Vampire News Network

July 11, 2003

Rolling Presses

written by, PersonMan

Not too shabby the outcome of my begging for news, the VNN is starting to run smoothly again. First time I've ever had to omit any stories, heh. Keep 'em comin', a busy paper's a good paper :)

Join or Die... or Join

written by, PersonMan

Cap's dynasty is swiftly taking control as the once great Capadocious Clan had. The tyranny missed by some, and hated by others, has shown it's colors as a no-tolerance group just recently with the submission of the Dojo. Upon refusal to join the dynasty, the threats were quickly circulated, and the Dojo's member's loyalties faltered. Seeing as there were few that would take up the gauntlet against Cap, the Dojo joined up. The mere flexing of Caps muscles was enough to subdue this once considerable clan, how much can the others take?

DEBAR the Daring

written by, PersonMan

A vampire called DEBAR desires no part in the new dynasty, beleiving that the decree of 'Join or Die' isn't an acceptable clause for any clan. Once a member of the RavenBlack Training Camp, which is now affiliated with the dynasty, he has taken it upon himself to join the fight against Cap. He's intent on going down in a blaze of glory, and it's very likely that he'll have what he desires, or die trying *wink*wink*


written by, PersonMan

Naturally, the men turned out selling for a lot less than the women in the auctions on the RBB. Some see it as fair, some see it as a little sexist. LilRaver speculates that women are simply sexier, and therefore worth more, this was amply replied to by Lucius with: "Apparently, you have not seen me naked." Well, the auctions have been a success, nonetheless, so keep the money movin' bidders.

A Lighter Note

written by, PersonMan

LilRaver and Virgil have fallen hopelessly in love, cheers! The two vamps very much enraptured by eachother, it looks like its likely to last. Do I hear wedding bells in the future?


Want to play the lottery? Well, you can! Just go to the bank 4 squares north of Clio station and give 1000 coins to the vamp named The_Lottery. A drawling will be held at the end of the week, by me. This weeks prize is up too: coins!

Notte Scura: Why not go were fashion sits? Check it all out here!

Looking to get powers? Want to build some vampire muscle or skill? Come to The Dojo, a place of teaching and training for the vampires of Ravenblack City.

There is a new group in town, but it is not for all you Vamps out here (there are enough of those popping up), It is for your Human. I figured it was about time my Human got out and socialized a bit with others of her kind, so hopefully some of you will take your Humans by for a chat sometime.

Not for the eyes of children: Have you ever come across a vampire named something like OneBigTesticle? Would you like to see that vampire taught a valuable lesson in respect? That is the aim of this group. We seek out vampires with offensive names and work together to put them out of our misery. ;) Check it all out here! Check out the sister site here!

Don’t like the Capadocious Clan? Want to show them they aren’t really in charge? Join the fight, be an assassin today! Interested?

Bloodbar - tavern for the vampires of ravenblack to relax, sip some blood wine..and be merry. Check it all out here!

Politically incorrect and proud of it: RBB Debate.

For insult free, non clan war roleplaying, join us at:RavenBlack Awakening.

For the older residents of the city, come and play at:RavenBlack Adults.Just about anything goes!

The Chill : Non-clan chat for Vampires!

Attention clanless vampires seeking teachers/mentors/ect.! They do exist and want to help you learn your way around the city and it’s systems. If interested please contact EuphoricLust at

Come to the Vampire Underground. It is where we can all be free. All are welcome.


Thieves Guild 1 – western city limits and 3rd

Thieves Guild 2 – Gum and 64th

Thieves Guild 3 – Malachite and 85th

Immolators Guild 1 – Yearning and 39th

Immolators Guild 2 – Yearning and 76th

Immolators Guild 3 – Ruby and 98th

Empaths Guild 1 – Quince and 79th

Empaths Guild 2 - Vexation and 31st

Empaths Guild 3 – Lonely 76th

Travellers Guild 1 - Ennui and 99th

Travellers Guild 2 - Emerald and 67th

Travellers Guild 3 - Holly and 81st

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