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See all the awards this amazing series has won

Pairing: X/ different pairings, het, slash and threesomes.

Rating : Up to NC17

Summary: Ever wish you knew how different your life could have been?

Feedback: If you want to.

Disclaimer: If I were Joss, Spike and Xander would be naked 24/7. They aren't? Guess I'm not Joss then ;-p


Anyone else just ask.

A/N: This is for @shy and Meleesa for encouraging me to continue.

Also thank you to my Beta, Alex. Without your hard work, this would be riddled with errors.

Quantum Xander



Part One

Xander stretched and rolled out of bed. He needed to get up and help Giles at the shop today. Deanna needed to train with someone and he had been volunteered. She was good. Not as good as Buffy, but in his opinion no one was as good as Buffy.

He had been here for two weeks now - two weeks in a place where everything was familiar but different. He wondered if he'd ever get home. As he showered, Xander thought about that first day.

::Two weeks earlier::

Xander yawned, opened his eyes and rolled over. He knew it was too early to get up because his alarm hadn't gone off yet. So why was he awake? Better yet why was he on the floor?

Xander stood up and stretched. He was still fully dressed just as he had been when he fell into bed last night. Patrol had been hard, two vamp nests and a coven of witches trying to open the hell-mouth.

As soon as the fact registered that he was in his bedroom, his completely empty bedroom, Xander began to worry. There was no way someone could have taken every last stick of furniture out of here while he was sleeping and not wake him. Something hell-mouthy was at work.

He left the bedroom only to find the rest of the apartment in the same shape - empty. It was as if he had never lived here. Even the paint was back to the same plain white that had been there before he signed the lease. He and Anya had the place painted in soft pastel tones. Her idea, but it did look good. With no phone and no electricity, Xander figured he'd have to walk over the magic shop to see if any of the others were experiencing weirdness.

The walk through Sunnydale was like something out of the 'Twilight Zone'. He swore he saw faces from his graduating class. Faces of people he knew hadn't survived the mayor's ascension. Shrugging it off as more of the same weirdness that took all his furniture, he continued on to the shop.

Xander walked through the front door of the magic box and was pleasantly surprised to see Giles there.

"Hey G-man! When'd you get back from the mother country?"

The crossbow aimed at his chest and the small brunette girl with a stake were not expected. Xander swallowed hard and tried again.

"Uh? Giles? I know you hate the nick name but is this necessary?"

Giles slowly approached Xander and opened the door. The morning sunlight poured into the shop and surrounded Xander in its brightness. Giles frowned and then withdrew a cross from his pocket. He pressed it to the side of Xander's neck. Nothing happened.

"Who are you?"

"What? I'm Xander. Who else would I be?"

Giles took several steps away from him and motioned for the brunette to come closer. Xander couldn't hear what was being said but he knew it was about him. He waited with a growing sense of wrongness. This was all wrong. Giles thought he was a vampire? Why? And who was the slayer wannabe?


"Yeah G-man? Uh sorry, habit."

"What are you doing here?"

Xander sighed and motioned toward the research table.

"Can we sit? This might be kinda hard to believe but I don't think I belong here."

Giles nodded and the three of them took a seat.

"First off. I'm Xander. Do you know me?"

"Yes. You were one of Buffy's closest friends."

"Were? As in we aren't friends anymore? Or as in, one of us ain't breathing anymore?"

"You were turned. Last year as a matter of fact."

"How? Who? Why?"

"Well the how is pretty obvious. The who? Angelus. As for why? I can only assume to hurt Buffy."

"Which leads me to my next question. Where is the Buffster and who's the brunette?"

Giles pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. The brunette shot Xander a hate-filled look.

"Buffy was killed. This is Deanna, the new slayer."

Xander sighed and put his head on the table.

"Looks like I'm not in Kansas any more."

"Why don't you tell me what you remember. What's the first thing you remember that seemed different?"

Xander began talking, he told him about waking up in his empty apartment on the floor and everything that had happened between then and the moment he walked through the front door.

"And you say that Mayor Wilkins ascended? Fascinating. Buffy and Faith killed him before graduation in this reality. I assume that's why you recognised some of your former classmates. What else can you tell me about your reality?"

Xander and Giles talked for the next couple hours. Xander learned that in this reality Angelus had never been re-souled, as Willow had been vamped with Jesse in high school. Angelus had turned him, killed Buffy, and they had left town with Spike and Dru.

"What about the Initiative?"

"The what?"

"Riley Finn and his commando boys? Not ringing any bells?"

"Er, no actually. Please explain."

Xander went on to tell him about the military operation that had based itself in Sunnydale, how they had chipped Spike and he had come to them for help. How he had become somewhat of a colleague and had fallen in love with Buffy. He then asked about Glory and Dawn.

Giles told him that while he wasn't sure who this Glory person was, that Dawn had been killed by Drusilla. Xander assumed that because the key no longer existed, Glory had no reason to come to Sunnydale seeking it.

Giles couldn't believe some of the things he had heard. Faith being a rogue slayer, Dawn being a key that would destroy the barriers between worlds, Buffy dying and then being resurrected. Angel running a detective agency in LA with Cordelia Chase working for him. It was too much.

"And you say that Willow was a powerful witch in your reality? Fascinating."

"What happened to Willow and Jesse? Are they still vampires or did Buffy dust them?"

"Er, Jesse is still a demon as far as I know but Willow was dusted by Drusilla. It seems that Spike took a special ... interest in her and Dru got jealous."

"Oh. What about Cordy? What about Anya?"

"Cordelia left after graduation. I believe she is modelling in New York. As for this Anya? I'm afraid I don't know who she is."

"Of course! If Willow was vamped, there would never have been any kissing and Cordy wouldn't have made that wish and Anyanka would never have been here."

Giles spluttered.

"Did - did you say Anyanka? As in the vengeance demon Anyanka? The patron saint of scorned women?"

"Yep. She owned half this store, we almost got married."

Giles looked like he was about to faint.

"If it makes you feel better, she was human. You smashed her necklace and she lost her powers."

"I see. I must say, your Sunnydale seems like a very odd place indeed."

"Welcome to the hell mouth."

"Hell mouth? What hell mouth?"

Xander groaned. It was going to be a very long day.


It had turned out to be a long couple of weeks. This Giles was just as obsessive as the one he remembered. They had read through countless magical texts trying to find a way to send him home. They had discussed the differences between their worlds, the possibility of endless realities existing. Xander knew there were at least four. This one, his reality, the wish-verse that Anya created and apparently a world without shrimp.

It made sense that there would be more. His inner geek told him the possibilities were endless. Every time you made a decision you created a reality in which you chose to go left instead of right, but somewhere, there was a reality where you chose the opposite. It was a scary thought. With that many possibilities he might never get home.

Xander finished his shower and got dressed. He felt a bit dizzy for a moment and closed his eyes. As he headed back downstairs he heard voices in the kitchen. As he got closer he recognised one of them as Buffy's. He grinned like an idiot and barged into the room.

Everyone fell silent and stared at him. He did the same. 'Cause there at the table sat Giles, Buffy, Willow, Spike, Tara, Dawn and.... himself.

"Well this is going to be fun."

Part Two

The shocked expression on everyone's faces made Xander want to giggle. He didn't, but he desperately wanted to. He realised that it was just the shock of obviously crossing into another reality and seeing himself. He wondered what things were different in this reality.

"Hey? Do you guys have shrimp on this world?"

Everyone looked at him strangely except Anya.

"Yes, we do. Have you been to the world without shrimp?"

"No, not yet anyway. This is only my second reality that isn't really mine."

"Oh, well when you get there, don't eat the seafood. It tastes funny."

"Thanks for the tip An, I'll keep it in mind."

Xander chuckled because it was just too funny not to. Everyone was still gaping at him like he was a side-show exhibit, and Anya just talked to him like it was perfectly normal for him to just show up from another dimension. Finally Spike found his voice and leaned over to the other Xander.

"He looks just like you pet, can we keep him?"

"Ew! No way, that would be like .... "


Spike grinned lasciviously at the Xander sitting beside him before pecking him on the mouth. The Xander in the doorway stared in abject horror as he watched his twin kissing Spike.

"Oh God! It's a hell dimension. I'm macking on Spike!"

Spike and Xander both looked up at this and frowned. Spike pouted at his Xander and whispered in his ear. Xander just shrugged his shoulders and looked at his double.

"I take it you and Spike aren't a couple in your reality?"

Xander frantically shook his head. He then pointed at Anya and himself, unable to make words. Giles stepped in and tried to make sense out of this strange situation.

"You mean to tell us that you are Xander, but from a reality that differs from our own?"


"And that in your reality, you and Anya are ... involved?"

"We were engaged."

"And this is the second alternate reality you have found yourself in?"

"Uh huh."

"Fascinating. I would like to speak to you about all of this. Would you join us?"

"Uh, are they going to be doing ... that ... the whole time?"

'They' were Spike and Xander who were sitting close to each other, holding hands and whispering.

"Quite possibly. If you like we could talk in the other room?"

"Okay G-man, er, Giles. Sorry."

"Quite alright, tea?"

"Yes, please."

Xander told Giles everything he could remember about the other reality, and about the Sunnydale he was from. There wasn't much different here other that the fact that this Xander was obviously gay and very into Spike. Willow and Tara were a couple, as were Buffy and Riley. The shock was that Anya and Giles were married. Xander had tried to picture his Giles and Anya as a couple and smiled as he thought about how embarrassed the former watcher would be by his ex's blunt references to sex and her public demands for orgasms.

Giles suggested that Xander keep a journal, and gave him an empty book of lined paper. He also invited him to stay in the guest room for his duration in this reality in exchange for answers to any questions he might think up. Xander readily agreed and took the journal up to the guest room to be alone for a while. He decided writing things down would be a very good idea.

I got up this morning and showered in one reality and then found myself in another by the time I was dressed. I'm not sure what is causing me to shift or how long I'll stay in one place. It's kinda scary.

The first place was bad, no Buffy, no Willow. Hell, I was a vampire! Thank God I didn't meet myself. Apparently Angelus still reigns there and he turned me. The new slayer, Deanna, was okay. Nice kid, chip on her shoulder though. A bit like Faith. Speaking of Faith, she was doing the Slayer gig in Europe. Apparently a new hellmouth opened in France.

This place is better. Everyone is here and breathing. Except for Spike, but he's undead, so not a problem. The wiggy thing is ... I'm gay in this world. And Spike is my, his, this Xander's lover. I never thought about Spike that way, even when I was considering my sexuality, I never thought about Spike. Gah! Could be worse I suppose, could be Angel! ::shudder::

Giles has asked me to stay here - good thing too, cause Spike looked like he wanted to be the filling in a Xanderwich. Thank God my other self was not into that idea.

Anya is married to the G-man here. Strange, huh? I can see it though, they'd be kinda cute together. I'm just glad she's happy in this reality, I hurt her so much in mine. If I ever get home, I'll find a way to make it up to her. I'm sorry I hurt her. Oh my God! I wonder if she did this? Is she all vengeancy again? Is this my punishment? What if I never get home? I should talk to the Anya of this world, see what she thinks.

I just want to go home. I miss my friends, my job, my apartment. I miss scooby meetings, pizza night with Buffy and Dawn. I even miss playing pool and drinking beer at The Bronze with Spike. I must really be homesick.

Part Three

Three weeks. I've been in this world for three weeks and it has been three weeks too long. Know why I say that? It's because I've gotten used to seeing myself kiss Spike. It doesn't shock me anymore and it really should. But they're just like ... normal. They act the same way any gay couple would - well except for the fact that Spike and Xan (what Spike calls my other self) are more into PDA's than Wills and Tara are. The worst part is that I have to admit that they seem good for each other. This Xander is happy - way happier than I was with Anya. Which brings me to another point. Giles and Anya. Damn. They belong together, like really belong together. I know what Happy Anya looks like, and she is so happy with Giles that it makes my heart hurt. I could never have given her that kind of joy. He's given her such a real sense of humanity; she doesn't even make blunt public requests for orgasms. Though Spike tells me she used to, and that it was quite entertaining. There doesn't seem to be much difference between this world and my own, other than my latent homosexuality and the Anya/Giles thing. Everything is basically the same. Buffy and Angel dated, he lost his soul, got it back, moved away. Faith went bad, went to jail. Spike got chipped, came here for help. Glory came, Buffy died, Wills brought her back. Same as my world. I have wanted to ask Xander how he and Spike got together, but I don't want to have that conversation in front of Spike. I'm hoping to get him alone for a bit today. He's going to meet me for lunch at the Doublemeat Palace. Speaking of which, I have to go or I'll be late.

Xander packed his journal into his backpack along with his extra set of clothes. He didn't seem to have any warning when he would shift realities so he tended to keep his things with him at all times, especially his journal. If he ever got home, Giles would find it fascinating. If he decided to show it to him.

Xander strolled down the street toward the fast food place. It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm but not too warm. It felt good to just be alive and outside. When he got to the Doublemeat Palace, his twin was nowhere to be seen so he got his food and sat down in a booth to wait. He didn't have to wait long. Within five minutes, Xander slid into the seat across from him. They both grinned when they saw that they had chosen the exact same meal.

"So, what did you want to see me about?"

"Ah, straight to the point. I like that."

"No sense in playing dumb with you, is there?"

"No. You're right. I have a few questions that I was hoping you wouldn't mind me asking. They're kind of personal."

"In other words, you didn't want to ask me in front of Spike?"

"Well, yeah. But the girls and Giles too."

"Okay, shoot."

Xander opened his burger and took the tomato and pickles off and discarded them. He watched as the other Xander did the same. He chuckled again. It really was too weird.

"I always forget to just order it without tomato and pickle."

"Me too. And you're stalling."

"I know. It's just ... "

"You want to know how I ended up with Spike, right?"

"Yeah, that and ... how come you're gay?"

The Xander of this world took a long sip of his soda and ran a hand back through his hair.

"It would be easier to answer the gay issue first, then I'll explain about Spike. Okay?"


"It started on my fifteenth birthday. I didn't have a party, mom was ... okay mom was drunk as usual and dad could give a shit whether or not I had food to eat, let alone a party."

"Yeah, I know."

"I guess you would. Anyway, Willow and Jesse threw me a secret party. It was out in Miller’s woods, in a clearing where we used to play. It was the place where Wills and I used to play doctor, only she never got it right."

"She brought a little black bag with a stethoscope and a thermometer. I remember that."

"Yeah, never had the heart to tell her."

"Me neither."

"Well, that night I stayed over at Jesse's. His Mom baked a cake for me and everything. It was great; we stayed up late watching monster movies and then stumbled up to bed. We were laying down in bed and I was just drifting off to sleep, then..."

"He kissed me. You. I ... it happened to me too. I pretended I was asleep and as soon as Jesse fell asleep I went downstairs and slept on the couch. He never did it again, and we pretended it hadn't happened. Never even talked about it."

"I didn't. I kissed him back. We dated secretly for a while, no one knew, not even Willow. When Darla turned him I wanted to die. I was lost without him and I couldn't even tell anyone why. I decided I would never hide who I was again. Life is way too short man, especially when you hang out with the slayer."

Xander and Xander finished their lunches in silence. Xander had a lot to think about. He remembered the night Jesse kissed him. He had often wondered how differently his life might have been had he only admitted he liked it instead of running away from it. Now he knew. This Xander was happy, he was in love and he was confident. No zeppo in him at all.

As they were walking back to the construction site, Xander had to ask about Spike.

"Oh that. Well it's kinda funny actually. I tied him to my barka lounger the first night he stayed in the basement with me. We had a nice little conversation about my bite-worthiness."

"Moist and delicious?"

"Yep, a real nummy treat."

Both Xanders chuckled at the remembrance of that conversation.

"Anyway, I started thinking about other places I could tie him up to. He knew exactly what I was thinking and called me on it. Eventually, we just gave in to it. Been together ever since. He's more than you think he is. You know Spike: the 'big bad', Master vampire and all that crap. I know William. The person he really is behind all those fronts. It takes a special person to stay with an insane woman for a century, you know?"

"Loyal, I get that. He defended Dawn with his life during the Glory thing."

"So, was there anything else you wanted to know? Size? Stamina? Technique?"

Xander spluttered and his double laughed.

"That wasn't nice!"

"I know."

"Actually I was wondering, if you're gay... who summoned Anyanka?"

"Willow, who else?"

"Wills? Why?"

"Cordelia cheated on her with Harmony. She was pissed. Who summoned her in your world?"

"Cordy. She caught me and Willow kissing after Spike kidnapped us."

The Xander of this world burst out laughing.

"You dated Cordelia Chase? Man and I thought you had class."


"Please, I bet you chased Buffy too, didn't you?"

"Well ..."

"Over-compensating much? You chased after the most unattainable women. Did you ever wonder why?"

"And on that note, I'm going back to the shop. I told Giles I'd give him a hand with inventory."


Xander straightened his backpack and walked away. Just as he turned the corner he felt that dizzy sensation again.

Part Four

When Xander opened his eyes, he was still standing on the corner; however, he knew it wasn't the same corner. He had shifted again. He figured the dizzy sensation must be a side effect of the shift. He chuckled a bit hysterically. He was never going to get used to this. Shaking his head, he walked toward the Magic Box. Time to check in with the scoobies of this world.

Xander paid a lot of attention to his surroundings on the way. Things didn't look any different from his Sunnydale but he wasn't about to get his hopes up.

As he entered the shop, Giles looked up at him and smiled.

"Ah, Xander. You're early. Faith isn't here yet, so why don't you have a seat. I'll make some tea while we wait."

"Uh, okay."

Xander sat at the table in the corner of the shop while Giles made tea. He figured the Englishman would appreciate having some while he told him who he was and why he was here.

"Wait a minute… Faith?"

Xander wasn't sure if he wanted to know. Maybe he should just find somewhere to hide until the next shift. Faith was bad news.

Giles came out of the small kitchenette in the back with a tray of tea and cookies. He placed it on the table and sat down opposite Xander. Xander took a deep calming breath and slowly let it out. Then he looked at Giles and grinned sheepishly.

"Giles? We need to talk."

The explanation itself took awhile, then there were the questions. Pretty much the same ones the previous Giles had asked. Xander was considering making a list to hand out. It would save time.

By the time Giles was convinced that Xander was telling the truth and he really wasn't the Xander of this world, Faith had come strolling into the shop. She plopped herself down on Xander's lap and kissed him soundly.

"Hey Xan, what's up? I thought we weren't meeting 'til later?"

Xander spluttered and stood up so fast he dumped the brunette slayer on her ass. Giles stifled a laugh and Faith glared at the man she thought was her lover.

"Oh God. Lips, Faith lips! Kissed by Faith! No, nononononono. Not good. I gotta go."

Xander made for the door, but Faith was faster. She held him back and looked at her watcher searchingly.

"What the hell is wrong with him? Did he get possessed again? Did Willow cast a spell? Why is he acting like he's scared of me?"

Giles took off his glasses and polished them with his shirttail. He sighed and motioned for Faith to bring Xander back to the table. Once they were seated again - Xander as far from Faith as he could get - Giles began to explain to Faith what had happened.

"So, you mean this isn't my Xander?"

"No. It appears that he is from an alternate reality - one in which you were not a nice person. In his world, you were the one who worked for Mayor Wilkins, not Buffy."

"Damn. No wonder he fled."

Xander had remained quiet, allowing Giles to explain the situation to his slayer, until he heard that Buffy had been the one to go bad.

"Buffy worked for Wilkins? No way! She wouldn't do something like that."

Giles went to speak but Faith held up her hand and silenced him. She looked at Xander with sympathy.

"After she sent Angel to hell, she was never the same. She left Sunnydale. She stayed away a long time. Angel came back; Willow found him and helped him. I showed up in town and started cleaning things up. The place was a mess. A hellmouth with no slayer is not a fun place to live. Angel helped me for awhile. I was an angry young woman when I first got here. He taught me how to channel my aggression into my calling. But you were the one who helped me the most."

"Me? How?"

"I ... I'm not proud of this. I took advantage of you, practically raped you one night. I tried to choke you to death, but Angel saved you. I expected to be run out of town, for you to hate me. You didn't. You forgave me. You said you understood what it was like to grow up without anyone who loved you, and that the darkness was an easy trap to fall into. I found a kindred soul in you."

Xander nodded. He did understand that, and yeah, things could have happened that way. It wasn't as far-fetched as it seemed. If anyone could understand Faith, it would be him.

"O-okay. But Buffy?"

Giles sighed and took over the explanation.

"When she left town, she was not in her right mind. She had just sent her lover to hell. She ended up in Los Angeles; she worked a few odd jobs but she seemed to be lost. A law firm took notice of her and ... well they weren't your average run-of-the-mill law firm. They worked for demons. They took her in, trained her to become a heartless killer. She wasn't Buffy any more. She was cold, hard, and vicious. Wilkins hired her as a bodyguard and to spy on us. She almost fooled us all."

Xander could see how hard this was on the man. Buffy had been more than just a slayer to him. She was like a daughter. He felt sick knowing that this could have happened in his reality, that his Buffy could have turned out this way. Giles continued the story.

"Surprisingly, it was Spike who informed us of her duplicity. He and Drusilla came back to town after being experimented on by some military group that was based in South America. He found out about the Mayor's ascension plans and traded us the information for fixing him and Drusilla. We didn't want to do it, but we needed to stop the Mayor."

"You de-chipped Spike? Are you nuts?"

"Well, it is not as if I wanted to. I really didn't see any other option at the time. If the Mayor had ascended, the whole town would have been destroyed."

"Yeah, I get that. So what happened?"

"Long story short? Faith and Angel killed the Mayor, Buffy escaped back to LA, and Spike and Drusilla left town."

"Is Buffy still working for those evil lawyers?"

"Er, no actually. Spike was able to add another slayer to his collection. She was killed shortly after returning to LA."

Xander put his head down on the table. This was a lot to take in - just knowing that all of this was possibly his fault. If only he had told the truth, told Buffy that Willow was trying the spell ... damn it! He had been such an asshole back then.

The shop door opened and he heard someone approach the table.

"Hey guys! How's my favourite brunette today?"

Xander looked up in time to see his double kiss Faith. It was going to be a nightmare explaining himself again. Hopefully Giles and Faith would do it and just let him brood in peace.

Part Five

Well, my double in this world is a pretty forgiving guy. Not only is there the whole Faith issue, but he gets along with Angel, too. I really can't understand why; I mean he's still the same brooding, guilty, jackass that he is back home.

I met Willow today. She and Oz have been making the L.A. club circuit. Get this: Willow dropped out of college to become a full-time groupie. It's way weird. She doesn't act like my Wills. Apparently she was quite miffed at me because I never returned her affection in high school. That's what Faith and my double tell me, anyway. She hooked up with Oz and hasn't been the same since. She doesn't do the witchy thing anymore - she stopped after restoring Angel's soul. I think she's a werewolf, but no one knows for sure. She and Oz don't come around much.

Oz is different here too. He's much more aggressive than my version. It's like he's embraced the wolf. Made it a part of him. He and Angel get in the same room and it's like a pissing contest. Alpha male style.

It's weird here. There is no Anya, no Tara, no Buffy, and no Dawn. Oh, and speaking of which, Faith has a kid sister. Her name is Hope. She is the 'Dawn' of this world. She's a cutie, but she's not ... Dawn. Too short, almost black hair, and the darkest brown eyes you've ever seen. It's obvious that she is Faith's sister, they act the same.

Faith… where do I start? She is NOTHING like the girl that tried to kill us all. She's sweet. She cares about people, about me - my double that is. Giles is her father; he adopted her and Hope. He's happy. It's kinda bizarre to see him act all parental around Faith. Just goes to show you that everyone has the potential to be good.

I don't hate it here, but I hope I leave soon. It's just too strange, too opposite of everything I'm used to. I wonder if Dru left Spike in this world, too? That's another thing that bothers me. Spike killed Buffy. I know she was a different person in this world, but the thought of him having his 'one good day' and killing my friend has always bothered me. In this world it's done. Then again, in this world he never loved her. I hope that makes a difference back home. I know that someday the chip will stop working. I just hope we don't all die when it does.

I've only been here for four days. I've been staying with Xander as Faith and Hope both live with Giles. It's peculiar; he looks like me, but we are so different. He works in an electronics store. He is the top sales guy, has a nice apartment, drives a pickup truck, and collects antique weapons. He never dated the fabulous Ms. Chase or made out with Willow. He has a perfectly normal 9 to 5 life. He just happens to date the slayer.

On that note, might I add that he and Faith are good as a twosome? They are. It is freakishly weird to see them together. When I think of Faith and me, I remember the feel of her hands on my throat, the lack of air and the dizziness that followed. But when I look at this Xander with this Faith, I see a happy couple who are so desperately in love it almost makes me sick. It's like watching Buffy and Angel before all the Angst, or Buffy and Riley before the Initiative turned out to be the bad guys.

Last night, she and Hope came over to watch movies with Xander. I guess they do this every week - family night. I tried to leave. I said I'd go visit with Giles to give them some privacy. They insisted that I stay. I sat through four hours of chick flicks, hand holding, and mushy sentiments.

Okay, I changed my mind. I hate it here, and I want to go home!

Xander closed his journal and slipped it into his backpack. He put the backpack on and prepared to head back to Xander's place. It was nice spending the day alone in the park, but it was starting to get dark and he really didn't want to die in some strange world where Buffy was the bad guy and Faith saved the day.

As he stood up, that eerie dizzy sensation hit him again. He held onto the bench and closed his eyes until it passed. He fell over as soon as the dizziness stopped. He opened his eyes to see why he had fallen. The question was easily answered when he saw that there was no bench in front of him. Actually there was no park, either. He looked at his surroundings and bit his tongue to keep from screaming.

There was a huge pile of rotting corpses in front of him. Some were human, most weren't. He turned around and ran as fast as he could.

Part Six

Running only led him further into town and further into trouble. Nothing about this world was right. It was dark, dreary, scary as hell and he hadn't seen any people. Other than the dead ones when he'd first arrived, that is.

The buildings still standing were in a state of disrepair, and the others were no more than piles of rubble, some of them on fire. He had to wonder what had happened here, but there was no time for thinking. Right now, he needed to find someplace safe and hole up till he figured out what was going on.

Xander didn't stop running until he found himself in the cemetery. He hid in one of the sturdier-looking crypts and sat as far back from the door as possible. He would never complain about where he was again if this was his punishment. Taking out his journal he began to write.

I don't know where I am or what I'm going to do. This world is not a friendly place. When I opened my eyes after the dizziness passed ... God. The sight, the smell ... All those bodies. I will never forget it as long as I live. Which may not be long judging from this place. It looks like a war zone.

I haven't seen any people. Then again, I haven't seen any demons either. Other than those bodies. I don't know what to make of it yet. I found a crypt to hole up in. Hopefully I won't be here long. I don't think I want to know how things are different here. I imagine hell looks a lot like this place does.

I don't want to die here, where no one will even know who I was. I want to go home. I want to see my Willow again, have her slap my arm and tell me I'm being silly. I want to have Buffy kick my ass while she trains; I don't care if I bruise for a month. I want to take Dawnie to the mall and buy her everything she smiles at. I want to watch Giles polish the lenses off his glasses as he explains why the world is going to end this week. I want to have an argument with Spike; one where we call each other creative names and smile at the inventiveness of the other. I want to tell Anya I'm sorry, that I never meant to hurt her.

Xander closed his book and waited for the sun to set. He only hoped that no one found him. He had a gut feeling that there was no slayer at all in this version of Sunnydale. No scoobies either. Hell, he'd be happy to see Spike, as long as he was chipped.

Xander must have drifted off, for the next thing he knew he was being dragged from the crypt by two of the ugliest demons he had ever seen - and he'd been up close and personal with Chaos demons, so he knew ugly.

These guys were big, nine - maybe ten - feet tall. They were the sickliest colour of green, and had dripping pustules all over their bodies. They smelled bad too. Really, really bad. Xander couldn't help but retch as one of them leaned over and exhaled in his face. The big ... thing ... didn't like that too much and displayed his anger by hitting Xander hard enough to knock him unconscious.

When Xander next awoke, he was in a cell. It was filled to capacity with other people, some of them in really bad shape. He didn't see anyone he recognised at first; then he saw a small shape huddled in the corner. If it weren't for the shock of red hair he wouldn't have even seen her.


Xander quickly pushed his way through the other people and crouched down beside his long-time friend. He tilted her face up to get a look at her and gasped at what he saw. His Wills, his beautiful Willow was covered in scars; she was filthy and missing an eye. He pulled her into his arms and held her as he cried.

Xander realised that something was wrong when she didn't respond. He looked around at the others and wondered why it was that they just sat there, seeming to accept the fact that they were prisoners. Why did no one care?

"What the hell is wrong with her?!"

Xander was angry. He wanted answers and he wanted them now. He needed to know how things had turned out so wrong on this world and if there was any way to change it. One man sitting nearby looked at Xander and shrugged his shoulders.

"She don't speak. She don't cry. She don't fight. She's broken."

The simple speech turned his stomach. Broken. Willow was broken. And why did the man talk like that? Like he didn't know how to form sentences?

"Why? Why is she broken? Why do you speak like that?"

"We don't talk. Only when told to. Acathla don't like us to talk."

Xander's gut clenched at the name. Acathla was released here. Angelus had been successful. Hell on earth was reality here. He was going to die - he knew it. This was like a farm or something; sooner or later he would be killed for food. He wanted to throw up. Again. So he did.

Just then the door opened and two of those green things came in again. They grabbed a young man from one of the benches and dragged him out. The man didn't even put up a fight. What the hell was wrong with these people?

"What the hell is wrong with you people!?"

Several people turned to look at him when he yelled but then just as quickly went back to what they had been doing. Which as far as Xander could see, was nothing but staring off into space. Xander eased Willow out of his arms and leaned her up against the wall. He turned to the older man who had spoken to him before, the only one who seemed to speak, and asked him what happened to the people who were taken out of this room.

"They fight. They live? Maybe they come back. They die? They're food."

Xander's mind was spinning. Fight? Fight whom? What? And food? Oh hell no! He was NOT gonna be meat for those monsters. He just had to hold out until the next shift. He wished there were a way to take Willow with him.

"Who do they fight? Demons?"

"Sometimes. Sometimes humans. Don't matter. It's all just sport to them."

"Like throwing the Christians to the lions? That's ... That's ... Barbaric! Why don't you fight back?"

"No point. Where you from son? Everyone knows demons rule the world. No point in fighting it."

Xander shook his head sadly and went back to the still form of his friend.

Part Seven

Xander must have fallen asleep for he was awakened rather abruptly by a very large orange-and-purple coloured demon dragging him across the floor and out of the room.

He fought. He kicked and hit and screamed bloody murder. It did him no good whatsoever - in fact it seemed to amuse the creature. Xander took one last look at Willow and closed his eyes. She was just sitting there staring blankly at the wall, the same as she had been when he'd first seen her.

The demon tossed Xander into a small cage-like cell and then walked away. Xander looked around, wondering what was going to happen next. He didn't like the feel of this at all. His 'Hellmouth radar' was going off in a big way.

The place was dark and he could just barely make out the shapes of other cells in the area. He figured this must be a holding area. But for what? He hoped it wasn't the food galley. At least he stood a chance of surviving if he had to fight. All those late-night beatings by various demons while on patrol would finally pay off.

At least he still had his pack on. The journal was the only thing that kept him sane sometimes. It reminded him that he had a home, someplace he belonged, someplace he would - hopefully - see again. If he were to lose his journal in this God-forsaken dimension he would never forgive himself.

Xander carefully slipped his backpack off and pulled his journal out. He tucked it into the back of his pants and pulled his t-shirt down over it. He put his pack back on and waited. At least this way, if they took his backpack or if it was torn off in a fight he would still have his most prized possession.

It felt as though he'd been in the cage for hours when finally someone came into the room. He watched as the cage across from his was opened and a man was pulled out. He didn't understand what the demon was saying to him, but he understood its intent when it licked the man's face and grabbed his ass. It put a whole new level of fear into him. Fighting was one thing, but no WAY was he going to give his ass to some demon. Uh uh!

When the door closed and the room was silent again, Xander risked taking his journal out to write in it. It was the only thing he had to pass the time.

This place is worse than I thought. Acathla was set free here; I guess Angelus wasn't stopped in time. I found Willow. Gods ... she isn't there, ya know? I was captured, taken prisoner. I don't know what's gonna happen to me. From what I've learned, humans are kept for entertainment and food. The entertainment comes in two forms, fighting - against demons or other humans - and sex. I'll die first.

If I thought it was oogy knowing that my alternate was doing the naked mambo with Spike, you can imagine how I feel about this. At least Spike looks human. He's not so bad once you get to know him, and from what Xan says, he's a totally different person with him. The Big Bad thing is just his cover. These guys? They're disgusting. I've only seen a couple different types, nothing I recognise, but eewww! I'd shag Spike willingly compared to them. Hells, I'd shag Angel! Blech!

I'm in a holding pen of some sort. I've been separated from Wills and the others that I was with. I'm not sure why, but I know it can't be good. A man was just taken from the room a few minutes ago, and he wasn't going to fight - if you get my drift.

This place is a nightmare. I want to go home. I swear the first thing I'm going to do when I get home is drive to L.A. and punch Angel in the face. Damn stupid vampire! What the FUCK was he thinking? I knew there was a reason for my hating him.

I can't help but wonder where Buffy was when Angelus was opening the portal. I mean, she should have stopped him right? She did back home, so what happened here? Did Spike double-cross her? Did Angelus kill her? So many damn possibilities, and no way to know for sure. I'm afraid to find out what other possible nastiness awaits me. There have been so many close calls, so many apocalypses ... apocalypti? Whichever.

Xander closed his journal and slipped it back into his pants. He had just given himself something to think about there. What if the next place he went was worse? What if he died before getting home? He could end up anywhere. A world where the Master rules, or a place where they didn't stop Glory in time. What about ADAM or the First Evil?

It was suddenly too much for Xander and he gave in to his emotions. He hung his head in his hands and allowed the tears to fall.

Part Eight

So far I have had to fight ten times. I hate it here. I've had to kill demons before, but not like this. These creatures were pathetic, harmless things that didn't want to be here anymore than I do. It's almost as bad as killing a human being.

Don't get me wrong, I want to survive this. I will kill if I have to; I just don't want to. They are slowly killing me anyway - at least that's how it feels. I haven't seen Willow since that first day. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I mean, she looks like Wills, but she isn't. She's empty, hollow; nothing there but a husk. I feel bad that I'm almost relieved to not have to look at her.

I spend almost all of my time in this cage. They take me out to fight in the pen and afterwards they bring me back here. Wherever here is. I wish I'd paid more attention in school, then I might know what to compare this place to. It's not unlike the Coliseum, but it isn't the same as that either.

The pen where the fights take place is disgusting. It reeks of decay and there are bodies piled up the corners. I know if I die, I won't end up there; the only bodies there are demon. No, if I die here, I'll end up something's dinner. It's that thought, among the many others that keeps me going. I refuse to be food.

I remember taunting Spike about how biteable I am: "moist and delicious" is what I told him. He finally sneered out that I was a real nummy treat. Gods, what was I thinking? Telling a demon, even a chipped one, that I would be a good meal is suicidal. I must remember to tell Spike that I take it back. I'm NOT biteable. No numminess at all! That is, if I ever get home.

This place is like something out of a nightmare. At night, or whatever passes for it around here, I hear the screams. The ones that aren't entertaining enough for the pens - the men, the women, hells, I think some of them are children - I hear them scream and beg for death. They won't find it. Not until they are so used up that they are no fun anymore. When they refuse to scream, when they stop fighting back, that's when they may finally find death. But then again, maybe not.

I know in my heart, that Willow was one of them once. One of the unlucky ones. It kills me. I refuse to think about it when I hear the screams. If I don't block it out, if I even once envision her screaming like that, I will go mad. I have to keep my wits if I'm going to survive this place long enough to shift.

Xander tucked his journal away just as one of the large orange-and-purple demons stepped into the room. This was not a good sign. He had already been taken out earlier to fight, and the time for fighting was long past. There could only be one reason for this visit and Xander would die before he allowed that to happen to him.

As soon as the door on his little cage-like cell had been opened, Xander charged. The demon had not expected the attack and therefore Xander caught him off-guard. As his shoulder plowed heavily into the demon's mid-section, the demon let out a burst of foul breath and doubled over. Xander took the opportunity to make a run for the door.

Outside in the hallway, Xander paused for a quick look around. He knew the way to the pit but other than that he was completely lost. He turned in the opposite direction of the pit and ran like hell. He could hear the demon following close behind him. He ran faster, but he was quickly tiring. Weeks of being underfed and forced to fight for his very life had drained his energy, so it was not very surprising that he was soon caught.

The demon didn't seem to be all that put out by the chase, in fact it seems downright happy about it. Xander figured that the demons of this world didn't get to hunt their prey very often, judging by the calm acceptance he had seen from the humans around him. The thought sickened him. He would never surrender to this willingly.

He continued to struggle against the large arms that held him. He kicked out with his legs; he clawed and bit. It did nothing except further excite his captor. When he realised that he had been dragged into a darkened room by the thing, he screamed.

The demon began pawing him and snuffling at his neck. Xander was almost violently ill as he felt the vile tongue of the demon taste his skin. He couldn't ever remember being more repulsed than he was at this moment. The demon ripped his shirt from his chest and Xander felt hot salty tears run down his cheeks. For all his earlier bravado, he knew he wouldn't die first. He would endure this and live through it. He felt the demon's clawed hands at the fastenings of his pants; he closed his eyes and wept with relief as the dizziness overtook him.

Xander opened his eyes to see that he was standing in a classroom. It was night-time and the room was dark, but he recognised it as being his fourth grade classroom at Sunnydale Elementary School. Was this really the same place he had been kept prisoner all this time? As a child he had often felt like a prisoner at school. Life was just full of bitter ironies.

Being careful to make no noise, Xander left the classroom and headed for the front door of the school. He didn't care if he set off the alarms; he was not staying here one more moment. He needed to find out if this world was friendly or not, and he needed to find a place to clean up. A couple of weeks under a hot shower might erase the feel of those clawed hands on his skin, that slimy tongue on his neck; the scent was still lingering on him.

Out the door and into the night he went. At first impression, this place wasn't overrun by demons, but you could never be too careful. Xander kept to the shadows as he moved towards Giles' apartment complex. So far, he had been the one constant in every shift except the last one. He figured if he was going to find help, there would be the place to look.

Xander stopped outside the door and listened. He could hear voices inside but he wasn't sure whom they belonged to. He hesitated for a minute but finally got up the courage to knock. It couldn't be worse than where he had just been.

The door opened and a very shocked-looking Giles stood there and stared at him. He was sure he looked frightful - half dressed, filthy, covered in demon gore and blood - but he hoped that he would be welcomed inside.

"Xander? Is that really you?"

"Yeah, G-man. It's me. Can I come in?"

Giles did not ask him to enter but he did step aside, allowing Xander entrance to his home if he was able to cross the barrier. Xander, of course, did.

In the living room, five sets of eyes turned to look at him. Willow, Tara, Buffy, Riley ... and Spike. Xander couldn't quite fathom what was wrong with this picture but something was definitely off. He heard Giles talking and spun around to look at him.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said, what brings you to Sunnydale and are the others with you?"

"Uh, no others Giles. Just me. Can we ... Can we talk in private for a minute?"

"Of course. Would you like to clean up first? You look like you've spent a week in a hell dimension."

"Two actually, but that's another story. Do you maybe have some clothes I could borrow? I think these need to be ..."


"Yeah, that or exorcised."

Xander followed Giles upstairs to the bathroom and was handed a clean t-shirt, socks, and a pair of soft grey sweatpants. He smiled in thanks and then closed the door before stripping out of his soiled clothes and setting his journal on the counter. It was now the only thing he owned.

The hot water was a balm to his soul. He scrubbed himself raw with his fingernails and the soap. Every place the demon's hands had touched received extra scrubbing. He washed his hair until the water ran cold and he had to turn it off. He dried himself slowly, luxuriating in the feel of the soft towel against his newly sensitive skin.

Once he was dressed and feeling a bit more human, he rummaged in the medicine cabinet until he found a spare toothbrush. He thoroughly cleaned his mouth and then drank about five glasses of water. Knowing that he couldn't put it off any longer he picked up his journal, tucked it into the back of his pants and left the bathroom. He knew that Giles would have questions; Giles always had questions.

Part Nine

Xander was extremely relieved to see that the others were gone by the time he got downstairs. He wasn't up to a full disclosure of the past two weeks with the whole gang. Especially Riley. Something about the soldier had always bothered him, and this world's version was setting off his Hellmouth radar in a big way. He did not trust Agent Finn.

Giles walked out of the kitchen with a tray of sandwiches and a tea service. He spotted Xander and motioned for the boy to take a seat in the living room.

"I thought you might be hungry."

"You have no idea!"

Xander shuddered in remembrance of the things he had been given to eat on the last world. He was sure he would never complain about health food - or any food - ever again. Hell, he'd eat Buffy's cooking and like it, after what he had ingested there.

Giles poured them both tea while Xander tried not to wolf down the sandwiches as if they were going to grow legs and run off if he didn't. He smiled apologetically at the older man and sipped at the hot tea.

"So ... You mentioned others? What others, and why would I 'bring' myself to Sunnydale? Don't I live here?"

"Er ... No. You live in L.A., with Wesley. Don't you remember? Did you suffer a recent head injury? Demon attack?"

Xander couldn't help the giggle that escaped at the English man's confusion and worry. He shook his head and took a deep fortifying breath. He put down his now-empty teacup and sighed.

"Giles… There are some things I need to tell you, things that you may not believe, but I swear they're true."

Giles quirked an eyebrow but settled in to listen. It took Xander several minutes to explain the basics of his situation. Immediately following came a lengthy question and answer period. By the end, Xander had lost track of how many times Giles had said 'fascinating' and polished his glasses.

"So, now you know my story. How about telling me what's the what in your world?"

"What exactly would you like to know?"

"First? Riley, I guess. In my world he and the Buffster split up. Are they still an item?"

"Yes, they did go through a bit of a ... rough patch. However with Joyce's illness, then her death, Buffy needed someone to lean on."

"Okay. So what's the deal with Spike?"

This was the question that interested him the most. It hadn't occurred to him just what had been so off about the scene he walked in on until now. Spike had been sitting on the couch beside Riley. Those two never sat anywhere near each other.

"Spike is ... Well Spike is a bit of a long story. Are you familiar with the work of the Initiative?"

"Oh yeah."

"Oh well then, that simplifies things. Spike is Riley's"

"Spike is Riley's what?"

"Property, so to speak. He's been fitted with a behaviour modification chip. He obeys whatever command Riley gives him. He's been a great asset to us with his knowledge of demon languages and his fighting skills. Does the Spike of your world not have such an implant?"

Xander was horrified. This casual acceptance of Spike's slavery was unbelievable to him! The Giles he knew was better than that. Still, Xander tried to make light of it.

"Oh yeah, he's chipped. He doesn't exactly belong to anyone though. But he does work for us."

Another question was suddenly on his mind.

"Does Angel know?"

"About Spike? I don't think so, at least if he does, he hasn't said anything. In fact, I don't think we've heard from him more than once since his move to L.A.."

Xander didn't think too much of Deadboy, especially after the place he just left, but even he wouldn't let Spike become property to Buffy's boy toy. At least he hoped not.

Xander needed time to think; he needed time to process this new and extremely startling information. He hoped that this Giles would be gracious enough to offer him a bed for the night. If he was going to figure out how to get Spike away from Riley, he needed a good night sleep.

"Hey, Giles? Would it be all right if I crash here tonight? I don't exactly have anywhere to go."

"Certainly. I'll make up the guestroom. I would like to speak with you some more about your ... travels. Would that be acceptable?"

"Sure, but can we do it tomorrow? I've been in hell for two weeks and I'm beat."

"Oh! Of course. Terribly sorry about that. Where are my manners? I'll just go fix up the room."

After Giles left, Xander searched the room for a pen. He'd lost his in the last world and he desperately needed the clarity his journal provided. Maybe, if he wrote this down and looked at it objectively, these versions of his friends wouldn't seem like heartless monsters.

Xander found a pen and tucked it into a pocket just as Giles came into the room and told him the guestroom was ready. The two said goodnight and Xander headed upstairs.

Riley owns Spike. Riley owns Spike, and no one here seems to be bothered by that fact. Buffy, who dated a vampire, is now dating a man who owns a vampire. Giles, a man who has many times threatened to stake Spike but never will as long as he remains harmless, who I know watched Passions with Spike - faithfully I might add - is not bothered by the fact that Spike is essentially a slave. Willow and Tara - two of the kindest, most soft-hearted people I know - are not bothered by this? Willow? A Jewish Wicca is okay with the owning of a sentient being?

Okay. I wrote it down, I read and re-read it and it still doesn't make sense. These are not the people I know. My friends would not stand for this. Okay Spike is ... well he's Spike - a demon, an evil soulless thing. Yeah. An evil soulless thing that risked his life to save a frightened young girl from a hell God, that endured hours of torture from said hell God for the same young girl. An evil fiend that has saved my ass on more than one occasion when he could have let me die. How evil is that? How evil is a guy who laughs at Monty Python and watches Saturday morning cartoons?

Spike may be a demon, he may be soulless and evil, but I've seen him do things for the people he loves that souled beings wouldn't risk. He fought through a mob for Dru, knights on horseback and a hell God for Buffy and Dawn. He's saved Willow and Tara from countless beasties. He befriended Anya when she needed someone to talk to. Someone who would understand all that she had lost by becoming human. Spike is evil, but he's my friend. I won't leave him to this fate.

Xander closed his journal and tucked it under the pillow. He wasn't lying when he told Giles he was beat. He needed sleep in the worst way. He would figure out a plan tomorrow. Unfortunately, he knew it would involve calling L.A. and talking to Angel.

Part Ten

Xander rolled over onto the warm, sleeping body of his lover. He nuzzled into the other man’s neck and gently placed one of his legs between his lover’s thighs. He languidly rubbed himself against the hard thigh that was pressed into his groin. He smiled when he felt the other man begin to stir. He kissed his way down the smooth chest underneath him, stopping to taste each tiny pebbled nipple before thrusting his tongue into his love’s navel. Wesley sat up with a screech.

"Ack! You know I hate it when you do that! It tickles."

"I know. Let me make it up to you?"

Xander didn't wait for an answer, he just sucked the head of Wesley’s cock into his mouth and brought one hand down to caress and fondle his balls. He liked waking Wesley up this way; the older English man was not in a very alert state in the morning and made the cutest noises during sex.

While Wesley was moaning and trying not to thrust too hard into his mouth, Xander took the opportunity to open his legs wider. He then flipped open the bottle of lube and squirted some onto his fingers. He gently inserted them into Wesley’s ass and began stretching him. Once he was sure he wouldn't cause the man any discomfort, he released his cock from his mouth and crawled up his body.

"Morning, lover."
Wesley merely squeaked in reply and Xander chuckled before kissing him. He pulled Wesley’s legs up over his shoulders and eased his way inside his lover’s tight, hot body.

Xander cherished every day he and Wesley had together. In their line of work - demon hunting - death was a common occurrence. Not to mention the fact that being Angel’s seer wasn't exactly making him friends with the power players in this city. Wolfram and Hart were always seeking ways to get to Angel; he knew that first hand. He had inherited his visions from his former lover, Doyle. When they had met while Xander was working at a bar in Oxnard, it had been love at first sight. There was just something about the Irish half-demon that called to Xander. He moved to L.A. with him and never looked back. Not even after he and Doyle learned that Angel was the champion he would be working for.

Doyle’s death tore Xander apart. He was heartbroken and wasn't taking the visions too well either. He just wanted to give them to someone else and crawl into a hole and die. He even kissed Angel, trying to pass them to him. All that happened was that he got the first real laugh he'd had since Doyle died. The look on Angel’s face when Xander kissed him was the funniest thing he had ever seen. Up to that point, he didn't know that vampires were capable of blushing, or that Angel had such a ... vulgar vocabulary.

After that it got easier. He worked with Angel at night and held a job at a demon karaoke bar during the afternoon. When Wesley strolled in one day looking for a demon he was tracking, they started talking. Before they knew it, Wesley was a full-time employee of Angel Investigations. Xander fell for him soon after. Since then, they hadn’t spent a night apart in over two years.

There was nothing Xander would rather do than spend Sunday morning making love to Wesley. It was the day they set aside just to be together, no outside influences. Except, of course, for visions sent from the PTB. He could feel Wesley tightening around him and knew he was going to cum soon. He sped up his pace, increasing the strength of each thrust until they were both crying out their release. Wesley’s arms came up around Xander’s back and pulled him down to sprawl across his chest.

As they lay there basking in the afterglow, Xander began to thrash wildly and gripped his head. Wesley held him as still as possible and waited for his lover to ride out the vision.

~Soldiers~ ~Running~ ~Fear~ ~Woods~ ~Xander~ There was more, but it was fuzzy and Xander couldn't quite grasp it.

When Xander finally lay still once again, Wesley rolled him over and got out of bed to fetch him a glass of water and some painkillers.

"Should I call Angel or should we just go over?"

"I'm not sure. This one didn't make a lot of sense. There were these soldiers, chasing someone? I think it was me - but not me. Does this make any sense, Wes?"

"No, not really. Was there anything else?"

Xander closed his eyes and concentrated. Lately the visions had gotten increasingly more painful and it was harder to recall the details. He tried to pay more attention as he reviewed the information.

"Shit! Get dressed. We gotta go see Angel, now."

"What is it? Xander, you're scaring me."

Xander stopped and pulled Wesley into his arms. He held him for a minute before pulling away.

"There was someone else in my vision. Someone I was trying to help."


"Spike. That's why we need to talk to Angel. I mean why the hell would I be helping Spike? The bastard tried to kill me, he tortured Angel, and I won't even mention the things he called Doyle."

Wesley nodded and began dressing. He was worried about Xander’s health. The visions were getting worse and causing his lover to practically have a seizure each time he experienced one. Though he was glad the vision hadn't come any earlier. Say, when Xander was giving him a blowjob. He really didn't want to have his penis bitten off!


Xander woke to the sound of voices downstairs. He wondered how long he had slept… He opened one eye and peered at the clock beside the bed. It was after 11 A.M.; that meant he had slept at least ten hours. He wondered who was downstairs with Giles.

"Only one way to find out."

Xander pulled on the socks and t-shirt, having slept in the pants, and after once more tucking his journal into the back of his pants, left the room. He made a quick stop-off at the bathroom to freshen up, wishing he could jump in the shower and scrub himself raw. Again.

The first thing he noticed as he started down the stairs was that Spike was sitting on the sofa and Riley and Buffy were arguing with Giles in the kitchen. He studied the blonde vampire for a minute. He looked like Spike, except he seemed ... broken.

"Hey, Spike."

The vampire swung around to look at him, wariness written on his face. He didn't speak, but he didn't look away either. Xander figured it was the best he was gonna get and took a chance.

"Look, I don't know how long I have until they come back in here, so listen up. I'm not from here; this isn't my dimension. In my world, we're ... friends. I don't like Riley and I think what he is doing to you is wrong. I'm going to try and get you away from here."

Spike still looked sceptical but nodded at him. Then with a move that was pure Spike, cocked one eyebrow and tilted his head.


"I told you. In my world, we're friends. Hell, we were roomies for a while after you got chipped. Just try to trust me okay?"

Whatever Spike might have said to that, Xander would never know because in that instant, Riley walked through the door and Spike went back to what he was doing before he had spoken - nothing. Xander tried to look innocent and shrugged at Riley.

"Hey, how do you keep him quiet? The Spike on my world never shuts up."

Xander really didn't like the feral grin that Riley gave him as an answer. Nor did he like the way Spike flinched away when Riley strode toward him. It was all Xander could do not to throw up when Riley tipped Spike’s head back and wrenched his mouth open. There were holes where there should have been teeth. Teeth that would grow into fangs when his face changed.

"It learned not to disobey me. It wasn't easy at first but eventually the training took. It doesn't do anything without my permission, including speak."

Xander swallowed the bile that had risen in his throat and tried once again to act casual.

"Hmm, so how many vampires do you own, or is this a one-of-a-kind?"

"This one is mine. It's a prototype. I'm working the bugs out, so to speak. We believe that with the chips and the right training, demons could be taught to serve humanity; free labour if you will."

"Like undead houseboys?"

Xander gave the patented goofy-Xander grin and Riley actually laughed. He slapped Xander on the shoulder and headed back to the kitchen. Xander shook off the feeling of revulsion he had after being touched by him.

"I'd rather have that demon’s hands on me again than his."

Spike snorted.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

Xander swung around to look at Spike. He hadn't expected him to talk to him again, not after the way he had just acted with Riley. The look in Spike’s eye told Xander that there was more to this 'training' than beatings and fang-removal. He almost didn't want to know.

"Does he ... hurt you?"

"What do you think. Look, you serious about helping me?"

"Yeah, very."

"Then call my Sire."


"Angelus! Dru couldn't help herself out of a corner with a map and a flashlight. Please, call my Sire. Tell him..."

"I will. I promise."

Spike nodded and went back to ignoring everything around him. Xander slowly let out a breath and tried to put on a goofy face as he walked into the kitchen to meet the others.

Part Eleven

When Xander walked into the kitchen, Buffy eyed him warily. She didn't remind him of his Buffy at all. This girl was cold, cynical, and hard. He tried to set her mind at ease by giving her the patented 'Xander is a goofball' grin. It wasn't working.

"Hey Buff. How are you?"

"Fine. You?"

"Amazingly well for a guy who just spent the last two weeks fighting for his life in a hell dimension."

Buffy didn't seem impressed but, surprisingly, Riley did. The soldier looked Xander over from head to toe and then nodded.

"You must have done well. I'm impressed. Military background?"

"Well, I was possessed by a soldier once on Halloween. But mostly, what I know, I learned from helping Buffy."

This peaked Buffy's interest and she perked up.

"So, you still work with me where you're from? Not Angel?"

"Deadboy? No way! Still a scooby, through and through."

That made Buffy smile, something Xander wasn't sure this version of his friend knew how to do. It warmed his heart to see at least a small trace of the girl he knew reflected in the woman in front of him.

"So, I was thinking. I could be here for a while and I should at least know the basics of what the situation is here in this world. Any big nasties on the current agenda?"

"Nope. All clear on the hostile front. We took out a large nest of vampires just outside of town two nights ago. Things have been quiet since."

Xander nodded to Riley and then turned to Buffy.

"Is it okay if I ask a question - it's kinda personal?"


"Did you die here? See, ‘cause on my world, you died in the battle with Glory. I've been trying to figure out if there was some way we could have stopped that."

Buffy looked sad and Riley put an arm around her. Giles glared at Xander and Xander suddenly felt very afraid of the older man. He stepped back and said he was sorry.

"It's okay. No, I didn't die here. Dawn did. Before the ritual, she was coming home from school and was... "

Buffy broke off with a sob. Xander felt like an ass. He wished he hadn't asked the question now. No Dawn meant that Buffy was truly alone in this world, no family to fall back on at all. No wonder she was so cold and hard. He was so caught up in his guilt that he almost missed the look that passed between Giles and Riley. Almost.

"Um... I think I'll take a walk around town. See what's different here. Besides, after two weeks in that place, I really feel like I need the wide, open space and plentiful fresh air. So, can I come here later?"

Giles looked up from the book he was studying.

"Oh, of course. I still have a great many questions I would like to ask you, as well."

"Sure thing G-man!"

Xander grinned and then made for the door. He spared a quick glance at the vampire on the sofa before leaving. Spike sat just as he had before Xander entered the kitchen. He wondered if the vampire were allowed to move without permission.


Angel awoke to the sound of loud knocking on his bedroom door. He groaned and rolled out of bed. The only reason for him to be awake at this time of the day was if Xander had a vision. He grabbed his slacks and tugged them on as he walked to the door. He just finished doing up the button and was pulling on a shirt when the knocking started again.

"I'm up! Hang on."

Angel opened the door to find a haggard looking Wesley waiting for him. He didn't see Xander and was about to ask where he was when Wesley answered his question.

"Xander is in the office, he's had a vision regarding himself, some soldiers and ... Spike."

Angel’s eyes locked on to Wesley’s and he growled. The last time he had seen Spike, the younger vampire was watching amusedly as another vampire ran hot pokers through his body. He stormed down the stairs to the office. He wanted to know exactly what Xander’s vision had been.

A few minutes later, Angel was still trying to figure out what he was supposed to do with the information Xander had given him when the phone rang. Without even thinking Angel picked it up.

"Angel Investigations, we help the hopeless. How can I help you?"

There was a pause on the other end before the caller spoke.

"Deadboy, don't hang up. This is going to sound seriously fucked up, but it's me, Xander."

Angel looked at his seer, who was currently lying with his head in Wesley’s lap, while the English man massaged his lover’s temples and tried to soothe away his headache.

"Okay, explain. 'Cause from where I'm sitting, you're here in my office."

"Shit! All right, short version. I'm not from this reality. I think my ex-fiancé - who is an ex-vengeance demon by the way - cursed me. I've been hopping from one reality to another for a while now. I showed up here last night, and Spike is in big trouble. He needs your help."

Angel smacked his forehead on his desk several times. Xander’s vision was beginning to become clear. Two Xanders, and now he had to save Spike. Redemption was dirty business sometimes.

"What has Spike gotten himself into this time?"

Wesley and Xander, who had been following the one-sided conversation as best as they could, stiffened at the tone of Angel’s question. They knew by the resignation in their boss's voice that they were going to be saving a vampire very soon. They just wanted to know why.

"There's this military group here in Sunnydale, called the Initiative. They're bad news, they capture demons - any demons - and experiment on them. The got a hold of Spike. They put a chip in his head that keeps him from hurting humans. He can't defend himself, Angel. But that's not the worst part. Riley, Buffy's new boyfriend, is one of them, and he now owns Spike. Angel, he pulled out his fangs."

Angel growled and damn near crushed the phone in his hand. He didn't like Spike, but he was still family, and his demon side roared at the injustice of what had been done to his childe. He looked over at his co-workers and sighed. He hated dragging them into danger but he would need their help on this one if he were going to rescue Spike.

"We'll leave when the sun sets. Where are you staying?"

"Giles’ place. But don't come here. I'll meet you at the mansion on Crawford Street. It's probably the safest."

"We'll be there two hours after sunset."

Angel didn't say goodbye. He just hung up the phone and waited for the questions to start.

Xander hung up the phone and headed for the park. He was in no hurry to go back to Giles’ place any time soon. The man gave him the creeps. There was just something not right about the way he and Riley interacted. Back home, it was no secret that Giles didn't care much for the Initiative or Riley Finn in particular.

Upon reaching the park, Xander found a secluded bench and pulled out his journal. He was really glad that he had this; he thought he might keep up the tradition if - when - he got home. It did seem to help him figure out his thoughts.

I don't like the way Giles and Riley interact with each other. Earlier today, when I asked about Dawn and Glory, they shared this ... look. I didn't like it then, and the more I think about it, the less I like it now. Dawn was killed here; therefore, Buffy didn't have to die to save the world. I just don't like the coincidence.

I was told that Dawn was killed on the way home from school. I never found out how, since Buffy began to cry. That was when I saw the "look". I think Riley and Giles are behind her death. I know it doesn't sound right, but this is NOT my Giles. This man is someone else, someone who sees only the black and white in the world - just like Riley.

I know that my Giles has it in him to kill, I mean look at Ben. But to kill Dawn? No way. I remember how hard it was for him to even suggest it back home; there is no way he could have actually done it. But here? It looks like he did, or helped Riley do it, at least.

I called Angel. I don't know if it was the right thing, messing in the goings-on of alternate realities, but I can't just leave Spike to Riley. Not after what I saw. I suspect that there is a lot more going on than I've been told. Spike wouldn't break that easily. I might be wrong; God I hope I'm wrong, but I think Riley rapes Spike. It wouldn't surprise me; he seems to like the power he has over him too much not to do that as well. I hope Angel can help get Spike away from here, I kinda hope he'll take me too, ‘ cause I doubt I'll be wanting to stay after this.

Part Twelve

Rather than go back to Giles’ place, Xander wandered around town until the sun began to set. He knew Angel would be leaving L.A. any time now, and he was looking forward to meeting the Xander of this reality. If he could not only put up with, but also actually work for Angel, he must have either the patience of a saint or a masochistic streak a mile wide.

He found himself wandering through one of Sunnydale’s cemeteries. He knew it wasn't a very smart thing to do, but from what he had been told, this Sunnydale wasn't the vamp-infested town that his Sunnydale was. Besides, he was hoping to catch sight of Buffy and Riley. If he was lucky, maybe he could get Spike away from them and make a break for the mansion.

Xander heard noise up ahead and slowly crept forward to investigate. It looked like Buffy and Riley had found some trouble after all. There were a couple of large greyish demons, both armed with broadswords, circling them. Xander didn't see Spike anywhere close but that didn't mean he wasn't nearby. The vampire was very good at stealth. Riley's stun gun was having no effect on the demons and they were closing in. Buffy wasn't doing so well holding off her attacker. It seemed this slayer wasn't as good as his Buffy. That, or she had gotten sloppy, letting the commandos do most of the work.

Riley let out a loud whistle and seemingly out of nowhere, Spike attacked. He was vicious and bloodthirsty, attacking the demons with fists and feet. Xander saw him go into game-face and wince at the pain his transformation caused. It just made him all the more determined to help Spike escape from these people.

Once the fight was turned back in their favour, Riley and Buffy went on the offensive. Spike was left to watch and be ready in case he was needed to fight again. Xander took the opportunity to sneak closer. Spike must have smelled him approach for he turned and looked at him.

Xander motioned for the blonde to follow him and slowly crept away. Spike looked around to make sure that he wasn't being watched before following him. Once they were far enough away to talk without being overheard but still close enough for Spike to hear the fight, they stopped.

"Angel is on his way."

Spike gasped in surprise. He hadn't really thought the human would call his sire. And even if he did, he hadn't really expected Angel to come this quickly.


"Yeah, he said as soon as the sun set he'd head out. I'm supposed to meet him at the mansion. The one on Crawford Street - you know the place?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Then come on. If we get there now, and lay low, we can leave as soon as Angel gets there."

Xander grabbed Spike’s arm and began pulling him away. Spike struggled with himself to follow, but his 'training' kept nagging at him that he was supposed to stay with his master. That he would be caught and then punished for running away again. Xander felt Spike slowing down and almost growled in frustration.

"Come on. Spike, we have to go!"

"I know. I just..."

Xander knew all about conditioning thanks to his soldier memories. He knew that Spike was having difficulty disobeying his programming, but they didn't have time for this right now.

"Spike. Riley Finn is an asshole; he isn't worthy of you or your protection. Let the big grey bastards eat him and let’s go! I promise, I will stake you myself before I let him get his hands on you again. Okay?"

Spike looked at Xander in awe.

"You will?"



Xander took Spike’s hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I promise. Now come on before they realise you're missing."

Spike and Xander ran from the cemetery in the direction of Crawford Street. They stuck to the shadows as much as possible and then cut through Miller’s woods. They were more than halfway there when they heard a group of people behind them. Xander swore softly and Spike sped up dragging Xander behind him.


"Probably, yeah. They patrol the town nightly."

"You think they saw us?"

"Don't know. Keep running."

As they continued to run toward the mansion, a thought suddenly occurred to Xander. The Spike in his world had a tracking device implanted by the Initiative; it made sense that this Spike did as well.

"Tracking device."

Spike spun around and looked at Xander.


"My Spike ... er, that is to say, the Spike in my world had a tracking device. Okay it was shot into him from a rifle, but still. Is there a possibility that you have one?"

Spike thought about the last -and only - time he had run away from Riley. He hadn't made it further than the bus station when he was rounded up by a group of soldiers.

"Bugger! How do we get rid of it?"

"Dig it out. Problem is we have to locate it first. Hopefully they aren't looking for you yet."

They continued to run toward the mansion hoping that either Angel would be early or that the soldiers weren't following them. It was still only an hour or so after sunset. If the soldiers were following them ... they were in a world of trouble.

Xander spotted the mansion up ahead and with renewed vigour increased his pace. He couldn't believe that he was relying on Angel, of all people, to save him - especially after the place he had just come from. Oh well, he would hit him after they were safe and sound in L.A.

The front door of the old house was locked up tight so they made their way around the back and broke in through the basement window. Spike pulled his lighter out of his coat and lit the way to help Xander see their surroundings. The basement was dusty and dank but at least they were safely inside. Now if only Angel would get there soon.

Part Thirteen

Angel could sense Spike’s presence as soon as he pulled into the driveway of the old mansion. Unfortunately he could also sense several humans as well. He leaned over the back seat and informed his co-workers. If these soldiers in Xander’s vision were the same ones that had captured Spike - and it was probable that they were - they would know he was a vampire on sight. As much as he hated it, he had to let Wesley and Xander do the first search of the house and the grounds.

Xander and Wesley were checking around the side of the mansion when they heard footsteps approaching. Xander quickly pushed Wesley into the wall and began kissing him passionately. When three armed soldiers came around the corner - weapons drawn - the lovers pretended to be startled.

"Stand down!"

The man in the lead ordered the other two to holster their weapons while he looked at Xander and Wesley with unhidden disgust. Xander licked his lips and eyed the soldier appreciatively. It was the easiest way he could think of to get rid of them. Most homophobes thought gay men were all perverts who would fuck anyone. In this case, Xander was hoping to use that to his advantage.

"Look Wes, soldier boys."

Xander purred in his most seductive voice. It took Wesley a few seconds to catch on but once he did he played along.

"Mmm, very nice. Haven't had a military de-briefing before. You boys want to play?"

The soldier looked at the two in disdain and backed off. He nodded for his men to move out before backing away even further.

"You should go home. It isn't safe out here at night."

That said, he quickly left to catch up with his men. Xander looked at Wes and grinned.

"A de-briefing? Wes, that was great! Looks like I'm rubbing off on you."

Xander raised his eyebrows in a cheeky manner at him. Wesley just smiled and took Xander’s hand. They continued to make their way around to the back of the house. They spotted the broken window and were about to climb in when Angel joined them.

"The humans are gone. How did you manage that?"


Xander winked at Angel and then dropped down through the window. Wesley and Angel followed right behind him. Angel could hear three heartbeats. He assumed the third one belonged to the other Xander and began to hone in on it. Wesley and Xander followed behind him as he led them further and further into the basement. When they reached the door to the room with the furnace and water heater, Angel stopped.

"Spike, I'm here. Come out."

A few seconds later, Xander stepped out of the room. He looked at Angel, then at Wesley, and then lastly at himself. He shook his head and ducked back into the room. Angel could just make out Spike’s voice as Xander talked to him. A few minutes after that, Xander returned dragging a somewhat wary Spike behind him.

"Okay, Deadboy. Let’s get the hell out of here before Finn and his commando boys come looking for Spike."

The other Xander chuckled and then grinned at his double.

"Deadboy. Haven't used that one in years, I think I miss it."

"I don't!"

Angel growled and spun on his heel. He stopped below the window and listened. Once he was sure it was safe, he jumped up and grabbed the ledge before pulling himself through. He reached down for Wesley who gave him his hand allowed the vampire to pull him up. The Xander of this world was next.

Spike and Xander stood underneath the window and looked at each other. Spike was still heedful of getting caught and he didn't know if he could actually do this. Maybe he would be better off just asking Xander to stake him. The boy said that they were friends in his world, and he had helped him to escape. Would he do this as well? Put him out of his misery? Xander broke into the vampire’s thoughts.

"Your turn, bleach boy. Up you go."

"Why me? Why don't you go first?"

"’Cause I don't trust Angel to pull me through the window. He'll probably bash my head 'accidentally' or drop me on my ass. You go first and then help me up."

Spike grinned at Xander’s distrust of Angel. This human was amusing; he could see why he would be friends with him. Spike grabbed the window ledge and pulled himself through before reaching back in for Xander.

Once they were all outside they headed for Angel’s car in a hurry. None of them had the desire to stay longer than necessary. Xander jumped into the back seat and Spike got in beside him. He knew Spike didn't exactly trust the other humans in the car, and his relationship with Angel was tenuous at best. He figured it would be better if he sat beside Spike on the way to L.A.

Wesley and the other Xander piled into the front seat with Angel. Neither man wanted to sit any closer to the blonde vampire than they had to. He might be chipped, and also the victim of this particular vision-inspired rescue, but he was still a demon.

The ride back to L.A. was made in relative silence. Spike fidgeted and squirmed in his seat until Xander took both of his hands in his and held them. He figured this was the easiest way to calm him; touch always seemed to work for him when he was scared or nervous. Spike actually offered him a slight smile and relaxed a bit. Xander didn't relax until they reached L.A.

Angel parked the car at the hotel and everyone got out. Wesley and Xander made their excuses and beat a hasty retreat. Angel had already told them earlier that day that they should stay away from the hotel for the next couple of days. He needed time to make sure Spike wasn't a threat to them before they came back.

Xander looked around the lobby and whistled. The place was huge. He had never been to see Angel in L.A.; he had no reason to visit, after all. He hated Angel, and he and Cordy weren't exactly on speaking terms. Willow had told him about this place, but seeing it was another thing entirely.

"So, is there room here for the two of us or do we need to find a hotel?"

Spike snorted and then looked around nervously. He would need time to overcome his conditioning. Angel noticed his childe’s behaviour but didn't say anything. Instead he turned to Xander and frowned.

"You know, you're nothing like the Xander I know. He grew up."

"Yeah well ... You’re exactly like the Angel I know - still a depressing, broody bastard with no sense of humour. Oh, and I wanted to ask? Just what the hell were you thinking with the whole 'open Acathla and suck the world into hell' plan, huh? ‘Cause I just spent two weeks in that reality, you asshole, and let me tell you I was lucky to make it out alive and ... untouched!"

Xander felt all the rage he had stored up inside him bubble out, and before he knew it he swung out and decked the stunned vampire. He shook his arm to lessen the impact pain and let out a calming breath. He smiled at Spike and then turned to Angel who was rubbing his jaw.

"Well. I feel better. Now about those rooms?"

Angel gaped at Xander, and Spike burst out laughing. Maybe he'd be all right after all.

Part Fourteen

Angel showed Xander and Spike to a couple of rooms right across the hall from each other. He made sure they were far enough away from his so as not to disturb him, but still close enough that he could keep an eye on Spike. For all the camaraderie between them, he still didn't trust Spike not to try to eat Xander.

After showing them to their rooms, Angel made the mistake of asking if there was anything else that they needed. Xander immediately answered that food would be a good thing, and possibly some clothes so he could shower. Angel gave them directions to the hotel’s kitchen, and then disappeared into his room to find suitable clothing for his ... guests.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Xander was making himself a couple sandwiches while Spike tried to figure out how to work Angel’s ancient microwave in order to heat his blood. It was not going well.

"Bloody hell! The bleedin’ poof lives in a fuckin' hotel for Christ’s sake - you'd think he could buy a microwave that doesn't have a dial on it."

Xander chuckled and walked over to see what the problem was.

"Oh, I remember these. My grandparents had one, you have to turn this and then push that. See? 'Sides, I'm surprised Deadboy even has a microwave, I didn't think he could wrap that Cro-Magnon brain of his around the concept of modern technology."

Spike turned and studied the human who had, for lack of a more accurate description, saved him. He noticed that while he was open and friendly with him, he was downright rude and snarky to Angel. He figured it couldn't be just an 'all demons are bad' thing, otherwise the boy would have left him to Finn. He wondered what Angel had done to him.

"You really hate him don't you?"

"Who Angel? Yeah, I guess I do."

Xander was just finishing making his sandwiches and cleaning up after himself. Spike retrieved his blood from the microwave and walked over to join him.

"How come? I mean if you hate him, which you obviously do, how come you’re here?"

"It's complicated. Angel and I have never liked each other. Plus there is that whole ‘suck the world into hell’ thing. That place was horrible. God, I can still smell it, hear the sounds when I close my eyes. If I hadn't shifted out when I did..."

Xander shuddered as he once again felt the clawed hands on his skin, the slimy tongue tasting his skin. He noticed Spike looking at him oddly and shook it off.

"Anyway, in my world, he offered me to you as a snack on parent-teacher night. He was trying to fool you, or so he would have everyone believe. Personally, I think he'd have been happy if you had eaten me."

Spike couldn't help but grin at the image of his sire presenting him with this tasty young man as an entree. It never would have worked; Angelus would have turned the boy, not eaten him.

"That never happened here. I would remember something like that. So, you still didn't answer the question. Why are you here?"

"Better than there. I mean, at least here I know what to expect. Angel is a vampire; he has a soul, yada yada yada. There? Those people are not normal. They're nothing like the gang in my world. I think Riley and Giles had Dawn killed, and look at how they treated you. Okay so yeah, we chained you up in the bathtub until we were sure you couldn't hurt us, but we fed you and didn't... torture you."

Spike smirked at Xander and raised an eyebrow.

"Chained me in the tub? Well, better than having me fangs ripped out. Any other little bondage scenarios you'd care to share?"

"Uh, I ah ... tiedyoutomybarkaloungerwhenyoulivedwithmeinthebasement."

"You tied me to what?"

"A chair. In my basement. So you couldn't eat me in my sleep. It was stupid, but I was scared of you."

Spike puffed up a bit at that information. It had been a long time since anyone had admitted to being afraid of him. He could have wept for the sheer joy of it. Instead he smiled at Xander and then drained his mug. Xander watched the vampire feed with a mixture of curiosity and disgust. Whenever he'd seen his Spike feed, the vamp had gone into game face, this Spike didn't. It was weird seeing him drink blood while looking human.

"Hey, Spike? If we didn't meet on parent-teacher night, when was the first time you tried to kill me?"

"Well, there were a bunch of times. Let’s face it, hanging out with the slayer will make you a target. I think it was that time I kidnapped the witch; any other time, you just happened to be around when I went after the slayer - wasn't personal then."

Xander couldn't help but grin at the matter of fact statement. It was true; hanging out with Buffy did make him a target. But in the end, what he was doing - helping to save the world - was worth it. Spike rinsed his mug and headed for the door before turning back to Xander.

"So. You think the old poof has a telly?"

Angel had been listening to the conversation between the two in the kitchen. He began to understand this version of Xander a little better. In this reality, while he and Xander did have their problems, it was nothing like what the other Xander had just described. He had to wonder what his double was thinking trying to pass Xander off as food to Spike. Angelus would never have shared something as sweet-looking as Xander; he would have kept him around for weeks, breaking him in before turning him. His double must have been pretty dumb to think that even Spike wouldn't see through that plan.

He wondered what had possessed this version of Xander to help Spike, not that he didn't think he should have. He just wondered why. It wasn't as if they were friends - hell they didn't even know each other. Unless the Spike of his world was different than the one here, he couldn't see them being in the same room without bickering and insulting each other.

He moved away from the door just in time to avoid being hit with it as Spike - followed by Xander - walked toward the back staircase and up to their rooms.

After a long hot shower, Xander was grateful to slide into the satin pyjama pants that had been left for him - even if they were Angel’s. He was extremely worn out from the running earlier that night. Take that, added to the stress of the past couple weeks and finding out that the people he should have been able to trust were monsters with his friends faces - it was no shock that he was falling asleep on his feet. He did feel sorry for Buffy; he was sure that she had no idea what had really happened to Dawn, even though she was taking Spike’s slavery in stride.

Spike had showered, dressed, and wandered downstairs to find a book or something to occupy himself with. Angel didn't have a television - big shock there - so he was bored. He was also trying not to think about where he should be, where some part of him insisted he belonged - at his master’s side.

Spike snarled and punched the wall in frustration. He hated this, being neutered and de-fanged. Helpless to defend himself, forced to kill his own kind under the orders of what should be his food but was in reality his owner. He heard Angel come up behind him and spun around to face him.

Angel took one look at his childe’s demon face, gaps where his fangs should be, and almost wept. At his worst, Angelus had never taken William’s fangs. He had beaten him, fucked him raw, starved him and left him strung up in chains for days on end, but he had never done anything like this. Even Angel, soulboy and champion for the Powers, considered this to be wrong. It would have been more humane to stake Spike then to make him live like this.

"What do you want, Poof?"

Angel tore his gaze away from his childe’s face and lowered his eyes. He didn't want Spike to see the pity in his eyes; it would only enrage him further.

"I thought you might be restless. I wondered if you wanted to check out the training room, maybe spar for a bit. I haven't had a good work-out partner in a long time."

Spike grinned at Angel. He was actually looking forward to this. It had been far too long since he'd fought against his sire, and it was a good way to relieve some of his stress.

"Sure Peaches, lead on."

Part Fifteen

Two hours later, two battered, weary, and bloody vampires trudged up the stairs of the hotel to their rooms. They had started off with light sparring, but it rapidly turned into something of a brawl. Angel had forgotten how fast Spike was, and how quick he was to learn his opponents’ weaknesses. All the years apart had made his childe a finely honed killer. He knew that Spike needed the release that a fight would give him; he had never liked being helpless in the past, a fact that Angelus had used in his favour. Besides, he figured if he wore Spike out, it might save him some repair costs to the hotel.

Spike was looking forward to a long hot shower and then a good night’s sleep in an actual bed. He had been sleeping on an old army cot while staying with - being held prisoner by - Riley. The thought of a real mattress, clean comfortable bedding, and a soft pillow was almost enough to make him skip the shower but he was covered in blood and sweat, so a shower was definitely needed.

Angel showered quickly and then called Wesley and Xander to check in. He wanted to keep them up-to-date on his guests and the situation in the hotel. He didn't have much to report, but figured they would appreciate the call.


"Wes, it's Angel."

"Ah, how is everything there?"

"Good. Just thought I'd call and let you know I'm not dust."

"Very thoughtful of you."

"Could I speak to Xander for a minute?"

"Of course, one minute Angel."

There was a pause while Wesley put the phone and went to get Xander. Angel could hear the approaching steps on the other end of the line just before Xander spoke.

"Hey Deadboy! What's up?"

Angel growled in annoyance. He hated that nickname and was overjoyed when Xander had stopped using it. However, thanks to this other Xander it looked like it was going to be a frequent insult again.

"I really hate that name, Xander."

"I know."

Angel could hear the laughter in Xander’s voice and tried not to smile along with him. It didn't work.

"Look, do you think you could pick up a few things for Xander and Spike tomorrow? You would know his size and I will give you the sizes for Spike. Also, I think I'm going to need some groceries; he eats the way you do!"

"Sure, just let me grab a pen and you can tell me what you want."

Down the hall from Angel’s room Xander was having a nightmare. He was back in his cell; the orange-and-purple demon was coming toward him. When the door opened, Xander ran. He ran as fast as he could but the thing still caught him. He struggled uselessly against it, kicking and hitting it. He could feel it smelling him, tasting him. When the clawed hands unfastened his pants he screamed. It wasn't supposed to be like this, it hadn't happened this way, he had shifted!

Xander was trapped by the demon; he couldn't escape. He continued to scream and fight, he looked over the thing’s shoulder and saw Willow watching from the doorway. She stared at him with her one green eye, blinking. Then she tilted her head ever so slightly and spoke.

"You left me to this, Xander. Why? Why did you leave me behind?"

Xander shook his head frantically as the demon’s hands roamed over his most private places.

"No! No Wills, it wasn't my fault. I wanted to save you, I didn't know how. Please. It wasn't my fault. Please."

The demon continued its assault, fondling his cock and balls - squeezing them painfully hard. He felt a long sharp claw reaching between his cheeks to probe at his anus and he screamed again. Willow began to laugh.

Spike had just finished drying off and pulling on a pair of sweatpants that Angel had left for him when he heard the scream. He knew all about those screams. They were the kind you made when you were helpless to do anything else. He shook his head sadly and left the room.

Xander hadn't locked his door so Spike was able to enter the room without breaking down the door. He took a look at the thrashing, moaning man on the bed and then sighed. He wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do or not but it had always worked with Dru, so he slid into the bed beside him and began to softly stroke the boy’s back while talking to him.

"Come on, pet. Wake up now. Just a dream s'all."

Xander stopped thrashing but he was still moaning and whimpering quietly. Spike continued to speak to him in the same low, soothing voice while petting him softly.

"You gotta wake up, Xander. I can't do nothing to help you in your dreams, pet. Come on. Wake up, that's it. Nothing here but you an' me."

Xander started to wake up slowly, shaking off the nightmare. He realised that he wasn't alone in his bed, and tensed up until he heard Spike’s voice. He wanted to cry he was so thankful. He didn't cry, but he did burrow into Spike’s arms and squeeze him tightly. Spike just continued to pet him and lay down next to the boy.

Angel hung up the phone with Xander and went down the hall to check on his guests; he thought he had heard screaming. When he looked in Spike’s room it was empty so he moved on to Xander’s. He cracked open the door and was shocked to see Spike in bed with the man, holding him and gently rubbing circles on his back. It was a familiar scene, but back then it was a different brunette that Spike held in his arms.

Spike was aware of Angel’s presence but didn't say anything. What was there to say? He wasn't doing anything wrong, Xander had rescued him, and he was just returning the favour. When Xander lifted his head to speak though, he put his finger to his lips to quiet him before glaring at the vampire in the doorway. Angel got the message and slowly closed the door.

"Sorry luv, didn't figure you wanted Angel listening in on something that's obviously private."

"Angel was here? Shit. Thanks."

"No worries. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No. Not really."

Spike nodded and just continued to lay there in bed with Xander. He knew he should leave but the heat was nice, and he could do with a bit of comforting himself so he stayed. Eventually, he heard Xander sigh in frustration.

"It might help to talk, pet. You don't seem to be able to sleep."

"I know. It's just ... It's hard."

"Yeah, but hey you survived it yeah? So it's over with. Whatever it was, you lived through it."

Xander took a deep, calming breath and then slowly let it out. He didn't want to talk about it, he wanted to forget it ever happened, but he knew that it wasn't going to just go away, and maybe he would feel better if he told Spike. It couldn't make him look any girlier than laying here clinging to the vampire.

"It was awful, Spike. That place? It was so horrible, and I found Willow, only she was broken. She didn't know me, she never even looked at me or spoke or anything. I held her and ... nothing. She was so beaten, scarred. It was like looking at a person whose soul had left but the body kept living."

Spike nodded to let Xander know he was paying attention and continued to pet him, trying to soothe him. Xander stared off into space for a moment before continuing.

"Just before the shift - before I ended up in this reality, a demon took me out of my cell. He - it was going to ... rape me. I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I was just too weak from fighting and not eating, it caught me."

Xander began to shake as the images assaulted him once again. He could hear Spikes low soothing voice speaking to him but he didn't understand the words. He was aware of soft cool hands rubbing his back and he sighed. It felt nice, being held and comforted. He was beginning to understand what the other Xander meant when he said Spike wasn't what he appeared to be. The man beside him was a caring, compassionate individual. Xander shook his head and began to talk again.

"In the dream, I didn't shift. After the demon tore my shirt, he licked my neck and then went for my pants. That's when it happened - the shift - but this time I was still there. Only I wasn't alone, Willow was in the doorway; she was blaming me for leaving her there. I tried to tell her that it wasn't my fault, that I couldn't help her. The demon’s hands were everywhere, it grabbed my ... and then I felt its claws at my ... she was laughing at me, Spike. She laughed and said it was all my fault."

Xander broke down and began to cry. Spike held him tighter and let him. He wasn't sure what to do for him; when Dru was this upset he usually distracted her with sex. Somehow he doubted that Xander was looking to get shagged after that. Especially by a demon.

Spike held the sobbing boy and made quiet shushing noises as he stroked his hair. He waited until the boy fell asleep before trying to extract himself from the warm arms that had wrapped around him. Every time he got free of one, the other would tighten. Eventually he gave up with a chuckle and settled down to sleep. He just hoped the boy wasn't upset with him in the morning.

Part Sixteen

Waking up this morning was a new experience in the ever-increasing weirdness that is my life. Spike was beside me, or rather under me, sort of. I remember waking up last night after having a terrible nightmare - Demons, Willow, yada yada. So not going into that. Anyway, Spike was there, in the bed, holding me and comforting me. I'm not ashamed to admit that I needed the comfort. I am surprised, however, that Spike was there. I mean yeah, I sorta saved him from Riley but I didn't expect anything from him. I'm embarrassed to admit that I cried like a baby while he held me after I told him about my dream. I'm not sure how to deal with him today; I mean, do I pretend it didn't happen?

A big part of me really wants to do that. Just pretend it never happened; but another part, a smaller-but-still-there part, doesn't want to forget that for the first time since this mess started, I felt safe. I know, talk about crazy huh? I felt safe while being held by a vampire. Ha! If Buffy could only see me now!

I left Spike sleeping in my bed while I came downstairs to the kitchen. I made coffee and toast - Angel doesn't have a lot of people food here - and tried to think of what I'm going to do while stuck here in LA. One thing’s for sure, I'm not going back to Sunnydale. Those people are nuts. If I ever decide to show this to my Giles, I might have to take these pages out first. I am not sure how he would handle knowing what he could have become, what all of them could become.

The ‘me’ in this world? I haven't really met him yet. I mean I saw him, he was in the car the whole way back here with Spike and me, but he was strangely quiet. I say strangely 'cause you know, when am I ever quiet? I tend to babble when I'm nervous, not shut up. I think he's with Wesley, as in with Wesley. Not that it bothers me; I mean Spike, then Faith. Wesley can't be any stranger of a partner, right?

Wrong. I can't help it. I think Wesley, and I see a nervous, uptight, tweed-wearing, busybody who bossed Buffy around and couldn't pull his own head out of his ass long enough to see that everything isn't black and white. Okay, unfair. I know, but that's what I remember. Of course the fact that he works with Angel must prove that he has broadened his outlook somewhat. I just don't see why I'm with him. Why he's with him. Spike and Faith I can almost understand. Okay, Demon-magnet Harris, right? So a gay or bi version of myself would inevitably wind up attracting either Spike or Angel. Can I just say how happy I am not to have run into a version of me that's hooked up with Deadboy? Nugh! And Faith? Well, I did sleep with her, so obviously there was an attraction. Maybe it was the slayer thing? I lusted after Buffy, thought Kendra was pretty hot, why not?

So, what have I learned about myself so far on this little expedition? Ooh, big word, Giles would be so proud! I've learned that I am terminally attracted to Demons - ex or otherwise, and slayers. And apparently in at least one deviation, a former watcher. Why can't I ever just find a nice normal person to settle down with?

Xander closed his journal and stuck it back into his pants. He really needed to see about getting another backpack. He also needed to get dressed soon. He never knew when he was going to shift realities and he doubted any other Angel would be too pleased to find him in his kitchen wearing his jammies. The thought of the look on the vampire’s face actually made Xander snort in amusement. It might be worth it.

When Spike woke up he was confused by his surroundings. Usually, he was woken at dawn by Riley, dragged out of bed, beaten - sometimes raped - and then made to fetch his breakfast while his master showered. This morning, however, he woke on his own in a soft bed surrounded by the scent of a human that was definitely not Riley. It took Spike a few minutes to remember where he was and why, but once he did, he couldn't hide the smile that lit up his face. It hadn't been a dream; he was really here, in LA, safe with his sire and Xander. Xander who had rescued him and then broken down and cried in his arms. He couldn't blame the boy, from the sounds of things the place he had been was pretty rough. Not to mention just randomly popping around dimensions. Not exactly a trip to Disneyland.

Spike was no stranger to nightmares, or to crying for that matter. In the years that he had been in 'service' to Riley, he had endured tortures that would have made Angelus cringe. He'd had his fangs ripped out - several times; he'd been beaten and gang raped, buggered with a cross, given an enema with holy water, had his testicles removed - twice. He'd been starved for weeks, blinded, experimented on by mad scientists; had a chip shoved into his brain that crippled him for even thinking about hurting a human and then to top it all off, was forced to kill his lover of over a century.

Dru had shown up with Darla in tow; he still wasn't sure how the bitch had been resurrected. Buffy had found out they were in town and Riley used him as bait to lure them out. He wasn't supposed to stake her, the Initiative wanted to 'learn' about her visions. Spike couldn't let that happen, not after everything he had been through. So he staked her. The only thing that let him live with himself after that was the knowledge that she was better off in hell than at the mercy of Riley and his commando buddies.

He was not sure what happened to Darla; as soon as he staked Dru, Riley shot him with a tazer. He woke up strapped down to a gurney, an ache in his groin, and a grinning Riley looking down on him with a steel bowl in his hand. That was the first time he had been castrated. Good thing for vampires that their parts grow back - eventually. So yeah, if Xander wanted to cry, Spike wasn't about to stop him. Hell, he wished he had someone who would hold him when he cried. Not that he did a lot of that these days… He had gotten to the point where almost nothing could get to him anymore; he was close to the point of breaking. If not for Xander, Spike was sure that within months he would have been completely lost - a shell of himself that blindly obeyed Riley Finn.

Spike stretched and rolled out of bed. He crossed the hall to his room and grabbed his smokes out of his coat before heading downstairs to the kitchen. That was another nice thing about being here. He could feed when he was hungry, without having to beg for it.

Part Seventeen

Spike found Xander in the hotel kitchen sipping coffee and reading a newspaper. He wasn't sure how the boy wanted to treat last night so he settled for a noncommittal grunt as a greeting on his way to the refrigerator. Xander snorted in amusement and cocked his eyebrow.

"I see some things don't change. Still as eloquent as ever first thing in the A.M., eh?"

"Piss off, m'tired. Somebody hogged all the blankets and I didn't sleep well."

Xander choked on his coffee and Spike smirked. That'd teach the boy not to insult him before he'd had his brekkies. Spike reached into the fridge and pulled out a large container of blood before setting it on the counter. When he turned around to get a mug from the cupboard he noticed that Xander was blushing and trying to hide behind the paper.

"Oh bugger! Look, I was just joking, all right? I'm not gonna take the piss with ya. Nothing wrong with needing comfort once in a while, especially after what you've been through. Tell ya the truth? I was glad for the company as well."

That seemed to shock Xander into responding as he dropped the paper and looked at the vampire.

"Really? So you won't say anything about..."

"Not a word. Promise."


Xander picked the paper back up with a sigh of relief and watched Spike move around the kitchen while he made his breakfast. He couldn't help but chuckle at Spike as he scowled at the ancient microwave again. When Angel walked into the kitchen an hour later, he was faced with a half-naked Spike laying on the table while Xander was running his fingers over his back and scowling. He watched for a few minutes trying to figure out what was going on. Once he realised that Xander seemed to be looking for something, he cleared his throat to get his attention.

"You ah, need any help?"

Xander looked at the puzzled expression on Angel’s face and smiled.

"Sure, know anything about tracking devices? I think Spike might have one in him somewhere."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because we're talking about the military; they don't like to lose what they consider theirs. Plus, I'm figuring this chip is a prototype, right? So it's probably expensive. They won't give up looking for him."

The severity of the situation seemed to dawn on Angel. He knew some people who might be able to help but he wasn't sure he trusted them to keep quiet.

"I can't say I know anything about tracers, but maybe Wes could do a locator spell on him? He's pretty good with magic."

Xander looked at Spike who shrugged his shoulders.

"Call him. I'll keep looking."

Angel headed out to the office to call Wes while Xander continued his search for the implant. He hadn't found anything so far, and he wasn't sure if he would either. There was a very good possibility that any tracking device the Initiative may have implanted would be buried deep.

"You find anything mate?"

"Nope, not yet. Want me to stop? Wes should be here in a half hour or so."

Spike shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. Truth was, he was worried about the watcher using mojo on him. He was never very comfortable around magic. Plus, Xander’s warm hands on his back felt kinda nice.

"If you want."

Xander sighed and continued to search. He knew Spike well enough to know what he wasn't saying. His Spike didn't like magic, so this one probably didn't either. He hoped he would find something, but knew it was likely that he wouldn't.

By the time Wesley showed up, Xander had done a pretty thorough job of searching the vampire. He didn't find the tracking device, but he did discover that Spike was ticklish - something he planned on using to his advantage if he ever made it home. See how big and bad he'd look while giggling like a schoolgirl… Just the thought of it made him snicker.

Xander - this world’s version - showed up about ten minutes after Wesley, laden down with shopping bags and boxes. Angel and Xander helped him bring everything into the kitchen while Wes set up his spell in one of the empty rooms. Spike was in the courtyard having a cigarette. He was still nervous about the spell but as Xander had pointed out, it was better than having Finn and his goon squad finding him.

Angel left the two Xanders in the kitchen while he went to fetch Spike. He wanted to get this over with quickly; the last thing he needed was a bunch of gung-ho soldiers storming his hotel. While emptying the groceries, Xander noticed his double watching him. He figured he was curious about him, in his situation he would be, so he turned, smiled and asked him if he wanted to know anything in particular. His double gave him a sheepish grin.

"That obvious huh?"

"Well yeah, but then it's not everyday you get to talk to yourself from an alternate reality."

The other Xander smiled.

"Kind of like Sliders, huh?"

"Yeah, kind of. So what would you like to know about my oh-so-fascinating life?"

"I'm curious about Spike, I mean are you two...?"

Xander chuckled. Then he shook his head.

"Not this time. There was one world though, the second one I ended up in. Don't tell anyone I said this, but they were cute together."

That made the other Xander choke. He couldn't grasp the idea of dating Spike. Sure Doyle had been half Brakken but he was a sweet guy, all heart. Spike was mean and nasty and would just as soon kill you as look at you. It just didn't make sense.

"I don't understand how you can take this so lightly. He's a soulless killer, how can you trust him? I mean, I work for Angel, I even kind of like the guy now but I don't trust him. One happy thought and he'd pull out my spleen, ya know?"

Xander tried to think of a way to explain his feelings about Spike, but the truth was he didn't really understand them himself. He had written in his journal that Spike was his friend. He had gone so far as to tell the Spike of this world that very same thing, but the truth was, before he'd left home on this wacky adventure, he had been just as close-minded about Spike as his double was. It wasn't until he really started to pay attention to Spike and 'Xan' that he saw who Spike really was under all the bluff and bravado.

"It's complicated. A few weeks ago, I would have asked the same thing. But now? I know what he can be, what he's capable of."

"So do I, and if you ask me you should have left him in Sunnydale. I don't like him, I don't trust him, and I won't come back here as long as he's staying in this hotel. Tell Angel I'll call him if I have a vision."

Xander watched in open-mouthed shock as his double walked out of the kitchen. He couldn't believe ... well, yeah he could believe.

"Jeez, was I this much of an ass before all this started?"

Part Eighteen

Spike fidgeted restlessly while Wesley finished preparing. He caught himself - several times - looking toward the door hoping Xander would come in. Of course every time he realised what he was doing it made him angry. He did not need a human to make him feel safe. It was humans who had hurt him this much in the first place. Besides that, Xander could disappear at any given time so it was best not to get attached. Nevertheless, he couldn't stop himself from letting out a relieved breath when the man came into the room.

"So, we all set? What exactly is this spell gonna do anyway?"

Wesley cleared his throat and looked toward Angel, after receiving a nod from the dark-haired vampire he answered.

"It should tell us if there are any foreign objects in his body and where they are located. A bluish light will surround him and then disappear. If there is anything there, the skin in the area of the object will remain glowing faintly for approximately five minutes. Long enough to mark the area."

"Will it hurt?"

Spike was glad Xander had asked that question as he refused to look weak in front of his sire and his sire’s human pet. Not that it mattered - he had been through a lot worse, he was sure.

"No, it won't cause any pain, however ... "

After a brief pause Xander prompted the man to continue.

"However what?"

"However, he will need to take off his clothes in order for the spell to be most effective."

Both Wesley and Xander blushed. Spike snorted and began pulling off his boots. Angel sighed and closed his eyes. It had been a very long time since he had looked upon his childe naked, and he wasn't sure if he could handle seeing the noticeable differences in his body. Spike had lost a fair bit of weight; he looked half-starved and Angel knew without even looking that he would resemble more of a living skeleton than a vampire.

"Can we just get this over with then?"

Spike wasn't concerned about his nudity; he was actually enjoying the discomfort it was causing the others. He didn't know what Angel’s problem was, he had seen it all before. But he knew why the watcher was blushing - he could smell his arousal. Xander just seemed to be embarrassed about being in the room with a naked man.

Angel held a marker in his hand while Wesley chanted. Once the spell was cast, Spike stood in a ball of glowing blue light. It seemed to seep into his skin and then fade away. Xander cursed softly when he saw the multitude of glowing blue spots adorning Spike’s pale skin. He was lit up like a Christmas tree.

Xander grabbed the marker from Angel as he was just standing there staring, and began marking the pattern of lights. Spike stood still, jaw clenched in anger and waited for him to finish. He counted sixteen marks all together by the time Xander had finished.

Xander grimaced at the thought of what Spike was going to have to go through. He knew that the mark on the back of his head corresponded with the behaviour modification chip, but what the hell were the other fifteen for? He knew without a doubt that one of them would be a tracer - maybe even two as a backup but what the hell else was in there?

"We're going to need to put him out."

Angel’s voice startled Xander who was still trying to figure out what all could be in the vampire. Spike shook his head.



"I said no, Peaches. You will not put me out for this. Just give me a bottle of that Irish whiskey I know you have hiding in your room somewhere."

Angel sighed but nodded and left the room to fetch the bottle. Wesley gathered up his spell ingredients and headed for the door as well. He turned back when Xander spoke to him.

"Uh, Xander’s gone already, just thought you should know."

Xander shrugged his shoulders and Wes nodded before leaving the human and the vampire alone in the room. Xander looked around uncomfortably while Spike paced - naked - throughout the room. He was just about to offer to leave, to give him some privacy, when Spike spoke to him.

"Did this happen back in your world? Did your version of me have all..."

He gestured to the marks adorning his body.

"...this inside of him too?"

Xander shook his head and then ran his fingers through his hair.

"I don't think so. See, back home after you escaped the Initiative you showed up at Giles’ and we grudgingly took you in. You spent some time chained up in the tub; eventually we realised you couldn't hurt us and let you out. You stayed with me for a while when Giles’ lady friend came to visit. I told you about the chair, right?"

Spike nodded and then Xander continued.

"The soldier boys were still out and about looking for you; they spotted you one night walking back to your crypt and shot you with a tracer. You showed up at Giles’ and we dug it out. It wasn't pretty. I don't think my Spike, er, the Spike back home has anything else in him other than the chip now. Of course, you've been stuck as their guinea pig for a hell of a long time now, haven't you?"

"Too bloody long. Did I thank you for getting me out of there yet?"

Xander chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't offer to thank someone when you’re naked, okay?"

Spike looked down at himself and smirked.

"I didn't think you went for blokes, pet. The other one does though, so maybe I'm mistaken?"

"Nope. Straight as they come! No interest in alternate lifestyles here. Nuh uh, no way."

"I get it, yer straight. Was only taking the piss with ya, mate."

Angel chose that moment to come back into the room, a bottle of whiskey and a very large first aid kit in his hands. He gave the bottle to Spike while he put some towels down on the bed and opened the kit. Xander wasn't surprised to see an assortment of scalpels, tweezers, needles and sewing thread.

"Anytime you’re ready Spike. Xander, you might want to leave. This won't be pretty."

"Yeah, but then who will play nurse?"

Angel sighed but nodded.

"Your call, just don't throw up or pass out."

It took nearly two hours, but in the end everything except the chip had been removed from Spike’s body. The vampire himself had passed out from the pain - or the alcohol - after about an hour. Xander had cleaned each piece of technology as it had been extracted. He recognised three of them as being tracking devices. The Initiative certainly wasn't planning on ever letting Spike get away. The others, however, he didn't have a clue about. He followed Angel back downstairs after helping to move Spike back to his own room. He wanted to know if Angel had any clue what the other things might be.

Part Nineteen

Xander was packing his things into a bag that Angel had given him. It was more of a sports bag than a backpack but it would do for now. His double had - apparently at Angel’s request - brought clothes for him. He had brought some things for Spike as well, so Xander had taken them upstairs and left them on the bed beside the sleeping vampire.

Angel had no clue what the little bits of metal he had dug out of Spike were. Xander had pointed out the three tracers and Angel immediately smashed them and then flushed the pieces down the nearest toilet. Now if only they knew what the others were for… Angel said he had a friend - David something or other - who could probably find out so he went to call him, leaving Xander alone in the kitchen perusing the contents of the recently restocked fridge.

Spike woke up feeling like a truck had hit him. He groaned and rolled over in the bed, right into a pile of clothes that he assumed were for him. He chuckled at the idea of Xander making sure he got dressed before leaving the room. Maybe the boy wasn't as straight as he thought he was. Not that Spike was anyone to talk - he had never cared one way or the other what sex his partner was. Of course he wasn't planning on bending over for anyone anytime soon. He pulled on the jeans and shirt - a pretty good fit - and then shoved his feet into his boots. He stuffed a pair of socks in his duster pocket - he'd put them on later - and headed for the kitchen. He was starved.

He found Xander hunched over the counter scribbling away in a notebook. He barely spared him a look as he headed for the refrigerator. He must have lost a lot of blood earlier ‘cause he hadn't been this hungry in a long time. After pouring a large mug full and putting it in to heat, Spike drank the rest of the blood straight from the container - cold - he was that hungry. The microwave had barely signalled the end of its cycle when Spike grabbed the mug from within and drained it as well. His hunger sated, he was about to ask Xander if they knew what the hell had been inside him. He never got the chance.

Xander had just finished putting his journal away after writing down all the horrible details of what he had watched Angel do a few hours before. He knew Spike would want to know what they had found. He saw Spike open his mouth to speak before the hotel went dark and an alarm began to sound.

Xander shouldered his bag just as Angel ran into the kitchen. He tried to usher them toward the back hallway, and Xander caught him saying something to Spike about sewer access. Xander couldn't see where he was going and was grateful that Spike had grabbed hold of him and was pulling him along in the dark.

Suddenly there were bright lights and Xander could clearly make out the game faces of the two vampires before he heard Buffy's voice.

"Angel, step away from Spike. He's all we came for. Let us have him and no one needs to get hurt."

"I can't let you take him Buffy. I know what kinds of things have been done to him, I won't allow it to continue."

Xander wished he could see Buffy, he really needed to know if she was aware of what exactly her 'boyfriend' had done to the helpless vampire. Unfortunately the boyfriend in question took that moment to begin issuing orders.

"Take them all down, we'll retrieve the hostile afterwards."

Spike turned to run but only got a few feet before he was hit with a tazer blast. Xander screamed as he watched him fall. He rushed toward Spike and felt himself get hit, the last thing he remembered was landing on Spike before the darkness took him.


The first thing Xander saw when he opened his eyes was the arrow of a crossbow - pointed right at him. The second thing he saw was Faith, not the softer version he'd met before but the hard-as-nails-looking Faith he was familiar with.

"Fang! Get your ass in here, one of them is awake."

Xander moved to cover his ears when she started to yell but then thought better of it. He might not be a vampire but a bolt through the chest would still kill him. He watched Angel come through the door and sighed in relief. At least Deadboy wouldn't let her kill them. The fact that he was still sprawled on top of Spike’s back had not escaped his notice and he desperately wanted to move before the vampire came to. He didn't need Spike setting off his implant in a blind panic.

"Can I sit up now? Spike's too skinny to be a comfortable cushion."

Faith nodded but didn't put the bow down for a second. Angel continued to watch him and once he was up, the older vampire immediately flipped Spike over and shook him. Xander suddenly realised that there were no soldiers, no Riley and no Buffy. That could only mean one thing - he'd shifted again. And apparently taken Spike with him.

"Angel? I don't think you should do that. He's in pretty bad shape."

Angel stopped manhandling the blonde and looked at Xander.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know how long we've been lying on your floor but just a couple hours before that, Spike had fifteen pieces of Initiative technology dug out of his body. He lost a lot of blood, and then he got shot by a tazer. So all in all, I think shaking him is probably a bad idea."

Angel seemed to consider this before letting go of Spike. He then turned to Faith and nodded for her to lower the weapon. He looked at Xander long enough to make the mortal uncomfortable before speaking.

"So what was that then? A teleportation spell? And what do you want with Spike? And while I'm at it, why bring him here, I mean won't your wizard be looking for you?"

"Um, not a spell. A trans-dimensional shift. I don't want anything with Spike; I just landed on him after I got blasted by one of Finn’s goons. We're here because I always end up in the same place as I left, and what wizard? I don't have a wizard. Do I?"

Spike chose that moment to groan and sit up. Xander went to his side and helped him. Angel watched the interaction between human and vampire with interest. Faith just rolled her eyes.

"If I'm not needed here, can I go? Cordy said she'd take me to that new leather shop in the mall."

Angel waved Faith away and turned back to Xander and Spike who were now seated side by side against the counter. Spike was looking around warily and Xander had a guilty expression on his face.

"Uh, Xan? What the hell happened? Last thing I remember, Farmboy and his friends were pointing guns at us."

Well ... I don't know how to tell you this, but I shifted out again ... and somehow took you with me. I think maybe 'cause I landed on you when I got shot."

Spike stared at Xander for a few minutes while he thought over the idea of being in an alternate dimension. In the end, he figured it had to be better than being recaptured by Finn or being dust, so he just shrugged and nodded once.

"Alright. I can live with that."


Well, it seems I've made a huge mess of things. Leave it to me to screw up the universe, eh? Thing is, I don't regret it. I know if I hadn't landed on Spike, hadn't taken him with me, he'd be back in the loving custody of one Riley Finn and the Initiative. So how can I regret it? I am so glad Riley took off for the jungles of South America or wherever. I hate to admit that he had me fooled - he wasn't the country bumpkin I had him pegged for. Spike saw through his act, though, and maybe Giles a bit. I'm glad Buffy missed his chopper.

We have Faith the vampire slayer on this world. She got out on early parole - supposedly for good behaviour. If you ask me, though, the council had to have pulled some strings after Buffy died. Seems Willow never brought her back in this reality. Of course in this reality she's still dating Oz, and I apparently live here in L.A. and run a magic shop with Ethan Rayne - my lover.

Yeah, that's what I said, my lover. What the hell? I mean okay; the only woman I've been with in these other worlds is Faith? Is there no reality out there where I get a shot at happiness with the Buffster? (Buffy? If you ever read this, forget you just read that okay? You're my friend and I love you, but the 15-year-old that I was is still yelling foul!) I've been paired up with Spike, Doyle, Wesley, possibly Angelus - I didn't exactly want to know about that one (Yes I read the watcher diaries and I know what the sire/childe bond entails, I just refuse to think about it!) and now apparently, Ethan Rayne. I wonder what the Giles of this world thinks about that? Oh yeah and I'm a warlock or something here as well. Cool huh? And Giles thought my magic skills entailed setting books on fire by speaking Latin to them… Showed you huh, G-man!

I still have the bag that the last Angel gave me so I now have more than just the clothes on my back. Unfortunately Spike doesn't. He's lucky he was wearing his boots and duster when he got hit, or rather I'm lucky. If he hadn't been I would have to listen to him complain forever.

Angel was good enough to offer us a place to stay, on the condition that Spike doesn't bother his employees and we tell him the full story of what's happened so far. I don't know if Spike is ready to tell anyone his story yet, and certainly not Angel. I told him mine, minus the gory details of course. He had the grace to look guilty for the whole Acathla fiasco, at least. I think I might just get in touch with the Angel of each new world I visit just to make the asshole feel bad. Yeah, so I'm bitter. Fuck off, you weren't there.

Spike and I are gonna go out once the sun sets. I want to meet myself in this world, maybe he can teach me a spell to bind my belongings to me. That way I won't have to worry about carrying this damn bag wherever I go. Plus, I just want to get away from Deadboy for a while; he still gives me the wiggins. I know he's just one happy away from being Angelus again and that just does not inspire trust. Especially with both Cordy and Faith staying here; can you spell temptation boys and girls? I knew you could.

Xander put his journal away and went in search of his new travel buddy. That was another thing he had to figure out, what to do about Spike. He felt kind of responsible for the vamp; he was, after all, the one who dragged him into a strange new world. Could he just abandon him here? If you had asked him that before this whole mess started, Xander would have answered with a heartfelt yes. Of course that was before he had gotten to know Spike better.

"Hey Fan ... Blondie! You in there?"

Xander winced at his first choice of nickname for the vampire, he didn't think he'd ever be able to use that one in good conscience again. He heard a shuffling noise behind the door just before it swung open. Spike stood there in his jeans - unbuttoned, a towel over his shoulders, barefoot, with his hair still damp and tousled.

"Yeah? What's up?"

Spike motioned for Xander to come in and once he was in the room he closed the door and headed for the bathroom. He left the door open while he combed his hair back and applied gel to it. Xander was strangely fascinated to see Spike stand in front of the mirror while he groomed himself, as if it were of any use to him. He always thought it would be strange, trying to get your hair done, or shave or whatever without being able to see yourself.

"Hey Spike? Random vampire question - do you have to shave?"

Spike chuckled at him. He rubbed his smooth face as if in thought before answering.

"Not often. I never had much in the way of facial hair before I was turned, and of course afterward our hair grows so slowly it's not much of an issue for me. Angelus though, he grew a goatee and a moustache at one point. Darla hated it, plus it took him well over a year to get the thing to come in all the way. Funny as hell though whiles it was growing. Never seen anything so stupid."

Xander tried to picture Angel with a moustache and goatee. He couldn't help but snicker at the image. Spike knew what he was laughing about and raised an eyebrow at him.

"You should ask him to see the sketches. He had to know how it looked so he paid a local artist to draw him in various poses. ‘Course he ate the poor bugger afterwards, but the pictures were a riot. Bloody poof thought he looked good though."

Xander couldn't see himself asking Angel anything about Angelus. Hell he had spoken to the vampire more in the last two days than he had the entire time they lived in Sunnydale.

"So, besides random vampire questions, what brings you to my room?"

Spike pulled on a shirt and sat on the bed to put his socks on. Xander fidgeted with the gym bag on his lap and stood up. He began to pace as he tried to think of a way to broach the subject. He just couldn't find a way of asking that didn't sound like a cheap come-on. I mean 'hey Spike, do you want to be my travel buddy and keep me company on the long lonely trek across dimensions?' sounded like a pick-up line. Besides, Spike might not even want to come, he knew about the place Xander had been before his world. He wouldn't blame him if he just decided to stay here. Of course, the more Xander thought about having a companion on this trip, the more he welcomed the idea. He hated travelling alone, and having someone to share this with, someone who would understand, was an appealing idea.

"When we go to see the me of this world tonight, I was gonna ask him to put a spell on my things for me. You know, so that whenever I shift they'll come with me so I don't have to carry everything around all the time. I just wondered ... do you want to stay here? When I shift out? Or do you want to come too?"

Spike looked stunned. He opened his mouth and then closed it again. He blinked a couple times and then tilted his head slightly to the left.

"You serious? You'd take me with you if you could?"

Xander shrugged and looked at the floor. He was somewhat embarrassed about wanting Spike to come with him.

"Yeah. So? Do you want to? I mean, we can ask him for a spell breaker or something if we end up somewhere you want to stay. You don't have to come home with me if you don't want to. That is, if I ever get home."

"Sure, mate. I got no reason to stay here, and my home world was no fun anyway, can't say I'll miss it. So why not? Could be fun."

Xander smiled and headed for the door. He turned back and looked at the vampire lounging on the bed. Who knew he would one day be travelling across dimensions with William the Bloody. Life was funny sometimes.

"I'm heading downstairs to eat before we go, you coming?"

"Sure, I'm a bit peckish."

The two headed for the hotel kitchen, both happy about the decision they had come to.

Part Twenty-One

Xander looked up when the door to his shop opened. To say he was surprised to see himself standing there with a vampire was an understatement. He looked over his shoulder and noticed that his lover had also seen the two enter. It wasn't that they didn't get the odd vampire in here from time to time, it was just that this was only the second time Xander had seen himself come through that door, and this time his double wasn't a vampire, and he hadn't accidentally summoned him.

"Okay, I know I didn't summon you, so who are you, why are you here, and why are you with Spike?"

Ethan came out to stand with Xander and looked over at their visitors. He leaned down and whispered in Xander’s ear.

"He's not a vampire; what do you suppose he's doing with William the Bloody?"

Spike snorted and elbowed the Xander next to him.

"Well, I must say I'm disappointed. I was expected babbling and death threats and possibly some fainting."

"Yeah, well. Sorry to disappoint, oh bleached one. Looks like this Xander is used to having himself walk in here, or something that sounds less stupid."

The Xander on the other side of the counter smiled. At least this one wouldn't want to turn him. He nudged Ethan and nodded toward the shelf behind him. Ethan turned and picked up a small orb before handing it to him. Xander addressed his double.

"So, what brings you here? And what's his deal, ‘cause I have to warn you, I have an orb of Thessula here and I know how to use it. Any trouble and your fanged friend there gets his soul back."

Spike gaped and surreptitiously slipped behind Xander. He had enough problems ta very much; he didn't need a soul on top of everything else.

"Hey, no worries. We come in peace. I just wanted to talk, maybe ask a favour?"

"Alright, we can go in the back. The vampire tries anything funny, he gets souled and you ... well lets just say green could be a very good colour for you."

Xander nodded mutely. He wasn't sure if he liked this possible version of himself. He was cocky, arrogant, and sure of himself. He reminded him of someone, he just couldn't grasp who it was.

Once they were all seated at a small table in the back, the Xander of this world spoke up.

"So tell me what brings you to my dimension."

After explaining how he ended up there, how Spike had been taken with him and what he was hoping his double could do for him, Xander sat back and rubbed his temples, he had a hell of a headache. Spike saw the pain on his face and scooted his chair in behind him and took over rubbing his head for him. Xander sighed in relief; Spike’s cool hands felt wonderful.

"I can do the spell you want, but first I have to know what kind of magic is affecting you. Do you mind if I do a revealing spell on you? It won't hurt, it'll just tell me if you are under the influence of any other magicks and what their intent is."

"Sure, do I have to move or anything?"

Xander chuckled at his double. He might not have any magical abilities, but it seemed he was able to charm a vicious vampire into caring for him.

"No, just sit and relax. I'll be back in a minute."

After Xander left the room, Spike stopped his soothing ministrations and turned Xander’s chair around to face him.

"I don't know about this pet, can we trust him?"

"Spike, we don't have much choice. It's either we trust him, or we get joined at the hip. That's the only way to assure that you come with me when I leave, and somehow I don't think that option would work out very well. I mean, I'm lucky I haven't shifted during a shower yet and ended up in some new world completely naked."

Spike shrugged his shoulders and spun Xander’s chair back around.

"If you say so."

Xander came back in, followed by Ethan. The two began setting up the spell while Spike went back to his earlier job of soothing Xander’s headache. He had started out doing it as an automatic response. He had done this back in Sunnydale for Riley; of course then it had been because he was ordered to do it. Now he did it because he wanted to, regardless of what Angel had said to him, he was not transferring.

"We're ready. Just relax and stay still. Spike you'll need to remove your hands from him."

Spike moved his hands and slid his chair back around beside Xander. He wanted to watch this spell and make sure nothing happened to his new-found friend. It had been a long time since Spike had had a friend, and he wasn't about to let some wonky spell take him away.

"It's done."

Spike had been so caught up in making sure Xander was okay, he hadn't heard the two warlocks casting their spell. He dubbed himself ten kinds of stupid for not paying more attention to what was going on around him.

"And? What kind of spell is he under?"

Xander and Ethan exchanged a look before Xander answered Spike’s question. Spike didn't like the look one bit. They knew something, something not good from what he had seen.

"It's vengeance magic. You mentioned you dated a vengeance demon?"

"Anya, yeah. We were engaged."

Xander sighed. He'd really hoped that Anya wasn't behind this, after all he had tried to explain to her why he'd done it. He was surprised to hear Ethan speak; the man hadn't said a word to him since he and Spike had shown up.

"Anya? I'm not familiar with that name?"

"Anyanka, actually. The patron saint of scorned women. There was an incident, long story. She became human, we dated, fell in love, got engaged and then I left her at the altar."

Ethan cringed at the idea of what that woman was capable of. He had heard tales of men who had been horribly disfigured or worse by the demoness, all in the name of justice.

"I must say, I think you got off easy, lad. I've heard tales of her deeds. You are either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid to have pissed that woman off."

Xander snorted. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at his double.

"I don't suppose you can break the curse and send me home?"

"No. Sorry dude, but you're stuck on this crazy roller coaster ride. But now that I know what I'm dealing with, I can do the other spell. You sure you want to take the vamp with you? I could think of less homicidal travelling partners."

"I'm sure. I dragged him into this after all. It's the least I can do, and we're friends."

What they weren’t saying was annoying Spike. He knew there was more to this and he wanted to know what else they saw.

"Tell him the other thing."

Xander looked at Spike, confusion on his face.

"They know something, luv. Something they aren't telling you."

Xander looked at his double and the wizard. He scowled slightly and his double sighed in defeat.

"Fine. It's not like I wasn't going to tell you. I just thought you might like some privacy when you found out."

"Found out what? Besides, obviously both of you know what it is so why the need for privacy?"

Xander looked over at Spike and then it made sense. Whatever it was they weren't saying, it was because of Spike.

"Okay, give me the basics and I'll decide whether or not I want this made semi-public knowledge."

Spike didn't have a clue what could be so secretive that the warlocks wouldn't want to say it in front of him. He was a bit concerned about Xander, and he wanted to know what was going on so he was relieved when Xander didn't automatically ask him to leave so he could find out in private.

"There is a second spell on you. Ethan recognised it right away, as it is identical to one I had on me when we first met. It's Wiccan in origin, Willow's work. Shall I go on?"

"Willow put a spell on me? Why would she do that? What is it for?"

The other Xander scrubbed at his face with his hands. He went through this a few years back; it wasn't going to be pretty watching his double go through it now. Thank God Ethan had been there to help him through it. Maybe Spike would help Xander to deal with the betrayal of a friend.

"Do you remember your birthday party that Willow and Jesse threw you - remember what happened that night? With Jesse?"

Xander nodded and blushed. He'd already had this conversation with himself once before.

"Yeah, and?"

"Have you ever thought about doing that since then?"

"Doing what?"

Xander raised his eyebrow at his befuddled double.

"Oh! No, um not since high school. Why?"

"That's the spell’s influence. It basically blocks those thoughts and urges. You know Wills was in love you, don't you?"

"Yeah. I know. But that was along time ago, why would she do that, and why not remove it by now?"

"She couldn't put a love spell on you, she wanted you to love her for real so she did the next best thing, she made it so she had a better chance by stacking the odds. As for why she didn't remove it? I don't know. I never asked her. I can remove it if you want."

Xander thought he was prepared for anything, but to find out that his best friend had fundamentally changed his whole life, taken away his choices, it shook him to his very core. No wonder his other selves were happy, they had the freedom of choice, something he didn't. He thought over his relationship choices. Cordy - well he wasn't under a spell's influence there. Was he? Just when had Willow done that spell anyway? The French teacher was definitely all him though, so was Impata. So really, it was just Anya, and possibly Cordelia that had been influenced by the spell. His other self that was involved with Faith was probably under a spell; he couldn't see himself willingly choosing to date the crazy slayer. But the others that he had met: the him that was so happy in his relationship with Spike, the one dating Wesley, and now this one who seemed to be doing well for himself out here in L.A. with Ripper's nemesis, they didn't act like the bumbling fool he knew he was. It was as if by having choices, they had been allowed to grow and mature as people - okay that crack about leaving Spike in Sunnydale wasn't really mature, but on the whole, they were more confident than he was.

So the question stood, did he want his double to remove the spell? On the one hand yes, he hated not being in control of his thoughts and feelings. But on the other hand, he was scared. He wasn't so sure he could handle having his entire world turned upside down. He snorted; he wasn't in his world, though, was he?

"Do it. I might as well face everything at once. I work well under pressure, go ahead and tighten the screw."

Xander nodded and left the room, Ethan followed behind him. Once they were gone, Spike put his hand on Xander’s shoulder.

"Want to tell me what that was all about?"

"No, but I will. If you're going to be travelling with me you should know the truth."

Xander closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath. He let it out slowly and began.

"When I was fifteen, my best friend Jesse and Willow threw me a birthday party, I stayed at Jesse's that night and he kissed me. I pretended to be asleep and once he fell asleep I went downstairs and spent the night on the couch. We never talked about it, and after that he threw himself into the pursuit of one Cordelia Chase. I never forgot the kiss though, I was just scared."

"You were young, it's normal to be scared."

"I was scared because I liked it. See, my father wasn't a nice man and he'd get drunk a lot. He used to call me names sometimes, like ‘faggot’ and ‘no-good queer’. Once I realised what they meant, I was determined to never become what my father called me. So even though I loved Jesse - he was my best friend - I never acted on the feelings that kiss produced. After a while, after Jesse died, they just seemed to fade away. I never thought about why. Now I know."

Xander was trying not to cry as thought about all the pain and misery he might have been spared if he hadn't had this done to him. Would he even be in this hellish situation? Spike wasn't sure what to do to comfort the boy so he just waited in silence for Xander to continue. Eventually he did.

"Willow was in love with me, or thought she was. She put a spell on me to block my... bisexuality I guess. I mean, this isn't the first dimension that I've been gay in, obviously. Why would she do that to me? She saw how miserable my life was, how I was constantly struggling to fit in somewhere. I've always felt like I was missing something; I just thought it was because I didn't have super powers like all my friends, now I know that isn't it. She took a piece of me; she made me less than who I should be. Xander is going to remove the spell; I'll probably change. I don't know who I'll be when it's done."

"You'll be who you were meant to be, Xander. That's all you can be. And hey, I'll still be here. I don't care if you're straight, gay, bi, whatever. I'm a vampire; we'll do just about anything. Take Dru, she really goes for the slime-and-antlers crowd. Not my cup of tea, mind you but to each his/her own."

"Thanks, Spike. I feel better."

Xander and Ethan, who had been listening outside the door, came back in with several jars and books. After arranging things the way they wanted them, Xander had Spike stand to one side of Xander while he bound them with magic.

It took several spells, but eventually Xander was free of Willow's spell and had both Spike and his possessions magically linked to him. Ethan gave him a small jar of oil and told him to dab it on anything else that he wanted to link to himself. Before they left, his double stopped Xander and pressed something into his hand. Spike stepped outside and lit a cigarette while he waited.

"In case you shift when you’re outside in the sun."

Xander looked at the ring in his hand and then looked back at his double.

"Is this...?"

"Yeah, it is. Take it. The damn thing has been nothing but trouble for me. You look like you could use it."

"How did you get it? I thought Buffy sent it to Deadboy?"

"She did, but Oz is a smart guy. Angel in the sunlight equals joy, which could lead to perfect happiness. So he gave to me instead. Could you imagine the carnage Angelus could cause if he were unstoppable?"

Both Xanders shuddered at the very idea of it. Xander stared at the ring; it was so small to be able to do so much. He wasn't sure if he should give it Spike, but after everything the blonde had been through didn't he deserve some reward? Besides, the sunlight was going to be an issue. The only problem was not letting Angel see it.

"Thanks man. You've been a big help. I wish there was something I could do to repay you."

"Don't worry about it. I've been there, sort of. Take care, and I hope you make it home, Xander."

"Thanks, me too."

Part Twenty-Two

Xander kept the ring held tightly in his fist, hand inside his pocket, all the way back to the hotel. He was trying to decide whether or not to give Spike the ring - or at least whether or not to give it to him yet. This wasn't his Spike, after all; this one had been through a hell that he couldn't even imagine. Maybe this would make up for some of his mistreatment, maybe it wouldn't. One thing was certain, if he did give him the ring they couldn't stay at the hotel with Angel.

"Hey, Spike? How would you feel about going back to Sunnydale?"

Xander cringed under the look that Spike turned on him. He tried to remember that for Spike, Sunnydale was like Acathla's dimension to him. He took a calming breath and laid his hand on Spike's shoulder.

"This isn't your world, things won't be like that. If it makes you feel any better, we won't see any of them. I just want to be in Sunnydale when we finally get to my world, otherwise I might not recognise it. Okay?"

Spike reminded himself that this man had not only taken him away from Riley, but he had taken him from his own reality. Riley could never touch him again. He trusted Xander. If he said things would be okay, they would be.

"Alright, we'll go. But how the hell are we gonna get there?"

"I hadn't thought that far ahead. Any ideas?"

Spike grinned and pointed to a motorbike parked a ways down the street. Xander followed his finger and when he saw the bike he shook his head.

"No. We are not stealing a bike. I'm not going to jail just for a ride to Sunnydale."

"You got a better idea? I'm all ears."

The truth was, Xander didn't have any better ideas. He rolled his eyes and then nodded at Spike.

"Fine, but you realise that we'll probably shift out halfway there and end up a smudge on the highway in the next world."

Spike chuckled.

"Not if you dab a bit of that oil on the bike. Never know when you might need to make a quick getaway."

Xander hated to admit it, but Spike was right. He definitely could have used a getaway vehicle in Acathla's world. He let Spike steal the bike and waited for him the next block over. Once Spike pulled up to the curb, Xander quickly drizzled a small amount of oil onto the bike and then climbed on.

After a very brief stop at the hotel to say goodbye - and for Spike to get some blood, they were on their way to Sunnydale. Xander held on tightly to Spike as the blonde sped down the highway. The way Spike drove, Xander wondered if he'd live long enough to get home.

It was almost dawn when they sped past the 'Welcome to Sunnydale' sign. Xander knew they had to find a place to crash so they headed for the cemetery; hopefully they could find an empty crypt to hole up in for the day.

"You know, I really need to get some money for emergency hotel rooms or something. The last time I hid in a crypt I got dragged off by demons and put in a cell."

Xander shuddered at the memory and Spike frowned. He had a few bad memories of his own with regards to crypts and Sunnydale. Finn had once left him tied up naked and bleeding in a crypt for days. Every once in a while, he or one of the other soldiers would come by and whip him or cut him open ... or worse. The Sunnydale Motor Lodge was starting to sound like the Ritz-Carlton right about now.

"I hear ya, but seeing as we're broke and I'm at serious risk of spontaneous combustion, I think we'd better pick a crypt and get inside."

"Okay, you're the graveyard-dwelling demon here, you pick."

Spike looked around quickly and pointed. Xander chuckled and shook his head.

"Figures. Back home that's Spike's crypt. How did I know you'd pick that one?"

"Well I better pick another then, cause we don't know if there is a me in the Sunnyhell of this world."

Spike pointed at a smaller crypt further back in the cemetery and they headed for it quickly. They yanked the door open and pushed the bike inside. Spike went in to check the place out while Xander waited outside. Spike popped back out briefly to give him the all clear and Xander followed him in.

Blue eyes blinked in shock and surprise a few feet away. If Spike was right, he had just seen himself go into that crypt with a human and a motor bike. He was absolutely going to check this out at sundown. Spike turned back toward his own crypt and slipped inside.

Inside, Xander and Spike were trying to get comfortable on the hard floor of the crypt. Xander was using his bag for a pillow and Spike had pulled his duster off and was using it for a blanket. They lay side by side in the farthest corner of the crypt, Xander between Spike and the door. He didn't want the vampire to get hit by any stray sunlight if someone happened to open the door.

Of course, he could have just given him the ring, but he was still unsure. He wanted to be positive he was doing the right thing before he handed it over. In the wrong hands, that ring was dangerous. Eventually exhaustion won out and they both fell asleep.

As soon as the sun set, Spike slipped out of his crypt and made his way quickly across the cemetery. He slowly and quietly opened the door to the crypt he had seen himself go into this morning. He looked around and found the two sleeping men curled up together in the corner of the crypt.

Even if he was blind he would know that was himself lying in the corner with a human man sprawled across his chest. He could smell it. He wondered what the hell was going on - the only thing he could think of was Red was working mojo again and screwed up. He wanted an explanation before he ran off and accused her; her wolf was quite protective of her, and still human enough that his chip would go off if he tried to hit him.

Spike screamed and sat up abruptly, knocking Xander off his chest and waking him in the process. Xander sat up and saw that the vampire was still asleep and just reacting to something in his dream. He wrapped his arms around him and began talking to him in a low soothing voice, just as Spike had done for him the other night.

Spike stood back in the shadows and watched as the human comforted his double. He knew that scream; he had suffered nightmares himself after escaping the Initiative. If the Watcher and the wolf hadn't taken him in he'd have likely starved to his final death. He was intrigued by the behaviour of the human. He couldn't see the man very well, but he was familiar somehow.

Spike woke up and felt the warm hands on his skin. He froze in absolute terror. Eventually the voice broke through his fear-fogged mind and he sobbed in relief. Xander just held him and let him cry; turnabout was fair play after all, and he figured Spike had a hell of a lot more to cry about than he did.

He had made one decision; tonight he would give Spike the ring. If it gave him any small measure of happiness it was worth it. He'd never seen Spike like this. It was heart wrenching.

Eventually, Spike calmed down and pulled away from Xander in embarrassment. He couldn't believe he had broken down like that. It had been a long time since he'd had a nightmare that bad and even longer since he'd allowed himself to cry.

"Hey, don't be ashamed because of that. I don't think any less of you - like you said, everyone needs comfort sometimes."

Spike nodded but remained silent and rigid. Xander sighed in frustration. He knew this wouldn't be easy for Spike. He'd never met a prouder more stubborn person - demon, whatever in his life.

"Come here. Please?"

Spike allowed Xander to pull him close again. He relaxed into the warm embrace and just enjoyed the comfort being given to him. It was a strange, yet nice feeling.

"You don't have to tell me what that was all about, but if you ever want to talk, I'll listen. No pressure. Okay?"

Spike nodded again and they remained sitting together in silence for sometime. The Spike who stood watching from the darkness was shocked. He could clearly see the man’s face now. It was that boy he had kidnapped with the witch a few years back. Last he'd heard he was shacked up with some warlock in L.A.

Eventually, Spike and Xander got up and walked to the door. They both needed to eat, and in order to do that, they needed money. Xander couldn't believe he was going to let Spike scare people into giving them their wallets. Spike had been with him a matter of days and he was turning into a criminal. He hated to see what he'd be like after a few months of his company.

Spike followed them from a safe distance as they headed toward the Bronze. He watched with some amusement as his double went into game face and scared a couple teenagers out of their cash. Of course when he saw the vamp smile at his human, he almost threw up. No fangs. That just wasn't right. Who the hell would do that to him? Spike decided it was time for answers.

"'Ello pets, are you having fun?"

Xander and Spike spun around to see Spike watching them curiously. Simultaneously they both replied.


Part Twenty-Three

Spike chuckled. He hadn't exactly expected this reaction.

"Not for over a century, personally. Now, mind explaining to me why you have my face? And why you are here with... me, rather than in L.A. with your warlock?"

Spike looked first to his double and then to Xander. It was Xander who answered.

"What do you know about vengeance demons and the Initiative?"

Spike swore softly and then grimaced. It figured that Finn and his outfit were behind the fang-removal. He was once again thankful that he had escaped when he did.

"I'm far too familiar with the Initiative for my liking."

Spike tapped his head with a finger and continued.

"But as for the vengeance demon bit, I can't say as I know anything. Why don't we go back to my crypt and talk? I have blood, and you can pick something up on the way."

Xander and Spike exchanged a look and then Xander shrugged his shoulders. They followed Spike back to the cemetery and into his crypt. It was similarly decorated to the one his Spike had, including a furnished lower level. They ate in relative silence, Spike watching his guests intently. The vampire didn't change faces to feed, which was just odd. The blood scent alone should call forth the demon. Finally, when both had finished eating, Spike couldn't take the waiting any longer and demanded answers.

Xander explained his relationship with Anya, the former vengeance demon. Spike snorted in amusement at the size of the kid’s balls to leave a demon - ex or otherwise - standing at the altar. He could see why she had done what she had. It was himself that he was mostly interested in. Xander left that story up to Spike. He wouldn't say anything about Finn or the hardware that had been inside him; it wasn't his story to tell.

"Me? Simple really. The military recaptured me after I escaped from the lab. They did stuff; I ended up as the property of one Agent Finn. I was implanted with not only this buggery chip but also fifteen other pieces of technology, courtesy of the U.S. Government. Xander there shifted into my reality and didn't like my living conditions, so he called Angelus - Angel, to come down from L.A. and get me."

Spike looked shocked. His opinion of the human had just risen considerably. He knew none of the humans he associated with would go to that much trouble for him and he had been helping them for years. This kid didn't even know that version of himself and risked a lot to help him.

"We got chased through the woods by soldiers, hid out in the old mansion and waited for Peaches to ride in and save the day. Back in L.A., one of his pets did a spell to locate any tracking devices I might have on me; turned out I was a walking military experiment. I have no idea what any of the stuff did, except it doesn't hurt to shift into my true face anymore so that must have been part of it. Soldiers stormed the hotel, slayer in tow, and shot us down with tazers. Xander landed on me - lucky for me, and took me with him when he shifted out. Now we're here."

Spike nodded in understanding. He saw the look on his double’s face when he said they 'did stuff'. He knew what that entailed, but to live through it for this long? He wasn't sure he would have lasted. He figured that this Spike had likely endured things he couldn't even imagine, or wouldn't want to.

"And staying in a crypt?"

"No cash for a hotel room."

"So, when the boy shifts out again, what happens to you?"

Spike smiled at Xander before answering.

"I go with him. His double in L.A. worked some mojo on us."

"Fair deal. Can I have yer bike then?"

Xander laughed; he couldn't help it. This Spike sounded so much like the one he knew back home. Always looking for what he could get out of a situation.

"Sorry, Spike. The bike has been mojo-ed as well. It goes where we go, and seeing as it's stolen, that's probably for the best."

"True. Can't blame a bloke for asking."

Now that Spike had asked his questions and gotten them answered, Xander had a few things he wanted to know as well. For starters, he was curious about Willow.

"Can I ask you a few things, about this world?"

"Sure, can't say as I'll know the answers though."

"Willow is still with Oz?"

"Yeah, she and the wolf are engaged; they live at her parents’ old place. The house was given to them as an engagement present. Red says it's because her parents likely won't be back for the wedding, or ever."

Xander could see that. Where his parents were verbally abusive, Willow's parents ignored her. Xander didn't know which was worse - at least when his Dad was yelling at him, he knew he was there.

"I can see that. What about Dawn? Who's looking after her?"

"She was staying with Rupert until he went back to London. Her Dad's a right git, didn't even get off his secretary long enough to show up at Buffy's funeral, let alone come and collect the li’l bit. She's currently living with Wolfboy and Red. Sometimes she stays here with me. I don't know why, but she likes me."

"Yeah, the Dawn back home, likes you too. She must see something in you the others don't."

Spike was becoming uncomfortable with the turn of the conversation. He figured that Xander knew things about the Spike he was travelling with that were true of himself as well, but that didn't mean he had to like it. It just wouldn't do for anyone to find out how soft he was becoming. Especially where Dawn was concerned. She was the only reason he was still in this godforsaken town, now that Buffy was gone.

Xander continued without thinking.

"Hell, after Buffy came back from the dead, she was so messed up, you took better care of Dawn than she did."

"What did you say? Buffy came back? How?"

"Oops, maybe I shouldn't have told you that part. See, in my world, Wills is a very powerful witch; she and her girlfriend Tara can do almost anything if they put their heads together. We helped her do a spell, something to do with an urn of Osiris. It brought Buffy back, but she's still a mess. I don't know that she'll ever be completely herself again. Turns out, she wasn't in some Hell dimension, she was in heaven... and we ripped her out of it."

Any hope that Spike had was once again crushed. He could never do that to Buffy. She deserved to have peace, but he was sure Dawn would appreciate knowing that Buffy wasn't in a hell dimension.

"Well, that was brilliant then, wasn't it."

"We didn't know. How could we?"

Spike sighed. He was taking his frustrations out on this man for no good reason. He was just angry that this boy had Buffy waiting for him back home and Spike would never see her again.

"You should come and see the witch. She'll want to know you're here."

Xander had a flashback of the Willow from the demon dimension and shuddered. He wasn't so sure, after the nightmare especially, that he could face her.

"I don't know about that. We were hoping to keep a low profile."

"Nuh uh. She finds out you were here and I didn't tell her, it'll be my arse in a sling."

Xander sighed and looked over at his travel companion. He wasn't looking too thrilled about the idea of seeing anyone from the scooby gang. Xander didn't blame him, but eventually he would have to get used to them - at least if he was going to come all the way home with Xander.

"Question. Where is Finn, and what happened to the Initiative here?"

"Gone, and gone. Soldier boy took off in a big black helicopter, and the Initiative was blown sky high."

"All right then. But if anyone comes after either of us, I will hurt you."

Spike snorted but nodded in the affirmative. He knew that Xander was just trying to look out for the other vampire. He was almost jealous of the loyalty he showed to him. He didn't have anyone watching his back.

Part Twenty-Four

To say that Willow was pleased to see him was an understatement; of course, she thought he was her Xander at the time. Once explanations were given, she was still happy, but not as much. Apparently the Xander in this world had left SunnyD and never looked back. After learning about the spell, Xander didn't really blame him.

Dawn was thrilled at the prospect of two Spikes - at least she was until she realised that the other Spike didn't like any of them, other than Xander. She understood why after they gave a brief explanation of his recapture by the Initiative, and subsequent enslavement by Riley - and the gang by default. Willow was horrified by what she had heard. Spike just snorted.

"Oh, please. Just because you lot don't drag me around on a leash don't make it any better. If I don't have the information you're looking for, I don't get fed. If I don't play nice and do as you say, I get beat up. Not so much now that Buffy isn't here to do it, but it still happens."

Spike looked pointedly at Oz. The werewolf had taken it upon himself a few times to rough Spike up after Buffy's death. He wasn't happy about it, but it was what the slayer had always done, and it was the only thing he knew for sure that worked.

"If it weren't for the bit here, I'd leave you all to rot in this hell hole. I'd get better treatment from Angel than I do you people."

Willow looked down guiltily, and Oz nodded. He knew it was the truth, no point in denying it. He had wondered why Spike had stuck around after Buffy's death, now he knew. Dawn started to cry and flung herself at Spike. Spike held her and petted her hair.

"Hush, luv. Didn't mean to upset you. It's all right. Stop crying."

Dawn sniffled and wiped at her eyes. She lifted her head to look at Spike but didn't let go of him.

"I'm so sorry, I don't want you to stay here just for me. I'll understand if you leave, really."

"Not gonna happen, luv. I made a promise to your sis to look after you till the end of the world. I keep my promises."

Xander and Spike had crept towards the door during the previous conversation. This was way too personal to be intruding on as far as Xander was concerned. Spike just wasn't comfortable in the room with these people. He had only seen the werewolf the once since he'd been chipped, and that was when he'd tried to eat the blonde witch. He didn't trust the man.

They were almost at the door when Willow spotted them.

"Xander Harris, what do you think you're doing trying to sneaking out of here without saying goodbye?"

Xander sighed in defeat. He had really hoped to get away from her. He wasn't all that comfortable with any version of his best friend right now. After the nightmare, and then learning about the spell, he was on edge.

"This is personal, we shouldn't be here."

"Well, will you come back? I mean before you... shift?"

Xander shrugged his shoulders before replying.

"I can't really say; I don't know how long I'll be here. Could be weeks, could be a few hours."

"Oh, well where are you staying then? I'll come and check on you guys tomorrow."

"We're a few crypts down from Spike; I'm sure he'll let you know where it is."

Xander steered Spike toward the door. He had his hand on the doorknob when Willow spoke up.

"You can't stay in a cemetery! What kind of person would I be if I let you sleep in a cold, damp crypt?"

Xander didn't say anything but Spike looked over at his double - who was still crooning softly to the distraught girl in his arms, and then looked at the woman scowling at Xander.

"You tell me, ducks. Seems you don't have any problems with that at all."

Once again, Willow's eyes teared up and she looked down at the floor. Oz growled at Spike and put his arms around the redhead. Xander stepped in front of Spike and stared hard at Oz. He made his position very clear: if Oz wanted Spike, he had to come through him first.

"He has a point, Wills. Spike might be a demon, but that's not all he is. Look at him over there with Dawn… Does that look like a cold-blooded killer to you? Think about it. I'll come and see you again tomorrow if we're still here, but right now I think we should go."

Spike looked at Xander and then nodded to his double. Xander knew that Willow and Oz wouldn't do anything to Spike, but all the same he called out to him.

"Hey, Spike? We're heading out, you alright here or you wanna come with?"

Spike looked over and shook his head. He hoped he managed to keep the shocked expression off his face. He hadn't expected to be asked along.

"Nah, you two go on. I'm gonna stay an' visit for a bit."

Once outside, Xander shook off the tension he'd been feeling since they stepped inside the house and pulled out the rest of the cash they had stolen that night.

"Looks like we have enough for a room tonight, what do you say Spike? Crypt, or live it up at the old Sunnydale Motor Lodge?"

"Hotel. We can get more dosh tomorrow night if we're still here. That floor was bloody uncomfortable."

"I agree. I think we should leave the bike where it is though and walk over. No point in drawing attention."

Spike agreed and they set off on foot. The walk over was surprisingly uneventful, and after stopping off at the crypt to get Xander’s bag, they headed for the hotel. They only had enough for a room with one double-sized bed but they figured since it wasn't the first time they had shared a bed it would be fine. Of course, that was before Xander knew he had a spell on him that prevented him from being attracted to men. Now he knew, and the spell was gone.

Xander showered while Spike flicked around the television stations. When he was finished, he loaned Spike a pair of sweat pants so the vamp would have something to sleep in, and waited for him to go shower before pulling out the ring and looking at it. It still seemed so small, so unimpressive. It was hard to believe that this little piece of jewellery could make a vampire invulnerable. He wondered what Spike's reaction would be when he gave it to him. Also he wondered what he should say to Spike when he handed it over.

Spike was thinking about the way the humans and his double interacted. He could see straight off that this Spike had it a lot better than he did back home. Even still, the other vampire had a point. They did mistreat him, and it was obvious that they knew it. The girl - Dawn, loved him though. That was the strangest thing he had ever seen. The Dawn in his world wasn't allowed within ten feet of him. She never spoke to him or even looked at him. If she saw him, she turned away and left the room. Maybe she was saddened by what she saw? If the girl in his world was anything like the girl he had seen tonight, he wouldn't be surprised if she was.

By the time Spike came out of the bathroom, hair damp and wearing nothing but Xander’s sweat pants, Xander had decided to just give Spike the ring and see what happened. He waited until Spike had seated himself on the bed and leaned up against the headboard, then he turned off the TV.

"I have something for you."

Xander held his closed hand out and then opened it slowly. He watched as Spike's eyes widened, became glassy and then closed. He didn't understand why Spike hadn't taken it yet. His Spike would have snatched it out of his hand immediately. Then he noticed the tears on the vampire’s cheeks and the fact that he was trembling ever so slightly. Xander closed his hand and sat down on the bed next to Spike. He wasn't sure why the man was upset but he felt awful for making him cry. He reached out for him and sighed in relief when he didn't pull away.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I thought it would make you happy. I didn't mean to make you cry, really. If you don't want it, that's okay. I can keep it in case you change your mind."

Spike shook his head and held Xander tightly. When he spoke it was muffled by the fact that his face was buried in the other man’s shoulder.

"It's not that; I am happy. Really. It's just too much. You've done so much for me, been so nice to me. After ... After everything else, it's just overwhelming I guess. I didn't mean to cry to like some silly bint."

Xander chuckled and gave Spike a squeeze. He was just relieved he hadn't inadvertently hurt him somehow.

"No worries, I'm used to people going all emotional on me when I give them a ring. At least you didn't slap me."

Spike pulled away and looked at Xander; he wasn't sure what the man was inferring here. What exactly did the ring represent here? Xander caught the worried look on the vampire’s face and reviewed what he'd said. Whoops, he hadn't meant it to sound like that!

"Sorry, bad joke on my part. The ring is yours because I want you to be safe, that's all. I don't know what you were thinking, but I don't expect anything from you, I'm not like that. I like you; we're friends right?"

At Spike's nod Xander continued.

"Well as your friend, I want you to be safe. If we shift in the daytime, and I'm outside, you'll be dust. This way you won't."

"Where did you get it?"

"The other Xander; he got it from Oz when Buffy sent it to L.A. for Angel. Neither one of them trusted Angelus with the knowledge of the ring’s whereabouts so he ended up with it instead. He thought I should have it - said that I could use it more than he could. We have to be careful though, I don't want the others to see it. Oz would recognise it right away and so would the other Spike."

Spike thought about that for a minute; his double would have no qualms about taking it from him, hell he would if he were in that position. He wanted to put the ring on so badly, but what Xander had said made sense. They had to be careful.

"Maybe you should hold onto it until the next world. We'll figure out what to do with it then."

"Alright. But just to be sure, I treated it with the oil, if it's ever taken it'll come back."

"Thank you, Xander. You know, the Spike in your world is sure lucky to have such a good friend. I'm sure he misses you terribly."

Xander snorted.

"I may have been a bit ... misleading when I said we were friends. Don't get me wrong - I like Spike, it's just, in my world, I wasn't any better than Willow and Oz were with this Spike tonight. I just didn't understand. Now I know better, and if we ever get to my world, I plan on making it up to him. I owe him an apology - for a lot of things."

"Well, you've proven yourself to me. I'm proud to call you my friend."

Xander smiled and closed his eyes. He felt better now that the truth about his relationship with the Spike of his world was out in the open. He didn't want there to be any lies between them. Not if they were going to be stuck together for some time.

Part Twenty-Five

Somehow we've been coerced into staying at Willow's. Don't ask me how, I'm really not sure. They seem to be under the impression that Spike and I are a bit more than friends, at least I think so, since they have us sharing a room. Not that I mind so much; I'm still having nightmares and it's nice to have someone close by when I wake up shaking.

Spike is slowly getting more comfortable around Willow and Oz. He warmed up to Dawn almost immediately but I don't think he even knew the Dawn from his world. The Spike from this world is okay, he's a lot like the one back home, so much so that I sometimes forget where I am and have to stop myself from starting an argument with him just to hear what kind of creative insult he can come up with. I never thought I'd miss being insulted by Spike. Go figure.

I should probably tell you that the Xander of this world gave me the Gem of Amara. I gave it to Spike. He asked me to keep it for him until we shift. Oh yeah, that's another thing - he's coming with me. I didn't know what else to do, I pulled him out of his own world, so I feel responsible for him, plus I like the guy. So he decided to come along on this crazy ride. I'm happy to have the company.

I have some rather disturbing news; it seems that Willow put a spell on me back in high school, when she thought she was in love with me. It was designed to limit my affections. Oh hell, she put a whammy on me so I wouldn't like guys any more. Not that there were a lot of guys I liked to begin with. Only Jesse, and I was terrified of my father ever finding out so I never told him. Now, I'm not under that spell anymore.

It answered a lot of questions, like why the other me - the one with Spike, was with him. The Willow on that world was gay in high school; she had dated Cordy so therefore no spell on the Xan-man. I don't know about the one with Wesley, but I can only assume that he wasn't under a spell or someone had lifted it for him. The me of this world was under a spell; that was how he recognised it on me. He never asked Willow why she did it; he never spoke to her again.

I sort of hope we leave this place soon. I know Spike doesn't like it here, and I'm not really comfortable either. I hope the next world has a friendly feel to it. Hell, I hope the next world is home.

Xander closed his journal and looked over at the sleeping vampire next to him. He had never understood what it was about Spike that drew people to him. Sure, he was attractive - something Xander was realising a lot more since the spell was lifted, but he always put off such 'don't fuck with me' vibes that no one in his right mind would go anywhere near him.

Of course, getting to know the real man behind the image was something Xander was glad he was doing; although he did miss home, he was beginning to think this little adventure might do him some good - aside from landing in anymore demon-controlled dimensions. He had learned a lot about himself and his friends since this whole thing began. And, of course, there was Spike.

Since the hardware had come out, he had been gaining back some of his strength; he'd put on a few pounds and he could change faces without pain. Xander just hoped his fangs grew back soon; he knew it was a real sore spot for his friend. A vampire without fangs was a pitiful sight. Especially on such a proud, fierce demon as Spike.

It was late at night, or early in the morning depending on how you looked at it, so Xander switched off the lamp and lay down beside Spike. It was still weird sharing a bed with another man, especially one who didn't breathe. Nevertheless, the company was appreciated. Besides, at least Spike didn't snore.

The first thing Xander noticed when he woke up was that Spike was practically lying on top of him. The second thing he noticed was that the vamp had his hand over his mouth so he wouldn't speak. The third and probably the most alarming, was that Spike was in full vamp face.

Xander cocked a brow in question and Spike leaned in closer. For a second, Xander thought he was going to kiss him. He wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed when the blonde whispered in his ear.

"Be quiet. I don't think we're in the same place. I can hear voices, and I think they're ours."

Xander's eyes widened in shock. Spike moved his hand and then rolled off of the human. Xander sat up and immediately noticed the motorbike in the corner of the room. He knew that hadn't been there the night before. He reached for his jeans on the floor and slid them on. Xander looked over to see that Spike had followed suit and was dressing as well. He reached into his pocket and grasped the ring before reaching for the vampire’s hand.

Spike stood in numb shock as Xander put the ring on his finger. It was still so amazing to him that he had been given such a gift. He studied his hand and smiled in pure joy. He felt safe. Something he had thought he'd never feel again. He was so happy and so grateful that he pulled Xander to him and hugged him hard. Xander returned the hug and then stepped back smiling.

"We need to sneak out of here, or at least try to. What do you think our chances are?"

"Well the other me shouldn't smell us, or rather he'll think he's just smelling himself and the other you. As long as we're quiet and they're not right outside the door we might get away with it."

Xander nodded and silently went to the door. Spike followed. With a deep steadying breath, Xander opened the door, stepped out into the hall and stopped dead in his tracks. Spike walked into his back and was just about to ask him what the hell his problem was when he saw what Xander was looking at.

There, in the room right across from them was himself, Xander and the witch - naked and writhing on the bed. He looked from the tangle of bodies on the bed to the man standing in front and slightly off to the side of him and then back to the naked people in the bed.

Xander was stretched out on his back, arms above his head. Willow was straddled across him, her head off to one side of his neck. She was riding him at a leisurely pace. Behind her, Spike was thrusting into her ass, his head thrown back, a look of ecstasy on his face. He reached a hand out blindly and Xander grabbed it, entwined their fingers and dragged him down across Willows back to kiss him passionately.

Xander swallowed hard and tore his gaze away from the three in the bed. He turned slightly and saw that Spike was also watching the show with a look of arousal on his face. He couldn't blame him; it was very hot watching the three of them.

Spike jumped when Xander reached out and touched his arm. He spun around to look at him and smiled sheepishly. He couldn't help but glance down Xander's body; relieved when he saw that he was not immune to the affects of the sight in front of them. He looked back up and saw the human blushing. He winked at him and headed for the stairs. Xander followed Spike downstairs to the front door. They were just about home free when Spike was attacked by a naked version of himself in full gameface. Xander put up his hands in surrender and sighed.

"Hey Spike. Betcha you're wondering what the hell is going on huh?"

Xander and Willow appeared at the top of the stairs - both wearing robes, and started toward him and the two vampires. Willow looked confused, as did Xander.

"Could say that mate. Start talking."

The clothes-wearing Spike vamped out as well and snarled at his double. Naked Spike dropped his hands from his doppelganger and stepped back with a muttered 'Bloody Hell!' But Willow screeched and ran forward. Before Spike knew what hit him, Willow had her hands on his face, her eyes closed in concentration and green sparks were shooting from her fingertips into the sides of the vampire’s face. Xander panicked.

"What the hell are you doing to him? Stop it!"

He went to grab Willow but naked Spike stepped in his way.

"Calm down, she's healing him, she is. Then ... then I want to know what in the blue hell is going on here!"

Xander looked over at his Spike and saw that indeed Willow was not hurting him. He guessed after what he had learned about his friend, it would be a long time - if ever - before he would fully trust her again. As soon as Willow released Spike, Xander was at his side pulling him close and checking him over. The other Spike and Xander exchanged a look and then naked Spike went upstairs to get dressed.

"So, while Spike makes himself presentable - more or less, why don't we all go into the kitchen and I'll make coffee. Then you can explain who you guys are and why you're in our house."

Xander watched as Willow walked away, he looked at his double who made it clear that there were no other options open to them. With a weary sigh and a shake of his head Xander threw his arm over Spike's shoulders.

"Come on Blondie, let's go make with the explanations - again."

"Should just get flyers made up, would save time."

Xander chuckled.

"Yeah, I thought about that a few times myself. Maybe we'll do that before we leave this time."

Parts 26 to 50

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