Vampire News Network

March 14, 2003



No Answers


Blaiddglas has not responded to the formal challenge sent to him by Heimdag.  Will he respond?  Will this be the end of the feud?  Only time can tell, and only Blaiddglas knows the answers.



Leave of Absence


Lady Ravven will be taking a leave of absence.  For how long you ask, I am afraid I do not have the answer.  She will be finishing her work for the Grey Havens before she goes.  You will be missed, but take all the time you need.



Submitted Articles


Cap Clan Paranoia


Recently the Capadocious Clan has done some rearranging.  It seems as though they fear about spies.  Many members have been moved into an area called ‘training camp.’  It has been seen that many of the members are asking why they have been put in a temp group.  It also seems that one Lady Pan is the vamp in charge in there.  Little odd, don’t you think?

     ~Anonymous vamp






Do you hate the Cap Clan?  Want to do something about it?  Click here to learn more!



Feeling lonely?  Want to change that all?  Come down to the Notte Scura and get to know someone!



Got questions that need answers?  Come on down and visit the ghost of Mooncalf!  He’ll answer any question you have.  His ghost is resting at Gypsum and 78th.



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