-Where the STUDENTS hold the demerit sheets-





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There is a lot of rumor being spread, so here is the real deal.. yo.

First of all. people are all up in my face like "ah - ha you are being sued".. well so what? Yes, I most likey will be having charges pressed against me, and the whole scoop. But with recent talks with people, other teachers (who have asked to remain undisclosed) and students young and old (who also wish to remain undisclosed), there are a lot of people who dislike the new 'regime' that the school is under.

I have heard from several people that there are kids getting demerits and In School Suspensions, thanks to 'volunteering' with this site.

I do not know if this is true, but if it is, here is my opinion:

I am sorry for those who have 'got caught' sort of speak. Names weren't given, and if they say so, then it is false. I am not a narc, nor have I ever been. I am not a tattle tale, or that much of a loser to do so. I care about my friends, and I am taking full responsibillity for this site and all promotions.

Plus, people are stating I have no case.

First of all, it was stated to me and my mother who attended a mandatory meeting about the site... that "school officials" were called in to 'hack' into bravenet (the host of this site) to find out my information, and who exactly I am. And along other lines, that they have further 'hacked' to find out the names of people who have posted into the message board. Also, that they contacted Bravenet, and AOL, and are having this site 'shut-down'.

With this, I would like to mention that any hacking whatsoever is considered ILLEGAL. Hacking is a serious offense, and anyone who was involved in any proposed 'hacking' would be fined, and possibly serve a jail-sentance.

Also, if they had 'contacted AOL and Bravenet' to find out who made this site, it would be a direct violation of bravenet and AOL privacy contract. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES would names, addresses or any other personal information be disclosed. Hence... it is either we were fed full of lies.... or they have violated their own privacy policy. And if Bravenet TRUELY were contacted, this site would have been terminated hours ago. I have not even recieved a TOS voilation from AOL, and I get one within one hour of saying 'ass' in a chatroom. Please.. all you literate people.. explain that one.

I am perfectly aware of how the information truely was found... a certain person sent this site directly to staff, who is not of this school, but had been. Other information was given - and that is why I am sitting in no-school central today.

Furthermore, if people are so worried about a law-suit, etc.... then it should be known that plenty of 'law authority' has been contacted.. and frankly.. there is very little to worry about. Yes, there was slanderous, innapropriate things in this site... but that is besides the point right now. There is plenty of evidenciary support within the amendments the USA had been given, centuries ago.

I realize people are taking things in offense, and in many cases, this situation is being blown out of proportion. I know this seems like a big deal to everyone.. but in all actuallity, it is about as big as the end of a eraser on your pencil.

On another, lighter note.. there are people coming into the message board and the chatroom, belittling me, and calling me 'iliterate' and 'dumb'. Well in this case... I laugh in the faces of those who do so. For people who come in screaming 'OH GOD THIS IS DUMB WAAAAAHAHAHA' are more iliterate than half the people I know in Hicksville, Nowhere. I understand people have their concerns, their worries, and their own personal opinions. I appreciate them all. But if you are going to insult me about my own stupidity... please try to sound smarter than my cat who can projectile shit. I don't know if that came out smart-like.. but it made sense in my mind.. and as far as I know.. I am the smartest person alive.. lol. There is some more beef for ya, critics.

There is plenty more news... plenty more for me to go on.. but I am wasting my time. Just know that things are fine.. and I am having fun.

It saddens me that several of the teachers and students that do want this administration to change - will not step forward and mention their names. I understand, because it risks their jobs, and education. But with talking with my attourney, I have found that if enough people petition... the school can be changed... and we can have our school back the way our savior, Mr. Ken Steine(sp?) had it. If people stand up, and try to make an attempt.. then our school can become the great success story so many thought it was. But if everyone sits with their thumbs in their butts... worried and biting their nails.... then the cause and purpose of this site is plain shit.. and I would have sacrficed everything I have.. for nothing.

I may not be a 'prophet' or some of the things others have called me... I may be a 'loser' or whatever.. but all I did was say somethings that a lot of people were thinking.. and were just afraid to say. And it is sad that a bunch of grown-up people cannot take a joke.... calm down.. and not tattle like little babies. I take more crap than most people everyday.. and I just shrug it off... A lot of people have heard of the "Enquirer" (sp?).. That would be a newspaper/magazine like thing that slanders and gives out flase information about tv stars, political figures - etc. And what do these amture, grown up people do about it?.. Nothing. They shrug it off.

Case Closed.

Judge Purdy

PS: Got concerns? Got problems? Refer back to my disclaimer. Take care now! Bye-Bye then.

**May the light at the end of your tunnel, be a fast approaching train...**

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