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First of all, this site is password protected, so it will benefit you greatly to read these warnings. I'll have several sections on this site. I'll have yaoi, shounen-ai, and shota. There will be fanart and fanfics, so if you'd like to contribute, I'd be more than happy to allow it. If you ever get the urge to send me something, go for it! I'm not a mean person, but I am honest. If I feel the quality isn't as good as it could be, I'll tell you. I'm not looking for perfect, but I don't want peeple coming to my site screaming, "What is that hand!?". I pride myself on my sites and I wish to please my visitors with good eyecandy. I doubt I'll be as picky with fanfics. I do demand good grammar, however. I will gladly edit your grammar if you want, but don't come all up on me talking about, "put it on your site now!", cause then I'll just tell you off. =) Be nice to me, I'll be nice to you. A simple, "I'd like to have my fanfic on your site. Could you please check it for grammar errors if you decide to post it?". Something all business-like as that.

Do Not enter if you are under 18 or 18+ and too immature to handle the content. Like I said, I want to please my visitors, so I have a variety of different pictures for the variety of different peeple that come here. I'll tell you now so you don't go through all the trouble of getting the password and being disappointed, If you're offended by male X male situations, leave now! Yes, Yaoi = male X male situations. Be they sexual or romantic. No women are in yaoi! Still want to go in? Click the second p in the first paragraph to do so. I'm not here to offend anybody. This is the reason I have this disclaimer here.

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