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days and nights

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Dark Nights 02.08.04- ..(cont., from He went.away while I was still taking out the lock.).... She offered me a beer and they told me to bring a pack.I brought it.And they began pouring and talking...and crying.How he beat her and tried strangling her that night.How he used to send 'spies' to follow her,including that one at Calodine... She had noted the van's plate number and asked a 'copain' who worked at the NTA to find out to whom the van belonged.The guy told her that the number was from a car and that 'Loulou's' spy had probably taken it out put it on his van.How he used to tell her that he will put ten spies to watch her,And she told him that if she sleeps with the ten men,would they ever tell him? And then what was he going to do? Then he used to remain silent. At other times he used to tell her that he will send four men to rape her.Once (at G.Gaube) he undressed her and pushed her in the bathroom and told her to walk naked outside.She went in the 'terasse' and began going out and then he shut the door of the terasse to prevent her from doing so.'Because he knew that if people saw it all,they would laugh at him' .She had applied for divorce since that time.He had been beating her since three years.Had even been fined in France.(About 6000 francs).How he began acting like a maniac since two years.How he slept and proposed every woman..and those who refused him came and told her.Told us that he was always having affairs with young women,including those who used to work in the 'Boutique'.He always went for the young ones as they wouldn't tell anybody.She has a friend (here or in France) but she has never let her come in his presence as she was sure he was going to propose to her..Then she asked me about me.When I told her that I hadn't had it since about 13 years she asked me why and also if I do it alone...I told her,yes,I do it alone and I'm not so obsessed with it..Then she said that she was not longing just for sex out of vengeance against Him but wanted someone who would love her take care of her and respect her and she could have it with such a man..At one moment she said that she had followed several courses...including hotelry,martial arts and ,,,Kamasutra.How he said that she slept with every man,including Ashok and Kiran. He told her that he had photos taken of her by his spies,photos that he never showed when asked.When he used to go to France he had instructed Kiran as a spy to watch her every move.And finally he said that Kiran too had slept with her and had told him to stop coming to his house.( that time she didn't tell me as to why he doubted kiran...maybe she thought if she told me about his coming in her room to drink at night,then I would have doubts about her too...). And then Kiran told her some things like 'beware of him,he's dangerous,he sends spies after her,etc'.about pictures that he had taken,about his incessant quarrels.How he never gives her money except Rs 10000 that he gave for some houseworks. How recently she didn't have even a hundred ruppees.Her eldest daughter questioned her about her growing pubic hairs..and asked her as to how to put the 'tampons'.She herself doesn't use tampons as it somewhat 'shows' but uses some other thing...Told us that once they had to go to a marriage ceremony and she had dressed up with care,in a sari,with a 'string' as underwear and when He saw her he just gave her a peck on the cheeks and told her that if someone touches her,he's going to kill him! Repeatedly told me (and us) that she had her courage back due to me (and us) and that she was feeling very good at that moment.The servant was trying her best to talk about sex...'so tete pe vin gros,so poil pe pousser,etc'..And twice she tried to say that maybe he would think that she and Mme were to go to bed together...but was twice angrily stopped by Mme...(Why?!). When beer was finished,she told the servant to bring a bottle of wine.Whenn Maria couldn't find it,She stood up to go find the wine.I told her that maybe she should eat something first...(I had a vague feeling that if they drank too much there would be trouble...).But she was feeling too happy at that moment to stop and she brought the wine and drinking continued.Each time I wanted to leave she told me to have a last one...Her sister was to marry (with his cousin) next saturday and she had organised an 'enterrement de vie de jeune-fille' at her house on wednesday.I told her that I know about such a party.She asked me to tell her.I said that it's like a 'pyjama party' and some of the girls dress up like boys and dance.She jokingly told me 'Mais on s'arrete la hein!'.Her other sister had already married with his brother.She told Ma.. to come help her on wednesday but not to bring her daughter as she was too young for the activities. She had left her first 'bolom'(was probably refering to her first lover)..Her friend who stayed in her house for a few days had slept with her first lover.(Later wheen I asked her about her first husband,she said that she never had another husband...Maybe she was talking about her first French lover with whom she was living..). 21.08.04(Satur.)- (cont., from....When the seller tested it,it worked....) I came back to Mme at about 14.30.She put the phone on charge and we drank a beer each,in 'gilasses' (the servant was still there).Then asked me to get her a pack of six and two bottles.I went to the supermarket and bought them,and two cell+ cards (for her) and a packet of Rothmans for me.I came back and she told me to sit and we continued to drink and talk in the 'gilasses'.Then the servant went away.After a while she brought two big glasses and we continued...We talked about our intimate things,sex and our secret desires openly,without any complexes...Talking about kiran,she suddenly said smilingly,that 'mo croire kiran ti amoureux ar moi...Oui mo sur li ti amoureux ar moi...Mo rapelle couma li ti pe faire...Apres sa en fois quand nous ti dans 4x4 mone dimane li est ce que sa va avec ta copine(maybe 'priscilla') ? And kiran told her that his girlfriend has left her because she thinks that he and Mme are having an affair'. Then she said 'mone mette li dans so place.Mone dire li arreter ar sa bane betises sinon sa pour vine bien grave'.She was again smiling and staring at the table thoughtfully...She said 'Je ne sait pas pourquoi tout les gens veulent faire c,a avec moi...'. Je lui ai dit 'Parce que vous avez un corps comme c,a et vous etes gentille comme c,a...'.Then she said 'Ayo mais mo pas pour 'faire' ar li.Capav dans dix ans quand mo pour retourne mo pur laisse li 'faire' mais pas astere la...'.). Told (once more,though she had already told this before Maria,though without the bra stuff) that once they had to go to a marriage ceremony and she had dressed up with care,in a sari,with a 'string' as underwear (and no bra-it was the first time that I knew that she doesn't wear bras,and from that day I always noticed that her nipples point through her blouse/dress), and when He saw her he just gave her a peck on the cheeks and told her that if someone touches her,he's going to kill him! In France He used to come to their house often.He had known her when she was 16 and then they got separated.After several years they made contact agin and they began going out together.One day he was talking loudly to her and her sister talked back to him,telling him not to talk like that to her sister.She was pointing two fingers at him and...he took hold of her two fingers and broke them clean...When she became pregnant with him (because she missed taking her pills one day), she didn't want to marry him but he sent all his relatives to talk to her and finally she had to accept.She said that in France she was addicted to drugs (not hard drugs,but pills).Once she took a large quantity.She lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital.And because the police began questioning Him, he took her to a clinic,without her knowledge.She woke up in the clinic without her knowing how she came there.It all happened because of Him,of his perpetual harrassements, fights,etc...It was on Catherine's advice that she eventually stopped...She said that she hadn't had sex with Him since a long time... .Told me that He ejaculates in just about five minutes...or about fifteen,if he retains himself..She was laughing at that moment,and repeating 'Je n'arrivait jamais a ressentir quoi que ce de jouir..Je venait juste de m'exciter et c'etait deja fini...I told her how everyday I imagined making love to her in different positions while masturbating... She was shocked and then she said that she knows I do it alone...She does it alone too...She has a 'vibro-masseur' but it moves very slowly...I told her about the fake penis I had found and that it has testicles too...She burst out laughing and I asked her if she would like to have it.She smiled happily and said 'ok' and to bring it to her discreetly...I told her that as for me,I need a fake vagina,as I so wanted to make love...She said that when she goes to France she will see to that.She burst out laughing again and said 'imagine if anybody or Him hearing us talking!!' She then said that in France these things were sold normally in sex shops.Hearing my confession,one time she would be taken aback and the next time she would burst laughing... and she would say 'non,non,non soobee.Li pas bon.Mo pas peur pour moi mais mo peur si kitchose arrive ou'....ou conne' dans ki problem mo ete meme... I told her that I knew that I was dark and not beautiful,that's why... She asked me if I thought she didn't want me for those reasons ? I said 'yes'...She didn't say anything...Several times she told me maybe she will do it with me when she returns in ten years...She told me that I should seek other women for sex and that she can present me some...Then I told her that I cannot have sex without falling in love..She was taken aback.She asked me if a woman undresses before me,can't I have sex with her? I told her that twice friends took me to prostitutes and even if one woman did a 'fellation' to me I couldn't be hard enough...She said 'soobee en femme a poil faire ou ene fellation et ou pas bander,ou pas pour faire l'amour avec li?' Twice or thrice she told me (while pointing inside the house) 'soobee si mo alle deshabille moi,mo mette moi tout nus,a poil ,ou pas pour faire l'amour ar moi?' I told her that I would make intense love to her.She told me that she doesn't understand....(then it probably dawned on her...) She asked 'est ce qui ou content moi?' I said 'mo content ou madame.Mo amoureux beaucoup ar ou..' She was shocked.Then she burst out laughing.Then she said that her 'female instinct' had hinted upon her that I had fallen for her..Then she said that she couldn't believe that I had fallen for her..Then she asked me 'sa in arrive' depi ene mois non?' I said yes,because we had grown closer to each other.. She then said 'mais ou bisin amuse dans la vie,soobee.Il faut jouir la vie...' She asked me if I have ever had sex with my sis-in-law.I looked at her,somewhat surprised and said no,and she turned her face away...She told me she asked me because as she and Ashok had the same architectural tastes and could have intelligent conversations ,Shek had begun doubting of them having an affair..because as he isn't as intelligent he was jealous of them... Told me 'vous voyez,les voitures,l'argent,tout c,a n'est rien.Quand on n'en a pas tout les gens sont pareilles...J'ai bien depense et aider mes familles mais aujourdhui ils ont tout oublie.Je les invitait dans des belles receptions.Je depensait Rs 10,000 par personne.J'ai deja offert une brochette (...ou autre etrangete) d'une valeur de Rs 5000 par personne! Mais je ne regrette rien.J'ai bien joui de la vie et je vait le refaire...She also told me that though people think that all that money belonged to shek,in fact it was her's... On two occasions she talked like this 'Soobee ki fer ou fer tou sala pour moi,oun amen couteau pour protege moi,oun amen portable pour moi...? All the while looking at me deeply...'Eski ou famille ar moi?' Me 'non'. 'Eski ou ene connaissance longtemps ar moi?' Me 'non'. 'Be ki fer ou fer autant kitchose pour moi?' All I could say during those moments were 'mo meme mo pas kone, mo meme quand mo lakaz mo pense ki fer mo faire tout sala pour ou...' She also talked about the portuguese she met at an airport and with whom she slept (she was already married ) who was like brad pitt...'oh,qu'il etait beau comme un prince,des yeux bleus...(ses deux main etait devant elle comme si elle tenait un visage...).'Des qu'on s'est vu j'ai eu envie de lui...' I could see the smile and happiness upon her face...Elle a dit 'On a pris quelques verres ensemble et on a prit une chambre et on a dormi ensemble sur un lit,on a tout fait,sauf la penetration, il n'y a pas eu de penetration...J'ai demande 'Vous vous etes explorez vos corps?'. Elle 'oui, on a tout fait,tout les choses qu'on fait lorsqu'on fait l'amour, mais je ne lui ai pas laissez me pemetrer. Je lui ai fait parce que j'en avait envie (elle faisait un petit mouvement de masturbation devant sa bouche avec sa main) mais je ne lui ai pas permis de me faire...'. J'ai demande 'Mais comment? Il n'y a pas eu de penetration? Je ne croit pas.Alors est ce qu'il vous a fait jouir a vous aussi?Je veut dire avec sa main et sa bouche?' Elle 'oh oui,je n'ai fait que jouir cette nuit la...En fait on a pas dormi jusqu'a peut-etre une heure ou deux heures du matin.Et lorsqu'on s'est reveille,on a fait encore...mais je ne lui ai pas laisser me penetrer parceque je n'en voulait pas et aussi parce qu'on n'avait pas une capote.Je n'aime pas faire sans capote a cause des maladies ou peur d'etre enceinte'. Then she said,smilimg, 'Tenez je ne peut pas faire avec vous maintenant parce qu'on n'a pas de capote...'. Je lui ai dit 'Mais je n'ai pas fait l'amour depuis plusieurs annees,alors quels maladies vous craignez avec moi'.She kept smiling but didn't say anything...The portuguese liked her so much that he presented her to his family...(surely she hadn't told him that she was already married).When I told her to find him and marry with him when she goes to France,she said 'Li pas pour excuse moi parcqui mo ti quitte li soudainement...'.All the while her eyes in the void and smiling... Twice I touched her knees with my fingertips, without any reason while talking (on etait assez soue et on parlait beacoup) and she asked if I wanted to touch her...I couldn't believe my ears...immediately told her 'yes'.She then pointed her right leg towards me and said 'Tenez,toucher moi...'....I carressed her foot and leg up to the calf and then her thighs.I massaged her thighs excitedly and my hands touched her white underwear...but I was afraid to go too far and thoughI wanted to do it forever.. I feared if someone saw us...(She never seems to mind/remember about people seeing us in the porch). When I let go ,she asked 'in assez' ? I said 'yes'.She asked 'ou sure?' I nodded my head...At a certain moment I asked if she can lend me The Book.She asked me 'now?' I said yes.She went and brought the book and sat down opening the book and beginning to explain it to me...I sat close to her(never sat so close to her as at that moment) and while watching the book I put my arm around her and stroked her waist.Half-heartedly she told me 'non,soobee,pas faire c,a '. I removed my hand and she continued explaining.Again I stroked her waist and again she half-heartedly told me to stop,though there was less resistance this time... Also twice she had wanted to be the 'dominant' sex-partner with him (once she even tied him up).But he had been afraid and she had stopped after that.She told me that she had wanted to practise all types of sex and asked me if she couldn't do it with her husband,with whom could she do it.(On two occasions she told me that she hadn't done it yet but that she will do it when she goes to France.She wants to do all types of sex,including three-somes ,lesbianism and bondage.She told me that France is a very big country,unlike here,and there she can have sex whover she wants to and nobody would know).She even wanted to do it 'threesome' with Maria and Him but she could imagine him running away... (she misses Maria).I told her that I can do it all with her.I am here to satisfy all her desires...Smiling,she told me that I had promised never to ask her anything and yet I was asking... I told her I didn't mean her physical desires...(though I meant it !!).She was smiling ... I also told her that I can make love to her non-stop for half a day.She laughingly said that women will like it...I would just have to take my erect penis out and they will just adore it... One time she was telling me that she wore a saree on a given occasion..and I asked if she wore a top too.She said yes.I asked her that surely she wore a very small bra too.Watching her breasts she said that she doesn't wear bras...and she pulled her shoulder-string.I looked carefully and I realised that her tits were jutting out inside her blouse.I told her that they were showing... Another time she stretced herself and tried sitting with folded legs...but I was watching carefully and I saw her white panties for long seconds...and she folded her legs under her.I told her that I saw her panties.Again 'non,soobee,non'... Turn by turn we were going to pee... when she was in the toilet,she said 'soobee pas vini hein!'... Once I asked her 'madame mo envie enlace ou,prend ou dans mo lebras'...She said 'non soobee,non,non, lipas bon'. When the beers were finished she began taking the empty bottles and cans inside. I took the empty big glasses and put them on the table.When she was inside I asked her' madame ou pou laisse prend ou dans mo lebras ?' She said 'non soobee,non.' So I went and sat in my place.She came near me and asked me 'ou pe envie prend moi dans ou lebras ?' I said 'oui'.She said 'alle vini'. She was standing right near me ,in the terasse.(HOW COULD SHE BE SO UNCONSCIOUS AT THAT AND YET BE SO CONSCIOUS THAT SHE REFUSED HAVING SEX WITH ME???) I told her 'pas ici,anous endans'.So we went in the salon and she stood before me.I held her by her waist and ...she immediately held me in her arms...and let out a 'OUI'...and I surrounded her waist in a firm grip.I stroked my head upon her cheeks and shoulder.I then kissed her cheek,her ear and then back to her shoulder...I then brought down my hands to the beginning of her ass and pressed...I then realised that our pubis weren't touching.So I moved my pubis closer to hers and I grabbed her her ass firmly and pressed them towards my penis...She immediately disengaged me.So I took her by the waist again.I turned my face to hers and our eyes meeting,I moved my lips to hers...she moved her face away.Still grabbing her ,I hung down my head.She then pulled my head down and kissed me on the forehead.Yet again she grapped my head ,firmly this time, and pulled it down to her and kissed my forehead again... And we disengaged. When I returned home at night (about 20.30) I phoned her and asked her if there was any problem.She said 'no' but the relatives were looking at me when I was going.And she said that I should have gone earlier.Then she asked me 'In passe ene bon moment,non, soobee?' I said 'Ah oui.Mo pe encore pense ou'.