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Allies and Antagonists

STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION, COME BACK SOON!!! Here, you'll find character concepts for World of Darkness NPCs (or maybe even player characters, although some of them should really be given some tought from the Storyteller before being accepted, because they very well could unbalance the game). Each character concept will have a name, but Storytellers are encouraged to change the names if they want to (if the chronicle is set in, say, Japan or any other country where people don't speak english, then it would be silly for some characters to have American names unless there is a reason for it). Character concepts will specify what the character is, (like for example, Vampire, Werewolf, Demon Hunter X, Changeling, etc.) and each will have a short story telling their origins and goals. Some characters will be very detailed, and others will be very vague, but in both cases it's up to the Storyteller to add and/or change what he/she sees fit. The deswcription won't mention if it's an ally or an antagonist, because, very often, it simply depends on who the heroes of your chronicles are. A Sabbat vampire could be an ally to other Sabbat vampires ("could be" is what one must remember...this is the World of Darkness, you never know what to expect) but an antagonist to Camarilla vampires. But is the Sabbat vampire an ally or an antagonist to the team of Pentex Fomori? It's up to the Storyteller and the players to decide. Each character concept will also specify what World of Darkness books you need to be able to portray the character in your chronicles, but sometimes it's mostly a suggestion, not a "must". For example, if you want to put a Mage character into your Vampire chronicle, but don't have Mage: the Ascension, then simply use the Mage stats provided in Vampire: the Masquerade. Speaking of stats, no character will have stats, except maybe for some powers and/or Merits and Flaws that go along with the character concept. It means having to decide the stats yourself, and thus more work for the Storyteller, but that way he/she can make sure the stats he/she will give to the character will fit the chronicle's power level. Storytelling was never meant to be easy work anyway. By the way, even the most unlikely characters in this site (like, for example, a Vampire-Fomor or a Black Spiral Dancer-Ghoul) are possible, it's all based on official World of Darkness products, but you won't find any stuff that would be officially impossible (like, as an example, a fan-created changing breed that is popular in the internet but doesn't appear in any of the breed-books or other World of Darkness material). Still, if that's what you enjoy and/or fits your chronicle, you can always take a Werewolf character and make him a Were-whatever instead. Anyway, enjoy the site. NOTE: In the descriptions, "Nature" does not have to do with Nature and Demeanor, it's the supernatural (or not) nature of the character.


Samuel Clark, Mage and Garou Kinfolk