Vampire News Network

May 13, 2003


Xeneri took being crowned queen of the city in a very upset manner. She was appauled and shocked that her sire was attacked for no real reason. She has thrown away the crown that was presented to her and taken refuge from the wrath of others. A semi-noble deed has gone very wrong in the eyes of our peaceful and kind Grandmere.

Old Clan Comes the Surface

The Poon Tang Clan has finally shown themselves. Quisim was attacked by three of the members. They are claiming that he was a member of the clan and attacked two other members. Q had forgotten about the clan entirely as they seemed to break off communications with him shortly after his first assignment was completed. The issue has been resolved, however there are those in the city that found this attack disturbing and have promised that this clan will be taken care of.

New Clans and the End of Another

Two new clans have come to RavenBlack City. The Servents of RavenBlack City is one of the new up and comings. The goal of this clan is to help all new citizens learn the ropes and attain powers and shop locations. This new clan has been founded by none other than Capadocious. He is doing this as a way to show everyone that his former clan is just that, former.

House of D Silva is the other new clan in town. This clan is for perdominately UK based vampires. They are a noble group of Vampires recently arrived from the bowels of the earth. They are a few in numbers, but will grow. All are welcome, and all that is asked of new members is that we help each other.

On a sadder note, Clan Savat is no more. Savat had this to say: "To all Savatians (members of Clan Savat) you are formally discharged of all your duties as a member. You may continue to up hold my wishes if you desire to but I will no longer look down on any vampire as an individual. For I now only look down on us as a race. May I be forgiven for turning you from your simple mortal lives to these unlives of chaos... If only I could have experienced your former lives myself... You are free to do as you wish."

Results In!!!

A poll was recently set out among the residents of this fair city to see if Capadocious should be/is considered Prince of the City. The results are in and here is what was decided by the people:
- No, someone else should be, 6 votes, 6.25%
- No one should be, 54 votes, 56.25%
- I don't care, 10 votes, 10.42%
- Yes, he should be, 26 votes, 27.08%
So, I guess this means that we have no Prince of this City and seems that we really aren't ready for one. Maybe at a future date we will be.


Want to play the Lottery? Well, you can! Just go to the bank 4 squares north of Clio station and give 1000 coins to the vamp named the_Lottery. A drawling will be held at the end of the week, by me. The current jackpot is at: 40,000 coins!

Notte Scura: Why not go were fashion sits? Check it all out here!

Not for the eyes of children: Have you ever come across a vampire named something like OneBigTesticle? Would you like to see that vampire taught a valuable lesson in respect? That is the aim of this group. We seek out vampires with offensive names and work together to put them out of our misery. ;) Check it all out here! Check out the sister site here!

Don’t like the Capadocious Clan? Want to show them they aren’t really in charge? Join the fight, be an assassin today! Interested?

Bloodbar - tavern for the vampires of ravenblack to relax, sip some blood wine..and be merry. Check it all out here!

Politically incorrect and proud of it: RBB Debate.

For insult free, non clan war roleplaying, join us at:RavenBlack Awakening.

For the older residents of the city, come and play at:RavenBlack Adults.Just about anything goes!

The Chill : Non-clan chat for Vampires!

Attention clanless vampires seeking teachers/mentors/ect.! They do exist and want to help you learn your way around the city and it’s systems. If interested please contact EuphoricLust at

Need a vacation from it all? Act now and receive 50% off for the month of July, includes air, hotel, and car rentals. Interested? Contact Cap’s travel agent at:

Come to the Vampire Underground. It is where we can all be free. All are welcome.

'Need help with spelling but don't want to be in Cap's ESL class (for all of you Capadocians out there)? BlackWings (the one from, not the vampire, since they're two different characters) is extending her claw out to help you. The email's'


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