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Over the past 4 years ive been roleplaying with the group out of UWWF/USE/UWA/NCW... And even thought ive been an asshole, Its just who i am... I do like everyone ive roleplayed with.. I still consider everyone of them friends... Until now...

When i was banned from the UWA due to a reason that was blown up and exploded over something so petty and ignorant... Mike, I know hopefully you read this.. And i still love ya man, Im sorry for what was said, im sorry for what was done, The e-mail i sent was in a drunken pissed off mood and im sorry for that... I hope eventually down the road we can squash this whole thing and talk again

There is no denying that im one damn good roleplayer and the storylines and characters that ive brought to your eyes are some of the best youve all seen.. And thats how i am... I bring my best and some of you couldnt handle that... Some of you couldnt accept that.. So instead of facing me like an adult.. You tuck tail and run... Making you seem like the lowest piece of shit possible

Dan... You couldnt take it that i recruited the 3 best roleplayers that ive seen to Come join me in the NCW to give everyone their run... To whip ass in NCW.. You saw what i was doing.. And instead of it.. You ran... I gave you help, I gave you storylines, I roleplayed consistantly and yet... You couldnt handle it.. You shit on my characters... Mike had the Respect for me to give me my shot, to accept that i roleplayed and earned it.... You didnt... You disgraced the Roleplaying business and for people to follow you to that New site disgusts me....

But in all Respect and Maturaty..... Im not going to pursuing this, Im not going to say anything else about this... The NCW is dead, And the other league is formed.. And As far as i know.. Anarky Insane wasnt invited.. You shit on Chris, Bernie, Masnki and Me... Therefore.. You lost 4 of the best damn roleplayers you will ever see in the NCW...

Thank you.... BTW... If you scroll down... Its a rough draft of the Retirement Thing for Diamond "PittBull" Green... Thank you


~~ The Insanity Productions symbol pops up on the screen as a Video Package plays highlighting the life and times of Diamond "PittBull" Green ~~

-- The Scene starts with PittBull's first match as he started in the AWOL, his name forever etched in the record books there as in his first match against the Legend AfroBoy, PittBull wins his first match and his first World Title... Though the reign only lasted a week, The Upset and the Title gave PittBull a new perspective, The video goes on to show quick clips of PittBull holding up his 38 World Titles, and many other belts such as Extreme, Hardcore, World Tag Titles, and other titles, Then a Short package starts highlighting his bloodied career, Showing the matches from the XPW where he wrestled in the Insanity Cage Match, Also shows his Retirement match from UWWF where he wins the World Title and Retires with it in the Flying Cell match... The Last few clips highlights the short reign in UWA, The blood fued with Sandman and Skibone, a short fued with Diamond Dawg and Kystill Genesis, It ends with the Stretcher rolling out.. The Last image of PittBull remembered as he was Paralyzed by the man known as Pestilence aka Sandman.. The Cameras switch to the arena where a crowd has packed in to see the Retirement show Sponsored by the Insanity Show --

The Doctor: Welcome everyone to the PittBull Retirement Show, This show is being brought to you to show our appreciation to the Legend himself Diamond "PittBull" Green.. Tonight im joined by Friend of Diamond for a long time.. Started with Diamond in the AWOL and part of the Dawg Pound.. none other then Icedogg..

IceDogg: Thats right, Its been a real long time since ive been on a televised show, so im a little rusty and a litte camera shy now, but i should hold up... Tonight Folks, we will have a Ceremony dedicated to Diamond "PittBull" Green and also have a few Matches going... Christin Sane and Chad Bilouxi will take on Diamond Dawg and Kystill Genesis, also tonight... Some appearences from Famed UWA and USE wrestlers... Lets go down to the Ring for our first match of the night.. Two Legends that Diamond helped get off into their own... Isolde and Rictor from AWOL will open the show.. lets go down to the ring...

--Camera switch to the ring--

Darrell Sharpter: This match is One Fall to a Victory, Hailing from Chi-Town Illinois, Standing at 6'2'' and weighing in at 233 pounds.... ISOLDE!!

--The fans cheer slightly as lots of them are young, The Rhythmatic sounds of Opeth open up and Isolde walks down the ring and circles it before entering--

Darrell Sharpter: And his opponent, Former AWOL Hardcore Champion, The man to beat Diamond PittBull Green in a Loser leaves Town match, Standing in at 6'6'' and 334 pounds... From Orlando Florida... RICTOR!!

-- Again a small pop but some boos from the credentials named, Rictor walks out to the sounds of Cold's With my Mind song, he enter the ring and the both of them shake hands as the bell sounds --


Both men tie up in the uncommon collar elbow tie up... Rictor with a side headlock, Rictor flips Isolde to his back keeping the headlock on, Isolde counters and pushes Rictor's head into a head scissors, Rictor kicks out and both are back to their feet...

Icedogg: Great chain wrestling right there, both men are prepared for this match

Both men tie up again in the Collar Elbow Tie Up... Isolde goes for a headlock but is quickly elbowed in the midsection, a Straight right hand by Rictor sends Isolde to the mat.. Rictor follows his leveling right hand with a few stomps before he poses and taunts the crowd...

The Doctor: Man this match is starting real slow, with Rictor controlling the pace, If Rictor controls the rest of this match.. Isolde is finished

Rictor picks Isolde up and whips him to the opposite side ropes, Rictor runs towards Isolde and clotheslines Isolde to the mat, Rictor taunts and poses again, Isolde stirs a little as he gets to his feet, But Rictor follows up with a Snap Suplex.. Isolde is down, The crowd is giving Isolde a little help keeping him in this match.. Rictor covers Isolde after the Snap Suplex and the Referee counts (1...2..Kickout)

Icedogg: Close two count there, Rictor is dominating Isolde, but i wouldnt count Isolde out yet

Isolde stumbles to his feet and backs into a corner, Rictor looks at the referee and argues about it being a three count, Rictor turns to Isolde and walks into a straight right hand, repeated.. Isolde fighting back.. Isolde comes off the ropes and Clotheslines Rictor to the mat, Rictor pops back up and is met with another clothesline.. Rictor slowly gets back up.. Isolde climbs to the top rope and flies off with a Cross Body Block, Rictor ducks and Isolde hits hard.. Rictor falls into the corner and clears the cobwebs.. Rictor comes out and mounts Isolde and punches him a few times in the head.. Rictor picks Isolde up and shoots him into the corner, Rictor runs in and jumps into the air attempting a splash, Isolde moves and runs to the opposite ropes as Rictor hits the turnbuckle, Isolde catches Rictor with a spinning heel kick to the head.. Both men lay there out as the Referee administers his 10 count (1...2...3...4) Both men are moving about as the referee reaches a 5 count, Rictor seems to be getting to his feet as it hits 7.. Rictor grabs Isolde and Isolde hits Rictor in the knees with a short dropkick, Isolde with a momentum burst.. Isolde legdrops Rictor, Rictor is holding his knee as Isolde applies a Half crab on Rictor.. Rictor is lashing out in pain, The Referee repeatedly asking Rictor if he submits, Isolde tightens down on the hold and leans back as Rictor taps out.. The referee calls for the bell and Isolde releases.. The referee holds up Isolde's hand

Darrell Sharpter: The winner of this match via Submission... ISOLDE!!!

Icedogg: Isolde got a nice beat down in the early going of the match, but eventually showed that he can still knock them down and whip their ass

The Doctor: Isolde and Rictor put on a great show for us tonight, There is only one other match and thats the Tag match between now Funky Insanity members Christin Sane and Chad Bilouxi, better known as C-Mark and Dawg Pound members, Diamond Dawg and Kystill Genesis.. Right now we want to head backstage to our own announcer for the show.. Mini C

-- The camera switches to the backstage where Mini C is standing next to the locker room of PittBull --

Mini C: Thank you Doc and Dogg.. Im standing outside the Legendary PittBull's lockerroom where im going to try and get a comment from him, but sources have said that the party in there is off limits to those not invited, Unfortunately.. i wasnt invited and had a fight with a ferret... So im gonna stand here and hope to get a word with PittBull later before the big ceremony

-- The Cameras switch back to Icedogg and The Doctor --

Icedogg: Tonight we have a plethera of Legends and Stars here, Not only with Rictor, Isolde, Christin Sane, C-Mark, Diamond Dawg, and Kystill Genesis, but Famed UWWF and USE Wrestler now Suit.. Ruiner is here, along with Former love interest Justice Maxwell, That should be interesting to see.. Also here is Former Dawg Pound members such as Icehawk and Firehawk... There are many greats here to show appreciation to PittBull

The Doctor: Ladies and Gentlemen, We have word that some more wrestlers such as Kaos and other UWA stars have been spotted in the Audience to witness this event, We welcome them and hope they are enjoying the show... Right Now we are going down to the ring for our final match of the night.. The Funky Insanity vs The Dawg Pound.. Lets head on down

Darrel Sharpter: Ladies and Gentlemen, The next match is a Tag match

-- The sounds of Burn in Hell by Dimmu Borgir erupt over the PA system as Pyro bursts through the stage, C-Mark and Christin Sane also known as Funky Insanity come out to a huge ovation.. Both men head down to the ring, shaking hands with some of the fans before they roll in and pose for the crowds camera, the music stops --

Darrel Sharpter: And their Opponents...

-- Steel the Show by Ionica blares as Diamond Dawg and Kystill Genesis walk out, another huge pop as the Former Dawg Pound members walk out, Both men head down to the ring and roll in, All four men shake hands as the music stops and the bell rings --


C-Mark and Diamond Dawg start the match, Both men circle inside the squared circle, a Feel out process starts as both men tie up in the collar elbow tie up, Diamond Dawg being the bigger sized pushes C-Mark off and sends him to the mat with force, C-Mark smirks as he gets back to a verticle Base... Both men circle again and go into another Collar Elbow Tie up, C-Mark grabs Diamond into a hammerlock, Diamond looks for a reversal but doesnt find it... Diamond gets to the ropes as both men eye eachother and smirk... Diamond and C-Mark tie up again, Diamond with a side headlock, C-Mark whips Diamond to the ropes, Diamond comes off the ropes and Shoulder blocks C-Mark to the mat, Diamond looks down at C-Mark before coming off the ropes, C-Mark flips to his Stomach as Diamond hops over him and stops dead in his tracks and elbow drops C-Mark in the lower back..Diamond repeatedly elbows C-Mark in the back.. Diamond rolls over C-Mark for a quick Pin, but C-Mark kicks out before any type of count, Diamond picks C-Mark up by the hair and drags him to the corner, Diamond Tags Kystill Genesis

Kystill clubs C-Mark in the back, The Men obviously working on the weakened back of C-Mark.. Kystill executes a hard powerslam, Kystill covers C-Mark, The Referee Counts (1.. 2.. Kick) C-Mark kicks out, The Fans start to cheer for C-Mark trying to get behind him.. Kystill picks C-Mark up and sends him into the ropes, Kystill Trys for a Back Body Drop but C-Mark counters into a Flipover Pin, The Ref Counts (1.. 2.. Kick out) Both men are too their Feet, Kystill with the first blow, a Boot to the midsection, Kystill bounces off the nearest ropes and executes a picture perfect Million Dollar Knee Lift.. Kystill tags in Diamond, Diamond and Kystill double team C-Mark, irish whipping him into the ropes, they attempt a Double clothesline but C-Mark ducks underneath and hits the ropes and drops kicks both of them.. All three men are down, C-Mark starts crawling to Christin Sane, Kystill grabs C-Mark's leg, but C-Mark executes an enzuguri and gets the tag.. Christin Sane comes in with alot of energy, Knocking both Kystill and Diamond down with clotheslines..

Christin Sane backdrops Kystill out of the ring, Diamond gets up and Christin Signals for the 187.. Diamond recieves a boot to the stomach, Sane locks in the Cradle Evenflow DDT that he calls the 187, Sane drops Diamond on his head.. Kystill comes back in and gets a swift Side Kick to the jaw from Sane.. Sane tags in C-Mark as Kystill staggers around, C-Mark locks in the FUNKY STRETCH!!.. Kystll and C-Mark fall to the mat, the Stretch still on... Kystill taps... hes tapping.. The Referee calls for the bell

Darrel Sharpter: The Winner of this Bout... Christin Sane and C-Mark... THE FUNKY INSANITY!!!

Icedogg: Man what a fookin match, All 4 competitors deserve a standing ovation, All 4 men put their hearts in this match

The Doctor: Christin Sane and C-Mark are both victoriuos but now its time for the show to begin, We have just recieved word that Diamond "PittBull" Green is on his way to the Green Spot

~~ Just then Meet the Creeper by Rob Zombie explodes in the arena as Diamond "PittBull" Green comes out, Everyone in the crowd erupts and gives a deafening ovation
On the Tron screen flashes of 38 time World Heavyweight Champion, 44 time World Extreme Champion, 26 time Intercontinental and United States and TV Title Champion, 13 time World Tag team and Extreme Tag team champion, Best Wrestler of Wrestling E-Fed voted on by the E-Fed Guild of 1997..
PittBull rolls down to the ring, the ropes are taken down and a ramp is in place, PittBull rolls up the ramp and rolls to the middle of the ring, he sits there takin in by the ovation... The Ring announcer Darrell Sharpter hands him the stick, As he does Bitch by Dope explodes and All the wrestlers that are there and the friends of Diamond Green walk out and surround the ring applauding the history, the work, the blood sweat and tears he has given to the business in his 12 years.. PittBull bows to each side of the ring acknowledging them as he speaks ~~

Thirteen damn years and it comes to an end like this.. Paralyzed.. you know people.. Im not ashamed of how i went, Its who i went by.. Sandman was never in my league and it showed everytime we were in the ring, I carried him.. I owned him, Look at the history, it was me who carried him in the business.. Without me Sandman wouldnt be more then a midcarder and he knew that.. Thats why he paralyzed me and ended my career.. Even though he doesnt regret what he did, He knew what he was doing and what he wanted to accomplish, Now that im out of the way... He is now poised for his legacy...

But besides all of that, In the 100 plus federations ive been with, Im happy to say that im finally done..Ive been in the ring with the best, Ive won all the titles i can, And now im glad to say that ive done all i can and im out of the business i can finally go live my life elsewhere and do what ive always wanted to do... Relax

Around the ring you have stars in their own right, Past, Present, and Future.. These people have been there with me through my last 4 years in the business, Some of you i know from my restart in UWWF, and some i didnt meet till my UWA days, It was an honor to be in the ring, to work with, and to be around all of you.. Whether we had our differences, to whether we liked each other, or to one of oyu.. Whether we were in love... My time with you all was well cherished and never forgotten.. I wish you all the best and i shall be with you in spirit and in mind and hope you all live longer then i do in the business... There may not be another star like me, But i know there will be more that have more skills then me as the business Evolves... Im just glad my time was spent at the top of the game... It was well worth every bump, every drop of blood, and every tear and beer... But i bid everyone a farewell and I bid them all a goodbye...

Thank you

As PittBull says thank you, everyone comes in the ring to give him a hug and shake hands with him, Tears of happiness and saddness grace the eyes and cheeks of the wrestlers, the fans, and everyone around as The final scene is of everyone posing with PittBull in the middle of the ring.. Cameras flashing everywhere, pyro bursts from the back of the ring and all the way around it as everyone poses... a Banner falls from the Rafters with a picture of PittBull and says thank you at the bottom

~~ Camera fades and ends with a Picture of PittBull and under it it reads.. 1991- 2004 ~~

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