happy face, say good-night to my friends then go home and listen to country music. It's the music of pain, you know."

"Well, it's definitely painful to listen to that's for sure." Angel coaxed a smile from the boy, who slapped him on the arm.

"Hey! No making fun of my choice of listening material. What do you listen to? Opera?"

"Actually, yes."

"Shit, talk about painful." They walked back inside to find their friends getting ready to leave. Buffy hurried over to them, giving Angel a kiss before taking in Xander's appearance.

"Where have you guys been and what the hell happened to your face, Xander." She reached out and gently touched his bruising cheek. Angel jumped in with an explanation.

"Vampires. We took care of them." Xander gave him a grateful look as Buffy began to lecture him.

"Why didn't you tell me? That's my job, not yours. You could have been hurt...worse, Xander."

"Nah. Angel had my back." Buffy stared at him for a moment, a small smile playing along her pretty face.

"I never thought I'd hear you say that...and with such enthusiasm too."

"Angel's cool. I get that now. I've even made a New Year's resolution not to call him Deadboy anymore."

"Let's not get crazy, Xander. I have to admit that I liked having a nickname even if it was Deadboy. It made me feel like part of the group." Buffy and Xander both seemed surprised. "What? Xander calls you Buffster or Buff, Willow is Will, Giles is G-man, Cordelia is Queen C or Cordy---"

"We get your point, Angel. Maybe I'll just come up with something nicer." Xander smiled at the vampire, turning to face his friends. "Since we've already welcomed the New Year, I think it's time for me to go home." Xander hugged the girls while Angel stood nearby, a worried look on his face.

"Yeah, we're a little tired and the party's breaking up anyway. I was coming to find you guys when you came in."

"Do you need me to walk any of you home?" Angel asked.

"Nope, got that covered." Buffy proudly pulled a set of car keys out of her pocket and waved them in the vampire's face. "Mom decided to let me try driving again, Devon is taking Cordy home, Oz has his van so he's taking Willow, Giles and Olivia have already gone home and Xander has his dad's car so we're all good." Buffy stopped when she saw the glance between the two men in front of her. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing. Just...well, my dad came by earlier and requisitioned his car so I'm hoofing it."

"No, you're not. I'll take you home." Xander gave Buffy a doubtful look as she pushed him towards the door.

"Uh, offense but maybe Angel could walk me home."

"No. Angel promised to make a sweep of the cemetaries before heading home. Everyone else is paired up so that leaves you and me. Besides, I want to show you how good I've become at this driving thing."

"Yeah, I heard how good you are at the 'driving thing'. Willow and Oz filled me in." Buffy mock glared at them.

"That wreck was so totally not my fault. The other guy was hyped up on enchanted candy and he hit me."

"That's true," Willow nodded, although her brow was furrowed with worry. "Still, Buffy there was the part where you had the parking brake on while you were driving and you took your eyes off the road while you were changing the radio."

"You are such a little worrier, Willow. Fine, I'll let Xander fool with the radio if it will make you feel better. But no country music, Xan."

"Damn. Country music is so misunderstood."
Fifteen minutes later, Xander was beginning to understand why Willow had looked so worried, why Angel had made Buffy promise to be careful and why the vampire had insisted that both of them wear their seat belts. For someone as agile and graceful as Buffy was, she was a shit driver. Hell, she was worse than Cordy. Xander closed his eyes as they came very close to taking out Mr. Sanderson's mail box.

"I don't know why people have such a hard time trusting me to drive do you, Xander?"

"I can't imagine." Xander's voice was filled with sarcasm and Buffy reached out, slapping him playfully on the arm.

"Hands...hands on the wheel."

"Geez, Xander, would you quit being a side seat driver. You're making me nervous."

"Like I'm Joe Cool here."

"Oh, that's just because Willow made it sound like I couldn't drive. Hell, I'm the Slayer. If I can handle vampires and demons, I'm sure I can handle a piece of metal that rolls on four wheels." Buffy screeched around the corner and Xander grimaced.

"Or two."


"Two wheels back there, Buffy." Buffy was about to make a retort when her eyes grew wide with fear. Xander turned to see what was wrong and a knot formed in his stomach. A car was weaving back and forth across the road and it was coming straight at them. "Fuck. Drunk driver."

"What do I do?" Buffy's voice sounded panicked. Xander undid his seat belt and leaned towards the steering wheel.

"Pull over to the side of the road and let it pass, Buff." Buffy swerved to the right, but the car was still coming towards them.

"Xander, it's no good. They're going to hit us." No sooner had the words left her mouth when they were jostled by the impact. The other car had clipped the front of Buffy's car sending it into a tailspin. Buffy and Xander both screamed as the jeep spun around in the middle of the road, finally coming to a stop. Both of them let out a sigh of relief when they realized they were in one piece.

"Merciful Zeus."

"Maybe I shouldn't drive." Buffy looked shaken.

"It wasn't your fault, Buff. It was that damn drunk driver." Xander noticed the car had left the scene. "Make that a drunken hit and run driver."

"My mom is going to kill me."

"It'll be okay. I'll vouch for you. Now how about getting us out of the middle of the road."

"Good idea." Buffy got ready to turn the car around and head towards home when she noticed lights coming down the road. "Xan.."

Xander turned his head just in time to see the truck's lights before they were hit again, this time on the passenger side. Their car was pushed a few hundred yards into an embankment, coming to rest at an odd angle. Buffy and Xander never knew where it stopped, both of them unconscious. The driver of the truck jumped out of his vehicle, grabbing his cell phone and dialing 911.

"Hello? I need help. There was a car sitting in the middle of the road and I couldn't stop. I hit it and it went into an embankment."

//Was anyone hurt?// The man looked inside the car and saw the two unconscious teenagers. There was blood everywhere and he was afraid he had killed them.

"Fuck, yes. Two kids...teenagers. We need an ambulance now."

//Try to stay calm sir. We'll have assistance to you within minutes. Just don't touch them...we don't know what kind of injuries they may have sustained. Tell me where you are.// The man gave them directions then hung up to wait on the ambulances. He hoped they got here soon. The driver wasn't moving but the man was more worried about the young man in front. His side of the car had taken the full force of the blow. He paced nervously back and forth, praying that neither one of them was dead.
The ambulances arrived within minutes. They managed to get Buffy out but were having a hard time extracting Xander from the car. The whole right side of the vehicle was a twisted, mangled heap and they didn't want to try and move the kid by taking him out the driver's side. They were pretty sure there was internal damage and they didn't want to make it worse. They got out the jaws of life and started working on freeing the boy just as a van pulled up alongside the police cars. They saw a red haired girl and a young boy jumping out and went to restrain them before they could get to the car.

"I'm sorry kids, this is as far as you can go."

"But my friends were in that jeep." Willow was hysterical, her worst fears being imagined. She had nagged Oz into taking this route to ensure that both her friends had gotten home safe, afraid of what might happen.

"So you know these two?" Willow nodded. "Good. We wanted to call their families but the girl didn't have an i.d. on her and we haven't been able to get the boy out yet."

"Oh, God." Willow's attention was on the big machinery that was being used to get Xander out of the car. She flinched when she heard the sound of crunching metal that was so close to her friend's body. "Are they going to be alright?"

"The girl has been transported to the hospital. Head trauma." The policeman layed a sympathetic hand on the young girl's face. She looked like she was going to be sick and her friend didn't look much better. "Ma'am? I'm sorry about your friends, but I need to know who they are so we can notify their next of kin."

"The girl is Buffy Summers. Her mom is probably home. The boy is Xander Harris. I...I don't think his parents will be home and if they are they're probably too drunk to come to the phone or answer the door."

"Is there anyone else we can call?" The policeman pulled out a cell phone and Willow extended her hand.

"Can I make the calls, please? I think the news would be better coming from me." The policeman looked at her a moment before handing over the phone. Willow began dialling numbers, first calling Buffy's mom and then Giles. Both assured her they were on the way to the hospital. Willow started to give the phone back to the policeman when she remembered she hadn't called Angel. It was still dark and there was a possibility he could make it to the hospital before sunrise. She punched in the numbers, hoping he would be back from patrol. After the third ring she heard Angel's voice on the other end.


"Angel, it's Willow. Something terrible has happened. Buffy had a wreck....she's been taken to the hospital and I don't know how she's doing. All they told me was there was head trauma. Mrs. Summers and Giles are on their way. And...and Oz and I are here at the scene. Xander is still trapped in the car and...oh, wait they're getting him out now. Oh, God...." Willow's voice choked when she saw the amount of blood on the boy and the way his body hung limply as they lifted him onto a stretcher.

//"Willow...Willow are you still there?"// Angel's voice was almost hysterical. Willow numbly handed the phone to Oz, watching the paramedics working on Xander, yelling something about a lot of lost blood, low blood pressure, etc.

"Angel, it's Oz. Look, you need to get to the hospital now. We didn't see Buffy, but Christ Angel, Xander looks...."

//I'm on my way.// Oz hung up the phone, passing it to the policeman before taking his sobbing girlfriend into his arms. "Don't worry. Buffy and Xander have gone up against some really bad demons and they're still alive. A wreck won't stop those two." Oz tried to make his voice sound calm, but inside he was terrified that one or both of their friends were going to die.

Back at the mansion Angel was throwing on some clothes. He was terrified that he was going to lose Buffy and was worried about Xander as well. Xander. Shit, he needed to call Spike. He grabbed the phone book and looked up the number of the motel where Faith was staying. After a few minutes, he was connected to Faith's room, hoping and praying that Spike hadn't left yet.
Spike sat on the side of the bed, his hands in his head as he listened to the shower running in the other room. He couldn't believe he had been so stupid. Yeah, the sex had been good but just as Angel had predicted...he now felt like shit. There had been no warmth, no tenderness just two people going at it. Spike had found out that slayers really did have stamina in that department but still he felt unfulfilled. This wasn't what he wanted and he wished for the umpteenth time that he had never come here. Faith had been pissed off when she had tried to initiate more sex only to have Spike tell her to 'Sod off'. He pulled on his clothes, not relishing another argument with the dark haired slayer. But he knew that was the least of his problems. How could he face Xander after this?

The door to the bathroom opened and he looked up to see a near naked Faith making her way towards him. He put up his hands, backing away while shaking his head. The girl's face went from teasing to anger.

"So what's the problem? You think I want some kind of commitment or something?"


"Good, cause you wouldn't get any. Sure it was good and I see why Buffy likes vampires...lots of stamina, but I'm just in it for the sex. I wanted to see what it was like to boink the undead."

Her words made Spike feel sick. He had let himself be used yet again. Used when he could have been with Xander...someone who had wanted nothing more than to be with him. Spike remembered how Xander had reached out to him, remembered the sadness, hurt and humiliation when Spike had told him no. He wondered what Xander had done when he found Spike and Faith gone. The boy was anything but stupid. Spike knew Xander would know exactly what they had done and he felt ashamed for the first time in a very, very long time. Tears filled his eyes at the thought of his boy being hurt because of his stupidity. *His boy. When had Xander suddenly become 'his boy'?* Faith noticed the tears forming in Spike's eyes and laughed.

"Come on, Spike. If you're that upset about what I said, I can try to make it up to you. Let's have another go." Spike's head snapped up at her words and he gave her a disgusted look. These tears weren't for her, they were for Xander.

"I told you before...Sod.Off. And don't flatter yourself. I'm not upset about you. I used you just as much as you used me. You wanted to fuck a vampire...I wanted to fuck a slayer. Nothing more to it." Faith's eyes filled with anger.

"Then get the hell out of my room."

"More than happy to oblige." Spike snatched his boots from beside the bed, starting to put them on as the phone rang. Faith cursed, giving Spike a final glare before answering the phone.

"Yeah, what's up?"

//"Faith, it's Angel. Is Spike there?"//

"Unfortunately, yes, but he was just leaving."

//"I need to talk to him. It's important. Can you put him on?"// Angel's voice was filled with worry and Faith thought she heard his voice crack, as if he were getting ready to cry.

"Angel, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Spike's hands stopped when he heard who was on the phone and Faith's words.

//"Faith, I haven't got much time. Let me talk to Spike."//

"Whatever." Faith held the phone out to Spike. "It's Angel and he's demanding to talk to you. Says it's important." Spike took the receiver and tried to stay calm, but there was a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"What do you want, Angel? I'm kinda busy." Faith snorted at those words and Spike turned his back on the girl as she dressed.

//"Well, get unbusy. I just got a call from Willow and...."//

"I told you I'm not a white hat. If there's an apocolypse coming---."

//"Spike, shut up and listen. Buffy had a wreck going home from the party. From what Willow and Oz told me it was pretty fucking bad."//

"I'm sorry about that, mate. You want me to come and keep you company while you wait?"

//Damnit, Spike. Listen to me. Xander was with her."// Spike's hands went numb and he almost dropped the phone. Xander was with her. The wreck was bad and Xander was with her. All of Spike's fears came back to him. He was going to lose Xander. Going to lose the boy before he could tell him that he was sorry, that he was just a coward who didn't want to admit how much he cared about Xander. //"Spike...Spike are you there? Answer me."//

"I'm here. I'll be there as soon as I can. he going to die?" There was a long pause on the other end of the phone before Angel answered.

//"I don't know, Spike. I wish I could tell you he wasn't, but it was bad. The workers had only managed to get Xander out of the car while I was talking to Willow."//

"I'm leaving now." Spike threw the phone on the bed, not saying a word to Faith as he ran out the door and into the night, begging anyone who would listen to give him one more chance...just one more chance.

Part Eleven

Spike raced into the emergency room, practically knocking everyone to the ground on his way to the desk. The receptionist glanced up from her work as Spike approached.

"Can I help---"

"Harris....Summers...where are they?" The woman typed in a name and shook her head.

"I don't see a Harris Summers listed. Was that Summer Harris?"

"No, you daft bint! I said where are in plural. XANDER HARRIS and BUFFY SUMMERS. Where. Are. They?"

"Sir, I know you're upset but if you don't keep your voice down----"

"Of course I'm bloody fucking upset. They were in a car wreck...they could be..." Spike couldn't say the word. He felt a hand on his shoulder, turning to face the offender, a deep growl rumbling in his throat.

"Spike, calm down. And watch that." Angel motioned towards Spike's face, noticing the vampire's features shifting in and out of demon form. "You won't be any good to Xander if you get yourself thrown out of here."

Spike concentrated on getting his emotions under control but it took him several minutes and a lot of Angel's calming influence to achieve success. Finally, after taking one last unneeded breath Spike asked the question he was dreading hearing the answer to.

"Is Xander dead?" Angel pulled him into a hug, feeling empathy for his childe. He knew exactly what Spike was going through. He had been panicky since Willow's call. The thought of losing Buffy was almost too much to bear. "He's not dead. Come on, we're over here." Angel led him down the hallway where Willow, Oz, Cordelia, Giles and Joyce were standing, trying to catch a glimpse of their loved ones as the doctors worked on them.

"How are they doing?" Spike strained to see Xander, but there were too many doctors surrounding him.

"The doctor said Buffy had three bad cuts, her left leg, left hand and a gash on her forehead. Her left arm was sprained, her nose was broken and from what the doctors could tell she's suffered a concussion. They're taking her down for a CAT scan to make sure there's no brain damage but we won't know how bad it is until she wakes up." Joyce told him. The door opened and Buffy was rolled out. Her skin was paler than usual but she was awake. Dark circles were evident under her eyes and Spike saw the pain in them but she forced a smile when Joyce leaned down to kiss her on the cheek.

"Mom's here. Everything is going to be okay." She stepped back to allow Angel a moment with Buffy. Buffy held Angel's hand as she surveyed the group, tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry you guys."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Buffy." Giles placed his hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Yes, yes I do. I...I panicked. I saw that car coming at us and I didn't know what to do. I've never felt so helpless in my entire life. Those other lights were coming at us and I froze. What if Xander dies because I froze?" The tears started to flow at the thought of one of her best friends dying because of her.

"Buffy, don't think like that. The accident wasn't your fault and Xander isn't going to die." Angel reassured her.

"I'm sorry, but we really have to get Buffy to x-ray. The scan shouldn't take long. If you'd like to follow us you can wait---" Buffy didn't let the doctor finish, looking at her mother with pleading eyes.

"Mom, I'm going to be fine. Please...stay here with Xander until he wakes up." Joyce turned to the doctor.

"You're absolutely sure my daughter is going to be alright?"

"Until we see the results of the scan I can't be certain. However, it's my opinion that your daughter will be just fine. She has a strong constitution and amazingly enough, she's already looking much better." Spike shuddered. If Buffy had looked worse than this, what did Xander look like. After all, she was the slayer and slayers were like vampires, fast healers. Xander was a normal, there was nothing normal about the boy. He was extraordinary, Spike told himself. Xander was a fighter who had survived countless battles against Angelus, himself and the Hellmouth. He would be okay, he would be okay, had to be okay. The words kept running through his mind until he heard Joyce's reply.

"I'll stay with him, baby. As soon as we hear anything, we'll let you know." Joyce gave her daughter another kiss before the orderlies took her away. She turned back towards the door, a small sigh escaping her lips. "I can't believe Xander's parents aren't here yet. What kind of parents leave their son alone at a time like this?" The rest of the group shifted uncomfortably, each of them knowing in varying degrees just what kind of parents Xander had. They were saved from answering Joyce's question when one of the doctors made his way to the door. He stepped outside and Spike turned to catch a glimpse of Xander. If his heart had been beating, he would have had a heart attack.

Xander was strapped onto a board, every part of his body being held immobile. There was a tube in his nose, several iv's in his arms giving him fluids and blood, and his left eye and cheek were bruised. He had a large bruise on his forehead and there was blood matted in his dark hair. His torn and bloody clothes lay in a heap on the floor, his body covered with the clean, white hospital sheets which only made Xander look paler than Spike.

"I'm Dr. Stone. Are Mr. and Mrs. Harris here yet?"

"No. I called them as soon as I got word but they're not here yet."

"I'm Rupert Giles, doctor." Giles stepped forward to shake the doctor's hand. "I believe I'm listed as the emergency contact if his parents can't be reached." Dr. Stone opened the thick file in his hands and looked at the top sheet. Spike stared at the file, wondering how many times Xander had been here because of his parents and how many times it had been demons. Not much difference, if you asked him.

"Ah, yes there it is. Well, I guess I can tell you how Xander is doing."

"Is he going to be alright?" Giles looked weary and there were circles under his eyes. For a man who had never wanted children, he was surprised to find he now had five. The young people in the Scooby gang had found their way into his heart. Giles would never admit his feelings to the teenagers but he loved them as much as any father could love their own children---especially Buffy, Willow and Xander.

"Amazingly well, considering how bad the wreck was and how long it took to get Xander out of the car. I was afraid there would be life-threatening injuries but for once I'm happy to be proven wrong. He'll have to stay in the hospital for a few days so we can monitor him carefully, but I'm positive he'll make a full recovery." Everyone hugged, glad that both Buffy and Xander were going to be alright. Angel turned to see Spike's reaction but the younger vampire was concentrating on Xander. By the look on his face, he didn't agree with the doctor.

"What exactly are Xander's injuries?" Angel asked.

"He has a cerebral contusion, several lacerations that had to be sutured including one on the back of his head, bruising of the abdominal wall along with various organs and I'm sure he'll be very sore when he wakes up. I know that these injuries sound serious, but with careful monitoring there should be no complications and he'll be fine."

"Not with a doctor like you. Shift your arse." Spike shoved the man out of the way and strode purposefully into the room. If these idiots weren't going to help Xander, he would. Spike continued pushing his way through the nurses and orderlies, ignoring their protests. He bent forward, gently placing his ear against Xander's left abdomen. *Yes, there it was*. He heard raised voices and looked up in time to see Angel blocking the doctor's path.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Get out of my way or I'm calling security."

"Angel, what's going on?" Giles asked.

"Spike, you're going to get us thrown out of the hospital," Willow called out, upset at the thought of not being able to stay with her friends.

One of the orderlies grabbed Spike's shoulder, intent on removing the man from the room. Instead, he found himself flying across the room, hitting the wall before sliding down it in an unconscious heap. Spike growled, turning towards the others. "Anyone else feel like taking a nap?" The other orderly thought about it for a moment before vetoing the idea when he encountered Angel's broad form standing in front of him.

"I wouldn't try it," Angel advised, a cold smile on his face. "If you were lucky enough to get past me you'd still have to face Spike and he's upset at the moment." Angel directed his gaze at the unconscious man before turning back to the other. "That was only a warning tap...he hasn't gotten to the thoroughly pissed off, rip your throat out stage yet."

"Angel, get over here." Spike's tone was urgent, his blue eyes filled with fear. Angel wasted no time joining him at Xander's bedside. "Check Xander out and tell me what you think." It took only a few seconds for Angel to understand the cause of Spike's distress. Blood pooling inside where it shouldn't be, rapid breathing, weak pulse.

"I hear it. All of it." Spike faced the doctor.

"There's too much blood in Xander's abdomen. One or more of his organs is bleedin'." Dr. Stone was clearly offended by Spike's diagnosis.

"I ran a nasogastric tube to decompress Xander's stomach and there was a little blood there, but it's nothing life threatening if we keep a close watch on him. I'm sure the injured organs will heal by themselves with a few days bed rest. There was no bruising on the abdomen, no fractured ribs and very little blood in his urine."

"Did you bother to notice that Xander's heartbeat is off, his pulse is weak and he looks pale?"

"That's from the loss of blood due to his lacerations."

"There's blood from the lacerations but not enough to cause Xander's vitals to go crazy." Angel told him.

"Xander's skin is cool and moist. I'd say he's in danger of going into shock." Spike glared at the doctor, all the while rubbing his hand along Xander's arm. He didn't know if he was doing it to comfort the boy or to keep himself from killing the doctor. "And you're in danger of losing your life if that happens." Dr. Stone backed away from Spike, fear evident in his eyes.

"Are you on drugs?" Spike was shocked when Giles entered the room to stand beside him.

"I want another doctor in here immediately. If something happens to Xander while you're being arrogant and prattling on, I'll be inclined to help Spike carry out his threat. Xander means a great deal to all of us and we're not going to lose him because of your imcompetency."

"How would they know---"

"Trust us." If there was one thing Angel and Spike knew, it was the human body. Angelus had learned long ago how much the human body could take before it would break. He knew how to find and cause injuries, how painful each injury would be to his victim. He had taught Spike well and he trusted himself and his childe with Xander's life.

"Not good enough. You're not a doctor so there's no way you could know what is wrong with MY patient. Statistics show that---"

"Xander isn't one of your statistics, doc, and I don't give a flying fuck about them. What I do care about is my boy and the fact that you're letting him bleed to death because you won't take your head out of your soddin' arse long enough to listen to us."

"Everyone thinks they're doctors." Dr. Stone rolled his eyes, making both Spike and Angel growl with frustration. Before Spike could make a move, Angel pushed the doctor against the wall. The orderly and nurses ran to get help while Angel let his face change into his vampiric form. The doctor would have screamed if Angel hadn't placed his hand over his mouth. He leaned down until his face was directly in front of the doctor.

"I'm beginning to feel unheard and if there's one thing I can't stand it's people not listening to me. Tends to make me cranky." Spike stepped up, also showing the doctor that he was a vampire. "Believe me when I tell you Spike and I have ripped out more internal organs than you'll ever surgically remove in a lifetime. I think that qualifies us enough to know these things, don't you? " The doctor nodded. "Good. We have an understanding, then?" Again the doctor nodded. "Xander doesn't have time for you to waste. We want another doctor right now."

"You can let go of my colleague." Angel looked up to see another doctor enter the room. He quickly changed back to his human visage but it was too late. The doctor smiled at the two vampires before making his way to Xander's bed. "No need to try to hide what you are. Unlike the rest of the Sunnydale population, I know what's out there. I've seen enough neck abrasions, anemia and deaths caused by lack of blood to figure out what's going on. Well, that and the fact that I was nearly killed by a vampire myself."

"And you're not afraid of them?" Giles asked, pointing at Spike and Angel. The doctor shook his head.

"If these two are this concerned about a young man I am fairly certain is 100% human, then I don't feel I'm in danger, however, Dr. Stone might be feeling quite differently. My name is Dr. Moreheart...I'm the chief surgeon here." He held his hand out, demanding the files from Dr. Stone. The man quickly handed them over before trying to leave the room but found himself stopped by Spike.

"If anything happens to Xander because of your stupidity don't even think of running. I'll track you to the ends of the earth if that's what it takes and when I find you, I'll make you scream in agony before I rip your still beating heart out of your chest." Dr. Stone went for the door but was once again stopped, this time by Dr. Moreheart.

"Do not leave this room, Dr. Stone." The other doctor put the files down and started examining Xander. He gently tapped on Xander's abdomen and shoulder, causing the boy to moan. Spike ran to his bedside, taking Xander's hand while the doctor continued to examine him. Xander moaned again, but never woke up and there was anger on the doctor's face when he looked at the other doctor.

"This young man has hypotension and rigid guarding on the left side. I saw where you ordered a CT scan but why didn't you perform a DPL?"

"As I told these....them," Dr. Stone pointed at Spike and Angel, "there were no bruises, no fractures and I didn't think the bleeding was---"

"That's your problem, Dr. Stone. You didn't think. I don't know where you got your medical license, but I'm going to make sure you never treat another patient at this hospital. Now get the hell out of my sight." Dr. Stone nodded and left the room. Dr. Moreheart pushed a button on the wall, speaking into it with clipped precision. "I need a nurse in ER Room 2 stat. Tell her to bring a lavage kit." Before any of the gang could ask the doctor any questions a nurse came into the room carrying the kit. As she set it up, Dr. Moreheart turned to the others. "You might want to leave the room while I do this."

"I'm not going anywhere," Spike stated as everyone except Angel filed out of the room. He was still holding Xander's hand and he had a stubborn look on his face which was quickly replaced with a surprised one when Dr. Moreheart laughed.

"That's alright. I don't think the sight of blood will make you sick." Spike and Angel watched as Dr. Moreheart made an incision into Xander's abdomen. He threaded a catheter into the cut while the nurse attached a bag at the other end. "I'm going to put some saline into Xander's abdomen, see if we can find any evidence of the blood we all suspect is leaking into it." When the doctor pulled the catheter out there was definitely blood in the bag. "Shit. Nurse, I'll suture the patient. Get some orderlies in here to take Alexander down to surgery and make sure you call ahead for an operating room. Tell them I need one now.

"Yes, Dr. Moreheart." The nurse ran out of the room, causing the Scoobies to enter in much the same fashion.

"What is it, Doctor" Giles asked, concern evident in his voice.

"There is definitely some internal injuries...Alexander has a damaged spleen along with possible injuries to the liver and surrounding organs. He should have been in the operating room by now." Dr. Moreheart stared at Giles. "Are you the father of this boy?"

"Well, not technically, but I've been authorized to make any decisions when it comes to Xander's health."

"Very good. Then you'll need to sign these consent forms so I can operate. We need to get inside and determine how bad the spleen was injured and whether there is bleeding from any of the surrounding organs. Hopefully, Dr. Stone's incompetency won't cause any complications."

"Such as?" Giles asked, handing the papers back.

"Let's cross that bridge when we come to it. I'll do everything humanly possible to make sure Alexander gets the best care possible. " By this time, the orderlies had arrived and were now ready to transport Xander to surgery. Spike kissed Xander on the forehead not caring who saw him.

"Gonna be alright now, pet. You have to be. So many things I need to tell you." Angel pulled Spike away from Xander so the orderlies could take him to the operating room.

"He's going to be fine, Spike. You have to believe that." Spike watched the others leave the room before turning to face Angel.

"Now do you understand why I turned Xander away? This is exactly what I was afraid of. My worst nightmare coming true." Spike was in game face, the smell of Xander's blood overwhelming him. He picked up the tray beside of the empty bed, throwing it into the wall. "Bloody humans are too damn fragile!" Another loud crash when an empty stand was hurled across the room. "I'm a vampire. I should be out hunting and killing them... instead I'm standing in a fucking hospital feeling helpless and scared witless that one of them is going to die!" Another stand hit the wall before Angel finally managed to grab Spike, holding him tight as both of them slid to the ground. Spike began to weep openly while Angel rocked him, trying to soothe Spike's senses. He could only imagine how the smell of Xander's blood was affecting Spike. Angel was having a hard time smelling Buffy's blood and he knew the one he loved was going to recover. It was a few minutes before Spike finally got some control of his emotions, but tears were still running down his face when he raised his head to meet Angel's eyes.

"Tell me something, childe. What you did tonight...rejecting Xander, leaving with Faith, having sex with her...did it make any of this easier?" Spike glared at his sire.

"You know it didn't! Are you bringing all this up so you can tell me you told me so?" Angel took Spike's head in his hands, wiping the tears from the younger vampire's cheeks.

"No. I'm answering your question. I don't understand. Xander was right when he said you couldn't run from your feelings. If you had accepted his offer of love...or whatever this is between the two of you...and he had gotten hurt, could you feel any worse than you do right now?"

"If I had told Xander I wanted him too, he wouldn't have been in the accident."

"Don't go there, Spike. I'm not trying to torture you or place blame. I'm trying to make you see that whether you're with Xander or not, you'll always worry about him because you care. Why deny yourself and Xander the happiness you could have....for whatever amount of time because you're scared? Hold onto the moments you have, cherish them and be happy while you can. One brooding, guilt-ridden vampire in our family is enough." Angel was relieved to see a small smile appear on Spike's face at those words.

"Too bloody right, mate. As soon as he's awake, I'm going to tell Xander how I feel." Spike and Angel rose, heading for the door. "I only hope I'm not too late." Angel didn't answer but mentally he was hoping the same thing.
It had been three hours before the doctor had come into the waiting room to tell Spike and the others that Xander had survived the operation, but for Spike it had been an eternity. Angel and Joyce had gone back and forth between Buffy's room and the waiting room, the slayer demanding to be kept informed about her friend. Willow, Oz, Cordelia and Giles had managed to sleep a little, but Spike had paced back and forth until he was sure the tiles on the floor were going to be worn out.

"How is he?"

"The surgery went well. There was a large tear in the spleen but I was able to repair it instead of taking it out. I also found small lacerations on the liver and pancreas that were leaking blood so I repaired them as well."

"Can we see him?" Willow asked. Dr. Moreheart shook his head.

"Xander's in recovery right now. We'll be moving him to I.C.U. in an hour or so and I'm leaving word with the staff that you can see him then... but only for brief visits." The doctor turned to Spike and Angel. "You two can come and go as you please. If you hadn't caught the bleeding in time Xander could have died from shock. As it stands he's going to have to be watched very closely for any signs of infection such as peritonitis or sepsis. After witnessing Dr. Stone's incompetence, I would feel better if Xander had one of you with him at all times. I will rest easier knowing that you can catch any changes the staff might overlook, especially concerning his pancreas. It's very rare to see pancreatic damage due to blunt force trauma."

"Don't need to worry about Xander being alone, doc. I'm not going anywhere until Xander does." Dr. Moreheart and Angel grinned at Spike while the others watched in confusion.

"I figured as much. That's why I'm having a special room set that will have a larger bed in it so that you can get some rest. However, I'm restricting any physical activity for at least two weeks, maybe longer depending on how fast and trouble free his recover is. Besides, I don't want the staff distracted or the other patients disturbed."

"Xander's worth waiting for.....what's two weeks?" Spike shook the doctor's hand. "You did good, doc. You saved my boy's life and that's something I won't forget. I'm putting out the word that if anyone or anything hurts you or your family, they will have to answer to me. You're under my protection now."

"Just doing my job. Now why don't all of you take a break? It's been a long night and as I said it will be at least an hour before Xander is out of recovery. If you'd like to visit your other friend or get something to eat feel free to do so. I've put some packets of blood in a cooler that will be placed in Xander's room if either of you get hungry." Spike and Angel thanked the doctor before informing him that they could be found in Buffy's room. She was worried about Xander and they needed to tell her what was going on. After the doctor left, the group turned to face Spike.

"What the hell was that all about? You and Xander aren't having sex are you?" Cordelia asked, making Willow's cheeks flush red with embarassment while Giles furiously polished his glasses.

"I'm guessing the tactful approach is off the menu." Oz put his arm around his blushing girlfriend.

"Pfft. Tact is way overrated. Besides, it takes too long. I want to know what's going on with Spike and Xander. Since I'm his ex-girlfriend I think I have a right to know whether he's suddenly turned gay or not."

"You just said the magic word, cheerleader. Ex-girlfriend. Past tense."

"With an emphasis on girl."

"Not telling you anything. What does or doesn't go on between Xander and me is our business. If he wants to answer your third degree when he wakes up...fine. Otherwise, sod off." Cordelia was about to reply when Giles intervened.

"Enough! Let's just be thankful that Buffy and Xander made it through this horrible ordeal."

"Haven't made it through yet, watcher." Spike was still worried about Xander. Even though he had come through the operation, there was still a possibility of infection. Spike decided right then and there that once he was allowed to see Xander he was not leaving the boy's side for any reason.

"Spike's right," Willow agreed. "Both doctors warned us about set backs. And then there's the freaking out part. Buffy's been going crazy worrying about Xander and she was so scared. She might have nightmares. Do you think there will be nightmares?"

"It's a distinct possibility. Everyone gets unnerved when they have an accident, especially one like they had." Giles agreed.

"I'm gonna have nightmares remembering how the car looked and I wasn't even in it." Willow said and Oz nodded.

"Definitely nightmare worthy."

"Still, things are better than they were last night, right?" Everyone had to agree with Willow's statement as they made their way to Buffy's room to tell her about Xander.
"I'm telling you for the last time....I didn't see the car! All I saw were the headlights swerving back and forth in the road." The gang could hear Buffy's voice all the way down the hallway and Angel hurried ahead as the others followed.

"I think it's time for you to leave. You're upsetting my daughter." Joyce said just as Angel rushed into the room. He glared at the two men before going to Buffy.

"Are you okay?" Angel took Buffy in his arms, holding her close while trying to be careful not to hurt her more than she already was. Buffy rested against his chest for a moment before turning hopeful eyes on him.

"Is there any word on Xander?"

"He made it through the surgery. He's in recovery right now...then they're going to move him to ICU."

"ICU? That's bad isn't it? Why does Xander have to go to ICU? Why can't he be in a room like mine? Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Buffy, calm down. Xander had lacerations to his spleen and liver but------"

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God." Buffy started to cry. Angel kissed her on the cheek, trying to calm her down.

"Xander's going to be fine. They repaired the internal damage and he didn't lose his spleen. They put him in ICU so they could monitor him. They want to make sure he doesn't get an infection from the surgery. It's standard procedure." Angel stared at the group, daring them to contradict him. Willow sat down next to Buffy and patted her on the shoulder.

"Buffy, do you really think I'd be here if there was anything bad going on with Xander? If I thought he was in danger, it would take a crowbar to pry me away from him." Buffy smiled, knowing Willow was telling the truth. Even though Buffy was best friends with Willow and Xander, the two of them had been inseperable since kindergarden.

"I'm so sorry, Will. Do you hate me?" Willow stared at her friend, confused by her words.

"Why would I hate you?"

"I was driving the car and you know how I---"

"Drive so carefully. Yeah, I do." Buffy saw Willow's glance at the two men, figuring out what her friend was trying to do.

"It's alright, Will. They're not blaming me for the wreck."

"Then why are you blaming yourself?"

"Because maybe...if I had done something differently...if I had been faster about getting out of the road..."

"You can't think like that, Buffy. It'll just drive you crazy second guessing yourself." Angel assured her, turning his attention towards the two men. "So what exactly are you doing here and why are you upsetting Buffy?"

"I apologize if that's what happened. We were hoping Ms. Summers or Mr. Harris could identify the hit and run driver." Spike's eyes flashed amber for a moment at those words.

"What the hell are you talkin' about, mate. What hit and run driver?"

"While all of you were waiting to see how Xander was the police came and questioned Buffy. She told them there was a car weaving on the road. She tried to dodge it, but the car clipped her jeep and spun them into the middle of the road where the truck hit them." Angel explained to Spike before questioning the police. "So you found the person who did this?"

"We found a car with a dented hood and left quarter panel sitting in a convenience store parking lot about a mile from the accident. It had black paint on it which we sent to the lab. We matched the paint taken from Ms. Summer's jeep to paint found on this car and they were a positive match. However, the owner of the car is saying that his car was stolen, so unless Ms. Summers or Mr. Harris can identify this person, we can't charge him with anything."

"Are you two fucking daft? Of course the bloke is going to make an excuse like that. Who was it?" Spike asked, intent on killing the coward. Angel read his childe's mind, rising to keep Spike from attacking the police.

"Spike, take it easy."

"Take it easy? Take it easy? Haven't you heard a word of this conversation, Angel? The coward left Xander and Buffy to die. Now he's trying to get out of what he did by telling lies. Well, it's not going to work. He's going to pay." The threat was evident....Spike was going to kill the man.

"He will, sir. If Ms. Summers can't remember anything then maybe Mr. Harris can. If not, we'll try to find a witness who can place this man driving the car at the time of the accident. As it stands, the man's wife is saying her husband was home all night. Ms. Summers, do you think it would help you remember if you took a look at him?"

"I don't know. It might." The policeman nodded, getting on his walkie talkie. "Bring the suspect to Ms. Summer's room."

Angel pulled Spike over to the corner of the room. "I want to kill this man as much as you do, but not here. We have to control our anger until the time is right. Can you do that?" Spike shrugged, not knowing if he could do what Angel asked.

"Has anyone seen Mr. or Mrs. Harris? Have they been here to check on their son?" Joyce shook her head.

"No. I called them as soon as Willow called me but they never showed up."

"I see. Did you talk to the mother, the father or both of them?"

"I talked to Jessica, Xander's mother. Why?"

"Did she mention if her husband was home at the time?"

"Not specifically but she did say they would come to the hospital as soon as they could. I don't know why they're not here yet." Everyone in the room, with the exception of Buffy and Joyce, were beginning to feel apprehensive...they were pretty sure why the detective was asking these questions. It was Spike who spoke up.

"The suspect is Xander's father isn't it?" The two policemen exchanged glances before the blonde one answered Spike's question.

"I'm afraid so." The room grew eerily quiet, each of them trying to register the fact that Xander's father had been the one to almost kill Buffy and his own son. Quiet until Tony Harris was brought into the room. After that chaos reigned, everyone rushing to separate Spike and Tony before Spike could actually kill the man.

Part Twelve

"You. Fucking. Bastard. You. Almost. Killed. Your. Own. Son!" Spike yelled, punctuating each word by slamming Tony's head onto the floor. The police tried to intervene but Angel, Giles and Oz got in their way, telling the officers they would restrain their friend. The scuffle lasted long enough for Spike to almost accomplish what he had set out to do. By the time the others managed to pull Spike off the man, Tony was gasping for breath, red fingerprints lining his throat. There was blood coloring the hair in the back of his head and he was unconscious. A doctor was called in to look after Tony while the three men guided Spike to the other side of the room, each of them taking their turn whispering words to calm Spike down.

"That was fun. Wish we could do it again." Oz gave the vampire a wink.

"Yes, I would have liked to allow you more time, Spike. Unfortunately, the very large policeman... who apparently hasn't taken a shower in quite some time...managed to pin my head underneath his arm and I couldn't breathe." Giles scrunched up his nose in disgust while fixing his glasses.

"Couldn't let you kill him, Spike. For some odd reason, Xander loves the bastard." It was Angel's words that had gotten to Spike...he knew his sire was right. He managed to calm down a little, the three men's antics with the police causing him to smile. They had purposely held the police back so he could exact some revenge on Tony. Maybe there was hope for this group after all, Spike thought, listening to them apologize to the approaching officer.

"Sorry, sir. We tried to help." Oz shrugged his shoulders, his internal voice adding "Spike" to the end of his sentence.

"Help? You call getting in our way help?

"In my defense, I can't see a thing without my glasses. I didn't know I was fighting the officer other senses kicked in." Giles defended himself.

"I should place all of you under arrest for obstruction of justice."

"You can't get Oz for obstruction of anything? He's way too short for that." Cordelia chimed in.

"Thanks, Cordy."

"Just trying to keep things in perspective." The policeman pointed at Spike.

"And you! I am definitely arresting you for assault."

"Don't forget to add 'with intent to kill', mate." Spike smirked at the cop, watching the man pull out his handcuffs.

"You can't arrest him!" The gang yelled in unison.

"Why not?"

"Because...uh...because the doctor ordered Spike to stay here." Willow stated. Now the cop was confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Down the waiting room...the doctor insisted he stay with the the ICU. He said he would rest know....knowing Spike was keeping a watch over Xander." Willow smiled innocently at the man. Spike cocked his head to the side, trying to figure the gang out. He couldn't understand why the Scoobies were helping him. He wasn't worried about being arrested. He was confident Angel would not let that happen.

"You're lying."

"Willow can't lie...well, not and get away with it. Everyone knows when she's not telling the truth. She looks away and she does this thing with her face," Buffy demonstrated, stopping when she saw her friend giving her a dirty look. "Sorry, Will. Head trauma, remember?" Willow turned to glare at the men.

"Buffy's right...except for the face thing. I don't do that," Willow copied the face Buffy had made earlier, "I do this." She made a totally different face.

"That's the one," Oz agreed.

"A doctor in the ER missed some of Xander's injuries but Spike pointed them out. Now the other doctor wants Spike to stay with Xander and I totally agree. Xander's been through hell tonight and I'm not going to stand by and watch you arrest the va--ery man who can help him. So what if he almost choked Mr. Harris to death? He's the reason his son and Buffy are in this hospital.Willow was in full rant mode now, standing in front of the man while she poked him in the chest. "If you try to arrest Spike you'll have to come through me, mister." Cordelia stepped up next to Willow.

"That goes for me too, buster. And you don't want to mess with me. Do you know who I am?" The cop shook his head. "I'm Cordelia Chase. My father happens to be very close, personal friends with Chief Reynolds, your boss. They play golf every Saturday. I'd hate for you to lose your badge because of a silly little misunderstanding between the two of us, wouldn't you?" The policeman backed away, putting his handcuffs back into his pocket and Cordelia gave him a charming but haughty smile. Coming from a rich and powerful family had it's benefits.

"Why don't you focus your attention on doing what you came here to do." Giles joined the girls. "Buffy needs her rest so let's see if she can identify this man as the one who hit her car." The man stepped aside so Buffy could get a good look at Tony, who was now awake. She stared at him for a few minutes before shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, guys. I can't be sure...."

"See? I told you I wasn't the one driving the car. How many times do I have to tell you it was stolen?" Tony smiled with satisfaction when the detective motioned towards the door. He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a voice that sounded vaguely familiar.

"I wouldn't be so quick to leave, Harris. Buffy might not be able to identify you, but I can sure as hell place you in that car." Tony turned to face the dark haired monster from the Bronze, his eyes growing wide with fear as he backed into the wall.

"He's a better keep him away from me." Tony appeared ready to soil his pants, trying to place as many cops between him and Angel as he could get.

"I know for a fact Xander had this man's car last night. I witnessed Mr. Harris take his car keys from his son and both Xander and I watched him drive away not more than one hour before the accident." Now it was Angel's turn to smirk. "That kind of messes up your alibi. Guess you're busted, huh?"

"Okay, so I had the keys...big deal. Still can't prove all that other stuff."

"That's true. The police can't arrest you if no one saw you driving the car at the time of the accident." Angel walked towards Tony, smelling the fear pouring off the man as he neared. Outwardly, he was calm but inside he wanted nothing more than to wring the man's neck. "However, they could bring in the other three men for questioning. I wonder what stories they would tell."

"Russell, Novak...go to the Harris house, see if those men are still there. If they're not, locate them so we can question them. And bring Mrs. Harris in, too. If she's been covering for her husband we'll charge her with accessory after the fact." the blonde detective directed. While he was doing this, Angel moved into Tony's personal space, half-whispering the words so only the two of them and Spike could hear what he was saying.

"I really hope they let you go. I mean, what are they gonna do? Give you a fine, maybe a few days in jail? Not good enough. Spike, the one who attacked you earlier, is just like me. We'll take you to a nice secluded place, torture you for a few weeks and then we'll kill you. Think about that when you're going home tonight....that is, if you make it there."

"Alright, alright I was the one driving the car but it was her fault. She came into my lane. And I wouldn't have been out driving if that stupid, useless kid of mine hadn't stolen my car in the first place. Xander got what he deserved." Angel was concentrating on keeping Spike away from the man so he wasn't prepared when Tony was slapped in the face by a furious Joyce.

"How dare you blame my daughter for the accident. You're nothing but a drunken coward! And how can you call yourself a parent?You put your son in the hospital and you don't even care. I don't see how someone like you could raise a sweet boy like Xander."

"Never wanted the kid anyway," Tony retorted. At those words, Angel let Spike go so the younger vampire could take a swing at the man. Spike was surprised when his hand encountered nothing but air. Giles had already managed to slam Tony into the wall.
Giles had Tony by his hair, pulling his head up so that they could see each other's eyes.

"Uh-oh. Ripper's back," Cordelia whispered to Willow, who nodded her head.

"If you say one more thing like that about Xander I will rip your tongue out. You left two innocent children to die, thinking only of yourself. Xander will not be returning to your house when he gets out of the hospital and if I ever catch you on school grounds I. Will. Kill. You."

"I don't think you need to worry about Mr. Harris. He'll be in jail for quite some time if I have anything to say about this." The detective motioned to the policemen. "Get this filth out of here. There's a nice warm cell waiting for him." The officers handcuffed Tony and led him from the room.

"I'm sorry about the disturbance, Ms. Summers. I hope you and your friend will have a speedy recovery."

"Thank you, detective." Buffy layed down again, resting her hand on her forehead.

"Sweetheart, are you in pain?" Joyce asked, stepping quickly to her daughter's side. Buffy nodded. "I'll get the doctor's to get you something for it and---"

"No, it's fine, really. I can stand the headache...that's not the problem." She gave her mother's hand a gentle squeeze, suddenly realizing just how lucky she was to have a mother like Joyce. "How is Xander going to feel when he wakes up and finds out about his dad?"

"We'll help him, Buffy." Willow assured her.

"Excuse me, I hate to interrupt but Dr. Moreheart wanted me to come by and tell you Xander has been moved into ICU. If any of you-----" She was cut off by a blonde blur. Spike ran down the hospital corridor wanting nothing more than to get to his boy. He would make sure Xander got through this, come hell or high water.

Part Thirteen

When Spike got to the ICU he didn't need the woman to tell him where Xander was. He could smell his scent and hear his voice. His very hoarse voice. Xander was awake. Xander was awake and not in a good mood. Who would be after all this? Spike thought. And it was going to get worse before it got better. Someone had to tell Xander about his parents and Spike was pretty sure it was going to be him.

"I don't wanna take it." Spike grinned. Xander sounded like a 4-year old. "I'm not a fucking pincushion." Make that a 4-year old with a potty mouth, Spike amended, his grin widening.

"Mr. Harris, Dr. Moreheart has instructed us to give you a-----"

"Mr. Harris is my father. I'm Xander. And still a big, fat no on the shot." Spike entered the room to see Xander giving the nurse his own version of Willow's 'resolve' face. He walked to the bed and smiled down at the boy.

"You been giving these people a hard time, luv?"

"I'm tired of being stuck," Xander indicated his arms where several i.v.'s were attached. "I hate needles. Don't want that shot."

"Sir, he has to have this. Xander's very susceptible to infection right now and he needs this vaccination."

"Is this the last of the needles?" She nodded and Spike turned to Xander. "Last one, Xan. Don't worry, this one won't hurt."

"They always hurt."

"Not when I'm here. I'll make the pain go away." Spike leaned down, placing several gentle kisses along Xander's cheek and up his jaw, stopping at his ear. "Concentrate on me, Xander. Feel me giving you my strength, feel my kisses"...he placed a few gentle kisses behind Xander's ear..."hear my voice soothing you. We'll get through this and nothing will ever hurt you again, I swear." *Not even me* he mentally added.

Xander never felt the needle, all his attention on the man he had come to love. As Spike kissed and coddled him, Xander's brain tried to function. Had he missed something? Spike had never kissed him before had he? Nah, Xander was sure he would remember that, even if he was confused at the moment. Confused and aroused. Xander opened his eyes to find himself staring into Spike's blue ones.

"Uh, Spike...not that I don't appreciate...what you're doing...I mean, what you did...cause of the needle...but what happened?"

"You don't remember anything?" Spike grew concerned when Xander attempted to shake his head only to wince in pain. Spike turned to face the nurse who gave him a reassuring smile.

"Confusion is normal after surgery. I'm sure Xander will start to remember things soon. We can't be sure how soon or even if he'll have total recall because of his head injury. His memory might come back to him in little pieces or all at once. It will take a while for Xander to recuperate." She took another needle out, filling it with medicine.

"I thought you said he didn't have to---"

"This goes in his i.v., it will help with the pain. He won't feel a thing." Spike watched the nurse put the medicine into the i.v. "Try to make sure he doesn't move around a lot. Dr. Moreheart will be around in case you have any further questions. And you get some rest." The nurse patted Xander's arm before leaving the room.

"And once again I say, huh? What surgery?"

"Didn't they tell you anything when you woke up?"

"No, I just assumed my dad...well, you know." Xander's tone was flippant, but Spike saw the tears welling in the boy's eyes. *Damn his father*. The man had hurt Xander so many times before and now Spike was going to have to tell Xander that Tony had hurt him once again. Before Spike could gather the courage to tell Xander the bad news, the rest of the group entered the room. Willow ran to the other side of the bed, taking Xander's free hand in hers, leaning in for a kiss.

"God, Xander you had me scared to death."

"I did?"

"Yeah, you took a pretty good beating." Oz patted him on the leg. Spike felt Xander tense, knowing what the boy was thinking. Angel noticed Xander's agitation and put his hand on the boy's other leg.

"It was a car wreck, Xander." He and Spike were relieved when Xander seemed to calm down.

"Buffy said to give you a hug...she'd be here herself, but they told her to rest." Willow gave Xander a hug. "Hopefully, Buffy can visit you later on today or tomorrow."

"Knowing Buffy, I'd imagine it will be later today." Giles grinned at Xander, suddenly noticing how upset the boy appeared to be. "Xander, she really is going to be fine."

"I...what are you...I don't...." Xander mumbled, trying his best to work through the fog in his brain. Suddenly, images came to his mind. He and Buffy talking, lights weaving back and forth, their screams as they spun round and round, turning to see another pair of lights, a loud crash and then....darkness. "Oh, fuck. I thought we were going to die."

"Xander, you're alright, luv." He took a moment to look at the concerned faces of his friends while he tried to calm himself down. Okay, so he had been in a wreck...a very scary, bad wreck with Buffy. They said Buffy was fine...he was still alive...this was of the good right? He tried to pay attention to what Spike was saying.

"I was going to tell him but no one gave me the chance. Now, thanks to you lot, Xander's not only confused...he's scared." Xander gave Spike's hand a weak squeeze, making the vampire stop talking, his blue eyes coming to rest on Xander's face.

"I had to remember sooner or later, Spike. Geez, don't you think I was already scared and confused because....." Xander stopped in mid-sentence, those last words playing in his mind. Scared and confused. Hadn't he said those same words to Spike earlier for some reason? He stared at Spike, images again forming in his mind. The Bronze, the dance, Spike and Faith, telling Spike how he felt, Spike leaving with...."Faith." The girl's name slipped out and Xander watched Spike's face, anger being replaced with shame, the fear Xander had been seeing still evident.

"No, Buffy was with you not Faith....what?" Cordelia asked Angel, who had taken her by the arm and was leading her towards the door, motioning the others to follow. Spike and Xander needed to talk...alone.

"I think we've upset Xander enough. Why don't we all go home and get some's been a long night."

"Yes, I think I'll stop by and check on Buffy before going home," Giles followed, reluctant to leave but seeing that something was definitely going on between Xander and Spike that needed a resolution. He would get some answers when Xander was feeling better and living with him. Giles had already made up his mind that Xander was going to live with him, at least until they found out what was going to happen to the boy's parents. Willow stood beside the bed, seeing the emotions on Spike and Xander's faces, once again wondering what the hell was going on between the two of them. Oz gave her hand a gentle tug.

"Let's go baby. You're looking beyond tired." Willow nodded, giving Xander a quick kiss on the cheek. Xander didn't seem to notice, he was fixated on the blonde vampire in front of him. Angel waited for the others to pass by before speaking to Spike.

"I'll be back to check on you two later. I'm going to sit with Buffy for a while." Spike nodded his head, never breaking eye contact with Xander. Angel shook his head as he exited the room, hoping Xander and Spike could get past this next hurdle in their relationship. He was very worried about both of them.
A few minutes had passed since they heard the click of the door and still Spike and Xander continued to stare at each other, neither knowing how to begin expressing what they were feeling. Xander was hurting, not only physically but mentally, images tearing through his mind and heart, leaving him to wonder why Spike was here with him. Hadn't Spike rejected him? Spike was also reliving those moments, wishing he could take back what he had done. If he had only told Xander the truth, maybe this wouldn't have happened. The memories of Xander lying in the ER room, the long wait while he was in surgery and his own fight with the boy's father still fresh in Spike's mind had him yearning to grab Xander and take him somewhere where there was just the two of them, forever. The minutes ticked away, the only sounds in the room coming from the machines attached to Xander.

"You left with Faith, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did."

"After I told you how I felt, after you rejected me, you left with her."

"Think we covered that, luv."

"You slept with her." It wasn't a question, just a quiet statement but Spike felt Xander was waiting for an answer.

"Yes." Xander pulled his hand away from Spike's, turning his face so the vampire couldn't see how upset he was. "Xander----"

"Were you still with her when the....were you still there?"

"Yes, but----"

"Then I guess you should get back. You don't want to keep her waiting. Sorry I messed up your evening."

"You didn't mess---"

"Probably shouldn't have come down here in the first place. I bet Faith's mad."

"Fuck Faith."

"No thanks, Spike. I don't like sloppy seconds." Xander's voice held a bitter tone Spike had never heard before. "What am I saying? I've never had any tiny little bit of sex so who am I to complain? Besides, you two are very experienced and I'm not so I think I'll pass...but you go on ahead. You've done the 'friend' bit and the last thing I need is your pity."

"I'm not here because I pity you, Xander." Spike was getting angry now. "I came because I care about you. What happened between Faith and me was a mistake. It didn't----"

"It didn't mean were thinking about me the whole time...blah, blah, blah. How many times, Spike?"


"How many times did you many?"

"Don't know. I wasn't counting---"

"More than once?"

"Yeah. Xander what----" Why was the boy asking him these questions?

"So I'm guessing you didn't scream my name when you came or you would have been tossed out on your ass after the first time. You weren't thinking about me at all." There was the answer. "So I guess at least one of us had a happy New Year's Eve. Know what I was doing, Spike? I was sitting at the Bronze watching my friends ring in the new year with the one they loved, watching them kiss and hold one another as they made plans for the future."

"Xander----" Spike tried to interrupt, but Xander kept on talking as if Spike had never spoken, all his feelings pouring out. Xander didn't know if it was the pain medicine that was making it so easy for him to bare his feelings and right now he didn't care. He was tired of keeping them bottled up all the time, tired of pretending he never got hurt, tired of being strong for everyone very tired of everything.

"So I made my New Year's Resolution right then and there. I decided I would quit opening up my heart just to have it stomped on. I told myself that I was done playing the fool, done falling in love with people who never think I'm good enough for them, done setting myself up for the fall. And guess what? No more than ten minutes after I make this resolution, I break it. My dad came to the Bronze looking for his keys, we had an...argument and I told him I loved him. Stupid thing to tell him, I know, but unfortunately it's true. Know what he told me? 'Only idiots believe in love'. And for once he was right." Xander realized he sounded like a self-pitying fool but he didn't care. He ached all over, his heart was broken and he didn't give a damn anymore.
"Why are you still here? Just go. Go back to Faith and leave me the hell alone."

Spike had listened to Xander's diatribe, a myriad of emotions running through him. Self-loathing, guilt, anger and most of all love for Xander. The love he felt for Xander was trying to rein in his temper, but it wasn't quite working. Okay, so he had been an arse at the Bronze but Xander was acting like one now. What gave Xander the right to tell him to leave without at least hearing Spike out? Spike had been stressed out for quite some time and Xander's attitude wasn't helping anything. He took Xander's chin in his hand, forcing the boy to look at him.

"I've listened to what you had to it's my turn." Xander tried to turn away, but Spike wouldn't let him. "You are bloody well going to listen to me, Xander. You're wrong. I wasn't happy. I've been ashamed, angry, worried and fucking scared out of my soddin' head, but not happy. I shouldn't have turned you away but I did because I was scared. Scared of the feelings I have for you. You're not the only one whose ever had their heart broken. I've never been lucky in love either, pet. Everyone I ever loved has walked away from me or looked down on me. When Dru left, I made the decision that I would never care about anyone ever again. Just in it for the good times is what I told myself. No more commitment...just one night stands. That's why I hooked up with Faith instead of you. Yeah, I slept with her but at least I could walk away and not look back. Xander, if it had been you....I could never use you like that. I thought...I hoped that being with someone else would make me forget about you but it didn't help. All it did was make me want you more. I thought pretending I didn't love you would make the feelings go away. I just wanted them to stop. When I heard you were...God, I hurt so bad. I was afraid I would never get the chance to tell you how much I love you." Spike waited for Xander's reaction, wondering if he was going to be turned away or welcomed with open arms. He was unprepared for the scent of fear that suddenly filled the room. Hell, he hadn't even let half of his anger loose so what was this about?

"Oh, God. Spike, am I going to die?"

"What? No!"

"Fuck, I must be paralyzed." Xander slowly moved his legs, moaning from the pain it caused.

"Xander, stop wiggling, you silly git. You're gonna hurt yourself." Spike gently held him still.

"Is my face deformed?" Xander's hands went to his face, trying to feel any sudden changes that might alert him to massive scarring or some other hideous thing, like a missing nose. *No, it was still there*. Spike waited a moment before taking Xander's hands away from his face.

"Nothing wrong with your face, luv. It's as perfect as it ever was...except for a big lump on your forehead and some scratches the doc said would go away in a few weeks. Plus, you got a shiner on your left eye and a bruise on your cheek. These come from your dad?" Xander nodded. "Soddin' wanker! I shoulda killed him when I had the chance."

"You tried to kill my father?" Spike nodded. "Why?"

"Long story, pet."

"Doesn't look like I'll be going anywhere anytime soon." Spike motioned towards the bed. He wanted to be holding Xander when he told the boy about his father.

"Can I lay there with you? Kinda tired...been a long night." Xander looked at Spike...really looked. Spike was paler than usual and he had dark circles under his eyes. Another wave of fear went through him. "Are you going to die?" Spike stared at Xander for a moment before laughing.

"Already dead, luv. Bloody hell, you must have really hit that noggin of yours cause you're talking crazier than usual."

"You know what I mean, Spike. Can vampires turn to dust from undernourishment or no sleep?"

"It would take more than one day for that to happen, Xander." Xander sighed in relief while Spike continued to stare at him, trying to figure out what was going on in his boy's head. "What's all this about?" Xander shrugged.

"I don't know. I guess it's because you said you loved me. I figured something really bad was going to happen."

"Just cause I told you how I feel?"

"That's the only reason someone like you would love someone like me....cause you know....with you being you and me being ordinary....figured you were taking pity on me." Xander saw the anger on Spike's face and suddenly wished he could run, because he would be making tracks right now if he could.

"Never let me hear you say something like that again. I'm a fucking vampire. We don't take pity on humans. And you're anything but ordinary." Spike's expression softened. "You're special." He leaned down until he was bare inches from Xander's mouth. "One of a kind." Spike closed the gap, taking Xander's mouth in a long, gentle kiss. A slow, burning tingle went through his body. Xander's kiss was better than he had ever imagined it would be. They finally parted, both of them panting from the emotions the kiss had stirred within them. "Can I get in the bed now, Xander?" Xander could only nod, unable to speak after Spike's kiss. He had never felt anything like that before in his entire life. Spike walked to the other side of the bed, toeing off his shoes while pulling his shirt off. Xander took in the sight of Spike's perfect abdomen, his pale skin that was almost the color of marble, watched the play of muscles along Spike's back and sighed.

"Beautiful. Just like I dreamed you would be." Spike smirked, clearly enjoying the attention and the way Xander's face had turned red when he realized what he had said. He pulled back the covers, sliding into bed next to Xander, making sure to tuck both of them in. Spike turned on his side, propping his head on his hand and staring down at his love. His hand ghosted across the bruises, the stitches and cuts that lined Xander's body. The boy smelled of love, hope and pain. "Medicine not helping with the pain, Xander?"

"Yeah, it's helping," Xander lied. "But having you next to me is better than anything the nurses could find. Hey, maybe they should bottle your TLC. They could call it 'the Spike sedative'. Good for whatever ails you.

"Don't think I qualify as a sedative, Xander. I tend to keep people awake when I'm in bed with them. Never had anyone fall asleep on me...pass out, maybe, but never fall asleep. Still, maybe I should ring the nurse...have her bring you something to help you sleep."

"Don't want to sleep. Want to enjoy this for a few minutes before you tell me why you tried to kill my dad." There was a long silence before Xander spoke again. "Let me help you out. Mom and Dad came to the hospital, drunk and pissed off because their idiot son managed to land himself in the hospital again. They probably said a few things about how stupid I was, how I always managed to get into trouble and ruin their plans, you were upset about the wreck anyway so when they started ranting you decided to shut them up. How'm I doing so far?"

"Not too good, pet. Oh, fuckin' hell, Xander, there's no easy way to tell you so I'll just say it. Your mom never came to the hospital and the reason your dad showed up was because the police brought him in." Xander tensed, worry clearly on his face.

"God, Spike don't tell me....he's not dead is he? Did he have a wreck or something? Was anyone else hurt? How bad is he...fuck, don't tell me he's dead...please, don't say he's dead. Why did I let him have those stupid keys? I'm such an idiot!" All Xander could think about was his dad lying dead in the morgue because of alcohol...just the thing he'd always worried would happen. Spike wiped away the tears that fell from his eyes, cursing Tony once again. How could he treat Xander like he did when the boy worried about him like this?

"Xander, he was fine when they brought him in. Course after I got through with him he was out cold with marks on his neck where I tried to strangle him to death. Gonna have one hell of a headache but the bastard deserved more than that."

"What did he do, Spike?"

"Xander, do you remember exactly what happened?" Xander nodded.

"We were hit by a car right after some drunk driver hit....Spike, no. Please tell me it wasn't my dad who...he didn't even stop...tell me it wasn't him." Spike never said a word, but the look in his eyes told Xander everything he needed to know. "Did he turn himself in?" Spike shook his head, gently threading his fingers through Xander's hair. "Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was a big mistake."

"Sorry, luv." Spike told Xander what had happened in Buffy's room, trying his best to omit the worst of it, especially the part where Tony blamed Xander and Buffy. From Xander's appearance, Spike could tell the boy was on the verge of breaking down completely.

"What about my mom? Does she know?"

"Yeah, luv."

"Tried to cover for him, didn't she?" Spike nodded and Xander sighed.

"She's been doing that all her life. So have I, but not anymore. He could have killed Buffy tonight." Xander's voice was filled with anger now. "He can do whatever he wants to me, but not to my friends. Dad has to pay for this Spike."

"He will Xander. He will." They lay together for a long while, Spike holding Xander, soothing the boy by playing with his hair. He tried to get the boy to fall asleep but Xander refused, too worked up by the thought of what his father had done, this new twist to his and Spike's relationship and how badly he ached. Finally a nurse entered the room and after taking the necessary hematocrit tests, gave Xander a shot in his i.v.

"This is a sedative. Dr. Moreheart wants Xander to get plenty of rest and it seems like he's fighting it." Spike agreed, watching the boy trying to keep his eyes open as the sedative started taking affect.

"Xander, quit fighting it, luv. You need to get some rest and so do I."

"I'm afraid, Spike. I'm afraid to close my eyes, afraid to go to sleep because I'll wake up and you won't be here." Spike gave Xander a gentle kiss, pulling him close, being ever mindful of the boy's injuries.

"Don't need to worry about that, pet. I'm not getting up. Now be a good boy and get some rest."

"Promise me, Spike. Promise you'll be here when I wake up." Xander gave Spike his best puppy dog stare and Spike's heart melted.

"I'll be here. Only one question. Now that we've cleared the air between us, are you sure you want me here?" Xander smiled sleepily, mumbling so low if Spike hadn't been a vampire he wouldn't have heard the words.

"Always, Spike. Don't know how it happened, but I've fallen in love with you." Spike put his head on Xander's shoulder, basking in the warmth from Xander's body and his declaration of love. Evidently, Xander was as clueless as he was about how their relationship had gone from friendship to love in such a short time.

"God, we're quite a pair, aren't we, luv?"
It had been six weeks since the accident, the doctor had finally cleared Xander to resume his normal activities and the boy was ecstatic and very hyper. Spike couldn't help but laugh at the rather exuberant way Xander was dancing with Willow and Cordelia. The graceful dancer he had seen on New Year's Eve being replaced with the boy Spike had first glimpsed dancing with Willow and Buffy. A carefree spirit, enjoying the music, making the girls laugh and not giving a damn what other people thought.

"Are you sure Xander's well enough to be out there dancing?" Buffy asked the two vampires, concern evident on her pretty face.

"Positive. If he weren't, Spike would have put a stop to it, believe me. Let Xander enjoy himself...get rid of some of the energy he's had pent up...please. I honestly don't know how much more 'hyper Xander' I can take." Angel was practically begging, causing Buffy and Spike to laugh at him. They all knew what Angel was talking about. In the weeks following the accident, Xander's moods had taken them all on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. At first, it hadn't been too bad. Xander had been a very good patient, doing everything Spike and Angel told him without question even though he was in a great deal of pain. Xander had been grateful to them for welcoming him into their home. The whole gang had been adamant about Xander not returning to his parent's home, especially when the police let them go with a fine and a slap on the arm, just as Spike had predicted. No way were they going to allow him to stay there any longer...not when they knew what kind of parents Xander actually had. Joyce and Giles had both extended invitations for Xander to live with them, but in the end Spike and Angel had won the argument. Xander had been touched by the fact that so many people were willing to have him around and it had humbled the boy to the point that he was like a little puppy, willing to do whatever it took to make sure Spike and Angel didn't regret having him around. That lasted for the first couple of weeks and then all hell had broken loose.

Gone was the accepting, pliant patient, being replaced with an irritable, sharp-tongued brat. Everyone had tried to overlook Xander's mood, knowing the accident, his father's involvement and the pain were taking their toll on Xander. They had done their best to keep Xander entertained. Angel had told him stories about growing up in Ireland, Willow and Cordelia had come by with homework and lots of gossip about what was happening at school, Oz had spent hours teaching Xander how to play the guitar, Buffy had dropped by to tell Xander about the latest demons being fought on the Hellmouth, Joyce had visited, bringing some of Xander's favorite foods that they could eat with Spike while watching Passions, and Giles had dropped by with chocolate, staying for many hours teaching Xander how to play chess. Spike had stayed by Xander's side the entire time, leaving only when the need to go out and kill something had fueled his desire to patrol with the others. He had been amazed at how the gang had rallied around Xander. Spike had always known the Scoobies were a tight knit group, but he had never realized just how close they were until now. Spike found himself respecting them more and more as the weeks went by. He had expected their visits to be less frequent as time wore on but that never happened, even when Xander was at his worst. Yes, Buffy would come out of the bedroom, mumbling something about men being total assholes when they were sick, Willow would emerge, a hurt look on her face as she yelled, "Alexander Lavelle Harris you can be the most obnoxious bastard when you want to be!", Giles would come out polishing his glasses and muttering about how Xander was an ungrateful, ignorant young man, Cordelia would make a loud exit, threatening to rip Xander a new one and cursing a blue streak that amazed even Spike, Angel would threaten to toss the boy out on his ear but in the end, they all came back, trying once again to help the boy they all loved. Spike had tolerated Xander's ups and downs longer than anyone, which had surprised not only him but everyone else as well. They had to admit that if Spike, a supposedly soulless, evil vampire could put up with an obnoxious, mean spirited, hateful version of their friend longer than them without killing him, then it was definitely love. Finally, Xander had pushed Spike too far when he started ranting about Faith, how many times Spike had tried to kill him, how Spike was only keeping Xander around as a replacement for Dru...likening his condition to Dru's craziness. That had been the straw that broke the camel's back. Spike had told Xander in no uncertain terms just what an utter asshole Xander had become, making a comment about how the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Being compared to his father had infuriated Xander and it had been two days before Xander would let Spike anywhere near him. Xander had gotten upset when his friends had taken Spike's side in the argument but it had forced him to take a good long look at himself, and Xander hadn't liked what he had seen. He had finally broken down in Spike's arms, asking the vampire for forgiveness and begging Spike not to leave him.

After his three week check-up, Xander was allowed to take walks, starting with half an hour and progressing to more time as the days passed. This seemed to help lighten Xander's mood. The boy had enjoyed walking with the entire gang, but he seemed the happiest when it was just him and Spike. They would walk through Sunnydale, staying away from the shadows, blending into the crowds so as not to be attacked. While Spike wasn't worried about himself, he was scared to death that something would hurt Xander again, causing the boy to have a setback, Spike wouldn't allow himself to go that far. They had held hands, stopping for an occassional kiss or to look in a store window.

Angel and Spike had dipped into their savings, both of them buying Xander new clothes so they could throw the old ones away. This had come about after Xander had let it slip that he was tired of everyone making fun of his fashion sense, saying that he did the best he could since he had to get his clothes at Goodwill or garage sales. Both of them had exchanged a glance which clearly said those days were past. Xander had been overwhelmed when they announced they were going shopping to buy him clothes and they had spent over an hour doing just that. Angel and Spike had grumbled about going shopping with Buffy and Xander, but inwardly they had as much fun as the teenagers. They had spent the entire time laughing at Buffy as she fussed over the boy and had especially enjoyed the argument the two of them had had over an especially loud shirt that Xander wanted but Buffy refused to let him have. They had finally compromised on a pair of lime green pajamas with big yellow bees on them. Buffy had made Xander promise not to wear them while she was visiting and the two vampires had scowled at the girl when she happily reminded them that they would be the ones having to look at them.

They had finished the shopping trip with a stop at the local pizza parlor. Afterwards, Xander had thanked the vampires and Buffy repeatedly for buying the clothes and taking the time to help him choose them. Buffy had hugged Xander, saying he was worth it and the look on Xander's face had told them how much this had meant to him. Both Angel and Spike could tell that Xander wasn't used to having anyone coddle him and Spike was determined to change that.

Angel and Buffy had gone on patrol while Spike had taken Xander home. Xander had put the clothes away, reverently touching every shirt and pair of pants as tears threatened to fall but never did. Xander had insisted on wearing the pajamas to bed, Spike had argued that he wouldn't get any sleep due to the glare but in the end, Xander had won the argument. When they had gotten into bed, Xander had kissed Spike before sleepily telling him that this had been the best night of his life. That statement had almost broken Spike's heart, knowing that such a simple gesture had meant so much to Xander. As Xander had fallen asleep in his arms, Spike had held him, stroking his long, silky hair and vowing that there would be many more 'best nights' for the boy.

Spike sat back on the couch and continued to watch his boy dance, listening to Angel and Buffy talk as he got caught up in more memories. He marveled at how relaxed he was around the group of teens. If someone had told him that he would end up falling in love with a human and becoming friends with the slayer and her gang of do-gooders he would have laughed at them before ripping their heart out. The gang had been cautious about Spike and Xander's growing closeness, wondering about Spike's intentions and Xander's sudden attraction for another man, especially when that man wasn't technically a man but a vampire, the very thing that Xander had always insisted he hated. It had taken a while for them to be comfortable around Spike but now he was as much a part of the group as Angel. Spike knew a lot of their acceptance came from the fact that they trusted Angel's opinion of his childe and their desire to see Xander happy. Still, he couldn't help but feel that they had come to actually like him for himself. After Buffy and Giles' promises of staking Spike if he hurt Xander in any way and Willow's 'shovel talk', which somehow was more frightening than the previous threats of staking, everyone had gone about their lives as usual. The walls had come down and Spike had found himself getting to know the group as they were getting to know him. They trusted him, came to him for advice about how to kill certain demons or to help with certain transcripts written in languages they didn't know and even included him in patrolling. Spike in turn had taken to teasing Buffy and Cordelia, protecting Oz and Willow from the nasties they encountered and making them all laugh with his sarcastic wit.

Spike smiled as he remembered one particular night. Spike had found out how much Xander loved the water by eavesdropping on one of Willow's and Xander's conversation about their trips to the beach. He had seen the way Xander's face lit up when he talked about how beautiful the ocean was, especially at night time. He had followed Willow outside and they had planned a surprise cook out on the beach. Spike had driven Xander out to the beach, carefully toning down his usual driving style when he saw how apprehensive Xander was about being in a car. Xander had immediately brightened when he saw where they were going and had practically leaped out of the car when he saw his friends waiting for them on the beach. Spike had called the doctor to find out what limitations Xander would have in regards to exercise and water and had been told that moderate exercising was fine but he wasn't allowed to swim yet. Xander had been unhappy to find he couldn't swim but immediately perked up when Spike told him he could play volleyball with his friends as long as he was careful. They had built sand castles, grilled steaks and after eating, Oz had played his guitar while Devon had led everyone in a group sing-a-long. Later that night, the couples had paired off and Spike and Xander had taken a moonlight stroll on the beach. When Spike was sure they were far enough away from the other couples, he had spread out a blanket and they had sat down to watch the water lap over the rocks.

"Penny for your thoughts," Spike told Xander, having watched the young man stare out at the ocean for several minutes.

"I was just thinking about the ocean, how beautiful it is and how it's like life." Xander turned to see Spike looking at him, confusion on his face. "It's just....every now and then the water is so calm and peaceful as though nothing can faze it and then other times, like when a storm is coming, the waves will roll in. It reminds me of my life...every now and then, like tonight, I'm happy, calm and peaceful. I have you...I have my friends and it all seems so perfect. Then without warning, the waves roll in and I feel like everyone or everything I care about is being swept away. Dumb analogy, huh?"

"I don't think so." Spike leaned towards Xander, taking his face in his hands before placing a gentle kiss on the boy's mouth. "I promise you, Xander...from here on out the calm water is going to outweigh the waves.

"I wish I could believe that, Spike. It's not that I think you're lying to me or anything, but we do live on a Hellmouth you know. At any moment, one of us could be swept away...never to be seen Jesse. One minute we're here and the next, we're gone. There's been so many times in the past few weeks that I've relived the wreck, had nightmares and stuff and I still can't believe Buffy and I made it out alive. When that prosecutor came by to get my testimony for my father's trial, he showed me pictures of the car." Spike cursed inwardly, wishing he hadn't been forced to leave the two of them alone. "After that, I got scared and I began to think about death a lot. Funny how it affected me like that. I've been helping Buffy fight vampires and demons for three years now and I've managed not to dwell on that aspect. I lost Jesse, Giles lost Ms. Calendar and Buffy died that time. Each of us has come so close to dying, but for some reason I've always managed to block the thought of death out of my mind. If I were able to go on patrol tomorrow, I might be afraid at the time but I wouldn't hesitate to fight and afterwards I'd go about my business like nothing had ever happened. Hell, I've even managed to live with my dad all these years. I've been in the hospital I don't know how many times, I've been bruised so bad I had to use make-up to hide the marks but I still managed to keep on fighting, so how come a car wreck has made me feel this way?" Spike took Xander in his arms, stroking his hair while he looked out over the ocean, as if the water could give him an answer to Xander's question.

"Don't know, pet. Maybe it was the feeling of helplessness, of knowing there was nothing you could do to stop what was about to happen, no chance of fighting." Xander had thought about that for a few minutes, finally sitting up to look at Spike.

"That makes sense."

"Don't sound so surprised, luv. I can be sensible every now and then." Xander smiled at that before his expression became serious again.

"I know I've been an asshole to live with and if I had been you or Angel I would have thrown me out a long time ago. I can't believe how my friends kept coming back no matter how hateful I was to them. And, God...the way I treated you...can you ever forgive me?" Xander's voice held a pleading tone as he ducked his head in shame. Spike tilted his head up so he could see Xander's face.

"No need for forgiveness, Xander. You're still healing, still trying to deal with what happened. Hell, I still have nightmares myself." Spike wasn't lying for the boy's sake. He had had several nightmares following the accident, waking up in horror, not calming until he held Xander for hours on end. "That's what being in love is all about, pet. Enjoying the good times and surviving the bad. We'll get through this, pet and it will only strengthen our love for each other."

"You still love me after all I've put you through? I've been harder on you than anybody else."

"Don't say things I don't mean, unless I'm pissed. And you know that old saying. You always hurt the ones you love the most. Besides, how else do you think I've managed to keep myself from ripping your head off these past few weeks?" Spike's tone was teasing and Xander laughed.

"I guess you're right. know I love you, don't you?" Spike nodded. "I mean, I really, truly, deeply love you. I've never felt like this about anybody before in my entire life. It's like I'm not a whole person unless you're around. You make me complete." Spike gently pushed Xander down onto the blanket, kissing him deeply. Xander moaned and Spike traced the boy's lips with his tongue before exploring every inch of Xander's mouth. Xander pulled Spike closer, his tongue returning the favor while his hands ran up and down Spike's body. His hands were under Spike's shirt and he gently traced an outline around Spike's nipples before rubbing his thumbs across the hardened nubs. The two of them were soon lost in the passion of the moment.

Spike unbuttoned Xander's shirt, sliding it open before breaking the kiss and making his way to Xander's chest by placing gentle kisses along the boy's neck and shoulders. His tongue flicked across one nipple while his fingers played with the other. He heard Xander's moan, heard Xander pleading for Spike to make love to him and his hand started heading downwards, ready to divest the boy of his pants. Spike raised his head to take in the view of his gorgeous boy. Xander's eyes were shining with need and desire, his face was flushed, his breaths were coming in shallow pants and he was writhing underneath Spike's touch, the moonlight playing along his skin. Spike had never seen anything so beautiful in his life and was amazed to find that he was ready to come just from the sight, smell and sound of Xander. He leaned down and took Xander's mouth again, his hands roving the boy's body as it arched beneath him. The moan he heard this time halted Spike's movement. He sat up, hearing Xander's short, quick breaths and realized this reaction wasn't just lust and was pain, too.

"Xander, are you okay?"

"Don't...stop...Spike." Xander managed to say but Spike could see the pain etched on the boy's face.

"Have to luv. This is hurting you." He kissed the scar on Xander's abdomen, berating himself for not thinking about this earlier. It was still too soon. The doctor had said two weeks but after re-evaluating Xander he had recommended no sexual activity until he saw Xander in six weeks. Spike had spent many nights jacking off in the shower, cursing the slow passage of days. How could he have forgotten about this? If he had hurt Xander......

"I'" Spike shook his head, rebuttoning Xander's shirt before lying down next to his boy, taking him in his arms and holding him close.

"Not worth the risk, luv. Won't be much longer."

"Better not be or I'm going to implode." Spike had laughed at Xander's words and after a few minutes they had turned their attention to the stars, Spike showing Xander all the constellations while they tried to take their minds off what they really wanted to do.

Spike returned to the present with a start, hearing Angel's voice and feeling the punch on the arm. Spike was sporting a hard on that was very uncomfortable in it's tight confines. He set the cold bottle of beer between his legs, hoping the cool would help. As he looked up he saw Angel staring at him. The bastard had caught him and was practically smirking at Spike's discomfort. Of course he could smell the arousal pouring off Spike...he was a vampire. Damnit. He squirmed in his seat, the beer bottle still between his legs. *Nope, bad idea. This wasn't helping at all*.

"Huh? What? Did you say something, mate?"

"I asked if you were up for a little bit of action tonight, but judging from your...uh....expression, I'd say you were planning a different kind of action than what I was talking about." Buffy studied the two of them, quickly realizing what Angel was implying.

"Euuw, Angel." She slapped her boyfriend on the arm. "Quit talking about their sex lives. I may know what's going on between Xander and Spike, doesn't mean I want to hear about it...or see it....ever."

"Knowing Spike, you'd better keep your eyes closed then." Angel told her. Buffy grabbed Angel's arm, dragging him towards the door. "Tell everyone good-bye for us...we're going to patrol."

Spike good-naturedly gave Angel the two fingered salute before returning his attention to the dance floor. He needed to get Xander home and he needed to get him home like 30 minutes ago. He was saved the trouble of finding Xander when he saw the boy walking towards him, a huge grin on his face.

"Willow and Oz are loading up the band's equipment and heading home. Devon is too, but I think Cordelia is mostly there in a supervising capacity. Where's Buffy and Angel?"

"They left. Had to patrol."

"Looks like we're all alone then."

"Looks like. And right now I'm thinking being at home alone is a lot better than sitting at the Bronze alone."

"Was that sentence supposed to make sense?" Spike grabbed Xander's hand, practically pulling the boy by the arm in his haste to get home.

"You know what I meant. Let's go."

"You're in an awfully big hurry, Spike. Got something planned?" Xander asked right before he found himself pinned up against the side of the Bronze, a very hungry looking vampire in front of him.

"Got something very special planned, my luv." Spike kissed Xander, slow and tender, hands going up under Xander's sweater to play with the hard nubs while he ground his erection into Xander. He was happily surprised to find Xander sporting an equally large hard on. "Well, well, well. Seems somebody's been reading my mind."

"Not reading your mind, Spike." Xander gasped as Spike rubbed his cock against his. "You know I've been dying for this forever." Spike interlaced their fingers, raising Xander's arms above his head, his steady rubbing against the young man never faltering. Xander tilted his head back, giving Spike access to his neck. Spike licked along his veins, sensing the blood coursing through Xander's body. "Fuck me, Spike. Right here, right now."

"With everyone watching, pet?" Spike teased, kissing his way up to Xander's mouth where he placed two gentle kisses on his face, one on each side of the boy's mouth.

"God, Spike I don't care. I've wanted this for so long I'd be willing to do it in front of the Pope himself if he were here." Xander groaned again when Spike nipped at his bottom lip.

"Don't want your first time to be in a side alley. I want it to be special."

"Don't care where it is and it will be special as long as it's with you." The sincerity of that statement mixed with Xander's brown eyes filled with desire did nothing to help Spike's resolve to stop. He closed the few inches between them, kissing Xander again. He quickly undid his pants before opening Xander's, both of their cocks jumping free of their confines. Spike took their erections into his hand, setting up a rhythm as he continued to kiss Xander.

"Oh, God, Spike. I'm not going to last long." Xander moaned, grinding his cock into Spike's hand. Spike smiled back at him.

"Me either, luv. This is just the pre-show...something to take the edge off." They continued their thrusting, Xander's hands roaming Spike's body, Spike's free hand threading through Xander's long, dark locks. "God, you feel so good, pet." Three more tugs and both of them were spilling their seed over Spike's hand. Spike held Xander up while he lifted his hand, licking it and savoring their combined tastes. Xander watched, tongue wetting his lips as he continued to stare. "Ummm, tastes so fucking good. Have a go."

Xander tentatively licked Spike's hand, finding the taste of their cum intoxicating. Spike started to lick also, both of them cleaning Spike's hand until everything was gone except for their tongues which met in a desire filled kiss. Spike broke it, quickly tucking himself and Xander back into their clothes before pulling the boy from the alley. "Let's get back to the mansion."

"Yeah, we sooo need to get home." Xander added, matching Spike stride for stride, both of them wishing they were already home and hoping they wouldn't meet anything or anyone on the way that would distract them from their final goal. It had been a long, long six weeks and they were definitely ready to play.

Part Fourteen

Spike led Xander into the mansion, heading straight for the bedroom, nothing on his mind except thoughts of making love to Xander for the first time. It had been a torturous six weeks for both of them, lying next to each other every night without having sex. Xander glanced around, trying to see if Buffy or Angel were in the mansion.

"Nobody home, luv." Spike continued his straight course to the bedroom, opening the door with a flourish. He hoped Clem had managed to arrange things just as he had specified. The floppy eared demon worshiped Spike, doing anything the vampire asked without any questions. Xander had met him a few times and had taken an instant liking to the demon, Clem reciprocating the feelings. Knowing how much this night meant to him and Xander, Spike was sure Clem had done his job and done it well. Clem was a big romantic at heart and he thought Xander and Spike were the perfect couple. Spike saw the surprise on Xander's face and knew the demon had accomplished his task. *Clem is the man*. "How do you like it, pet?"

"Spike this is really sweet. Nobody has's perfect." Xander managed to say, a few tears sliding down his cheeks. Spike crossed the room, taking the boy into his arms. He gave him a soft kiss on the lips before wiping the tears away with his thumbs.

"No, perfect is you, Xander." Spike leaned in for another kiss, this one longer and sweeter than the first. Xander wrapped his arms around Spike, his hand playing with the hair along the nape of Spike's neck while the other one trailed up and down Spike's back, gently stroking him. Spike pulled him closer, threading his hands through Xander's hair and gently tipping the boy's head back so he could place whisper soft kisses along his neck. He smiled when Xander's body shivered with desire. "See you have a neck fetish too. Sure you're not a vampire, luv?"

"Just a boy in love with one," Xander whispered, making Spike's cock harden. He wanted nothing more than to throw the boy onto the bed and make love to him but it was Xander's first time and Spike needed to go slow. He could tell Xander was nervous and he wanted to ease the boy's tension. Spike stepped away from Xander, crossing to the bedside table to get two beers. He opened them, passing one to Xander. "Spike, what are you doing?"

"Well, we're all alone in this cozy bedroom. Got a fire going in the fireplace, nice warm bed nearby, candles lit all around, alcoholic beverages and chocolate lube. What's your guess?"

"I think you're trying to seduce me."

"Here's to my success." Spike held up his beer, clinking his bottle against Xander's. They quickly drank their beers, eyes locked on each other the whole time. When they were done, Spike threw his bottle onto a nearby chair, his gaze never leaving Xander. Xander was impressed. *Gee, I wonder if I could.....?* Trying to be as cool as Spike, Xander tossed his bottle to the side, flinching when he heard the sound of breaking glass. *Guess not.* Xander turned, noticing he had missed the chair by a couple of feet at least.

"I better clean that up. Angel's going to have a fit." Xander was stopped by Spike, who wrapped his arm around the boy's waist, pulling him into a tight embrace. Spike grinned at the sheepish expression on Xander's now red face.

"You can get it later, Xan. Got better things to do."

"Like what, oh Great Seducer of Young Men?" Xander teased. Spike gently kissed his ear before whispering, "Dance with me?" Xander nodded and Spike took his hand, leading him over to the stereo, hitting play, confident that Clem had set the cd to something really romantic. He pulled Xander close.

"A spot of music to put you in the mood ....." Spike frowned when he heard the music coming from the stereo.

He was sitting there beside me throwing doubles down, when he ordered up his third one he looked around.....

"To get drunk?" Xander asked, a smile playing across his lips. Spike shook his head and hit skip, figuring Clem was off by one.

Thought we were something special, now I know that this old boy just ain't the best you think you'll ever do.....

"Definitely the wrong song. I am the best....." Skip.

What a rotten day this turned out to be....

"Thanks a lot, Spike." Xander teased, trying to sound offended without laughing.

"Bloody buggering, fucking hell" Spike was getting angry now. Skip.

A little country church on a two lane road, a bride and groom coming out the door

"Spike, are you asking me to marry you? Who's going to be the husband and who's the wife?" Xander playfully batted his eyelashes at Spike, grabbing the stereo from the cursing vampire, thus saving it from being smashed against the wall.

"Clem was supposed to put something romantic in there...not soddin country music." Spike was almost pouting.

"Country music can be very romantic," Xander argued. "I know why Clem chose this cd. It's my favorite one. Got a song on it that I love...expresses how I feel when I'm with you. It's like someone crawled inside my head and wrote my thoughts down." Xander pressed in a number and led Spike towards the bed. As music filled the room, the two of them began to sway to the music.

I'm not the hero who will always save the day
Don't always wear the white hat, don't always know the way
I may not even be the dream you wanted to come true
But I'll always be the man in love with you

Spike smiled when he heard the words. Xander was a true white hat if ever there was one, and he was most definitely Spike's dream come true. Spike vowed to show Xander that, his hands gently roaming Xander's body while he kissed the side of the boy's neck.

I'm not the key that opens every door
Don't have the power to give you all you want and more
But when you're needing something special you can hold on to
I'll always be the man in love with you

"You're what I want to hold on to, Xander. All I want is you." Spike's hands were on the hem of Xander's shirt and he slowly lifted it off the boy, throwing it into the corner before starting on his pants.

I never could work miracles, there may be others who can do what I can't do
But no one else could be as good as me at loving you

"Show me how good you can be, Xan. Show me how much you love me." Xander's hands were trembling as he lifted Spike's shirt over his head. He mocked Spike's actions from before and soon both of them were naked. Xander took a moment to admire Spike's body before leaning in, placing kisses on Spike's forehead, cheeks, nose and finally his mouth.

So when the world won't turn the way you wished it would
And the dreams you have don't come alive as often as they should
Remember that there's someone there who's heart is always true
I'll always be the man in love with you

"I love you with everything I have, Spike. My heart, my soul and now my body. I've never had a lover...I want you to be my first and only one. Will you make love to me, Spike?" Spike could only nod, emotions overwhelming him. He led Xander to the bed, gently placing him in the center of the bed.

Remember that there's someone there who's heart is always true
Someone there to help you make it through
I'll always be the man in love with you.

Spike reached out, shutting the stereo off before crawling up the bed, never taking his eyes off Xander as he lay on top of the boy, legs touching legs, chest to chest and cock to cock. Xander hissed, trying to arch his body off the bed to get closer contact with Spike but the vampire held him down, not allowing him to move. Spike interlaced his fingers with Xander's, pulling the boy's arms up over his head while he leaned down to capture Xander's mouth. He gently rocked his hips, causing their erections to rub against one another. Xander moaned and Spike slipped his tongue into the boy's mouth, taking his time exploring every inch of Xander's warm mouth. Xander did the same, trying to fill every empty crevice of Spike's mouth was his tongue. Spike sat up, intent on rolling Xander onto his stomach but the boy shook his head.

"I want to see you, Spike."

"Xander, luv it's easier if----"

"Don't care. It's my first time and I want to memorize every moment of it...that includes watching you make love to me...and that makes me sound girly doesn't it?" Spike shook his head.

"Not a bit, pet. Truth be told...I wanted the same thing." Spike wasn't lying to make Xander feel good. He wanted to see every expression, hear every moan and whimper as he explored his young lover's body. "Lay back and relax. I want to taste every inch of your body." Spike took Xander's hands again, interlacing their fingers before giving each hand a loving kiss. He gently placed their clasped hands on each side of Xander's head, leaning in to kiss Xander's mouth before taking slow, leisurely licks along Xander's neck and shoulders. By the time he had made his way to the boy's left nipple, Xander was writhing underneath him, squeezing Spike's hands as his head thrashed around on the pillow. Spike's eyes never left Xander's face, his tongue gently gliding over first one nipple and then the other before heading further down. He nipped Xander's right hip, suckling on it until there was a red love mark on the skin. Spike licked across Xander's abdomen, stopping to kiss along the scar from his surgery. A cold chill swept over him, thinking once again about how close he had come to losing Xander. He concentrated on the heartbeat beneath him, grinning at the elevated pulse...he was doing that. Spike turned his attention on Xander's navel, tongue-fucking it for a few minutes before licking his way to the left hip. By the time he was done, there was another red mark on Xander's skin and the boy was panting.

"God, Spike....feels so good. Don't stop....don't ever stop. Please...need...." Xander knew he was babbling, but he couldn't get his mind to function. All he could do was beg Spike to keep on doing what he was doing. Xander had never felt anything like this and deep in his heart he knew that even if he had had 50 lovers, none of them would come close to Spike. Shit, he had a talented mouth. Xander's cock twitched as Spike's head moved further down his body, his hands letting go of Xander's to take their place on his hips. Xander tried to arch up, anticipating the cool mouth on his hot, throbbing cock but it never happened. Instead, Spike sat up, taking Xander's left leg in his hands. He lovingly licked along the sole of Xander's foot before lavishing attention on every toe and damn, it felt good. Xander had never thought of his feet as anything more than implements for walking, but this was fucking sexy. His cock began to ooze pre-cum as he watched Spike nibble each toe while grinning at his lover. The room was suddenly very, very hot and the temperature rose when Spike licked up the inside of Xander's leg, past his calf, his thigh, stopping right before he got to the rock hard erection. Xander couldn't stop the whimper that escaped his lips when he saw Spike sitting up again.

"Shhh, won't be long now, pet." Spike gave Xander a sexy leer as he traded legs, picking up Xander's right leg and doing the same thing to it, licking and sucking until Xander thought he was going to go crazy with desire. Another whimper when Spike once again stopped just inches short of his throbbing penis.

"Fuck, Spike you sure know how to torture someone."

"Told you I was evil." Spike raised an eyebrow, his tongue licking his lips. Xander groaned, reaching out to pull Spike in for a kiss but the vampire eluded him, spreading Xander's legs before burying his face in the boy's balls. Xander's hands moved down to grip the bedspread when Spike began to lap at his sack, drawing each orb into his mouth, one at a time. He lovingly circled his tongue around Xander's sensitive skin, making Xander cry out in pleasure.

"Oh, shit, Spike...suck me. Please...I need to cum." Spike retreated, gently running his finger along Xander's balls and up the underside of Xander's cock, swiping the pre-cum off and tasting it.

"Damn, Xander....can't get enough of you. Want to taste the other side." Spike took Xander's leg and lifted it. "Time to turn over." Xander groaned in resignation, trying to calm himself as he was pulled onto his stomach.

"Told you I wanted to see----"

"Turn your face to the side, luv." Spike took in the sight of his beautiful boy as he arranged his head on the pillow. Xander's hands were buried in the pillow, his muscles rigid. Xander had the makings of wide shoulders, a slim waist and sexy ass cheeks that were clenching----begging for attention. Spike licked up Xander's back, starting at the base of Xander's spine and moving up to the center of his shoulder blades. Spike repeated the gesture over and over, each time getting lower in the crack of Xander's ass until he was an inch away from the boy's tight pucker. Xander shivered with every lick, his body arching up into Spike.

"Spike, I can't take it! Please...please...I need you to fuck me!" Spike kissed the hungry hole and backed away, wanting to prolong Xander's pleasure as much as possible. He spent a few minutes licking and nipping the back of Xander's right knee before making his way to the boy's right ass cheek. Another couple of minutes and Spike was repeating the process on the left side.

"So beautiful," Spike sighed, taking in the sight of Xander's shaking, sweating body while listening to the boy groan with need. He moved in, inhaling deeply...Xander's scent was intoxicating. A mixture of innocence, sweat, desire and sunshine. Spike began to run his tongue over Xander's crevice, enjoying the taste and the sound of Xander's gasp at such an intimate touch.

"Spike...what the hell?" Xander groaned, his ass automatically raising up to gain more contact. Xander had been taken completely unaware by this but the feeling was incredible and he wanted more. "Please...."

"Tell me what you want, Xander."

"More...please...more...just...more," Xander mumbled, not knowing what more was but knowing he needed something. He was definitely whimpering now. Spike seemed to understand, parting Xander's cheeks before driving his tongue into Xander's spasming hole. Xander felt the penetration and groaned, his hands reaching out to grab fistfuls of the sheets in wild abandon. Spike tongue fucked Xander for a few minutes and Xander was just about to erupt when Spike withdrew, turning Xander over onto his back. Xander laid his arm across his forehead and desperately tried to calm himself down. He watched Spike reach for the lube and sighed in relief. Finally, he was going to have Spike's cock inside him.

Spike grinned when he heard Xander's sigh. He loved making Xander feel good and was truly enjoying it, but the boy was so responsive it was making Spike more horny and frantic to bring Xander to his hopefully earth-shattering release. Spike quickly put the lube on his cock, spreading some onto his fingers before throwing the tube away and turning his attention back onto Xander. Spike grabbed Xander behind his knees, lifting him up and placing his bent knees under Xander's body.

"Pull your legs back, Xander...I promise you this is going to feel so good." Spike traced Xander's hole, moving his fingers in a circular motion before inserting the first finger, surprised to find Xander's virgin hole so willing to accept it. Xander let out a loud moan of pleasure and Spike grinned.

"Like that don't you pet?" Xander could only nod and moan when Spike added another finger, again finding little resistance. Xander's hot hole was practically sucking his fingers inside and Spike could feel the warm, tight muscles spasming around him. He clenched his jaw, trying his best to hold the orgasm that was building inside of him. This was the first time Spike could ever remember wanting to come just from giving pleasure to another, much less without having touched his own cock.

"Fuck, yes," Xander managed to say before Spike crooked his finger, sending an electric shock up his spine. He felt his balls tightening....he was going to come if Spike did that again. "Spike, hold on a sec. I'm about to cum." Xander thought Spike was going to stop when he let Xander drop back down onto the bed but instead Spike leaned down, taking Xander's erection into his mouth. Xander moaned loudly, his eyes glazing over from the feel of Spike's mouth and tongue on his hard shaft. Spike's head was bobbing up and down, his fingers pushing further into Xander's rectum, sliding over his prostate in time with Spike's sucking. Xander grabbed Spike, digging his fingers into the vampire's shoulders as his orgasm washed over him with such intensity he thought his heart was going to pound out of his chest.

"Spike, I'm gonna cum...gotta cum!" Xander erupted, shooting hot streams of cum down Spike's throat. Every time Spike swallowed around Xander's cock, it would spasm again until Xander thought he was never going to stop. Finally, Xander relaxed, smiling sheepishly at Spike. "Sorry. I didn't mean to----" Xander never finished the sentence, finding Spike's mouth on his. He wrapped his hand around Spike's neck, pulling him closer as their tongues sought each other. Xander felt Spike's fingers moving inside of him, another one being added and moaned into the kiss. "Spike, feels so good, but I don't think I can...not after...that was so fucking intense."

"You'd be surprised how fast you can recover, luv, especially when I have over 100 years of experience at this. I can make you hard again." Spike whispered against Xander's lips, crooking his fingers and finding that hot spot yet again. Xander's hips automatically pushed upward, his dick already starting to respond to the gentle prodding.

"God...oh, God...don't think I can survive another...oh, hell if I'm gonna die...this is the way to go." Xander gave himself over to the sensations Spike was creating. Spike was definitely a creative and masterful lover....between the gentle kisses along his neck and the fingers working their magic in his ass, Xander's cock was already getting hard again. "Fuck me, Spike. Fuck me now."

"Whatever you need, my beautiful boy." Spike put Xander's legs on his shoulder's, once again raising the boy's ass off the bed. He removed his fingers, staring down at the spasming hole. Xander was definitely ready. Spike took his rock hard erection into his hand, lining it up to the boy's hole. His other hand played across Xander's stomach, rubbing him comfortingly. "Might hurt a little, Xan. When I start to enter you, push down like you're taking a shit." Xander managed a smile.

"Oh, Spike, you sweet talker you."

Spike gently pushed the head of his cock into Xander's ass, expecting the boy to flinch. Instead, Xander's smile turned to a look of complete bliss. Xander had never looked more beautiful and both of them moaned in pleasure. Spike slowly slid his dick inch by inch into Xander's hot, tight channel until he was balls deep inside. Spike noticed that Xander never acted as if there were any pain. Instead, his ass muscles seemed to pull Spike's cock inside as if welcoming it home. Spike was breathing now, trying his best to keep from shooting his load while feeling the warm, pulsating depth around him. Xander pushed up as if trying to become one with him and that's all it took. Spike cried out, shooting his cool seed into Xander. After a few minutes he fell forward onto Xander, the boy's legs still on his shoulders. Now it was his turn to be embarrassed. In all his years, Spike had never lost control so quickly with anyone. God, this boy had such a hold on him. Spike was never going to let this treasure get away from him....not ever...and he would kill anyone if they ever tried to take Xander away from him. He opened his mouth to apologize but Xander stopped him with a kiss.

"Short recovery time, remember?" Xander reached up, tracing the ridges over Spike's eyes and for the first time, Spike realized he had vamped out during his orgasm. Here was another first. Spike hadn't even noticed when this happened..he had been so far gone in the pleasure and passion that was Xander. He made an effort to return to his human face, feeling that Xander would be nervous looking into the eyes of a demon.

"Spike, stop. You don't have to change back. I'm not afraid of you. I love you...all of you...and that includes your demon."

Spike's mouth dropped open in surprise and Xander immediately took advange of the situation. He pulled Spike back down and kissed him, sliding his tongue along the fangs. Spike moaned, making Xander take further action. He ran his tongue along the tip of the fang, piercing it and causing it to bleed. Spike growled, his cock immediately hardening at the taste of Xander's blood. Innocence, desire, need filling his mouth. No wonder Xander was such a demon magnet. Spike sucked on Xander's tongue, getting every taste of the suculent blood. When they parted, Xander grinned at him, playfully thrusting his hips upwards, indicating that he was ready for more. Spike pushed the dark, silky locks away from Xander's forehead, vowing to himself that Xander was going to keep his hair long. He placed a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead, taking another moment to relish this closeness with the person who had become his world. Yes, Spike was definitely a's bitch had fallen for Xander Harris...fallen fast and hard.

"I love you, Xander. You're all I bloody think about...dream about. You're in my my throat. I'm drownin' in you, Xander, I'm drownin' in you." Spike started to move, slowly thrusting in and out, never taking his eyes off his boy. Xander put his hand up, trying to get Spike to stop. Spike seemed surprised, but he did what Xander wanted. Had he said too much? Xander saw the doubt in Spike's eyes and hastened to put the vampire's mind at ease.

"It's alright, Spike. I just...I just wanted to say something..and...uh...well, I can't think when we're doing...this." He saw the tension leave Spike's face and wondered how many times Spike had been turned away. Well, it wasn't going to be him turning Spike away that was for sure. "I gotta say something, cause I don't think I've made it clear. You've been hearing the words but they haven't gotten through. Listen and learn, Spike. I'm in love with you. Powerfully, painfully in love. The things you do, the way you think, the way you move. I get excited every time you look at me, Spike. You make me feel like I've never felt before in my life," Xander's eyes filled with tears and there was a quiver in his voice. "Like a man. I just thought you might want to know." Spike tenderly kissed Xander, running his hand through the boy's hair.

After a few minutes, Spike pulled outward about an inch before pushing himself in deeper, if that were possible. He followed this pattern for a few more times before pulling out until only his cockhead was inside. He paused, looking deeply into Xander's brown eyes. "Ready?" Xander could only nod, words having left him now. Spike drove his hips forward, impaling himself to the root in Xander's channel. Another thrust and he was brushing Xander's prostate. Xander gasped, his eyes staring at his lover. Every muscle on Spike's chest and stomach were sharply defined...*He's so beautiful*.

As Spike started a series of hard thrusts, Xander reached out and played with Spike's right nipple, tweaking it until it became a hard nub. Xander's other hand reached below his balls searching for Spike's cock, letting his finger glide along Spike's shaft as it moved in and out of him. As Spike continued his thrusts, Xander raised his hand to his lips, sucking on each finger, getting a taste of Spike's cum. His eyes closed in pleasure while Spike's grew wide. Did the whelp know how fucking sexy he looked doing that? Or was he really as innocent as he appeared to be? When Xander opened his eyes, giving Spike a version of his leer, Spike knew the answer. His boy was either a natural or a very quick learner. Xander continued to suck on his fingers as Spike bent down and kissed him, tasting himself and Xander mixed together. His thrusts became more urgent, both of them close to going over the edge.

Xander wrapped his arms around Spike's waist, trying to pull the vampire closer. He couldn't get enough of Spike...this was pleasure beyond his wildest dreams. "Fuck me...Spike...need you so love, my everything."

Spike stopped mid thrust. "I'm your everything?" Xander nodded, squeezing his legs tightly, pulling Spike forward and deeper into his clutching hole. Spike and Xander's mouths were inches apart and Spike drove his tongue into Xander's mouth, matching his tongue movement to his thrusts. He pulled away, grinning into Xander's glazed eyes, rotating his hips as he entered the boy. He changed his angle with every move, making sure Xander's prostate got the attention it deserved. As Spike's pumping grew faster, Xander groaned loudly, frantically clutching Spike's back with his fingers, as if he were searching for something...anything to keep him grounded. The pleasure/pain from Xander's fingernails scratching him set Spike off and he raised Xander up further, using his arms to balance himself as he rested his weight on his toes. He began to piston in and out of Xander's quivering hole, his passion reaching a fevered state.

"Oh, pet. Your ass feels to fucking warm. I'm so bloody, fucking close!"

"Fuck me hard, Spike. I want it....I need it!" Xander's head was rolling from side to side now, his hips driving up to meet every one of Spike's thrusts.

"Xander, don't come. I want to drink you, luv. Oh, fuck...I'm coming...feels so good." Spike was in ecstasy but he managed to hear Xander's words.

"Can't hold out, Spike. Gotta come. Please...don't take it out. I want you in me when I come...Spike!"

Spike quickly maneuvered himself to where he could take the boy's cock in his mouth without pulling out of Xander. He had just managed this when Xander shot, his hot semen tasting good as it hit the back of Spike's throat.

"How the fuck are you doing that?" Xander asked, quickly adding. "Don't stop. Fuck me...suck me dry, Spike." Xander thrashed his head back and forth screaming Spike's name over and over as the orgasm ripped through him, this one even more intense than the one before. Spike drank every drop, moaning at the sweet taste of his boy...his Xander. When it was over, Spike pulled his softening cock from Xander's ass before releasing the boy's cock from his mouth. Spike lowered Xander's legs, placing them on the bed before falling on top of the boy, nestling his head under Xander's chin. His nipple was right next to Spike, so the vampire gave it a loving, gentle lick and kiss before shifting up and looking into Xander's still glazed eyes. Spike gave Xander a gentle kiss, rolling off the boy before pulling him close. He pushed the sweat dampened hair away from Xander's face before staring into his eyes.

"How's your ass, pet? Was I too hard on you?" Spike was concerned. This was Xander's first time and while he had meant to be gentle and careful, their lovemaking had turned frantic with need and desire.

"Nah. You didn't do anything I didn't want you to do. If you recall, it was me yelling Harder."

"Roll over so I can kiss it and make it all better." Before Xander could protest, Spike had rolled him over and was already facedown in Xander's ass, licking gently across his hole. Xander made soft mewling noises as Spike ran the flat of his tongue from his balls to the crack of his ass. The area was red and Xander was defnitely going to be sore but both of them knew it was a good sore. Every time Spike passed Xander's hole, he would dip his tongue inside, cleaning the boy out. After he was finished he moved Xander onto his back, cleaning Xander's semen off his chest. When he was done, he lay down on the bed, grabbing up his shirt and wiping himself clean before taking the half asleep boy into his arms and cuddling close. He drew the covers up and around them, settling in for a good long sleep. Neither one of them had heard Buffy and Angel enter and then leave the mansion
"Are you going to be able to handle that, Angel?" Buffy's face was bright red as she walked alongside her boyfriend as they made another patrol around the cemetary, hoping they were giving Xander and Spike enough time to finish what they were doing. Buffy didn't want to hear their cries of ecstasy. Even though she was happy for her friend, it only reminded her that she and Angel couldn't make love. She gave her boyfriend's hand a supportive squeeze, seeing the look on his face and knowing that he was thinking the same thing.

"I don't know. Do you suppose you could talk to Willow and Giles....see if there's some sort of spell we could put on the room to muffle the...uh..noise?"

"Why do I have to do it? Why can't you?"

"Because you're closer to them, Buffy. I figured it wouldn't be so embarassing if it was you who did the asking."

"That's the exact reason why it would be embarassing. Besides, Spike is your responsibility."

"And you always look out for Xander."

"Fine, we'll do it together." They walked in silence for a few minutes before Buffy asked, "So what are you going to do about the rest of the house?"

"It will be off limits for that kind of thing. I'll make it a rule."

"Yeah...right." Buffy grinned at her boyfriend. "And we both know how well Spike and Xander follow directions and rules now don't we?" Angel returned the grin, giving Buffy a quick kiss.

"So, do you think that old apartment of mine is still available?"

Part Fifteen

It had been a week since Xander had gone back to school and already he was in trouble again. Spike was going to have a shit fit when he got home was Xander's thinking. If what he was doing could be called thinking what with the ringing in the ears, blurred vision, etc. This was the usual feelings after a beating... this one courtesy of the newest big threat in Sunnydale.

Spike and Angel were out taking care of patrol while Buffy, Giles, Faith, Willow and himself had come to clean out a nest of vampires or demons who were reported to be hiding out in this cave. Giles had told them it would be a fairly easy task since there were so many of them going and Willow was prepared to do some kind of cloaking spell. But then again, how many times did everything go the way they planned, Xander reminded himself.

Spike had not liked the idea of being seperated from Xander but Xander had made it clear he didn't like the thought of Spike being anywhere near Faith. Since Faith had to go on this mission, Xander had insisted on going with the gang minus Spike. He knew he shouldn't be jealous of them, but damnit he was. Spike had assured him over and over that what had happened New Year's Eve would never happen again and Xander believed him. However, he knew what a great lover Spike was firsthand and he had no doubt that the dark haired slayer would jump at the chance to get Spike back into her bed. He didn't trust Faith so Spike had finally agreed to the plans. Spike had given Xander a loving kiss before adding a stern warning not to jump into the fight unless he had to. Spike was still worried about Xander being completely healed from the wreck even though Dr. Moreheart had assured him Xander was back to normal.

Now Xander was laying under a bunch of cardboard boxes in the middle of the cave, every inch of him aching from the demon bitch's beating. It had taken all of five minutes before he had leapt into the fight, distracting the demon so it wouldn't kill Buffy or Faith. He groaned and tried to rise as his friend's voices finally filtered through the ringing sensation in his ears.

"These babes were wicked rowdy. What's their deal?" Faith was asking.

"I wish I knew. I was aware there was a nest here but quite frankly I expected them to be vampires. These are new." Giles answered.

"And improved." Buffy added.

"Yes, well I'm sorry. I should have had you better prepared and I should never have allowed Willow and uh...Xander? Xander?" Giles voice was worried as he realized Xander was nowhere to be found.

"I'm good. We're fine...just a little bit dirty." Xander picked himself up and stumbled out from under the boxes, unsteadily approaching his concerned friends. "Good show, everyone. Just great. I think we have a hit." He gave them the thumbs up sign.

"Are you okay?" Willow asked as she and Buffy checked him over, frowning at the condition of his clothes and the bruises on his body.

"Tip-top. Really. If anyone sees my spine lying around just try not to step on it." Willow frowned at his lame attempt at a joke.

"This is not funny, Xander Harris. Look at you. You could have re-injured yourself." Buffy nodded in agreement.

"Xander, one of these days you're going to get yourself hurt."

"Or killed," Faith added, looking somewhat worried herself.

"Or both," Buffy continued. "And you know with the pain and then the death maybe you shouldn't be leaping into the fray like that. Maybe you should be fray adjacent." Xander knew Buffy was just worried about him but he was getting sick and tired of everyone thinking he was some loser who couldn't take care of himself.

"Excuse me? Who at a crucial moment distracted the lead demon by allowing her to pummel him about the head?"

"Yeah, that was real manly how you shrieked and all," Faith told him.

"I think you'll find that was more of a bellow." Xander defended himself, his voice rising in irritation. Buffy's eyes went from Xander to Faith and back again and she quickly decided to change the subject before an all out argument began.

"Uh, what shall we do with the trio here? Burn them?"

"I brought marshmallows." Willow stared at her friends who were looking at her with surprise. "What? Occasionally, I'm callous and strange."

"I expect we can leave them." Giles scanned the cave. "I'm more interested in finding out what they are and whether we can expect more of their kind."

"I hope not. They're way too fit." Buffy started towards the entrance of the cave, Faith and Willow following behind. Xander tried to tag along but ended up going the wrong way.

"I say bring 'em on." Giles took his arm, gently leading him in the right direction.

"Xander, I think in the future it would be best if you hung back to the rear of the battle...for your own sake."

"But gee, Mr. White. If Clark and Lois get all the good stories I'll never be a good reporter." Xander retorted, Giles turning and giving him a confused look.


"Jimmy Olsen jokes are pretty much going to be lost on you, huh?"


"Hey, it's okay." They stepped out of the cave to meet up with the girls. Five minutes later they parted...Faith, Willow and Giles heading home while Buffy walked with Xander to the mansion.

"You know you don't have to escort me home, Buff. I'm perfectly fine."

"No, you're not and yes, I do. You've got a big bruise on your shoulder, you're limping and I'm pretty sure there's a huge lump on that hard head of yours. Besides, it gives me a chance to see Angel and that's always of the good."

"Ah, yes. The ulterior motive." The two of them grinned at each other, walking arm in arm towards the mansion as they chatted about Buffy's impending birthday.

"So what do you want for your birthday?"

"A nice, quiet, normal birthday. One that doesn't involve arms coming out of boxes and choking me or Angel changing back into Angelus." Xander nodded, turning his head to see the pained expression on Buffy's face. He thought he had a good idea what his friend was thinking.

"I'm going to go out on a limb here and say something I never thought I would ever say to you in my entire life. I'm sorry that you and Angel can't be a the coupley sense."

"Me too. I'd give anything if we could be like you and Spike...and that did not just come out of my mouth." Buffy shook her head as Xander laughed.

"It's weird how things change isn't it? It seems like only yesterday I was totally and madly in love with you, hating Angel for being so damn good looking and ruining any chance I might have with you, hating vampires in general and living a pretty sucky life. Now I'm excited about each and every day, I'm crazy about someone who is not only male but a vampire as well and I'm living with Angel and actually liking the guy." Buffy's expression was one of surprise and happiness. "If you ever tell him I said that I will blame it on the head trauma."

"I won't tell Angel you like him if you promise not to tell Spike that I've come to...tolerate him." When Xander gave her a mock glare, Buffy shrugged. "You can't expect me to say I like him, Xan. First reason...I'm a vampire slayer. I can't keep making friends with vampires can I? It would ruin my reputation."

"Can't have that."

"Second you honestly think I would let you get away with dating and falling in love with a vampire so easily? Especially after the way you acted about me and Angel? No, I get to have my fun too, Xander Harris."

"I can accept that." Xander grinned at her before he became serious. "I wish I could give you exactly what your heart desires for your birthday. But seeing as how I can't do that would a nice CD or a bottle of perfume be alright?"

"Just having Angel, you and the rest of the gang in my life is enough of a present for me." Buffy thought for a moment. "What kind of perfume did you say that was?"

"I didn't."

"And we're not talking country music are we, Xander?"

"What do you think?"

"I think I'll have to kill you if I open up my present and find a Patsy Cline CD inside."

"Don't have to worry about that, Buffy. I'd never give you one of those."

"Thank God."

"Country music is like fine wine. You're not ready for Patsy yet. You have to work your way up to her." Buffy groaned.
Ten minutes later the two of them walked into the mansion finding their vampires waiting for them. Angel and Spike got up and walked over to their loved ones, giving them a welcoming kiss.

"So how was patrol?" Buffy asked.

"Killed quite a few vamps tonight. Something weird is going on. I can feel it in the air." Angel told her.

"Yeah, we felt it too. Not in the air...more like a body to body kinda thing." Buffy hugged Angel. "We ran into some very tough demons. It took Willow's spell and all of us to kill two of them. But not to worry. Giles is working on finding out what's going on."

"And I suppose you did what I told you, luv and stayed to the back of the fight?" Spike eyed his lover suspiciously, taking in the torn clothes and injuries. He noticed Xander flinch as he ran his fingers through the boy's hair.

"Don't I always listen to you, Spike?" Xander's voice was full of innocence but he wasn't fooling Spike, especially when the vampire's hand ran across the large lump that Buffy had predicted would be there.

"Bloody hell. Are you determined to get yourself killed?" Spike began pacing in front of Xander, taking time to light a cigarette in order to try to calm himself down. "Just got out of the fucking hospital with head trauma and what do you do? Throw yourself into a fight with a bunch of demons."

"Actually it was more like I kinda power walked into the fight and got thrown out of it." Xander tried to tease his lover but knew it wasn't working when Spike glared at him. "In my defense I stayed out of the fight for a few minutes until I saw one of them trying to kill Buffy and Faith. What was I supposed to do? Stand there and cheer them on? And I've been out of the hospital for over a month so quit using that as an excuse for me not to fight."

Spike strode over to Xander, getting up in his face. "You came this close to dying!" He held up his hand, his thumb and finger an inch apart. "You can't possibly think I'm not going to worry. You weren't the one who went through the mind numbing fear of not knowing whether the person you loved was going to live or die."

"No, I was the one that was going through the actual pain."

"Seems to me you thrive on pain. You do everything you possibly can to get yourself hurt."

"Yeah, I went into that cave tonight and begged that bitch to beat me up! I asked her to bash my head in and throw me around like a rag doll just so I could piss you off!"

"Seems like that plan worked." Buffy muttered to Angel who nodded. Spike whirled around, pinning Buffy with a glare.

"And where the hell were you and Faith while Xander was getting his ass kicked?"

"Oh, gee Spike I don't know. Maybe we were off getting facials or maybe we were doing something crazy like say...fighting for our lives!"

"And what about that stupid watcher of yours? 'It's a simple nest of vampires. Nothing to worry about'." Spike tried to mimic Giles' voice.

"Giles was mistaken. He felt really bad about endangering Willow and Xander." Buffy defended her mentor.

"He felt really bad, eh? Well that just makes everything alright now doesn't it?"

"That's enough, Spike!" Angel's voice held a warning note. "Buffy and everyone else in that group do everything possible to protect Xander. Things happen."

"Things happen. That's easy for you to say, mate. You're dating a fucking slayer." Xander had been standing to the side, watching in stunned silence. He couldn't believe how crazy Spike was acting over a little bump on the head. Astonishment turned to full blown anger.

"If you feel that way you should have stuck with Faith."

"Xander, that's not what I meant."

"No, it's not. What you meant was you don't have any confidence in me. You think I'm as useless as my father does. You look at me and see some dumb, helpless kid that can't walk across the floor without tripping over his own two feet. Well, let me tell you something buster. I've lived on this fucking hellmouth my entire life. I've lived through a lot of shit and I'm still standing. As for my friends, Buffy's saved my life lots of times so don't you dare stand there and yell at her for what happened tonight! No one forced me to go into that cave and no one has ever forced me to fight vampires or any of the other demons we've faced. I do it because I want to help my friends, because I want to protect them and other innocent people from being killed."

"Soddin' white knight syndrome," Spike muttered, angrily putting out his cigarette.

"Call it whatever you like, I don't care. I do what I think is right. I'm sorry if I worry you, I'm sorry if I worry my friends but it's not going to make me stop being who I am. You knew that when we became a couple. I thought that's one of the things you loved about me. Evidently I was wrong." Xander walked away, Spike reaching for his arm but finding his hand pushed away as the boy walked into the kitchen. Xander opened a cabinet door, pulling out an aspirin bottle. He took three of them out, getting a glass of water and downing them before heading towards the living room. He flopped down on the couch, putting his arm over his eyes. Buffy and Angel watched as Spike made his way over to the boy.

"What the hell are you doing now? I'm not through talking to you."

"What does it look like, Spike? I'm trying to get some sleep. And yes you're done talking, unless you want to talk to yourself. I've got a headache and I have to get up early and go to school. I've got tests to fail and F's to make. Now go away and leave me alone."

"You're not sleeping out here."

"Am too."

"Are not. You're sleeping in our bed." Xander raised his arm to look at Spike.

"So you're going to take the couch?"

"No." Xander put his arm back down.

"Then I'm sleeping in here." Spike pulled Xander's arm down to glare at his lover.

"You are sleeping with me in our bed." Xander tried to roll over but Spike stopped him.

"Fuck off!"

"Quit being a wanker and come to bed." Xander shook his head. "Xander, I'm not fucking playing around."

"Exactly. There will be no playing of any kind. You've pissed me off! Xander glared at Spike before adding, "Asshole!"



"Stupid git!" Spike leaned closer, blue eyes boring into Xander's.

"Arrogant bastard!" Xander raised his head, angry brown eyes meeting Spike's. They stared at each other for a moment before both of them leaned towards one another, mouths coming together in a kiss filled with anger, love and passion. Spike covered Xander's body with his own, his tongue tracing the boy's bottom lip. Xander's lips parted allowing Spike's tongue to enter his mouth. He groaned, arching up into Spike, his tongue playing with the vampire's. Xander wrapped his fingers around Spike's mouth, pulling him into a deeper kiss, almost whimpering as Spike's hand carded through his hair.

"Still sleeping on the couch, luv?"

"Huh?" Xander's mind wasn't functioning, all the blood having gone south. Spike got off of Xander, pulling the boy to his feet before nibbling on his bottom lip.

"Gonna punish the bad, rude vampire because he loves you so much it kills him to think of anything happening to you?" Spike's arms were wrapped around Xander's waist as he slowly started walking backwards, pulling Xander along with him.

"You're already dead, can't kill you." Xander murmured, allowing Spike to lead him towards the bedroom. Spike gave him another passionate kiss.

"I would walk into the sunlight and dust myself if something happened to you." Another kiss followed his words.

"You don't have any confidence in me." Xander pouted.

"Yes, I do. It just makes me crazy when you get hurt...I start ranting and I don't know what I'm saying. Do you forgive me, luv?" Another kiss and a sexy smile turned Xander to mush.

"You yelled at Buffy for no reason." Spike glanced over Xander's shoulder, smiling at the blushing girl.

"Sorry slayer."

"Okay, Spike." Buffy watched as Spike turned his attention back to Xander.

"Are you going to apologize for worrying me?"

"I'm sorry, Spike." Xander brushed his lips across Spike's. "Sorry I didn't listen to you." Another soft brush of lips. "Sorry I worried you." Another kiss as they entered the bedroom. "Can we get to the making up part now? Please?" Xander's last word came out as a groan as Spike's hands wandered down to his ass, pulling him closer.

"Might be inclined to do that...if you beg nicely." Spike pulled Xander into the bedroom, pushing the door shut but not before Buffy and Angel heard Xander's repeated pleas of "Please, please, love you, please."

After a few awkward moments Buffy turned to Angel. " that their idea of foreplay?"

"Anything is their idea of foreplay." Angel practically groaned, thinking of all the times Spike and Xander had made love during the past week. "Both of them are insatiable."

"And I guess that talk didn't go over so well, huh?" Angel shook his head. "Well, at least Willow managed to do the spell so we can't hear them." They stood around for a minute or two, both of them staring at the floor, afraid to look into each other's eyes for fear of getting carried away. This was definitely hell...Angel thinking it was worse than the one Buffy had sent him to.

"Want to go kill something?"

"Oooh, yeah." Buffy agreed, taking Angel's hand and leading him from the mansion.
Spike had undressed Xander, laying him down on the bed before taking his clothes off as well. Spike had crawled up Xander's body making sure to pay attention to all of Xander's hot spots except for his cock. Xander had closed his eyes, thoroughly enjoying the attention, so lost in his desire he hadn't noticed Spike tying his hands to the bed until it was too late. Now he was lying on the bed, his hands held up over his head by Spike's tie from his robe, watching Spike masturbate.

"Spike, baby, please...need you." Xander tried using his puppy dog eyes but Spike was refusing to look at him. "Spike, please look at me."

"Not going to fall for the puppy eyes, whelp." Spike continued to stroke his erection, his eyes closed in pleasure as he smiled.

"What are you grinning about, Spike?" Xander's tone was a mixture of irritation and arousal.

"Images in my mind, luv. Gonna have to make do with those seeing as how you don't want me tonight."

"I do want you, Spike. I do." Xander was almost whining.

"Not what you were saying earlier, pet. You wanted to sleep on the couch or toss my arse out of bed. Didn't want to be near me."

"I told you I was sorry." Now Xander was whining, struggling to get free. Spike smiled, feeling the bed move as the boy's body strained against the tie.

"Might as well stop, Xan. You're not going to get loose. And I know you're sorry but you have to be punished for threatening to withhold sex from me."

"Punished? I'm being punished? You started the argument remember? I forgave you."

"I forgave you for everything you said, luv but taking away sex is unforgiveable. Now lie back and take your punishment like a man."

"What are you going to do?"

"Exactly what I'm doing now. I'm going to close my eyes, imagine us making love, pleasure myself until I come while you watch." There was a few moments silence as Xander watched Spike's hand slide up and down the hard shaft. "Want to know what I'm thinking?"

"No." Xander was trying to be stubborn but the smell of phermones and the desire in his voice gave him away.

"Gonna tell you anyway. Right now I'm massaging your thighs, my fingers moving in circles, slowly inching up towards that hot cock of yours. God, luv you feel so good." Xander groaned, imagining how it would feel to have Spike's soft hands massaging his thighs. "Now I'm taking it in my hands, stroking it until I see the first sign of pre-cum. I lean over and gently lick the head. Fuck, you taste so good. I can't stop myself...I take you into my mouth, licking, sucking tasting you as you push up into my mouth. My hand reaches down, playing with your balls for a few moments before I go further finding your hole. I raise up, wetting my fingers before slipping the first one into your hot, tight ass. Another finger...then another...and another. By now your body is pushing down, taking me in as far as you can. I crook my finger, finding your hot spot and your body arches off the bed while you beg me to fuck you."

"Oh, God...Spike please." Xander's body was writhing next to Spike, thinking about how good it would feel to have Spike's finger in him. Spike glanced over, a wave of desire coursing through him as he sped up his strokes.

"Yeah, luv just like that. Love to hear you beg...your voice so full of desire for me. I slip my fingers out and slide my cock into that sweet ass of yours. I'm buried deep inside you, luv...I lean down and kiss those full lips of yours, tasting every inch of your mouth. When I'm done I kiss your jaw, your throat your chest. I take one of your nipples in my mouth, sucking on it while I play with the other one, giving it a gentle pinch."

" when you do that." Xander moaned.

"Know you do, pet. I start moving inside you...slowly at first then faster, pounding into you as I feel my orgasm building." Spike's hand was moving faster and Xander watched in helpless desperation, wanting nothing more than to have his mouth on that beautiful cock. "Oh, yes, luv here it is...I'm gonna cum!" Xander's tongue licked his lips as he watched Spike shoot his load, desperately wanting to taste his lover, to touch that beautiful body that was arching up off the bed. When Spike was done he turned to look at Xander, the sight of his boy's arousal taking his unneeded breath away.

"Spike...need you...please baby...I'll never do it again...just please let me taste you...fuck me...oh, shit I can't stand this." Before Xander knew what was happening his hands were untied and Spike was kissing him. He turned Spike onto his back, his mouth heading straight for Spike's chest where he licked the vampire clean before doing the same to his stomach. He moaned as he took Spike's cock into his mouth, reveling in the taste that was Spike.

Spike lay back, watching his boy eagerly clean him, groaning as Xander's warm mouth engulfed his hardening erection. He stroked Xander's hair, careful to avoid the lump he had found earlier. When his cock was fully hard he pushed Xander away, laying him back onto the bed. Spike spread Xander's legs, parting his ass cheeks before leaning in and tasting his boy. His tongue entered Xander's hot channel which was already twitching with desire. Spike stroked Xander's cock, his tongue moving inside the boy in rhythm with each stroke. It only took a few moments before he heard Xander cry out, his body rising from the bed as he came.

Xander had just begun to relax from his first orgasm when he felt Spike enter him. He thrust his hips upwards, taking Spike inside him as deeply as he could. Spike groaned, loving the responsiveness of his boy. He leaned down and kissed Xander, not stopping until the boy had to breathe. He began to thrust in and out, feeling Xander's muscles tighten around his cock.

"Feels so good, Spike. Need you so much."

"I'm here, luv. Never gonna stop. Never."

"Spike...oh, fuck you know how to make me so fucking hot." Xander moaned, feeling his balls tighten for the second time. As Xander came, his ass muscles clenched Spike's cock so tightly that Spike came with him, both of them screaming each other's names. When they were done, Spike collapsed on Xander, the boy's arms coming around to hold him. Spike's fingers were gently rubbing Xander's forehead and the boy sighed.

"Mmm. That feels good." Spike started to roll over but Xander stopped him. "Stay inside me, Spike. Want to go to sleep just like this. Want to feel you inside me, owning me, possessing me." Spike's cock twitched at those words. "I'm yours."

"Always, Xander. You were born to be mine."
Xander stood outside of the school, watching two boys pass a football back and forth. He was feeling good today...really good. He had been awoken by Spike moving inside him, placing gentle kisses all over his body as he made love to him. Definitely better than any alarm clock he had ever owned. Afterwards they had made love in the shower before washing each other. Xander had been late to school, but it had been worth it.

"Hey, Doug! Toss me one!" Xander jumped up and down, waving his arms in the air. Doug turned, flashing an annoyed look at him before throwing the ball to the other boy.

"Les man, I'm open." Les ignored him, tossing the ball back to Doug. Xander was beginning to get embarrassed. Some of the cheerleaders and other fellow students were watching and Xander was desperate to get the boy's attention.

"Doug, right here man. Right here." Xander gestured with his arms. "Doug, please." Xander was about to give up when Doug finally turned, throwing the ball his way.

"Alright, it's all me." Xander thought he had the ball in his hands but it fell out of his grasp, landing on Jack O'Toole's cola, knocking it out of his hand and onto the ground. Xander ran up to the other boy, skidding to a halt in front of him.

"I am so sorry." Jack stood up and stared at him. "Doug's arm is kinda like spaghetti. We're all so very sorry for him. Is your lunch okay?"

"What are you...retarded?" Jack asked.

"No. No, I had to take that test when I was seven. Little slow in some stuff, mostly math and spacial relations but certainly not challenged or anything. Can I get you another soda?" Xander pointed at the spilt drink while Jack shuffled the football from hand to hand.

"I ought to cut your face open."

"Hey. It was an accident. Cool down." Xander's good mood was beginning to fade.

"You want to be starting something?"

"What? Starting something? Like that Michael Jackson song, right? Too high to get over, yeah, yeah," Xander sang, hoping Jack would laugh along with him. "That was a lot of fun. Remember that fun song?"

"I get my buddies together, we're going to kick your ass until it's a brand new shape. Now get out of here." Jack shoved the football at Xander who turned to leave. He had walked a few steps before he decided he didn't like being treated that way. Who did Jack think he was talking to? Xander's lover was a bad ass vampire who could take him out in two seconds flat and Xander wasn't going to be treated badly anymore.

"Go ahead and get your buddies together, Jack. Kind of a cowardly thing to do if you ask me. You and your buddies ganging up on one guy. You must feel pretty threatened by me if you need back up."

"Okay, that's it asswipe. Let's go...right here....right now." Jack started towards him, his hand reaching into his pocket. Before he could reach Xander, Cordelia stepped between the two boys.

"As much as I would enjoy watching you two fight Principal Snyder is watching. I don't think you need to get kicked out of school...again do you, Jack?" Jack glanced towards where Cordelia was looking, quickly backing away.

"I'll see you later asshole."

"Be looking forward to it dickhead." Xander retorted, watching as Jack made his way across the yard.

"Yo, man...the ball." Xander turned and threw the ball to Doug before facing Cordelia who was shaking her head.

"You really have a deathwish don't you, Xander. You think because you have a vampire for a boyfriend you can talk to Jack like that? You better be glad I was here to save your sorry ass."

"I could have taken him."

"Oh, please. O'Toole would macrame your face. He is a psycho, which is still cooler than being a wuss."

"I'm not a wuss. I was going to fight him. You were the one that got in the way." Xander accused his ex-girlfriend. "I've come face to face with vampires, demons, the most hideous creatures hell ever spit out and I'm not afraid of a bully like Jack O'Toole."

"You should be. Unlike all those other creatures you've come face to face with, Jack actually noticed you were there."

"Why am I surprised at how nice you're not?"

"It must be really hard when all your friends have like superpowers. Slayer, witches, werewolves, vampires and you're like this little nothing. You must feel like..." Cordelia thought for a moment..."Jimmy Olsen."

"I was just talking to..." Xander's laughter stopped. "Hey, mind your own business."

"Oh, I struck a nerve. The boy who had no cool."

"I happen to be an integral part of that group. I happen to have a lot to offer."

"Oh, please." Cordelia laughed, starting to walk away.

"I do!"

"Integral part of the group? Xander, you're the useless part of the group. You're the Zeppo. Cool. Look it up. It's something that a subliterate who's repeated 12th grade three times has and you don't. I can't understand why someone as sexy and cool as Spike would go for a guy like you. Of course, if you look at his past dating history he used to be in love with a crazy woman so not much difference there."

"What does that say about you Cordy? In case you've forgotten...we dated."

"That was during my charitable time. I took pity on you."

"Yeah, right." Xander yelled at Cordy as she walked away, a happy smile on her face.

"There was no part of that that wasn't fun." Xander heard her say. He turned and made his way to the cafeteria, hoping he would find one or all of his friends. He needed to talk to someone...his insecurity was starting to show.
"Why do you let Cordelia get to you like that?" Oz asked. He and Xander were sitting in the cafeteria talking. Xander was glad it was Oz he had found. Even though Willow and Buffy were his best friends, Oz had a good head on his shoulder and Xander respected his opinion.

"It's just that it's bugging know what she said about the 'cool' thing. I mean...what is it? How do you get it? Who doesn't have it and who decides who doesn't have it? What is the essence of cool?"

"I'm not sure."

"I mean, you yourself Oz are considered more or less cool. Why is that?" Oz shrugged.

"Am I?"

"Is it about the talking? You know, the way you tend to express yourself in short, non-commital phrases."

"Could be."

"Wait. You're in a band. That's like a business class ticket to cool with complimentary mojo after take off. I gotta learn an instrument. Is it hard to play guitar?"

"Not the way I play it."

"I need a thing. Something nobody else has. What do I have?"

"A vampire for a boyfriend."

"No..well, yeah but Buffy has one of those too and besides I can't tell everyone what he is."

"Well, you have an exciting, new obsession which I feel makes you very special."

"And now with the mocking...which I can handle cause I know I'm right about this. I'm on the track. I need to find my thing."

"It seems to me you're overthinking it. I mean, you've got some identity issues because you think no one has confidence in your fighting skills. It's not the end of the world." Xander had told Oz about the gang's reaction to him getting hurt the night before and the argument between him and Spike.

"Sometimes it feels that way." Xander's eyes brightened as a thought entered his mind. "I know. I'll call my Uncle Rory. He's got this neat, old car that he can't drive because he's got too many DUI's. I could be car guy...guy with a car."

"Are you sure you're ready for that, Xan? Driving, I mean?" Everyone knew how Xander and Buffy had both been afraid of riding or driving in a car since the accident.

"Yeah, I think I am. Spike's taken me out a few's helped."

"Just be careful, okay? Don't want a repeat performance." Oz stood up, picking up his tray. "Sorry...gotta go...full moon." Xander sat back in his chair, a broad smile on his face. He'd call his Uncle after school, pick up the car and surprise his friends. He knew Spike wouldn't be impressed but the kids at school would definitely notice he wasn't a loser anymore.
That night Xander sat at the Bronze listening to his cousin Michelle go on and on about the boys she had dated and the cars they had driven. Why had Uncle Rory insisted that he had to entertain his cousin if he wanted to rent his car? And why had he thought that having a car would impress anyone? All it had done was prove two things...1)Everyone thought he was the Zeppo of the group and 2)they didn't even trust him to drive a car.

When he had pulled up at the school Willow and Buffy had immediately warned him about driving carefully before sending him out on a doughnut run. The apocolypse was coming...they had described it as the biggest...yet no one wanted him involved...except to fetch doughnuts. He had stopped by the mansion only to have a repeat performance from Angel and Spike. Both of them were involved in the apocolypse thing but neither one would tell him what was going on. Needless to say, Spike had gone ballistic about the car which had resulted in them arguing yet again. Xander had been pissed about being left out of everything and Spike was just as pissed about the car. Xander had left, not even bothering to tell his boyfriend where he was going. He had driven over to his cousin's house and picked her up...taking her to a movie before going to the Bronze.

"Xander, are you listening to me?"

"What? Yeah, I'm listening."

"Okay. Anyway, I started seeing this guy who had a Thunderbird. Engine completely tricked out. But the upholstery was kinda shoddy. So then I started seeing this guy, Mike. Not the Mike with the Mercedes...the Mike with the Mustang. An 82 V-6, you know---"

"Angel! Spike!" Xander jumped up, waving at his boyfriend and friend, forgetting all about their argument in his attempt to get his cousin to shut the fuck up. Angel quickly made his way across the floor, Spike following, and looking none too happy to see Xander.

"Angel...buddy...friend buddy. You guys want to sit and talk?" Spike stared at the pretty blonde before pulling his boyfriend away from the table.

"What the hell are you doing here with that bitch?"

"Hey! Watch what you say about her. Sure she's boring...all she talks about is cars but still...."

"Where'd you find her?" Spike's voice was filled with jealous rage and Xander suddenly remembered he hadn't told Spike about his cousin because of the argument.

"She's my cousin, Michelle. My Uncle Rory let me rent his car on the condition that I take his daughter out for the night. I always wondered why Michelle couldn't get a date...she is pretty, after all. Now I know. All she talks about is cars. Can't get her to shut up. I don't know where she gets that from."

"Yeah, that's a puzzler." Spike said, sarcasm in his voice. "I'm sure all the Harris' are quiet people."

"Okay, switching from angry to making fun of the boyfriend. That's so much better." Xander turned to walk away but Spike grabbed his arm.

"Xander, I know you're upset because no one is letting you in on this apocolypse thing and I would tell you what was going on if I could. They didn't tell me anything either. Guess they were afraid I'd tip you off."

"Really? So this isn't about you not trusting me?" Spike nodded his head. "So I made a total ass out of myself this afternoon when I got mad at you for not telling me?" Again, Spike nodded his head. "I'm sorry, Spike. Gee, I seem to be saying that a lot lately don't I?"

"Doesn't matter, pet. I love you anyway. Can't blame you for being upset. Bloody friends of yours are blind. They should know that you would get your feelings hurt and they should also know that I would never let anything happen to you." Xander gave Spike a kiss, only breaking it when Angel called out to them. Evidently, Michelle was boring the hell out of him as well. They made their way back to the table, Xander holding Spike's hand.

"Michelle, this is my boyfriend, Spike. Spike...Michelle."

"So you're Xander's cousin?"

"Yeah. It's nice to meet you. Xander's told me all about you."

"How did he manage to get a word in edgewise." Angel muttered, causing Spike and Xander to laugh. "Xander, we're looking for Buffy."

"Library last I saw. That's where I delivered the doughnuts anyway." Spike saw the hurt look on Xander's face and squeezed the boy's hand. If Angel wasn't so sure that they needed Spike's help with this apocolypse thing Spike wouldn't be leaving his boyfriend.

"I hope they know what they're dealing with."

"Let's go there and tell them." Xander prompted Angel, a hopeful look on his face.

"No, it's best if you stay out of harm's way."

"Best for who? Xander could help." Spike protested.

"Spike...if you want to stay here with Xander then stay."

"Think I will. I don't give a piss about an apocolypse." Xander gave his boyfriend a kiss.

"Go on. It's alright. They need you...go help my friends." Spike gave Xander another kiss before following Angel towards the door. "And be careful. I want you back in one piece." Spike turned and smiled at him before walking out the door.

"Hey, you want to go for another drive?" Michelle asked.

"Might as well. Nothing else better to do." Xander grabbed his jacket and walked outside. "You know, it's not like I haven't helped before. I've done some quality violence for those people." Xander opened the door for Michelle and she slid across the seat before he sat down, making sure to buckle his seat belt. "They act like I'm some sort of klutz." Xander started to pull out, not paying attention until he felt the crash. He sat back trying to get his heart to quit racing. This wasn't like the accident he was in with Buffy. He had only hit a parked car.

"Oh, God. Stay calm." Xander got out of the car and surveyed the damage. "A little fender bender. It's not...." He heard the other person's car door open and looked up to see Jack O'Toole exiting the car.
"the end of the world." Xander finished, thinking maybe it was after all if the expression on Jack's face was any indication.


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